
Thank you to the editors of the publications in which the following stories first appeared:

Altered States Anthology: “Night Is Nearly Done”;

The Collagist: “Versailles, 1623”;

Conjunctions: “The Re’em”;

Diagram: “Notes on Inversion”;

The Fairy Tale Review: “History of a Saint”;

Fifth Wednesday: “Petit Trianon”;

Hayden’s Ferry Review: “Homunculus”;

Hobart: “Swaingrove”;

Kenyon Review: “Sodom and Gomorrah”;

Knee-Jerk Magazine: “Poet and Underworld”;

Law and Disorder Anthology: “The Rite of Spring”;

Ninth Letter: “Metempsychosis”;

The Portland Review: “The Coil”;

Sequestrum: “Hydrophobia”;

Vestiges: “Sleep and Death.”

My gratitude to Peter Conners for his continued support of my work and to Eleanor Jackson who provides invaluable guidance at every turn. For their thoughts on the stories in this collection and for their enduring friendship, I’d like to thank Brian Leung, Scott Blindauer, Gabriel Blackwell, Chrissy Kolaya, Colin Meldrum, Christine Sneed, Tyler Pottebaum, Mike Bailey, and Josh Hoffman. Thank you to my family, especially my mother, Denise Skevington, and my father, Michael McOmber. Thank you to Chris Baugh for helping me find the energy and spirit to complete this collection. And finally, thank you to Cal Burton for his constant encouragement and love.