Chapter 16:

Race Rehearsal

Practicing and choosing the right Run Walk Run® strategy

The race rehearsal workout can help you experience goal race pace while testing several Run Walk Run® strategies. By trying a variety of these strategies you will learn which feels best while having alternative strategies that you have used in case a shift is needed on race day. These workouts are scheduled on a short run day during each week—usually Tuesday or Thursday.

Magic Mile must predict goal pace

Before choosing a goal, look over the Magic Mile chapter, especially the Galloway performance predictor in this book or at Make sure that your goal is in line with what is realistic.

Here’s how to do the race rehearsal

After your warm-up, during one of the short runs each week, time yourself on a measured half-mile segment. Your mission is to run the time you want to run per half mile in the race.

For example, if your goal is 10 minutes/mile in the race, run the half mile in 5:00. Walk for 2-3 minutes between each. Repeat for 4-8 times. On each successive half mile (2 laps around a track) use a different Run Walk Run® strategy. Here are some suggested alternatives based upon pace per mile.

Suggested pace strategies for race rehearsal segments

8 min/mi

9 min/mi

10 min/mi

11 min/mi

12 min/mi

13 min/mi

14 min/mi

15 min/mi

16 min/mi

You want to feel smooth as you go through the half miles (800 meters). You’ll learn how to pace yourself while experiencing which of the strategies feel smoother and which may allow you to stay on pace without significant effort.