I step onto the sound stage and Rob introduces me to Victoria James and Robert Hoffman, co-hosts of Good Morning Chicago. My smile is big and fake, but I’ve gotten good at that.
To be honest, I’ve been on edge since Dalton found that camera in my bedroom. He has it on him, and after we’re done here, I’m going with him to Rogue so they can take a look at it.
Dalton hasn’t tried to kiss me since we did after our run, but of course that could be because right after that he found the camara, and the rest of the night we were both on edge. He even made me take an Ativan so I’d sleep, and even though I did, it wasn’t restful sleep.
“Ms. McNeal, it is so nice to meet you,” the blonde woman says. She shakes my hand and then immediately goes over to Dalton, talking to him. It shouldn’t annoy me, but it does.
He’s friendly to her, but not overly so. Luckily, it’s time for the interview so I sit across from them, one of their techs puts a mic on me and then someone is brushing some powder on my face.
I look to the side and find Dalton and Gio standing there, smiling as they give me thumbs up, and suddenly I’m able to relax.
Once the interview starts, they ask the same questions I usually get asked. “Becca do you find it hard being in a male dominated sport?” Mr. Hoffman asks.
I shake my head. “Not at all. More and more women are fighting. I think the fighters that have come before me have done well, proving that we belong here just as much as our male counterparts.”
“Is it hard to date when you’re training?” the woman asks.
“I really don’t date. I just don’t have the time while I train, but if I do, I’ll make it work the same way the other fighters who date or are married do.”
I tell them about my workout routine and what foods I like to eat while I’m training. “I eat a balanced diet of chicken, fish, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Every now and then I do get to indulge in something sweet and decadent.”
The interview ends and it wasn’t too bad. We leave and head to Rogue, Rob and Gio both told Dalton that they wanted to come with. I didn’t want them to know about the camera because I knew they’d freak out, and they both did.
We get to Rogue and they follow us into the parking garage. Once we’re all, out we follow Dalton to the elevators and then we ride it upstairs.
The doors open and as we step up to the reception desk, Carrie sees us and gets up. “Hey Becca, it’s great to see you.” The blonde comes around the desk, giving me a hug. “Hello, everyone.” She greets the others. “We’ll talk before you leave,” Carrie says before we step into the back.
Jack steps out of the conference room and comes toward us. He surprises me by pulling me into a hug. “Hi, sweetheart. We’re going to figure this out, okay?”
I nod. “Thanks, Jack.” I smile up at him.
He leads us into the conference room and I’m nervous how this is going go, but I have faith that Dalton and his team won’t stop looking for who it is.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Dalton growls and then stalks toward the front door of the gym.
I hop up from the mat, where I was stretching.
Gio comes up to me. “Cal is out there. Dalton wants a minute to talk to him to make sure he’s not the one who planted the camera.”
Unfortunately, Egan wasn’t able to hack into the camera yet, but he’s still working on it and said he wouldn’t stop until he got it, and I believe that.
“I’ll be right back,” Gio says before walking toward the front door. I watch him join Dalton. They talk and talk and talk, and I want to know what they’re saying, but I also want this all to be over, because if I look around, I know everyone is watching, and this is so embarrassing.
I walk toward the door, wanting to hear what they’re saying. If I go outside, I know Dalton would get mad, and that’s the last thing I want.
“I’m so tired of everyone making a big deal about you.” I turn to Kelsey, one of the newer fighters. She’s got a giant chip on her shoulder.
I shrug. “Do you think I like this? I just want to train and fight.”
I walk past her and head toward the kitchen. I grab a banana and wolf it down. I’m drinking down a bottle of water when Dalton and Gio come in. “What happened?” I ask as I sit down at the table.
“Cal won’t be a problem anymore. He understands that lurking around outside and by your apartment will no longer be tolerated. We’ll get the law involved if he shows up again. He just wanted to congratulate you on your win,” Dalton says.
I sigh. “Is he really going to stay gone?” He’s promised multiple times that he’s going to stay away, and then three to six months later he shows up again. Plus, I hate that he knows where I live.
Dalton steps toward me, close enough that his spicy, sweaty scent wraps around me, and it makes my stomach flutter in the best way possible. He leans down so we’re eye to eye. “He knows better than to show up back here. That’s a promise.”
I nod and then look to Gio. “Sweetheart, he seriously knows better. Now let’s get back to work,” and that’s what we do.

“Becca?” I look up at the woman who just called my name. “Come on back.”
I stand up, following her into her office. She shuts the door behind me. “So you want to take some classes.”
I nod. “Yes, I’m not sure what I want to study yet, but I thought I could start some of my prerequisites.”
“That’s a good idea. Now let’s go over your options.”
Nerves assail me as she goes over some of the general courses I should take. She’s very sweet and nice and makes me feel completely at ease. By the time I get up to leave I’m registered for English 101, Intro to Algebra, and Sociology.
I’m excited but terrified, though I feel a little pep in my step as I head outside. Dalton is standing next to his car, waiting for me. I start jogging toward him. When I get close enough, I jump into his arms.
He hugs me tight. “Well?”
I pull back to look at him. “I’m signed up for three courses, I’m doing them online, obviously, for now. I’m taking it easy this semester, while I get used to it again.”
“That’s great. We’ll celebrate tonight,” Dalton says, making me shiver. Could tonight finally be the night?
It has been only a few days since I’ve been staying with him and this is the first time he’s taking me out. “Okay, yay.”
We head back to Dalton’s apartment. He’s got to head back to Rogue for a meeting, and since he’s got a great security system, he’s letting me stay here, which is good because I’m tired and want to take a nap.
“Okay, I’ll only be gone for two hours at most. Stay inside and don’t answer the door for anyone.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
He leans down, kissing me softly on the lips. “I’ll see you in a bit.” I watch him walk away and then out the door. In the bathroom, I brush my hair up into a ponytail and step back into the bedroom.
I crawl on top of the mattress and in no time I’m out.