“It’s our pleasure, Becca. I just wish I had better news for you. Have you thought about giving an interview? Jack asks.
I wrap my arm around her shoulders, hugging her into my side. It kills me that she’s trembling right now, but I know my girl is strong because I feel it the moment she gets herself together. “I want to share my story. I want him to know that he can’t lie about me anymore.”
Jack and I share a smile. “I am so proud of you. I know sharing your story isn’t going to be easy, but we’re proud of you for doing it. What can we do to help?”
“I’d love it if the girls were there, if that’s okay?” Becca asks and I know why, she needs support. She needs to be surrounded by people who care about her.
“Of course, we’ll get them all there,” Jack says with a smile. “Now you two enjoy the rest of your evening.” I stand up to walk him out. We stop by the lift, waiting for it to come up. “How is she really holding up?”
I look behind me toward my open door. “She’s tough, but this is hurting her. Neither of her parents have called to check on her, but I’m not surprised. Her dad is a wanker who should’ve pressed charges against that piece of shit for violating his daughter in the first place.” Rage fills me every time I think about it. “Her mom just likes the money.”
I don’t miss the ragey vibe coming off Jack too.
“You know I’ll never forgive myself for what could’ve happened to Delilah.”
He holds up his hand. “Stop right there. You did everything right, brother. She could’ve been hurt had you tried to chase him. Just remember that.” The lift door opens. “Now, let us know if we can do anything. I’ve got Marcus looking for James.”
He’s not missing, but the guy is unlisted, and his mail all goes to a P.O. box. “Thanks for everything, man.” We share a bro hug and he steps inside.
Once the door shuts I step back into my apartment, shutting the door behind me. I find Becca doing pushups in the living room. As soon as I reach her, I squat down. “What’re you doing?”
She stops and sits down on the floor. “Why couldn’t I have normal parents who care enough to check on me, to be there for me? Instead I have a group of people I’ve known for only a couple of months who care about me more.” Becca shrugs. “It just hurts.”
I pull her into my arms, hugging her to my chest. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but you’re right—you have me, and my Rogue family.” I kiss her forehead. “Your classes start soon. Are you excited?”
Becca pops up onto her knees in front of me, her smile is contagious. “I am. I can’t wait to do something normal. Don’t get me wrong, I love training and I love fighting, but I can’t fight forever. I just wish I knew what I wanted to do.”
“You have time. Just don’t worry, okay?” I reach out and tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She blushes an adorable shade of pink.
“I shouldn’t worry, but how can I not? My life is kind of mess.”
I grab her by the shoulders. “I know it feels like it right now, but it won’t always be that way. Soon, the press will be focused on something else, and that’ll happen even faster after your interview. Now, why don’t you call Rob, let him know you’re going to do it, and let him arrange it.”
Becca nods slowly. “O-Okay.”
I pull her toward me, kissing her on the lips. It’s a slow, chaste kiss, but intense all the same. I’ve never been a huge fan of kissing, it’s too personal, which I know is weird, but that’s just the way it is, but kissing her is different—when did that happen?

“Big brother, how are you?” Millie smiles at me from the laptop in front of me.
I smile. “I’m good, baby sister. Jack told me you accepted the job. That pleases me.” I smile widely at her. “Is my niece excited to come see her favorite uncle?”
My sister’s face lights up whenever we talk about Joanna. “Of course. She’s excited for our adventure. I got the application filled out and sent in. Since you’re a citizen, it’ll make things go a little smoother. Plus Jack says he’s handling stuff on his end.”
Jack is such a good bloke. He takes care of the people in his life. “I’m glad. I can’t wait for you to get here.”
“I know, I want to meet Becca.”
I’ve only told her bits and pieces—for one she’s a worry wart, and two, I want to tell her the rest when she’s here with us, face to face. “I can’t wait for you to meet her too.”
We finish our talk and disconnect. In the bedroom I find Becca still sleeping, but of course, that’s because it’s only six in the morning. Due to the time change I wanted to catch her when Joanna was at school, not because I didn’t want to see the little squirt, but I wanted to talk to her without distractions.
I slip back into bed and Becca immediately rolls into me. I love that she’s a snuggler, even though I’ve never liked to snuggle before, but apparently with her I like to do things I wouldn’t normally do.
It doesn’t take long before I’m warm and cozy and begin to fall asleep.

I moan as lips touch my neck, and a hand wraps around my cock. I lay as still as I can, allowing Becca to explore me at her leisure. Fuck, what she lacks in experience she makes up in enthusiasm.
She kisses slowly down my chest toward my cock, causing it to leak precum. I feel so privileged that she’s comfortable with me, to share and experiment with me. I close my eyes, moaning as I feel her tongue swipe across the head of my dick.
Becca tentatively sucks the tip between her lips. She gets a little bolder as she sucks me a little deeper into her mouth. With her other hand she wraps it around the base of and begins to stroke me as she blows me.
She pulls off me with a pop. “A-Am I doing it right?”
Fuck me, she is sweet. “Baby, you are doing it so right I can’t even begin to tell you how right it is.”
Becca begins sucking my cock again and I force myself not to touch her. I want her to feel like she’s the one in control. She continues to work my cock until it is so fucking hard I can’t stand it.
I lift my head and watch her as she licks the precum that’s leaking from the head of my cock, and it doesn’t take long before I feel like I’m going to come. That tingling sensation begins at the base of my spine.
“I’m going to come in your mouth if you don’t stop,” I warn her, but all that does is cause her to suck harder. Reaching behind me, I grab the headboard to keep from grabbing her. I come with a shout and Becca swallows every drop.
Holy shit, I feel like I almost blacked out for a minute. She crawls up my body, and when she reaches my mouth, I reach up, grabbing her, and pulling her down to me.
I kiss her slowly, not bothered about the fact that I can taste my cum on her lips. I pull back. “That was glorious.”
Becca gives me a shy smile and then snuggles in under my chin. “Have you found James?” she asks quietly.
Stroking her hair, I whisper, “Not yet.” I hug her tight. “There is a reason why he told the lie about you, and I think it’s because you just won your first big fight—he didn’t get to cash in on that. My guess is he figures you’re not going to tell people what he did. We have to be prepared for him to strike after you tell people what happened.”
“I’m done letting him get away with what he did.” Her voice is soft, but so damn strong.
We both fall asleep just like this—with her on top of me with her legs bent on both sides of me.