On place: Neutaconkanut Hill in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Providence. Commonly called Uni Park.
The Hill is a public wildlife park consisting of eighty-eight acres of woodland. It marks the highest point of Providence, with an elevation of 296 feet above sea level.
“The Rhode Island Native American Indian, the mighty Narragansett Tribe, lived on the Hill centuries before the white man arrived, and continued to hold ceremonies on the Hill into the 1920s. In 1636, Roger Williams obtained land from Narragansett Sachems Canonicus and Miantonomi and named his settlement Providence in thanks to God. The northwest boundary of this land, set forth by Williams and the Sachems, was the Great Hill of Neutaconkanut…”
In 1892, the Public Park Commission wrote, “Nature has made a natural park more perfect than the hand of man could devise.”
—Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy, http://www.nhill.org