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Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Abs, Hermann Josef, 78, 242–43, 247, 250, 265
Accumulatoren-Fabrik AG. See AFA
Adenauer, Konrad, 218, 242, 253
AFA (Accumulatoren-Fabrik AG). See also Pertrix; Varta
Abs on supervisory board, 78
Allied approach and occupation, 188–90
Aryanizations, 139–40, 215, 244
bombing raids, 174–75
company magazine, 144
corporate coup attempt, 63–65
forced and slave labor, 156–58, 173, 188–89, 286
military sales, 23, 76, 79, 131, 157
Nazi occupation (1933), 63
Nazi Party, donations to, 61
Pavel and, 104–5, 175, 190
postwar situation, 190, 202–3, 243, 244
Quandt (Günther) takeover, 23–24
Quandt (Herbert) and, 66, 104–5, 139, 188, 201–3, 245
relocation to Bissendorf, 189–90
World War I, 23
AfD (Alternative für Deutschland), 298, 300, 301–4, 309
Agricola (Tacitus), vii
Alfred Landecker Foundation, 306–7
postwar situation, 195, 197, 251–52
reckoning with Nazi past, 280, 282
supervisory board, 117, 195
von Finck and, 40, 41, 60, 251–52
Altana (company), 270, 271. See also Byk Gulden
Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), 298, 300, 301–4, 309
Anschluss, 115–16
anti-Semitism, 64, 84, 107, 276, 304
Anton Kohn (bank), 117
Arlosoroff, Victor Chaim, 19, 65
Army Weapons Agency (HWA), 79, 80, 82–85, 161
fictitious tax method, 126, 128
Flick family, 101, 105–12, 117, 125–28, 146, 207, 250, 265
Oetker family, 96, 100–101, 201
Porsche-Piëch family, 91–93, 101, 121, 212, 260, 296, 297–98
postwar restitution, 196–98, 206, 220, 226, 243–44, 265
Quandt family, 101, 103–4, 139–41, 190, 206, 215, 217, 243–44, 250, 289
von Finck family, 101, 112–19, 194, 196–97, 220–22, 250
Association for the Preservation of the Rule of Law and Citizen Freedoms, 302–4
Association of Merchants and Industrialists (Berlin), 64
ATG (company), 81
Attlee, Clement, 193
Aufhäuser, Martin, 112–14
Auschwitz concentration camp, 156, 163, 165, 172–73, 191, 264
Austria, annexation of, 111, 115–16
Austro-Daimler, 163
Auwi, Prince, 34
Baarová, Lida, 99, 123, 124, 139
Bahlsen, Verena, 6–7, 12
Bahlsen company, 6–7, 12
Barclays, 269, 298
BASF (chemicals company), 248
Battle for Berlin (J. Goebbels), 48
Beer Hall Putsch, 235
Behrend, Auguste, 17–21, 35, 50
Belgian women, slave labor, 173–74
Belzec extermination camp, 305
Bendels, David, 303, 304
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 9, 164, 165, 188
forced labor documentation center, 291
Soviet approach and capture, 153, 184
Berlin-Erfurter Maschinenwerken, 103–4
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, 269
Black Lair (Himmler’s command post), 166
Blomberg, Werner von, 78, 82–83
Blut und Boden (blood and soil), 88, 102
charitable arm, 309
forced and slave labor, 10, 156
modern era, 10, 248, 270, 271, 282, 307, 309
postwar restructuring plan, 10, 247–48
Quandt family control, 10, 248, 270, 271, 307
reckoning with Nazi past, 10, 282
Bochum steel factory, 8
Bosch, Robert, 101
Brauchitsch, Eberhard von, xv, 266–68, 267
Braun, Eva, 89, 184
Braun, Wernher von, 192
Buchenwald concentration camp, 264
Buddenbrooks (Mann), 200
Buffett, Warren, 279
Bürckel, Josef, 116
Busch-Jaeger Dürener, 245, 248
