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Ability, 47, 49, 105, 111–12

Absolute, 17, 31, 69, 74–76, 98–99, 103; absolution, 73; aseity of, 33; heterosexual, 222; moral, 230; point of view of, 68, 96; possibility, 105, 110, 334n92

Action, 137, 141–42, 144, 154, 219; connection and, 217; ethos and, 218; possibility of, 111; relation in, 22; right, 129, 145; spooky, 9, 128, 136–37, 144–46; undoing, 219

Actuality, 2, 21, 105, 107, 110–12; loss and, 224

Actualization, 21, 28, 122–23, 142, 151, 178; difference, 189; self-, 107

Adaptation, 276–79

Adorno, Theodor W., 230

Aetius, 60, 61

Affect theory, 226, 233

Affirmative cosmology, 9, 114

Affirmative interrelation, 48, 74, 78

Affirmative names, 93–94

Affirmative theology, 93

Alexius I Comnenus, 239

Alienation, 22

“All in all and each in each,” 48, 114–15, 128, 192, 314

All-seeing image, 87–88

“All Things” (Hadewijch), 215

Alpha, 33, 286–87, 292, 303, 306, 312–15

Alteration: of perspective, 20, 141; practice of, 27; relation and, 22

Altercation, 22

Alterity, 22–23, 217, 227; Christian-Muslim, 242–43, 264–65

Alter-knowing, 18, 23, 30, 58, 64, 74, 116, 182; threefold, 27; unknowing and, 213

The Ambassadors (H. James), 48

Ambiguous entanglements, 239–42, 256, 304

Anatheism, 5, 39

Anatta (no-self), 67

Anaxagoras, 114

Anders, Günther, 370n17

Animal, 193, 198, 201, 225, 233, 235; body, 183; consciousness, 82; theory, 81–82, 106

Animal-cosmos, 107

Answerability, 285–88, 305

Anthes, Emily, 348n32

Anthropocentrism, 165, 199, 225, 234–35, 236, 342n131; Gaia hypothesis and, 279–82

Anthropology, 352n2; apophatic, 65–66

Anthropomorphism, 96, 188

Apeiron (Infinite), 74

Apocalypse, 207, 228, 266, 273, 277, 280, 286, 370n17; avoiding, 311–14

Apocalypse Now and Then (Keller), 312

Apophasis, 6–8, 17, 31, 50–51; deconstruction and, 34, 44–48, 71; kataphatic relation to, 70, 74–75, 93; originative, 59–60; Sells on, 41, 74–75; in theology, 19

Apophatic anthropology, 65–66

Apophatic cosmology, 75, 78, 117

Apophatic discourse, 42, 74–75, 104; emergence of, 59–60

Apophatic divinity, 112–13

Apophatic ecotheology, 269

Apophatic entanglement, 7, 49, 322n53; answerability, 285–88; climate change and, 25; Cusa and, 89; experiments in, 34; material base, 157; physics of, 9–10; politics of, 257–58, 264; of quantum entanglement, 122; of religion, 253; self-implication of, 42; see also specific entanglements

Apophatic experience, 56

Apophatic hermeneutics, 54

Apophatic mysticism, 33

Apophatic panentheism, 68, 75

Apophatic quantum, 132–36

Apophatic relationalism, 31, 76, 78, 109

Apophatic relationality, 6, 58

Apophatic theology, see Negative theology

Apophatic theopoetics, 24

Apophatic theory, 42

Apophatic ultimate, 75

Aporia, 41, 56, 101, 105

Aquinas, 73

Ascent, 73, 81; hierarchy of, 71–72

Aspiz, Harold, 349n34

Athena, 267, 271

Augustine, Aurelius, 289–92

Autodeconstruction, 5, 70, 73, 94

Badiou, Alain, 184, 298–99

Bannon, Brad, 334n110

Barad, Karen, 9, 20, 114, 127, 128, 135–36, 143, 151, 163, 167; on ethics and justice, 162; on posthumanist performativity, 140; on quantum entanglement, 129; on quantum relationality, 138–39

Bataille, Georges, 29

Bauman, Whitney, 206

Becomingness of God, 307–8

Becomings, 169–72, 206, 220–21; co-incident of, 143; indeterminacy of, 109; loss and, 225–26; repetition of, 194, 222; theopoiesis, 209–10, 306–16; world of, 261–63

Being, 8, 30, 54, 55, 57, 73, 164; being and, 177; Glissant on, 39; undone, 227

“Being moved,” 97, 99

Being Singular Plural (Nancy), 224–25

Bell, John, 133, 146–48, 154

Bell Theorem, 147, 148, 155

Bennett, Jane, 121–22

Berry, Thomas, 342n131

Betcher, Sharon, 5, 303

Beyond-being (epikeine tês ousias), 70

Blaedel, Anna, 322n46, 355n50

Body, 343n10, 350n45; animal, 183; language and, 194, 198, 199, 201–4

Bohm, David, 128, 139–40, 153–62, 163, 342n131

Bohr, Niels, 133–34, 135; complementarity of, 136, 138, 140, 149–50, 159

Boundaries, 61–63

Boyarin, Daniel, 54, 55

Bracken, Joseph, 345n56

Braidotti, Rosi, 222–23, 353n18

Brain, 201–2, 348n32

Breivik, Anders, 356n10

Brilliant darkness, 17, 67–78

Bruno, Giordano, 101, 117–18, 279

Burrus, Virginia, 60, 61, 291

Butler, Judith, 10, 215, 216–18, 256, 354n36; ecology of denaturalization, 232–36; ethics and repetition, 219–23; ethics of relationality, 226–28; I and II, 220; metaphysics of substance and, 221; negative theology and, 222–23; nonknowing relational ethics and, 228–32; parodic repetition theory, 222–23; sociality of self-composition and, 223–26; Whitehead and, 219, 220–22, 224; see also specific works

Butler, Samuel, 174

Butler on Whitehead (J. Butler), 232

Caesar, Julius, 270–71

Capitalism, 254–58, 263, 268, 275

Capitalism and Christianity, American Style (Connolly), 253

Cappadocians, 40, 60, 68

Caputo, John, 29, 39, 42, 101, 328n79, 368n1

Cardenal, Ernesto, 153, 341n90

Cartesian grid, 159, 161

Casarella, Peter, 110

Cassirer, Ernst, 96–97

Causation, 144

Cavanaugh, William, 244–46, 356n13

Celtic migrants, 270–71

Celtophobia, 271

Ceremony (Silko), 282–84

Certainty, 16, 26, 60; of science, 137, 274–75

Changeability, 63

Chaosmos, 112, 116, 121, 129, 169, 185, 188, 216, 309; of Alle, 49

Chaos theory, 182

Chen, Mel, 352n63

Cherubinic Wanderer (Silesius), 45

“Children of Adam” (Whitman), 201

Chittick, William C., 360n78

Christ, 210–11, 292–97, 303, 366n23; complex, 293; icon of, 90; incarnation, 368n5; as kosmos-persona, 301

Christian characters, 31–32

Christian ethic, 35

Christianity, 70, 251–52; ambiguity of love, 300; anti-ecological, 271–72; apophatic panentheism in, 75; crusades and, 239–41, 242; Earth and, 279–82; economics and, 26; trinity, 57

