For specific references see Notes.
Australian War Memorial Photo Database (Canberra, Australia)
IWM (Imperial War Museum, London, UK)
TNA (The National Archives, London, UK)
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Bean, C.E.W. Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918. Volume 5. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1935.
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Bowyer, Chaz. Albert Ball, V.C. London: Kimber, 1977.
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Dudgeon, J.M. Mick. London: Robert Hale, 1981.
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Aerial Age Weekly, USA. Also sometimes given as Air Age Weekly, USA
Aerial Service Journal, USA.
Aeronautics, UK.
L’Aérophile, France.
The Aeroplane, UK.
Aircraft, UK.
AVIA, Netherlands.
Deutsche Luftfahrter Zeitung, Germany (also given as DLZ).
Die Luftflotte, Germany.
Flight, UK.
Flying, UK.
Flugsport, Germany.
Illustrierte Flugwoche, Germany.
La Guerre Aerienne, France.
Luftfahrt, Germany.
Journal and Proceedings of the Military Historical Society of Australia, Australia
The New York Times, USA. Scientific American, USA.
The Times, UK.
Zeitschrift fur Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt, Germany (also given as ZFM).