Byk Gulden (company), 76, 243. See also Altana
CDU (Christian Democratic Union), 267, 301, 305
Cegielski weapons complex, 137, 170–71
Central Office for Jewish Emigration, 116
Chaplin, Charlie, 75
Charlottenhütte (steel firm), 27
Chelmno extermination camp, 104, 136
Christian Democratic Union (CDU), 267, 301, 305
Christian Social Union (CSU), 255, 267, 300
Chrysler Building, New York, 271
Churchill, Winston, 142, 143
CIC (US Counter Intelligence Corps), 192, 199, 202
Clay, Lucius D., 213
coerced labor. See forced and slave labor
Commerzbank, 77, 87, 154
postwar threat of, 11, 213
prewar Germany, 35, 36, 38, 66
Russia, 2
concentration camps. See also extermination camps
Auschwitz, 156, 163, 165, 172–73, 191, 264
Bergen-Belsen, 9, 164, 165, 188
Buchenwald, 264
Dachau, 89–90, 113, 156, 168, 191, 207, 214
Flossenbürg, 191
Fort VII, 171
Gross-Rosen, 175, 264
Gusen, 191
Jews threatened with, 107, 114
Kislau, 93
liberation, 198
Mauthausen, 191
as memorial sites, 286–87
Neuengamme, 156–58, 164–65, 173, 198, 286–87
Oetker (Rudolf-August) on, 96
Peugeot employees, 211, 224
Ravensbrück, 156, 173
Sachsenhausen, 90, 156, 161, 164–65, 173
Salzwedel, 198
Counter Intelligence Corps, US (CIC), 192, 199, 202
Crete, German invasion, 141–44
CSU (Christian Social Union), 255, 267, 300
Dachau concentration camp, 89–90, 113, 156, 168, 191, 207, 214
DAF (German Labor Front), 119, 121, 129
Deutsche Bank, 247, 266
Flick family, 238, 246, 266
forced and slave labor, 156
Hitler’s car, repair of, 59–60
International Motor Show, 69
Porsche (Ferdinand), career, 58, 59–60
postwar tank production, 254–55
Quandt family, 78, 243, 245–47, 261–62
reckoning with Nazi past, 280, 282
death camps. See concentration camps; extermination camps
“degenerate art” exhibition, 102
Degussa (German Gold and Silver Separation Institute), 300–301
Degussa (gold-trading firm), 300–302
de Jong, David, 7–9, 276
Delbrück Schickler (bank), Berlin, 4
denazification courts, 214–22, 226–27, 277
Deutsche Bank
Aryanizations, 117
Daimler-Benz, 247, 266
DWM expansion plans, 154–55
Flick conglomerate, purchase of, 268, 282
Jewish Claims Conference, 268
postwar leadership, 242
reckoning with Nazi past, 280
supervisory board, 62, 78, 195
Third Reich, financing of, 77
Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken. See DWM
Dietrich, Hugo, 125–26
Dix, Rudolf, 230–33
Döhlen steel plant, 161
Donauwörth (arms firm), 83–84
Dr. Oetker (food company)
Aryanizations, 96, 100–101, 201
forced and slave labor, 156, 167–68
Kaselowsky’s management, 87–89, 96, 201
as model company, 96
neo-Nazis and, 259
Oetker (Rudolf-August) and, 87–88, 94, 176, 223–24, 249–50, 293
Phrix joint venture, 167–68
postwar situation, 201, 223–24, 249–50
products, 167, 295
succession dispute, 294–95
World War II business, 166
Dresdner Bank, 77, 87, 100, 154, 195
Dreyfus, Willy, xvii, 114–15, 194, 197–98, 220, 222–23
Dreyfus bank, 114–15, 194, 197, 220
Dreyfus sheet-metal business, 140
Dulles, John Foster, 109–10
Duralumin (product), 80–81
Dürener (DWM subsidiary), 80–81, 97–98, 243
DWM (Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken)
arms complex, 79–80
Aryanizations, 103–4