Christian-Muslim alterity, 242–43, 264–65; see also 9/11; Religious violence

Christian theology, 20, 31, 40, 56, 57, 71, 112

Christographics of cloud, 315; Augustine, 289–92; Epistles, 297–300; Gospels, 292–97

Civilization, 267–68; sweet zone, 273

Civil rights movement, 35

Class, 32, 282

Clayton, Philip, 28, 130–31

Clement of Alexandria, 54–58

Clermont, France, 239–40

Climate change, 10, 25, 263; as Gaia complex, 268–69; Gaia hypothesis, 272–76; Galatian terror and, 270–72; Genesis and, 276–79; hope and, 311–12; mitigation-adaptation shift and, 276–77; race and, 278–79; sexual closet compared to, 206; violence and, 277–79

Climate science: cloud of impossibility and, 276; indeterminacy and, 275; uncertainty and, 269, 274–75, 276, 362n32

Cloud, 7, 22, 315; ancestors, 302–5; of connections, 185; Cusa on, 92, 98–102; desert, 51–54, 85; double, 82–83; entering, 80–81, 98–102, 264–65; of forgetting, 82–83; lineage, 43, 81, 92; originary, 50–51; phenomenon of, 314–15; poorly defined, 128, 139–40; theopoetics of, 306–16; transdisciplinary and transcontextual, 82; of undoing, 218–19; of unknowing, 218–19; see also Christographics of cloud; specific clouds and entanglements

Cloud Cult, 15, 24, 84, 316

Cloudlike spatial structure, 142

Cloud of impossibility, 1, 3, 16, 18, 19, 83, 189–90; climate science and, 276; creatable creator and, 102–5; Cusa and, 99–102; physics, 132–33

The Cloud of Unknowing, 50, 67–68, 78–86

Cloud-power, 108–9

Cloud-writing (genealogy): Clement of Alexandria and, 54–58; The Cloud of Unknowing and, 78–86; Dionysius the Areopagite and, 67–78; Exodus and, 51–54; Gregory of Nyssa and, 58–67

Cobb, John B., Jr., 33, 260, 358n43

Coincidence, 99, 101; of opposites, 102–5, 132, 156

Coincidentia, 105–9, 110, 116, 163, 286, 312; of maximum with minimum, 170; of movement and stillness, 91

Coincidentia oppositorum, 18, 48, 93, 101, 106, 188

Co-incidentTK of becoming, 143

Collective trauma, 224

Community, 296, 298

Comparative relation, 95

Comparative theology, 251, 252

Complementarity, 136, 138, 140, 149–50, 159

Complexity theory, 182, 360n74

Complicatio (enfolding), 23, 86, 93, 106, 113, 163, 179, 261; infinite, 48, 160, 180, 242; language, 159

Complicatio-explicatio-implicatio trinity, 179, 185, 187, 191

Complicity, 26

Comprehensive mind, 164

Cone, James, 302

Confession, 40

Connection, 185; action and, 217

Connectivity, 4, 38, 83; language of, 173

Connolly, William, 22, 27, 121–22, 174, 253, 262–63, 342n126; complexity theory, 360n74; negative theology and, 256; political philosophy of, 257, 261, 360n74; on purposefulness, 311

Consciousness, 3, 24, 160; animal, 82; matter and, 163; of relation, 3–4

Constantinople, 240–41, 246

Constituent connectivity, 38

Constituent relationality, 27

Constructive theology, 33

Contemplation, 83, 84, 175

Context, 20–21

Contextuality, 149–50

Continuity, 142–43, 157

Contracted infinity, 118

Contraction, 91, 94, 96, 109, 115, 174–75

Contradiction, 101, 102, 120; two pillars of physics, 132, 133, 134, 146, 155–62

Contrast, 105–9

Convivium, 175; quantum, 165–67

Conway, Anne, 183–84

Conway, Erik, 274–75

Corinthians, 20–21, 285, 319n10

Cornille, Catherine, 252

Cosmological relationalism, 51, 275

Cosmology, 48, 91, 93, 97, 109, 220; affirmative, 9, 114; apophatic, 75, 78, 117; Earth moving and, 117–20; God and, 117–20; of intra-activity, 143

Cosmopolis, 261–63, 300, 316

Cosmopolitanism, 243, 254, 257, 358n47

Cosmopolitics, 11, 193, 199, 234, 241–42, 263; adaptation and, 277–78

Cosmopolitiques, 193

Cosmovision, 109

Countersubjectivity, 360n81

Creatable creator, 102–5

Creatio ex profundis, 152, 313

Creative act, 151–52

Creatures, 107–8, 114–15; ability, 111–12; crowd of, 37, 269

Crockett, Clayton, 39, 177, 338n43, 359n64

Cross experience, 301–2

Crowd, 3, 5–8, 24, 53, 174, 179, 216–18, 292, 315; cosmic, 47, 116, 120; of creatures, 37, 269; of nonseparability, 31; religious, 265, 280

Crusader complex, 10, 240, 241, 243, 248, 268; curing, 264–65; global economy and, 253–58

Crusades, 239–41, 242–44, 246

Cusa, see Nicholas of Cusa

Cusan relationality, 96–97

Cyril of Jerusalem, 40

Dark cloud, 69, 83, 92, 132, 307, 323n68; Clement of Alexandria and, 54, 57; Dionysius the Areopagite and, 67; Exodus and, 51, 52; genealogy of, 51–54, 67, 133; Gregory of Nyssa, 58

Dark infinity, 58–67

Darkness, 70, 99, 312; brilliant, 17, 67–78; of Clement of Alexandria, 54, 58; Cloud of Unknowing and, 79–86; of Gregory of Nyssa, 58, 59; lost possibility, 121; meditation to enter, 80–81; in Republic, 59; see also Luminous darkness

Dark precursors, 177, 178, 180

Darnton, Robert, 318n1

Davies, Paul, 139

Death of God, 4, 8, 15, 29, 39, 176–77

de Certeau, Michel, 91, 95

Decidability, limits of, 131, 143

Decision, 162; power of, 144–45

Decoherence, 152–53, 159

Deconstruction, 8, 42, 60, 101, 337n38; apophasis and, 34, 44–48, 71; autodeconstruction, 5, 70, 73, 94; of gender, 221; of matter, 139; of sexual natures, 234

Deconstructive negation, 18, 48, 74

De docta ignorantia (Cusa), 33, 48, 87, 88–91, 97, 333n71; book 1, 114–15, 117; book 2, 114, 117; book 3, 116; negative theology and, 92–93

Deleuze, Gilles, 168, 346n67, 349n33; becomings and, 169–72; folding philosophy, 172–80; God process and, 188–95; open monads and, 180–88; quantum entanglement and, 174–75; Whitehead and, 171–72; Whitman and, 197, 199; see also specific works

Democratic pluralism, 39, 174, 313

Denaturalization, 232–36

Denial, 268–69

De Pace Fides (Cusa), 242, 248–49

Derrida, Jacques, 2, 8, 22–23, 42, 176, 235, 236, 324n75; Dionysius and, 70–71; on hospitality, 27; Marion and, 71; on “maybe,” 101; on negative theology, 44–48, 100

de Segovia, Juan, 242

Desert cloud, 51–54, 85

d’Espagnat, Bernard, 136, 139, 152; on nonseparability, 150; rainbow parable, 340n79

