

Three Years Later

I step inside the gym and smile at all the kids lined up on the mat. Dalton goes through a series of simple punches and kicks. The kids all do exactly what he says. It is so freaking cute to watch.

We took the gym over from Gio last year. I’ve retired from fighting, which people thought was dumb since I was at the top of my career, but I had more important things to do. Our son kicks and that is my reminder of why I retired, because I wanted this, something I’ve never really had—a family.

So much has changed for us these past three years. First, Dalton’s recovery was long and slow, but he was determined to get back to work. Lucky for us, the damage the bullet did was repairable without too many complications, but boy was he a crabby patient at times. He had to take it easy and that is not in his vocabulary.

Luckily, Millie was here and had no problem bossing him around. She and Joanna, or Jo, as I call her, have settled into the American life with ease. On a personal note, Millie and Marcus have gotten close and he absolutely loves Joanna, and she him, but that’s a story for another day.

I continued therapy for about a year after James died because, believe it or not, I did hold some guilt over what I did, even though it was a clear case of self-defense. It was still not easy knowing I’m the reason someone is no longer breathing. What gets me through those dark moments is remembering everything he took from me and the fact that he wanted to end my life that night.

The detectives found materials in his trunk to what we assumed was to bury a body—mine. There were a lot of sleepless nights, but Dalton and I got through it together.

Rogue Security is bigger than ever and after their expansion they’re even more well known. It’s so great, and they’re so happy with everything.

Thanks to Dalton I have girlfriends now that I spend time with, and now with the baby on the way they’re full of advice and answer any questions I might have.

Last year we moved out of Dalton’s apartment downtown and found a ranch-style home that’s big enough to expand our family and also has the space for us to have a workout room to spar in, which I don’t get to do…for now. Shortly after we moved, we got married. We were going to wait another year or two to have kids, but that obviously didn’t happen.

I focus back in on my husband as he dismisses the children, giving each of them a high-five. Once they are all with their parents, I meet Dalton at the mouth of the hallway to our office. “Hello, my beautiful bride.” He leans down, kissing me softly.

“Hi, my gorgeous husband. How was class tonight?” I ask as he reaches down, rubbing a hand over my small belly.

“Brilliant, as always. They’re like little sponges and they soak everything up. Give me two minutes and I’ll be ready.”

Clint, my former sparring partner, is now coaching some kids interested in learning how to fight professionally, and it has been going great. I was going to help coach, but it was just too hard, and it brought up too many bad memories. Plus, I am busy with school and since I’ve decided to become a therapist it’s been intense, but I want to be a therapist for sexual assault survivors. I know it won’t be easy and it’s going to be a while before I finish, but when I do, it’ll be that more satisfying.

I’ve gone through struggles in my life, but those made me who I am, and they brought me to Dalton. Speaking of which, he comes walking toward me after going back to grab his bag and my mouth waters. Damn, my man is fine.

He reaches me and gives me another kiss and I smile up at him. “I love you, Dalton Buckley.”

“Well, that’s good, because I love you, too, Becca Buckley.” He places his hand again on my belly. “I love you too, Justice.” Of course, our son kicks immediately and we smile. Then, my man takes me somewhere I never had before, a home.

The End