Cegielski weapons complex, 137, 170
Dürener subsidiary, 80–81, 97–98, 243
forced and slave labor, 155, 205
IWK subsidiary, 243, 245, 253–55
Krupp comparisons, 171
Lübeck facility, 80
Mauser subsidiary, 80, 243, 245, 253
postwar situation, 243
Quandt (Günther) and, 24–25, 32, 79–80, 205
supervisory board, 78
World War I arms sales, 24
World War II arms production, 76, 131, 154–55, 170, 214
Dynamit Nobel, 264–65, 268
Eagle’s Nest, 94
East Germany, 218, 242
Eduard von Nicolai bank, 118
Eichmann, Adolf, 116
Einsatzgruppen, 149–51, 208
Eisenhower administration, 253
Eisner, Fritz, 244
election (1930), 34–35, 38
election (1932), 53, 54
election (1933), 3–5, 61
EVZ (Remembrance, Responsibility, and the Future), 281–83
extermination camps. See also concentration camps
Belzec, 305
Chelmno, 104, 136
looting of corpses, 300–301
Poland, 153
Sobibor, 8, 305
Zyklon B, 300
Faulhaber, Ulrich, 149
FDP (political party), 300
Federal Republic of Germany. See West Germany
Fella firm, 192
Ferry Porsche Foundation, 295–97
“Final Solution to the Jewish Question,” 149–50
Fischer, Otto Christian, 114, 119
Flick, Dagmar, xv, 191, 266, 280, 282
Flick, Friedrich
Aryanizations, 101, 105–12, 117, 125–28, 207, 250
Aryanizations, postwar restitution, 265
asset value, 160
ATG, 81
Berlin, move to (1923), 25
birth and family background, 26
BMW, 247
in cast of characters, xv
character traits, 25–26, 27, 81
Daimler-Benz investment, 238, 246–47
death and memorial service, 264, 265–66
Donauwörth lease, 83–84
Dresdner Bank supervisory board, 87, 195
Dynamit Nobel, 264
with family, 145, 263
Fella firm, 192
financial troubles (1932), 51–52
fleeing Berlin, 190–91
forced and slave labor, 85, 156, 160–61, 209, 228, 232, 264–65, 283
Friedrich Flick Foundation, 284
Gelsenberg (mining firm), 28, 51–54
as Germany’s wealthiest man, 238, 256, 257–58, 264
Göring and, 98, 109–11, 118, 146, 161
Gröditz weapons plant, 191, 232
Harpener and Essener mining, 81, 128
Haus der Deutschen Kunst donations, 101
Himmler’s Circle of Friends, 85–87, 89–90, 108, 165–66, 208, 231, 234, 235
Hindenburg’s reelection campaign, 53
Hitler meetings, 1–5, 52–53, 54, 60–61, 229
Krauss-Maffei, 254–55
Leopard tank contract, 254–55
Lübeck blast furnaces, 106–7, 112
Maxhütte (steel firm), 191, 237
Montan (shell company), 83–84
Nazi Party, 54, 60–61, 62, 86–87
Order of Merit, 284
Petschek conglomerates, 107–12, 125–28, 231, 265
portrait, 26
postwar arrest and trial, 192–93, 207–9, 228–37, 229
postwar restructuring of empire, 236, 237–38
PR campaign, 160
rearmament era, 81–85
Rombach steelworks, 161–62, 235
Simson negotiations, 84–85
sixtieth birthday, 159–60
steel empire, 26–28, 51, 81, 130
Steinbrinck as right-hand man, 52–55, 81–85, 105, 107–10, 125, 129–30
succession plans, 130, 144–46, 161, 262–64
Südwestfalen (steel firm), 252
Thyssen (August), pact with, 27
Tölzer program, 192
Ukraine, reports from, 148–49
Flick, Friedrich Karl, 267
in cast of characters, xv
character traits, 264, 266
childhood, 26
death, 282–83
Deutsche Bank, sale to, 266, 282
with family, 145, 263
family succession conflict, 263–64
Flick affair (corruption scandal), 268
Flick conglomerate control, 266, 280