Determinations, 100, 162, 315

De visione Dei (Cusa), 87, 88, 110; hologram and, 158

Dickinson, Emily, 17, 309, 310, 369n15

Difference, 32, 46, 63, 170–78, 186, 252, 256; actualization, 189; christographic, 300; class, 282; entangled, 9, 179, 211, 246, 285, 287, 296; human, 183, 216, 235; infinite, 63; nonknowing and, 37; nonseparability of, 22, 27, 30, 36–37, 49, 110, 131, 197, 209, 287, 293, 300; participation models and, 161; as process, 225; relationality and, 225; relation to and between, 23; sexual, 221

Difference and Repetition (Deleuze), 172–74, 176, 177, 179

Diffusion, 152–53

Dionysian hermeneutics, 73

Dionysian negative, 71–73

Dionysius the Areopagite, 17, 38, 43, 44, 67–69, 72–78, 81, 85, 92; Derrida and, 70–71; Eriugena on, 79

Divine, 76, 104–5; all in all, 103; identity, 33; unsaying of, 212; violence, 28

The Divine Names (Stang), 76

Divinity, 78; apophatic, 112–13; language of, 77

Divinization, 307

Docta ignorantia, see Knowing ignorance

Dominance, 277

Dorrien, Gary, 358n44

Double cloud, 82–83

Drag queens, 222–23

Dupuy, Jean-Pierre, 370n17

Durchbruch, 323n64

Dussel, Enrique, 240, 246–47, 257–58

Eaarth: Marking a Life on a Tough New Planet (McKibben), 276

Earth: Christianity and, 279–82; democracy, 280–81; mirroring, 204, 206–7; moving, 117–20, 122–23; religions, 279–80; sexuality and, 204–8; unsaying of, 276; unspoken meanings of, 211–14; see also Climate change; Gaia

Ecclesiastical Hierarchy (Dionysius), 68

Eckhart, Meister, 30, 41–42, 43, 78, 116

Ecofeminism, 220, 281–82, 313

Ecological relationalism, 232–36

Ecology of denaturalization, 232–36

Economics: Christianity and, 26; global, 253–58

Ecophobia, 268, 275

Ecopolitics, 234

Eco-social justice, 279–80

Ecotheology, 279, 342n131; apophatic, 269

Ego cogito, 257–58

Ego conquiro, 257, 263, 360n81

Einfalt (one fold), 181

Einstein, Albert, 97, 115, 128, 132; moon and, 141; quantum theory and, 133–34, 146–47; separability and, 136

The Elegant Universe (Greene), 132

Elohim, see Plurisingularity

Emergence science, 273

En, 186

Enfolding (Complicatio), 96, 151; folding philosophy and, 172–80; quantum theory and, 158–61; relation, 21–22; units of, 182; see also Complicatio

Enigma, 18–21, 92, 165, 216

Enormity, 146

Ensemble of everything, 153–62

The Entangled God (Wegter-McNelly), 152

Entangled Trinity theology, 152–53

Entanglement, 6–7, 22; ambiguous, 239–42, 256, 304; capitalism and, 254–58, 263; creative act and, 151–52; of difference, 9, 179, 211, 246, 285, 287, 296; ecologies of, 24–25; of Gaia, 283–84; of gender and sex, 201–4; of knower in known, 20; love, 289–300; nonhuman, 10, 24, 171–72, 198; with Other, 216–19; participatory, 256; particle, 147–53; physics and, 128–29; Schrödinger on, 138–39; theophysics of, 162–65; thunderclap of, 146–53; world-transforming, 35; see also Nonseparability

Epikeine tês ousias (beyond-being), 70

EPR, 146–47, 154

Eriugena, 67, 74, 79, 113, 121

Erkkila, Betsy, 349n44

Eros, see Yearning Erotic knowing, see Yada

Eschatological question, 211–12

Essentialisms, 32, 45

Eternity, 289

Ethics, 129, 162, 215–18, 217; Christian, 35; nonknowing relational, 228–32; of relationality, 226–28; subject to repetition, 219–23; see also Relational ontology ethics

Ethos, 218

Eunomius, 60–61

Eurocentrism, 246, 258, 270

Event, 345n46; fold and, 180–88; novel, 144; particles as, 141–44

“Everybody Here is a Cloud” (Cloud Cult), 15, 84

Exception, 296

Exclusivism, 251, 252

Ex nihilo, 20, 56, 139, 312, 332n61

Exodoi, 2, 27, 54, 174

Exodus, 15, 51–54; Plato and, 59; Platonism and, 67–70

Explicatio (unfolding), 9, 48, 93, 110, 113, 128, 153, 172, 309; language, 159; in trinity, 185, 187, 191

Explication, 158–59

Expressionism in Philosophy (Deleuze), 180

Faber, Roland, 24, 171, 192, 231, 332n58, 358n40

Face: of Gaia, 272; icons and, 95–98; of Other, 217; painted face and, 89–95, 96, 98

The Face of the Deep (Keller), 312–13

Facing Gaia (Latour), 266

Factishes, 275

Faith, 26; language of, 19; truth content of, 250

Fechner, Gustav, 205, 350n45

Femininity, 203, 221; of Gaia, 281–82

Feminism, 77, 220; ecofeminism, 220, 281–82, 313; Roman Catholic, 36–37

Feminist theology, 43–44, 281

Ferris, Timothy, 146

Feynman, Richard, 132, 134, 140

Fiber, 192–94, 209

Finite, 63, 64

Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 112

First Crusade, 239–40, 243, 246

Flesh, 295

Fluctuation, 182

Folding philosophy, 172–80

Fold in process, 168–71; folding philosophy and, 172–80; God process and, 188–95; open monads and, 180–88

The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque (Deleuze), 168, 172–80

Folds, 7, 177, 315; event and, 180–88; upon fold, 23–25; of folds, 345n46; God and, 185–88; language and, 169; materialization of, 120–23; particles and, 181–82; perspective and, 170; of relation, 170–72, 215–19; same-sex, 203–5; space-time, 286–87, 295, 304; unfolded out of, 196–97; see also specific folds

Forgetting, 82–83, 85

Forgiveness, 100

Fragile cosmopolis, 261–63

Frank, Thomas, 254

Franke, William, 57

Freedom, 29, 66–67, 83, 103, 108, 211

Gaia, 267, 271, 282–84; entanglement of, 283–84; face of, 272; feedback loops, 314; femininity of, 281–82; Galatian terror and, 270–72; God and, 281–82; narrative complexity of, 283; Pergamon story and, 266–67, 270–71, 277

Gaia complex, 10, 268–69, 273; language, 278–79

Gaia hypothesis, 175, 272–76, 279–82, 362n23

Gaiaphobia, 270

Galatian terror, 270–72

Gandhi, Mahatma, 35, 321n41

Gay and Gaia (Spencer), 206

Gay rights movement, 35

Gebara, Ivone, 37

Gender, 32, 98, 223; deconstruction of, 221; entanglement of sex and, 201–4; hierarchy, 298–300; mysticism and, 77; sex and, 221, 230, 234, 282

