Chronicle What Christ Has Done
- Believing in Christ is a soul rebirth. When you met Christ, you effectively began again, everything in the past, now past. If you were ever given a second chance, you know what it’s like to begin again. If you were ever rescued from a desperate situation and had your hope restored, you know what it’s like to begin again. Do you remember what you were like before this new beginning? Do you remember what was different in your life? Write as much as you can remember about this “before” time.
- What is the purpose of remembering who we were and what we were like before we had a begin-again experience? Even if it is painful for you to recollect some of those memories, why is it important to remember anyway?
- Max talked about a number of biblical characters in this book—some who listened to God and succeeded, others who didn’t and failed, and many who fell somewhere in between, but they all encountered God. As Max said, “The Bible contains one story after another of God leading people out of their desperate situations. Tell me, why are these stories in the Bible? Why are the Gospels full of such people?” (p. 138). How would you answer those questions? How do these characters’ stories give you hope?
- Paul said to the church at Corinth, “Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth” (1 Cor. 1:26).
- What were you when you were called?
- How have you changed since then?
- What has God used in your life for good?
- What has God freed you from?
- Max talks about a potential heavenly scenario in which we get to hear each other’s stories of beginning again—from Jonah, to Zacchaeus, to Martin Luther, to King David, to you. How would you tell your story?