in Flick succession plans, 144, 146, 263–64, 266
forced and slave labor, 268, 283
heirs, 283
immigration to Austria, 270
Flick, Ingrid, xv, 283, 283–85, 311–12
Flick, Marie, 25, 237, 262–64, 263
Flick, Mick, xv, 263, 266, 280, 282
Flick, Muck, xv, 263, 266, 280–81
Flick, Otto-Ernst
in cast of characters, xv
character traits, 144–45, 262
childhood, 25, 26
Daimler-Benz, 247
death, 266
with family, 145, 263
fleeing France, 191
Flick (Friedrich)’s Nuremberg trial, 232
in Flick succession plans, 130, 144–46, 161, 262–64
forced and slave labor, 162–63, 208
Gröditz weapons plant, 191
management failures, 161–63, 190–91
Maxhütte reorganization, 193–94
Maxhütte (steel firm), 191–92
postwar arrest and interrogation, 194, 207–8
Rombach steelworks, 146, 161–63, 208, 232
Steinbrinck and, 130
Flick, Rudolf, 25, 26, 144–46, 145
Flick conglomerate
bribery scandal, 267–68, 281
dissolution, 268
holdings, 264
neo-Nazis and, 259
sold to Deutsche Bank, 268, 282
succession conflict, 262–64
Flick family, 145, 263. See also Daimler-Benz
Aryanizations, 101, 105–12, 117, 125–28, 146, 207, 250, 265
cast of characters, xv
family tree, 314
forced and slave labor, 85, 156, 160–63, 191–92, 208, 209, 228, 232, 264–65, 268, 281, 283–84
modern day holdings, 191
Quandt family and, 247
reckoning with Nazi past, 280–85
tax exemptions, 266–67
Flossenbürg concentration camp, 191
flu pandemic (1918), 15, 17
forced and slave labor
abuses, 157–58, 163, 165, 171, 173, 174, 191–92, 277
AFA, 15, 156–58, 173, 188–89, 286
author’s family, 8
Bahlsen company, 6–7
BMW, 10, 156
child labor, 160–61, 165, 171
compensation, 268, 279–82, 307
Daimler-Benz, 156
death marches, 188, 192
deaths, 156, 158, 163, 171, 188–89, 192
documentation center, 291
Dr. Oetker, 156, 167–68
DWM, 155, 205
expansion, 155–56
Flick family, 85, 156, 160–63, 191–92, 208, 209, 228, 232, 264–65, 268, 281, 283–84
Gröditz weapons plant, 191
IG Farben, 156
injuries, 158, 192
JAB, 276, 307
Kapos, 157–58
Krupp, 156
liberation, 198
living and working conditions, 147–48, 156, 162–63, 165, 170–71, 173–74, 191–92
Maxhütte, 191–92
mine conversion to arms factory, 172–73
Oetker family, 156, 167–68
Opel, 225
overview, 6–7
Pertrix, 173–75, 219, 291
Porsche-Piëch family, 147–48, 156, 164–65, 172–73, 199, 211
Quandt family, 155–58, 170–71, 173–75, 187–89, 205, 219, 286–91
Reimann family, 276, 277, 306, 307
Rombach steelworks, 162–63
Siemens, 156
Volkswagen, 147–48, 156, 164–65, 172–73, 198, 199, 211
Ford, Henry, 31, 70, 121
Fort VII (prison and concentration camp), 171
France, Quandt Aryanizations, 139–41
Frank, Hans, 112, 136
Friedländer, Auguste, 17–21, 35, 50
Friedländer, Magda. See Goebbels, Magda
Friedländer, Richard, 19
Friedrich Flick Foundation, 284–85
Funk, Walther
Aryanizations and, 126, 137
in cast of characters, xvi
Flick (Friedrich) and, 52–53, 54
Hitler meetings with businessmen, 2–5, 39, 41–42, 52–53, 60
as NSDAP’s economic newsletter editor, 52
Nuremberg trial and sentence, 209
Quandt (Günther) and, 23–24, 75–76, 137
as Reichsbank president and minister of economic affairs, 75, 116
Society for the Study of Fascism, 38
Ganz, Josef, 69
Garbo, Greta, 75
Gardelegen, Germany, 189
Gauland, Alexander, 304