Gendered language, 44, 65–66, 77

Genealogy, see Cloud-writing Genesis, 276–79

Gerle, Elizabeth, 264, 318n3

Giving an Account of Oneself (J. Butler), 226

Gleiser, Marcelo, 137

Glissant, Édouard, 1, 4, 239, 255, 256; on Being, 39; on relation, 3, 39

Global economy, 253–58

Global warming, see Climate change

God, 4–5, 264; beyond, 70; within, 114; absolute possibility, 105, 110, 334n92; becomingness of, 307–8; coincidentia and contrast, 105–9; as collective being, 186; cosmology and, 117–20; creatable creator and, 102–5; of Cusa, 7–8, 89, 93–95, 121–22; death of, 4, 8, 15, 29, 39, 176–77; Deleuze and, 188–95; eros and, 76; experience of, 33; folds and, 185–88; Gaia and, 281–82; hospice of, 25–31; hypertheos, 70; as infinite, 7–8, 89, 93–95; knowing, 60–61; limits of, 61–63, 64; love and, 291, 296, 304–5; metaphysics and, 171–72; multiplicity, 345n46; naming, 72, 307; Non-Other, 332n58; as perhaps, 47–48; political theology and, 258–61; posse ipsum, 2, 5, 47–48, 110–11, 132, 306, 316; possibility and, 109–17; potentiality in, 105; process, 9–10, 188–95; quantum entanglement and, 145; quantum relationality and, 164–65; question of, 29–30, 39; seeing, 165; theopoiesis, 209–10, 306–16; unfolding, 112–13; unsaying of, 39, 212–13; see also specific names; specific scholars; specific theologies

Godhead, 62, 78

God icon, 95–98; painted face as, 92

God-making, 306–16

The God Species (Lynas), 277

God-syllable, 84

God-talk, 6, 20, 28, 30, 36, 189, 193; masculine, 44; as metaphor, 33–34, 39; of theopoetics, 309

Golding, William, 272

Grau, Marion, 280, 363n43

The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future (Inhofe), 274

Greene, Brian, 132, 146–49

Greenstein, George, 148

Greenwashing, 274

Gregory of Nyssa, 40, 54, 58–67, 75, 76, 85, 93, 302–3

Guattari, Félix, 173, 174

Gut Symmetries (Winterson), 127

Hadewijch, 215, 218, 219–20, 229, 353n7, 353n9

Hadot, Pierre, 56

Halberstam, J., 296–97, 366n29

Hamilton, Clive, 370n17

Hansen, Jim, 273, 274

Hardt, Michael, 173–74

Harries, Karsten, 94, 97, 117, 119

Hart, Kevin, 46, 71

Hartshorne, Charles, 37

Hashem, 55

Hebrew, 30, 297; relationality of, 320n30

Heisenberg, Werner, 137, 141, 143

Heresy, 71

Herzogenrath, Bernd, 347n23

Hick, John, 251

Hidden variables, 155

Hierarchy, 68; of ascent, 71–72; gender, 298–300; of mediation, 115

Higgins, Luke, 345n53

Hiley, Basil J., 155

Hillgardner, Holly, 83, 329n114, 352n6

Holism, 184, 330n22; language of, 156–57, 161–62

Hologram, 158

Holomovement, 158, 162

Hope, 227, 311–12

Hopper, Stanley, 369n10

Hospitality, 27–28, 303–5

How Hippies Saved Physics (Kaiser), 155

Human, 61–62, 76, 352n2; difference, 183, 216, 235; dominance, 277; ethics, 216–17; responsibility, 144–45; sex and lust, 208–11; sexuality and earth, 204–8; see also Body; Language; Relational ontology ethics; specific human elements

Hutchins, Christina, 222, 353n16

Hyperessentialism, 45, 46

Hyperimpossible, 46

Hyperousia, 45, 55

Hypertheos (beyond God), 70

“I,” 114, 179, 198, 211, 214, 225, 257, 294; emergence of, 226; witnessing, 314

I AM, 51–52, 55, 66

Iberian Reconquest, 246–47

Ibn Arabi, 264–65, 360nn79–80

Icons, 90, 92, 95–98, 122–23

Identity, 8, 32–33, 252; repetition and, 222

Idol, 93

Idolization, 95

Ignorance, 3, 65; Cyril on, 40; knowledge and, 129–30; production of, 274; sacred, 51; willful, 21, 25; see also Knowing ignorance; Learned ignorance

Imago Dei, 118

Implicate order, 157–58

Implicatio, 153, 163, 172, 185, 191–93

Impossibility, 88, 99; discoveries of, 340n76; see also Cloud of impossibility

Impossible, 2–3, 15–16; more than, 44–49

Impression, 137, 146

Incarnation, 107, 164, 173, 190, 209–11, 308, 311, 368n5

Inclusivism, 251, 252

Indeterminacy, 4, 18, 49, 74, 100, 127, 148, 285, 313, 315; of becoming, 109; climate science and, 275; irreducible, 123; ontological, 9, 133, 138, 151, 166; quantum, 155

Indeterminate intimacies, 136–41

Indirect effect, 144

Individuality, 32

Indivisibility, 157–58

Inescapable networks, 31–38

Infinite, 63, 64, 88, 212, 218; apeiron, 74; complicatio, 48, 160, 180, 242; difference, 63; God as, 7–8, 89, 93–95; logic of, 62; process, 188–95

Infinite Complication, 123, 131

Infinity, 30, 98, 123, 186–88; contracted, 118; dark, 58–67; in face of Other, 217; logic of, 117; negative, 118; of universe, 118

Influence, 144; of relation, 150

Inhofe, James, 274

Intercarnation, 5, 296, 304, 308, 315

Interdependence, 8, 24, 32, 35, 49, 96–97, 148, 150, 184, 226, 235; constituent, 48, 162, 210; indeterminate, 38, 149; mutual, 230; planetary, 31, 121

Interference, 141

Interrelated structures, 35

Intersectionality, 8, 32

Intra-action, 137–39, 167, 262, 295

Intra-activity, 20, 114, 122–23, 127, 140–41; cosmology of, 143; of measurements, 151

Islam, 240–42, 251–52, 259; modernity and, 246–47; see also Christian-Muslim alterity

Islamophobia, 243, 246–47, 248, 268, 271, 318n3; ego cogito and, 257–58

James, Henry, 48

James, William, 20, 138, 205

Jameson, Frederic, 247–48

Jantzen, Grace, 77, 81

Jeffers, Robinson, 308

Joh, Wonhee Anne, 304, 355n40

John of Patmos, 312

Johnson, Elizabeth, 44, 77, 323n70

Johnson-DeBaufre, Melanie, 300

Joyce, James, 87, 112, 179

Judaism, 40, 50, 54, 55; see also Hebrew; Yada

Jung, Carl Gustav, 135

Justice, 32, 162; eco-social, 279–80; manifold, 27, 38; of woman, 201–4

Just relation, 34

Kabbalah, 55, 183, 332n61, 333n75, 354n36, 371n26

Kahl, Brigitte, 270–72

Kahlo, Frida, 193

Kaiser, David, 155

Kakez-A-Kapend, Christian, 321n43

Kang, Namsoon, 243, 254, 358n47

Kant, Immanuel, 291, 365n14

Kataphasis, 3, 33, 41, 73, 86; apophatic relation to, 70, 74–75, 93

Katz, Jonathan Ned, 349n44

Kearney, Richard, 5, 39, 111–12, 293, 305, 324n82, 334n92

Keats, John, 5

Kierkegaard, 47

Kim, Jung Doo, 304

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 35–36, 321n41, 321n43, 367n54

