
Chapter 4: Don’t Give Up

1. Leigh Montville, “Wide and to the Right: The Kick That Will Forever Haunt Scott Norwood,”, September 12, 2011,

2. “The size of this group is indicated by the text as 30,000 men, which appears to be an unusually large contingent for such a secret maneuver as ambush close to the city. One plausible answer to the problem is that the text should read ‘thirty officers.’ This suggestion is made by R. E. D. Clark, who points out that the Hebrew word elep, translated ‘thousand,’ can also be translated as ‘chief’ or ‘officer,’ as it is translated in other passages (cf. 1 Chron. 12:23–27; 2 Chron. 13:3, 17; 17:14–19). If this were the case, then the thirty-man group was a highly selected commando unit, assigned to enter the vacated city and burn it. This view may better explain also the description of the contingent as chosen for being ‘mighty men of valor’—more meaningful to a thirty-man group than to a 30,000-man unit. It should be noted here, however, that the second ambuscade definitely involved 5,000 men (8:12).” Irving L. Jensen, Joshua: Rest-Land Won (Chicago: Moody Press, 1966), 72.

Chapter 5: Follow the God Who Follows You

1. F. B. Meyer, The Shepherd Psalm (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1991), 125.

2. This story initially appeared in The Gift for All People. Thanks to Multnomah Publishing for allowing us to use it in Traveling Light and Begin Again.

Chapter 6: Accept the Gift of Himself

1. Job 13:4–5 TLB.

2. Job 33:29–30.

3. Job 38:2.

4. Job 38:3.

5. Job 38:4 TLB.

6. Job 38:5–7 TLB.

7. Job 38:12–13 TLB.

8. Job 38:17–21 TLB.

9. Job 40:4–5 TLB.

10. Job 41:11 TLB.

11. Job 42:5 TLB.

Chapter 7: Rely On the Holy Spirit

1. William C. Frey, The Dance of Hope: Finding Ourselves in the Rhythm of God’s Great Story (Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook, 2003), 174.

Chapter 9: Settle Down Deep in His Love

1. Gary Smith, “The Rapture of the Deep,” Sports Illustrated, 16 June 2003, 62–78.

2. David Brainerd, quoted in Cynthia Heald, “Becoming a Friend of God,” Discipleship Journal, no. 54 (1989): 22.

3. Craig Childs, The Secret Knowledge of Water: Discovering the Essence of the American Desert (Boston: Little, Brown, 2000), 61–62.

Part 3

1. Herbert Lockyer, All the Promises of the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1962), 10.

Chapter 10: Hold On to Your Soul Anchor

1. Lynda Schultz, “The Story Behind the Song,” Thrive,

2. Schultz, “The Story.”

Chapter 11: Choose Faith

1. Used with permission.

2. Edward Mote, “This Solid Rock” in Sacred Selections for the Church: A Collection of Sacred Selections Featuring Choice Favorites Old and New (Kendallville, IN: Sacred Selections, 1956), no. 120.

Chapter 12: Let Your Father Fight for You

1. Sean Alfano, “Teens Arrested after Posting YouTube Video of Beating 13-Year-Old Boy and Hanging Him from a Tree,” New York Daily News, February 1, 2011, See also Rick Reilly, “Eagles over Wolves in a Rout,”, last modified February 14, 2011,

2. W. E. Vine, Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words: A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Original Greek Words with Their Precise Meanings for English Readers (McLean, VA: MacDonald Publishing, n.d.), 554.

Chapter 14: Be You

1. Adapted from Joel Osteen, Every Day a Friday: How to Be Happier 7 Days a Week (New York: FaithWords, 2011), 131–32.

Chapter 15: Share What God Has Given

1. Barbara Bressi-Donahue, “Friends of the Ring,” Reader’s Digest, June 1999, 154.

2. David Jeremiah, Acts of Love (Gresham, OR: Vision House, 1994), 92.

3. Bressi-Donahue, “Friends,” 153–60.

Chapter 16: Love Those in Need

1. Gene Weingarten, “Pearls before Breakfast,” Washington Post, April 8, 2007,

2. Frederick Dale Bruner, The Churchbook: Matthew 13–28 (Dallas: Word Publishing, 1990), 918.

3. David Aikman, Great Souls: Six Who Changed the Century (Nashville: Word Publishing, 1998), 199–221, 224.

Chapter 18: Reserve Judgment of Life’s Storms

1. Ecclesiastes 7:8.

2. Romans 12:12.

3. Matthew 6:34.

Chapter 20: Listen for the Song of the Whip-poor-will

1. Augustine, Confessions I.i, as quoted in Peter Kreeft, Heaven: The Heart’s Deepest Longing (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1989), 49. The inspiration for this essay about the whip-poor-will is drawn from Kreeft’s description in “The Nightingale in the Heart,” 51–54.

2. With appreciation to Landon Saunders for this idea.

3. Augustine, Confessions.