I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to make the rest of the memory come into focus.
But it’s fading. Savvy’s laugh, her smile, start to drift away, and all I have left is an ache in my chest.
We were going to leave Plumpton, together. I can see Savvy in L.A. She would have loved the beach and hated the traffic. We probably would have shared an apartment.
I can’t breathe, thinking about what could have been.
What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? Savvy’s words go round and round in my head. She’s in front of me, smiling as blood drips down her face. I’m trying too hard.
Through the storefront window, I can see Nina standing in front of Emmett, arms crossed over her chest. His face is red, angry. He’s yelling at her.
He left the wedding. I blink as I remember—I clearly saw his face as he turned his truck onto the road to leave.
I grab my phone from my purse. Ben picks up on the first ring.
“Hey, Lucy.”
“Didn’t Emmett say he stayed at the wedding until it ended?”
“What? Uh … yeah. Wait, wait, can I record this?”
“Fine, whatever. Just—”
“Hold on. Okay. Ask that again.”
“Emmett said he stayed until the wedding ended?”
“Yeah. Wedding went until three a.m. People saw him there. He helped organize rides for people to get home.”
“No one remembers him leaving and coming back?”
“No. He said he was there the whole time.”
“I remember him leaving. Right before Savvy and I left.”
There’s a long pause. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I got in the car with Savvy, and I clearly saw him driving past us, down that dirt road that leads to the highway. He saw me too. Our eyes met.”
“Lucy, do you remember what happened?”
“It … it’s coming back in bits and pieces. I remember parts of the wedding, and I remember getting in the car with her. We were talking about leaving. Going to Los Angeles together.”
“Were you fighting or…?”
“No. We weren’t. We were happy.” My breath catches in my throat.
“Let’s go back there. Now. It’s dark out; maybe that will help. Where are you?”
“I’m outside the art shop.” My words come out breathless.
Through the store window, Emmett gestures angrily.
I see Nina flinch. She draws her arms into her body, turns her face away, and squeezes her eyes shut.
I’ve done that.
I know that pose.
It’s what you do when you’re bracing to be hit.
“Lucy?” Ben says.
Emmett doesn’t hit her. He grabs both her wrists.
“Why are you at the art shop?”
“Because Emmett…” I trail off. I can tell that Emmett is holding Nina’s wrists too tightly. Tears are streaming down her face, and she’s trying to pull free of his grasp.
“He’s hurting her,” I say quietly. I should move. I should help.
“Emmett? Who’s he hurting?”
Nina breaks free. She bolts from the shop and practically dives into her car. I watch in the rearview mirror as it disappears around the corner.
A knock on the window makes me jump.
It’s Emmett.
And now I remember.