Klee, Paul, 22

Knower-known entanglement, 20; subject-object relationship, 137, 138, 140, 330n30

Knowing: context and, 20–21; God, 60–61; nothing, 75; relational, 30; yada, 30, 63, 92, 320n30

Knowing ignorance (docta ignorantia), 17–19, 93, 163, 201, 229, 248, 268; breakthrough of, 9, 90; relationality of, 297

Knowledge, 3; Cyril on, 40; ignorance and, 129–30; love and, 297–300; relations and, 23; undoing, 219; see also Apophatic entanglement

Kosmos, 198–99

“Kosmos” (Whitman), 207–8

Kosmos-persona, 198, 199, 200, 208–9, 211, 217; Christ as, 301

Koutroufinis, Spyridon, 340n86

Koyré, Alexander, 117, 119

Language, 3, 233; body and, 194, 198, 199, 201–4; complicatio, 159; of connectivity, 173; of divinity, 77; endless unfolding of words, 197–201; explicatio, 159; of faith, 19; fold and, 169; Gaia complex, 278–79; gendered, 44, 65–66, 77; of holism, 156–57, 161–62; mystical, 68; of necessity, 99; of quantum entanglement, 336n10; relational, 46; self-implicating, 23–24; Turner on, 74; unsaying, 73; see also God-talk

Latour, Bruno, 233–34, 266, 270, 275, 282–83, 363n52, 370n17

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 141

Learned ignorance, 21, 22, 88, 94, 98; in science, 130

Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 196; Earth and sexuality, 204–8; endless unfolding of words, 197–201; language and body, 201–4; sex and lust, 208–11; unspoken meanings of earth, 211–14; see also specific poems

Leibniz, G. W., 161–62, 181; folding philosophy and, 172–73, 176; Whitehead and, 182–84


Liberalism, 260

Liberation, 67; from oppression, 27; theology, 33, 36, 46; theos of, 38

Light, 59, 68, 70, 312; speed of, 134

Lim, Richard, 60

Listening, 200–201, 208–11

Local realism, 146

Logos, 11, 15, 16, 72, 292, 294, 304, 309, 315; theos, 103, 170, 308, 310

Loss, 223–26, 233, 234–36, 353n18

Love, 11, 68, 76, 206, 214, 303, 306; ambiguity of Christian, 300; distinctions, 365n14; entanglement, 289–300; God and, 291, 296, 304–5; knowledge and, 297–300; militant, 301–2; neighbor, 290, 291, 293–94, 298; nonseparability and, 22; Paul and, 297–300; sustainability and, 290; unknowing and, 81; see also Questionable love

The Love Embrace of the Universe (Kahlo), 193

Lovelock, James, 272, 273, 362n23

Luminous darkness, 36, 58–59, 114, 121, 122, 303, 311; textual beginnings, 66

The Luminous Darkness (Thurman), 34–35

Lust, 208–11

Lynas, Mark, 277

Mackendrick, Karmen, 168, 179, 194, 346n66

Macy, Joanna, 355n50

Malin, Shimon, 149–50, 151–52

Mallarmé, Stéphane, 23

Mandelbrot, Benoit, 182

Manifold justice, 27, 38

Marcos, Sylvia, 109

Margulis, Lynne, 175, 272

Marion, J.-L., 31, 68, 73; Derrida and, 71

Martin, Dhawn, 354n36, 355n43

Martyr, Justin, 58

Masciandaro, Nicola, 81–82

Masculinity, 53, 221

Masking effect, 159

Material: base, 157; rhizome, 197

Materialism, 233, 262

Materialization, 118, 142; of folds, 120–23

Matter: consciousness and, 163; deconstruction of, 139; quantum of, 128; vibrant, 163

Maximum, 132–33, 170

“Maybe,” 101, 112

McFague, Sallie, 37, 364n56

McKibben, Bill, 273, 276

Measurements, 135, 136, 140; decoherence, 152; intra-activity of, 151; uncertainty principle and, 137, 138

Meditation, from Cloud of Unknowing, 79–81

Meeting the Universe Halfway (Barad), 129

Mehmet II (Emperor), 240

Mentality, 144, 163

Mequet, Kevin, 338n42

Mercedes, Anna, 304

Merchandising of doubt, 274–75

Merchants of Doubt (N. Oreskes and E. Conway), 274

Metaphor, 33–34, 39, 74, 345n56

Metaphysics, 36, 130, 131, 368n1; God and, 171–72; sex and, 221; of substance, 17, 32, 42, 176, 220–21, 224, 262

Microcosmic monadology, 185

Microorganisms, 175

Militant love, 301–2

Mindfulness, 255, 287–88

Mindful nonknowing, 27, 38, 49, 128

Mindful universe, 141–45

The Mindful Universe (Stapp), 144–45

Mindful unknowing, 19, 21, 22, 85

Minimum, 132–33, 170

Mirror, 130–32, 166, 183, 319n10, 342n131; earth, 204, 206–7; enigma in, 18–21, 92, 216; play, 39, 88, 119; of quantum entanglement, 165

Misinformation, 275

Mitigation-adaptation shift, 276–77

Modernity, 244, 246–47, 257–58

Moe-Lobeda, Cynthia, 278

Moltmann, Jürgen, 279–82

Monads, 192–93; open, 180–88

Mondzain, Marie-José, 90

Monotheism, 57, 187, 319n16

Moral responsibility, 226

Moses, 50–53, 58, 66, 68, 70, 81, 303; Clement of Alexandria and, 54–56; in Mystical Theology, 69; see also Exodus

Motion, 98–99; standing, 63–64

Mourning, 223–28, 235–36

Movement, 95, 96; “being moved,” 97, 99; contraction of, 91; Earth, 117–20, 122–23

Moving still, 63–64

Multiplicities, 24, 78, 172, 216; deterritorializing, 173–74; God, 345n46; naming, 77; of relation, 25; religious, 242–43; of voices, 208–11; see also specific multiplicities

Multitude: against One, 173–74; of One, 54–58

Mutual immanence, 21

Mutual interdependence, 230

Mutuality, 36, 226

Mutual participation, 227

Mystery, 140–41, 150, 152

Mystical theology, 68, 326n36; negative movement of, 72–73

Mystical Theology (Dionysius), 38, 67, 69, 70, 92; Dionysian negative and, 71–73

Mysticism, 6, 9, 44, 60, 68, 326n36; apophatic, 33; contemplative, 36, 56; gender and, 77

The Myth of Religious Violence (Cavanaugh), 244

Naming, 33, 38–39; affirmative, 93–94; God, 72, 307; multiplicity and, 77

Nancy, Jean-Luc, 224–25; on painting, 90–91

Narcissism, 22

Narrative complexity, 283

Nash, John, 341n95

Nature Loves to Hide (Malin), 149–50

Nausner, Michael, 63

Necessity, 100; language of, 99

Negation, 3, 8, 17, 40–44, 178; beyond, 69; deconstructive, 18, 48, 74; gender, 66; mystical, 19; of negation, 73, 76; series of, 61, 70–71; superlative, 74; transformation and, 68

Negative capability, 5, 317n9

Negative infinity, 118

Negative movement, 72–73

Negative procedure, 72, 73

Negative theology, 2, 7, 8, 17–18, 25, 302–5, 315; affirmative theology related to, 93; Butler, J., and, 222–23; Connolly and, 256; De docta ignorantia and, 92–93; Derrida on, 44–48, 100; desert cloud and, 51–54; formulation of, 70–71; historical sources, 40–44; Philo and, 55; relational ontology and, 177; strategy, 73–74; see also specific aspects of negative theology

