Chapter 7:

The Magic Mile Time Trial Guides the Run Walk Run® Strategy

Knowing what a realistic pace for a given run is can indicate the right Run Walk Run® strategy. The Magic Mile (MM) can set the pace. This simple cognitive strategy can keep you from setting unrealistic goals and then training too hard. As you do the math you will know current capabilities and how much improvement may be possible during a season. The Run Walk Run® strategies are directly linked to the pace per mile.

I’ve used a number of different evaluation tools over my 50+ years of running. The MM has been the most accurate reality check in setting a safe pace and then a Run Walk Run® strategy for all workouts. It will also provide guidance as to when a goal change might be productive. To ensure continued injury-free running enjoyment, you need to know current potential in order to set the right Run Walk Run® strategy for various paces. Without the MM, most runners usually set an unrealistic goal, which leads to overtraining and frustration.

NOTE: Beginners should follow the suggestions in the Off the Couch chapter in this book.

How to do the MM

Note: Remember that you are only running one MM each day it is scheduled.

How to run the MM

On the first MM, run gently for three laps and pick up the pace a bit on the last. Try to remember the time of each quarter mile (one lap around a track is close enough to a quarter mile if you run in the middle of the first lane). On each successive MM afterward, run the first lap slightly slower than you think you can average. Take a short walk break at the quarter mile, half mile, or even eighth mile marks. If you aren’t huffing and puffing, you can pick up the pace a bit on the second lap. If you are huffing after the first lap, then just hold your pace on lap two—or reduce it slightly.

Walk breaks during a MM? Many runners find that they run faster when they insert a 15-30-second walk break every half lap or every lap or at least at the half mile. At the end of lap 3, the walk break is optional. It is OK to be breathing hard on the last lap. If you are slowing down on the last lap, start a little slower on the next MM. When you finish, you should feel like you couldn’t run more than about half a lap at that pace. You may find that you don’t need many (or any) walk breaks during the MM—experiment and adjust.

Don’t Sprint!

How hard should I run the MM?

The first one should be only slightly faster than you normally run. With each successive MM, pick up the pace and try to beat your previous best time. By the fourth MM, you should be running fairly close to your potential.

Should I use walk breaks during the MM?

Most of the runners I’ve coached who have tried both non-stop running and Run Walk Run® have reported faster times when walk breaks were inserted in some form. Try it both ways.

Galloway’s Performance Predictor

Step 1:

Run your MM time trial (4 laps around the track or 1,600 meters).

Step 2:

Convert the MM time to minutes and hundredths of a minute (9:33 MM is 9.55).

Step 3:

Compute your current potential mile pace for the race of your choice by using the formula below.

Step 4:

Compute the pace of long runs by adding 2 minutes to the potential marathon pace.

Step 5:

Do the training necessary to prepare for the goal of your choice.

Using periodic MMs to predict best potential per mile in a race

5K—add 33 seconds to the best current MM
10K—multiply by 1.15
Half Marathon—multiply by 1.2
Marathon—multiply by 1.3

Example: Magic Mile time: 10:00

5K potential pace per mile: 10 + 33 seconds = 10:33 per mile

10K potential per mile pace: multiply 10 x 1.15 = 11:30 per mile

Half marathon potential per mile pace: multiply 10 x 1.2 = 12 min/mi

Marathon potential per mile pace: Multiply 10 x 1.3 = 13 min/mi

Long run training pace: add 2 minutes per mile = 15 minutes per mile

Note: Slow down the long runs and long races by 30 sec/mile for every 5°F increase above 60°F (20 sec/km for every 2°C above 14°C).

Metric runners: multiply the mile pace by .62 to determine pace per kilometer

Note: The potential that is determined by the computations assumes that you will be running about all-out effort in your goal race, that you did all of the training in my time goal programs, and that conditions were perfect on race day. Because conditions are not usually perfect it is best to add a few seconds per mile to what the MM predicts on a perfect day, for at least the first few miles of your goal race.

First-time racers should run to finish only

I strongly recommend that first-time runners in any race should not attempt a time goal. Use the MM to determine your long run pace (adding 2 minutes to the MM time multiplied by 1.3). During the race itself, I recommend running the first two-thirds of the race at your training pace. During the last third you may run as you wish.

Time goal runners may make a “leap of faith” goal prediction

I have no problem at the beginning of a training season allowing my e-coach athletes, who’ve run one or more races at a certain distance, to choose a goal time that is faster than that predicted by the initial MM in the same race. As you do the speed training, the long runs and your form drills, most runners improve…but how much? In my experience this leap-of-faith goal should not exceed 3-5% improvement in a 6-month training program.

How to set up the leap of faith

Example: “leap of faith” improvement in a half marathon

Half-Marathon Pre-test prediction

3% Improvement

5% Improvement
















(Over a 4-6 month training program)

The key to goal setting is keeping your ego in check. From my experience, I have found that a 3% improvement is realistic. This means that if your half-marathon time is predicted to be 3:00, then it is realistic to assume you could lower it by five and a half minutes if you do the speed training and the long runs as noted on my training schedules in my books. The maximum improvement, which is less likely, is a more aggressive 5% or 9 minutes off a three-hour half marathon.

In both of these situations, however, everything must come together to produce the predicted result. Even runners who shoot for a 3% improvement and do all the training as described, achieve their goal slightly more than 50% of the time during a racing season. The more aggressive performances usually result in success about 20% of the time. There are many factors that determine a time goal in any race that are outside of your control: weather, terrain, infection, etc.

The prediction from the MM assumes that you have done all of the training for the goal (e.g., long runs and speed workouts), the weather is ideal, the course is not hilly, and that you don’t have to weave around runners very much—or swing wide around too many turns.

Note: Crowded races force you to run longer than race distance—usually about half a mile in a half marathon and one mile additional in a marathon.

MM time trials give you a reality check throughout the program

Reasons why you may not be improving:

Final reality check

Time-goal runners: Take your fastest MM and use Galloway’s Performance Predictor above. It is recommended that you run the first third of your goal race a few seconds per mile slower than the pace predicted by the MM.

To-finish runners should run the first two-thirds of the race at training pace and then speed up if desired.

If the MMs are predicting a time that is slower than the goal you’ve been training for, go with the time predicted by the MM.