Doh-ca!: Me too!
Ma-bo-bo: I love you.
This is a perfect project for a rainy day. You’ll need a grown-up to help!
What you’ll need:
• A large piece of cloth from a Magical Costume Trunk. If you do not have a Magical Costume Trunk, then you’ll need to buy a piece of fabric from a fabric store, or perhaps you have something at home that you could use.
• A long piece of ribbon to tie your cape, maybe one yard long.
• Fabric glue, or a sewing machine (or a needle and thread, if you’re the Stitch sisters).
• Decorations—feathers, felt flowers, ribbons, glitter glue, or anything you like.
How to make the cape:
Cut the piece of fabric so that it makes the kind of cape you’d like to wear. It can be a square or a rectangle, or a semicircle. Whatever you like best.
Place the ribbon along the top of the fabric, about 1/2” below the fabric’s edge.
Squeeze a thick line of fabric glue along the edge of the fabric, below the ribbon.
Fold the edge of the fabric over the ribbon to create a hem, being careful not to touch the ribbon with the glue.
Let the glue dry. (If you sew the hem, there’s no drying time!)
Decorate the outside of the cape with the decorations. And if your cape is reversible, decorate the inside, too.
Tie it loosely around your neck, and twirl!