Negative ultimate, 31

Negri, Antonio, 173–74

Neighbor-love, 290, 291, 293–94, 298

Neoplatonism, 40, 51, 56, 59; stereotypes of, 72–73

New crusade, 240–41, 242, 246

Nicholas of Cusa, 1, 2–3, 47, 88, 159, 160, 310; “all in all and each in each,” 48, 114–15, 128, 192, 314; apophatic entanglement and, 89; cloud of impossibility and, 99–102; on clouds, 92, 98–102; Coincidentia oppositorum, 18, 48, 93, 101, 106, 188; creatable creator and, 102–5; Earth moving, 117–20, 122–23; entering cloud and, 98–102; expeditions, 90; Faber on, 332n58; God of, 7–8, 89, 93–95, 121–22; icons and, 95–98; letter to Tegernsee monks, 87; materializing folds and, 120–23; on minimum and maximum, 132; painted face and, 89–95; pantheism and, 335n119; possible God and, 109–17; religio una, 242, 243; religious violence and, 241, 242, 248–50; science and, 119; Segovia and, 356n6; special relativity and, 97; Whitehead and, 105–9; see also Knowing ignorance; specific works by Cusa

Nicholas V (Pope), 48, 240

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 89, 177, 263

9/11, 223–24, 227, 243–44

Nonattachment, 83, 290, 329n114

Nonbelief, 256–57

Nonhumans, 108, 216–17, 219, 225, 234–36; contemplation, 175; depth of feeling, 262; entanglements, 10, 24, 171–72, 198; observation and, 143–44; see also specific nonhumans

Nonknowing, 2–3, 5, 7, 11, 31, 48, 315; difference and, 37; mindful, 27, 38, 49, 128; nonseparability and, 89, 229; relational ethics, 228–32; willful, 128; see also Apophatic entanglement

Nonlocality, 128, 146, 162; theory, 147

Non-Other, 332n58

Nonseparability, 11, 21, 315; crowd of, 31; d’Espagnat on, 150; of difference, 22, 27, 30, 36–37, 49, 110, 131, 197, 209, 287, 293, 300; love and, 22; nonknowing and, 89, 229; ontological, 138–39; see also Physics of nonseparability

Nonviolence, 35–37

Norms, 230–31

No-self (anatta), 67

Not-Other, 110

Novelty, 222

Nussbaum, Martha, 199

Observation, 160, 165; nonhumans and, 143–44; subject-object relationship, 20, 137, 138, 140, 330n30

Occupy movement, 174

Ochoa Espejo, Paulina, 242, 259, 260

Omega, 33, 286–87, 292, 303, 306, 312–15

One, 68, 76; multitude against, 173–74; multitude of, 54–58

One-All, 187

One fold (einfalt), 181

On the Peace of Faith (Cusa), 241

Ontological indeterminacy, 9, 133, 138, 151, 166

Ontological nonseparability, 138–39

Ontological relationalism, see relational ontology

Ontology, 6, 7, 131, 164; quantum, 143; quantum theory and, 141–42; of relation, 23–25; of Whitehead, 21, 142, 143, 150–51, 190

Ontotheology, 54–55

Opacity, 256

Operative reciprocity, 137

Oppenheimer, Robert, 154–55

Oppression, 26, 35–37; liberations from, 27; sexes and lusts, 208–11; truth and, 249

Ordeal of undecidability, 100

Oreskes, Naomi, 274–75

Organism, 349n33; microorganisms, 175; Whitehead’s philosophy of, 175–76, 185

Origen, 56

Originary cloud, 50–51

Orpheus, 57

Ortega-Aponte, Elias, 364n55

Orthodoxy, 60, 71

Ostriker, Alica, 202, 203

Other, 47, 332n58; entanglement with, 216–19; infinity in face of, 217

Overpopulation, 351n47

Pagans, 251

Painted face, 98; Cassirer on, 96; Cusa and, 89–95

Painting, 90–91

Pan, 186

Panentheism, 33, 76, 153, 321n34; apophatic, 68, 75; as political theology, 258–61

Pantheism, 75, 94, 335n119

Parenti, Christian, 277

Parmenides (Plato), 55, 113

Parodic repetition theory, 222–23

Parr, Adrian, 282

Participation, 256, 262; models and difference, 161; mutual, 227

Participatory entanglement, 256

Participatory universe, 161

Particles, 131–32, 136, 137, 139–40, 338n46; angle of spin, 147–49; entanglement, 147–53; as event, 141–44; folds and, 181–82

Passivity, 91, 103, 104, 105

Paul, 20–21, 51, 270–72, 285, 303; love and, 297–300

Pauli, Wolfgang, 135, 141

Pax Americana, 253

Pax dei, 253

Pax Economica, 253–58

Pax romana, 253

Pax romana Christiana, 253

Peace, 241, 258; movements, 239–40; nonviolence, 35–37; talk, 240

Peacemaking strategy, 241

Pergamon story, 266–67, 270–71, 277

Perpetual perishing, 225

Perspectival multiverse, 114, 122

Perspective, 140; alteration of, 20, 141; arts of, 87–88; contraction and, 96; cosmology and, 117–20; folds and, 170; icons and, 95–98; painted face and, 89–95; relational, 97–98; of universe, 114–15; view, 94

Phenomena, 138

Philo Judaeus, 54–55, 56

Philosophy, 8–9, 39; see also specific philosophers; specific philosophies

Physics, 131; of apophatic entanglement, 9–10; contradiction of two pillars of, 132, 133, 134, 146, 155–62; could of impossibility, 132–33; entanglement and, 128–29; see also Measurements; Metaphysics; Quantum theory

Physics of nonseparability, 127–31; apophatic quantum and, 132–36; ensemble of everything and, 153–62; indeterminate intimacies and, 136–41; mindful universe and, 141–45; quantum convivium and, 165–67; theophysics of entanglement and, 162–65; thunderclap of entanglement, 146–53

Pinker, Steven, 361n2

Planck, Max, 134, 163

Planetary precarity, 232–36

Plato, 51, 54–55, 78, 113; commentaries on, 56; Exodus and, 59

Platonism, 54–56, 94; Exodus and, 67–70

Pleasure, 80

Plotinus, 56, 57

Pluralism, 173, 220, 251; democratic, 39, 174, 313; political, 257; relational, 252, 264; religious, 250, 257; secular, 252

Plurisingularity (Elohim), 113, 187, 228, 287, 314

Ply, 7, 23, 169, 173

Podolsky, Boris, 146

Poetics of Relation (Glissant), 255

Poetry, 23–24, 70; of equality, 197; as theopoiesis, 209–10; see also Leaves of Grass; specific poets and poems

Polis, 267

Political adaptation, 278

Political philosophy, 257, 261, 360n74

Political pluralism, 257

Political relationalism, 22

Political theology, 27, 33, 39, 241, 245; panentheism as, 258–61

Political unconscious, 273–74

Politics, 243; of apophatic entanglement, 257–58, 264

Pollak, Vivian, 202

Polyamory of place, 206

Polyphony, 195, 199, 223

Poor, 37

Poorly defined cloud, 128, 139–40

Porete, Marguerite de, 41–42

Porphyry, 56

Positive theology, 46, 73

Positivism, 275–76, 311

Posse ipsum (possibility itself), 2, 5, 47–48, 110–11, 132, 306, 316

Possibility, 2–3, 8, 15–16, 100–1; absolute, 105, 110, 334n92; of action, 111; God and, 109–17; lost, 121; preceding, 286–87; reduction of, 105; uncertainty as, 48; see also Apophatic entanglement

