The sound of beeping pulls me from my sleep. I open my eyes and it feels like I’m being blinded by a bright light. I lift my arm to block the sun and realize I have tubes sticking out of my hand.
I take a deep breath a glance around the room. I find Jack standing in front of the window with his phone to his ear. I continue looking around the room and find Becca with her head on the mattress and her hand wrapped around my free one.
Fuck, why does it feel like I’ve been stomped on by a herd of buffalo? I try to sit up, but I hurt and begin to sweat. “Dalton?” Suddenly Becca is standing over me. “Baby, you’re okay,” she tells me.
“W-What happened?” I croak. Fuck, my throat hurts.
Jack appears above me, too. “I’m going to get the doctor.” He grabs my hand. “Welcome back, brother.”
I close my eyes and fall back asleep.

I wake up and pass out several times the first couple of days after I woke up the first time. It doesn’t take long before what happened comes back to me. Lucky for me, only one of the bullets hit me, the rest, thankfully missed.
Becca hasn’t left my side, at least that’s what Jack has told me. I’ve seen the security footage, and although it was hard to watch, I was filled with so much pride when I watched her kick James’s ass.
The fall he took killed him, but the footage made it a clear-cut case of self-defense. Thankfully, Jack stayed with Becca when she had to give her statement to the detectives. The bruises she’s still sporting are signs of what he did. The obvious marks on her neck are a clear-cut sign that he choked her and was going to kill her.
Speaking of my girl, she appears in front of my face. “Hey, can I get you anything?”
I shake my head. “N-No, I’m good.” I limply lift my right hand and wave down my body. “What’s the damage?”
Becca snuggles into my side, careful of the wires and tubes sticking out of every part of me. “The bullet nicked your stomach, but they were able to repair it. They’ve got you on some heavy-duty antibiotics, and then they’ll want you on them when you get discharged.”
I bring her hand to my mouth, kissing the back of it. “How are you feeling about everything?” I ask softly.
“Um…I’m okay. I haven’t had much time to think about it. I’ve been here with you.” She kisses my cheek. “I know he was going to kill me and I couldn’t let that happen because I needed to get you help.”
“Thank you for saving my life,” I whisper.
She lays her head on my shoulder. “It was my pleasure.”

One Month Later
Laughter drifts in from the other room and I smile. My sister and Joanna are here, having arrived a week ago. That was the only good thing about me getting shot, her visa got expedited a lot quicker than it would’ve.
Millie hasn’t been hovering, thankfully, but that’s because she knows I hate it. I hate feeling so weak, but every day I’m getting stronger and stronger. One thing I’ve discovered during my recovery is that I’m in love with Becca. I’m not sure when it happened, but it hit me hard—I just haven’t told her yet because I’m worried I’ll scare her off.
I’m learning, however, she doesn’t scare easy. She’s stood strong when I’ve been grumpy, angry, and just not myself—I’m a terrible patient—I’ll admit it. I don’t like being weak, and I don’t like that I didn’t even get a chance to protect myself. James had been hiding between two cars when he shot me.
Lucky for me, he was a terrible shot. The doctors told me that had all three bullets hit me, I probably wouldn’t be here today. I’ll just count myself lucky. My team has been great; from checking on me, bringing over food, and checking on Becca, they’ve all been there without question.
Now my sister and niece are here and I couldn’t be happier. I hold my stomach as I ease out of bed and head into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. “Fuck, I’m pale.” I’m thinner and my color still isn’t great, but it is improving.
I scratch at my beard that is out of control. Once I’m feeling up to it, I’ll shave it off. Of course I say that all the time. After using the bathroom and brushing my teeth, I head into the living room. “What’s all this carrying on you’re doing?” I say in a mock stern voice.
Joanna runs to me, but then gingerly wraps her arms around me. “Are you well, Uncle Dalton?”
I smile because she sounds like such a proper English lady. “Yes, sweetheart. I’m well.” She holds my hand and leads me over to the sofa. “What are you ladies doing?”
Becca gets up and sits next to me. “Nothing, we were just looking at some old pictures your sister brought. Why am I not surprised that you were a hottie even then?” Her cheeky smile lights up her whole face.
“Of course I was. I got all the ladies.” Millie groans and then rolls her eyes, causing Becca to giggle, which is music to my ears.
My three girls curl up on the sofa with me, and that’s how we hang out the rest of the night, just the way I like it.

My daughter sleeps soundly beside me, causing me to smile. It’s been hard being a single mum, but I would do it all over again for my sweet Joanna. I’m excited to start my job next week. I hate not working, but I’m also scared. What if they don’t like me? What if I screw up and they ship me back to London?
I’d hate to do something that might embarrass my brother.
Marcus, one of Dalton’s buddies, has been around a lot—I’ve enjoyed getting to know him. I mean, yes, he is unbelievably gorgeous, but he’s also sweet and kind, and my daughter is smitten as well.
I’m not really in a place to date, but if I were going to, I’d hope it was someone just like him.
A girl can dream, can’t she?