“Hey,” Emmett says, his voice muffled through the car window, bringing me back to the present. He opens the door. I wish I’d locked it. He kneels down so we’re at eye level. “Don’t leave. Come inside for a minute.”

Lucy?” Ben’s voice is small, coming from the phone I have lowered onto my thigh. Emmett glances down at it.

“Who is that?” Emmett asks.

“Ben,” I say faintly. I’m frozen. All I can see is Emmett’s angry face as he lunges for me.

“Hi, Ben!” Emmett says loudly, cheerfully. He smiles at me.

I don’t know whether my face shows how baffled I am. I’m too numb to feel anything.

“Are you going to hang up with him or…?” Emmett laughs a little.

And then he swallows, and I see it. He’s nervous.

My mouth is dry. I grip the phone too tightly, until my hand hurts.

Emmett reaches over and takes it from me. He presses it to his ear. “Hey, Ben. I think Lucy needs a minute. She’ll call you back, okay?”

I don’t know whether Ben protests. Emmett ends the call and slides the phone—my phone—into his pocket. He puts a gentle hand on my arm.

“Why don’t you come inside? You want a glass of water or something?”

I shake my head.

“Well, I can’t let you drive like this. You’re white as a sheet.” He reaches over and takes my keys from where I’d dropped them on the passenger’s seat. I realize suddenly that I’m sweating. I’ve been sitting in this hot car for several minutes.

Run, Lucy,” Savvy screams in my head. “Run!

“Come inside,” Emmett says again. He puts a hand on my cheek. “Let me take care of you.”

Emmett unbuckles my seat belt. I didn’t know I had it on.

“Come on.” Emmett puts both hands on my arms. “Let’s just get out of this car, okay, Lucy?”

His voice is gentle.

It’s confusing, because in my head he’s screaming.