Possibility itself, see Posse ipsum

Posthumanist performativity, 140

Potentiality, 21, 110, 111; common field of, 152; in God, 105; waves as, 141–44

Power, 111, 259–60; cloud-, 108–9; of decision, 144–45; social, 220, 222

Precarious Life (J. Butler), 215, 223, 228–29

Prigogine, Ilya, 182

Primavesi, Anna, 281–82

Process, 8, 231–32; difference as, 225; God, 9–10, 188–95; infinite, 188–95; theology, 32–33, 108, 122, 158, 260–61, 332n64; see also Fold in process

Process and Reality (Whitehead), 105, 106, 224

Process Theology as Political Theology (J. Cobb), 260

Proclus, 56

Projection, 96

Prophetic activation, of relational manifold, 34–38

Psalm 139, 34

Pseudo-Dionysius, see Dionysius the Areopagite

The Psychic Life of Power (J. Butler), 219

Psychoanalysis, 220

Psychophysical, 144

Pui-lan, Kwok, 174

Purposefulness, 311

Quakers, 35

Quanta, 134

Quantum, 139, 163; apophatic, 132–36; convivium, 165–67; field, 152; indeterminacy, 155; of matter, 128; ontology, 143; uncertainty, 121, 147, 313; void, 166

Quantum entanglement, 128, 144, 147–53, 339n70; apophatic entanglement of, 122; Barad on, 129; Deleuze and, 174–75; God and, 145; language of, 336n10; mirror of, 165

Quantum mechanics, 129, 132–33, 136–37, 147; orthodox version of, 144; see also Particles; Waves

Quantum relationality, 138–39, 152; God and, 164–65

Quantum theory, 135, 140; Einstein and, 133–34, 146–47; ontology and, 141–42; relativity theory and, 132, 133, 134, 146, 155–62; unfolding and enfolding and, 158–61; see also Physics of nonseparability

Questionability, 285–88, 289, 301–2, 305

Questionable love, 288; Augustine and, 289–92; Epistles and, 297–300; Gospels and, 292–97

Race, 32; climate change and, 278–79

Racism, 301–2

Rahner, Karl, 251

Ramey, Joshua, 180, 344n34

Reactive identity, 32

Recapitulatio doctrine, 301–2

Relation, 63, 262; in action, 22; alteration and, 22; apophatic-kataphatic, 70, 74–75, 93; apophatic theopoetics of, 24; comparative, 95; consciousness of, 3–4; to and between differences, 23; dynamism of, 48; enfolding, 21–22; folds of, 170–72, 215–19; Glissant on, 3, 39; influence of, 150; just, 34; knowledge and, 23; mode of, 77; multiplicities of, 25; ontology of, 23–25; relation to, 20; self-implication of, 287–88; speed of, 149; subject-object, 20, 137, 138, 140, 330n30; theological cosmology of, 48; see also Apophatic entanglement

Relational attributes, 148

Relational ethics, 228–32

Relationalism, 34–38, 142–43; apophatic, 31, 76, 78, 109; cosmological, 51, 275; ecological, 232–36; loss and, 223–24; of microorganisms, 175; open-system, 141; political, 22; unbounded, 24

Relationality, 220, 314; apophatic, 6, 58; constituent, 27; Cusan, 96–97; difference and, 225; of docta ignorantia, 297; ethics of, 226–28; of Hebrew, 320n30; unconscious, 220; see also Quantum relationality

Relational knowing, 30

Relational language, 46

Relational manifold, 34–38

Relational ontology, 9, 10, 31, 148, 152–53; negative theology and, 177

Relational ontology ethics, 215–19; ethics of relationality and, 228–32; nonknowing relational ethics and, 228–32; repetition and, 219–23; self-composition and, 223–26

Relational perspective, 97–98

Relational pluralism, 252, 264

Relational theology, 6, 8, 32, 48, 176, 315

Relativity theory, 132, 133, 134, 146, 155–62; see also special relativity

Religion, 243, 244–53, 359n57; apophatic entanglement of, 253; Earth, 279–80; Gaia hypothesis and, 279–82; global economy and, 253–58; see also specific religions

Religio una, 242, 243

Religious crowd, 265, 280

Religious multiplicity, 242–43

Religious pluralism, 250, 257

Religious violence, 243; Cusa and, 241, 242, 248–50; myth, 244–46; West emergence and, 244–53

Repetition, 177–78, 191–92, 205, 301; of becomings, 194, 222; ethics subject to, 219–23; identity and, 222; parodic theory of, 222–23; stylized, 222, 223

Republic (Plato), 59

Resistance, 83

Rest, 98–99

Revelation 8:13, 272

Reversals, 274

Revolutionary theology, 119

Rieger, Joerg, 174, 254, 298

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 285

Rivera, Mayra, 53, 295, 351n61

Roman Catholic feminism, 36–37

Romans 11.33, 61

Rosen, Nathan, 146

Rubenstein, Mary-Jane, 114, 118, 227, 318n2

Rudd, Gillian, 82

Ruether, Rosemary Radford, 281

Russell, Bertrand, 26

Rustin, Bayard, 35

Sacred ignorance, 51

Same-sex fold, 203–5

Satisfaction, 63

Satyagraha meditation, 35

Scarpa, Sébastien, 348n31

Schmitt, Carl, 259, 359n64

Schneider, Laurel, 24, 308, 319n16, 345n46

Schrödinger, Erwin, 137, 146; on entanglement, 138–39

Science, 119–20, 121–22, 336n11; certainty of, 137, 274–75; emergence, 273; learned ignorance in, 130; theology and, 130–31; see also Climate science

Secularism, 27, 243, 259, 359n57

Secular pluralism, 252

Self-actualization, 107

Self-affirmation, 209–10

Self-composition, 223–26

Self-construction, 208

Self-contradiction, 120

Self-implication, 42, 296, 301; language of, 23–24; of relation, 287–88

Sells, Michael, 84, 360n80; on apophasis, 41, 74–75

Sensible experimentum (Cusa), 87, 89–95

Separability, 136–37, 173

Separation, 167

Sex: entanglement of gender and, 201–4; folds of same-, 203–5; gender and, 221, 230, 234, 282; lust and, 208–11; metaphysics and, 221

Sexual closet, 206

Sexual difference, 221

Sexuality: Earth and, 204–8; moral responsibility, 226; of Whitman, 349n44

Sexual nature deconstruction, 234

Sexual politics, 197

Shekhinah, 9, 52, 58, 77, 371n26

Shiva, Vandana, 273, 278, 280–81

Silence, 17

The Silent Cry: Mysticism and Resistance (Soelle), 82–83

Silesius, 43, 45, 46

Silko, Leslie Marmon, 282–84

Sinai, 50–51, 82, 133

Single syllable word, 80–81

Six Degrees (Lynas), 277

Sky, 64–65

Slavery, 66

Social justice theology, 32

Social movements, 34–38

Social ontology, 32

Social power, 220, 222

Socrates, 40

Soelle, Dorothea, 82–83

Soil not Oil: Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis (Shiva), 278

“Song of Myself” (Whitman), 196, 197–98

Sovereignty, 259–60, 307

Space-time fold, 286–87, 295, 304

Spatiality, 246–47

Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Physics (Bell), 133, 147

Special relativity, 97, 132–33, 147

Speculative despecialization, 120

Speech, 2–3, 16

Speed of light, 134

Spencer, Daniel, 206

Spinoza, Baruch, 183, 186, 187

Spivak, Gayatri, 111

Spooky actions, 9, 128, 136–37, 144–46

Standing motion, 63–64

Stang, Charles, 60, 61; on eros, 76–77

Stapp, Henry, 9, 141–45, 163; Whitehead and, 338n54

Stengers, Isabelle, 233–34

Stillness, contraction of, 91

Stories of God (Rilke), 285

Subject-object relationship, 20, 137, 138, 140, 330n30

Substance, metaphysics of, 17, 32, 42, 176, 220–21, 224, 262

Subversive resignification, 222

Supereminentia (True absolute), 73

Superlative negation, 74

Superpositions, 140–41

Sustainability, 233–36; love and, 290

Sweet zone, 273

Symbiogenesis, 175

Symbiosis, 175

Synchronicity theory, 135

Tanner, Kathryn, 33, 65, 290, 365n11

Tegernsee monks, 87, 89–95

Terror, 270–71

Thacker, Eugene, 73–74

Thatamanil, John, 252, 321n42, 358n39

Theological cosmology of relation, 48

Theological philosophy, 39

Theology, 5, 7, 15, 121–22, 164, 336n11; in Abrahamic traditions, 16; apophasis in, 19; edge of, 29; multiplicity of, 24; science and, 130–31; TOE, 166; unsaying, 38–40; vulnerabilities of, 27–28; see also specific theologies

Theophysics of entanglement, 162–65

Theopoetics, 24, 25, 369n10; of cloud, 306–16; God-talk of, 309

Theopoiesis (becoming God), 209–10, 306–16

Theoria, 58, 85, 88

Theory of Everything (TOE), 166

Theos, 11, 15, 16, 17, 88; dark place of, 29; in en, 186; eros with, 81; of liberation, 38; logos, 103, 170, 308, 310

Theosis, 307

Thom, René, 182

Thurman, Howard, 34–35

Tillich, Paul, 19, 28

Time, 50, 289, 313

Tinker, George, 364n55

TOE, see Theory of Everything Tolstoy, Leo, 35

Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo, 119

Transcendence, 47, 189–90

Trauma: answers to, 16; collective, 224

Trimegestus, Hermes, 116–17

True absolute (Supereminentia), 73

Truth content of faith, 250

Turner, Denys, 59, 67–68, 70; on language, 74

Twofold (zwiefalt), 177

Ullman, Deborah, 304

Unbounded relationalism, 24

Unbroken wholeness, 156–57

Uncertainty, 5, 16–17, 19, 122, 128, 149, 258; climate science and, 269, 274–75, 276, 362n32; known, 7; manage, 25; as possibility, 48; principle, 137, 138; quantum, 121, 147, 313; relational threshold of, 21

The Undivided Universe (Bohm), 155

Undoing, 70, 218–19

Undoing Gender (J. Butler), 223

“Unfolded Out of the Folds” (Whitman), 201–2, 349n34

Unfolding (explicatio), 9–10, 88, 93, 112–13, 151, 167, 170; folding philosophy and, 172–80; out of folds, 196–97; out of justice of woman, 201–4; quantum theory and, 158–61; of words, 197–201; see also Explicatio

“Unfolding the Mysteries of the Brain” (Anthes), 348n32

Universalism, 230–31, 298–99, 367n54

Universal relativity, 115, 220–21

Universals, 230–31

Universe: boundless, 117–18; fiber of, 192–94, 209; indivisible, 122; infinity of, 118; mindful, 141–45; participatory, 161; perspective of, 114–15; state of whole, 150–52

Unknowing, 23, 218–19, 229; activity of, 70; alter-knowing and, 213; love and, 81; mindful, 19, 21, 22, 85; see also The Cloud of Unknowing

“Unknowing Animals” (Masciandaro), 81–82

Unknown before me: greeting, 286–88, 303–5; questionable love and, 288–300; recapitulatio doctrine and, 301–2

Unquestionability, 16–17, 332n61

Unsaying, 41; audible, 200–1; of divine, 212; of Earth, 276; of God, 39, 212–13; language, 73; theology, 38–40

Urban II (Pope), 239–40

van der Weyden, Rogier, 87, 91

The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Reflection (Lovelock), 272

Veil, 92

View, 94

Violence, 26, 244–53, 361n2; climate change and, 277–79; of cross, 301–2; dangerous simplifications and, 318n3; divine, 28; global economy and, 253–58; 9/11, 223–24, 227, 243–44; to oneself, 98, 101–2, 109–10, 133; see also Crusader complex; Religious violence

Vision, 88; feedback loop, 95–96; idolization and, 95

Vlad, 248, 357n26

Voodoo forces, 136

Wahl, Jean, 176

Waves, 131–32, 140; as potentialities, 141–44

Wegter-McNelly, Kirk, 152–53

Weisbuch, Robert, 347n6

Wenck, Heidelberger John, 119

Wenck, Johannes, 335n119

Western societies, 244–53; capitalism and, 254–58, 263, 268, 275; civilization, 267; Eurocentrism and, 246, 258, 270; modernity and, 246–47; power and, 259–60

Wheeler, John, 129, 130, 161

Whitehead, Alfred North, 3, 21, 110, 115, 143–44; Butler, J., and, 219, 220–22, 224; Cusa and, 105–9; Deleuze and, 171–72; ecological relationalism and, 232–36; folding philosophy and, 172–80; on freedom, 66–67; God process and, 188–95; Leibniz and, 182–84; on metaphors, 345n56; ontology of, 21, 142, 143, 150–51, 190; on perpetual perishing, 225; philosophy of organism, 175–76, 185; process and, 231–32; readings of, 163; on science and theology, 336n11; Stapp and, 338n54; universal relativity and, 115, 220–21; universals, 230–31; world of becoming and, 262

Whitman, Walt, 194, 196, 214, 347n6, 347n23; Christ and, 210–11; Deleuze and, 197, 199; entanglement of gender and sex and, 201–4; kosmos-persona, 198, 199, 200, 208–9, 211, 217; sexuality of, 204–5, 349n44; see also Leaves of Grass; specific works

Why I Am Not a Secularist (Connolly), 27

Willful nonknowing, 128

Williams, Rowan, 60, 64

Wilson, Eric, 347n5

Winterson, Jeanette, 127

Wolfson, Elliot, 333n75, 371n26

Woman, 201–4; see also Gender

Wood, David, 317n9

“The Word” (Cardenal), 153

Word Made Skin (Mackendrick), 168

World of becoming, 261–63

Worlds without End (Rubenstein), 114

Yada (erotic knowing), 30, 63, 92, 320n30

Yearning (eros), 76–77, 81

YHWH, 51–52, 293, 320n30

Zajonc, Arthur G., 148

Žižek, Slavoj, 26, 28, 320n25

Zwiefalt (twofold), 177