Gelsenberg (mining firm), 28, 51–54
German Democratic Republic (East Germany), 218, 242
German Gold and Silver Separation Institute (Degussa), 300–301
German Labor Front (DAF), 119, 121, 129
German National People’s Party, 4–5
abuse of forced and slave laborers, 163
arrest of fleeing Jews, 8
Landecker arrest, 305
Loeffellad arrest, 83–84
Milch investigation, 97
Nebuschka arrest, 171
Rosenberger arrest, 91, 93, 260
Rosenberger’s citizenship revoked, 122
Goal (PR firm), 303, 304
Goebbels, Heidrun, 124, 143, 181–82, 185, 186
Goebbels, Helga, 71, 99, 143, 181–82, 185, 186
Goebbels, Helmut, 71, 143, 181–82, 185, 186
Goebbels, Hilde, 71, 143, 181–82, 185, 186
Goebbels, Joseph
affair with Baarová, 99, 123, 124, 139
appearance, 35
art collection, 102
Battle for Berlin, 48
in cast of characters, xvi
Christmas (1940), 138–39
death, 181–85, 257
“degenerate art” exhibition, 102
education, 34
election campaign (1930), 34–35, 38
election campaign fund (1933), 5
eradication of Jews, 136, 149–50, 153–54
gift for rhetoric and bombast, 34, 35
on Göring, 178
“The Great German Art Exhibition,” 101–2
Hitler, slavish devotion to, 34
Magda, courtship, 42–46, 45
Magda, first meeting, 35–36
Magda, wedding, 48–50, 49
Magda’s miscarriage, 55–56
marital difficulties, 98–99, 123–24, 135
as Nazi chief of propaganda, 35, 36
Nazi Party, rise through ranks, 34–35
Nazi Party meetings, 49, 99
Nebuschka and, 171
Oetker (Rudolf-August) and, 96
Poland, survey of (1939), 136
Quandt custody battles, 50–51, 55, 70–72
Quandt (Günther), arrest, 64–65
Quandt (Günther), jealousy, 56
Quandt (Günther), Nazi Party membership, 62, 217
Quandt (Günther), opinion of, 47–48
Quandt (Günther), “peace at any cost” stance, 159
Quandt (Günther), postwar lies about, 202, 203, 215, 217
Quandt (Günther), sixtieth birthday party, 76–77
Quandt (Harald), childhood, 44, 45, 55–56
Quandt (Harald), final letter to, 183–84
Quandt (Harald), goals for, 138
Quandt (Harald), Luftwaffe service, 135–36, 141, 143, 143, 152–53, 169–70, 177–78
on Quandt (Herbert), 51, 139
on Quandt (Werner), 51
as Reich minister of public enlightenment and propaganda, 61
Das Reich (newspaper), 76
Reich Press Chamber, 100
on Ribbentrop (Joachim von), 151
sixtieth-birthday party, 144
“Total War” speech, 153, 154
Volkswagen, opinion of, 102–3
Volkswagen car, 129
Goebbels, Magda (Ritschel/Friedlander/Quandt), 21
affairs, 32, 34, 77, 98–99, 124, 248
art collection, 102
in cast of characters, xv
complicity in atrocities, admission of, 186
death, 181–86, 257
Goebbels, courtship, 42–46, 45
Goebbels, first meeting, 35–36
Goebbels, marital difficulties, 98–99, 123–24, 135
Goebbels, wedding, 48–50, 49
Hitler and, 9, 35, 42–43, 46
miscarriage, 55–56
murder of her children, 185–86, 257
Nazi Party, 31–32, 34–37
Nebuschka and, 171
New York trip, 31–32
Nordic Ring, 34
Quandt, courtship, 17–19
Quandt, divorce, 32–33
Quandt, marital difficulties, 20–21, 30–32
Quandt, “peace at any cost” stance, 159
Quandt, relationship with, after divorce, 36, 135
Quandt, wedding, 19–20, 50
Quandt custody conflict, 50–51, 55, 70–72, 137
Quandt (Ello) and, 185–87
Quandt (Harald), actress girlfriend, 138
Quandt (Harald), final letter to, 181–83, 184
Quandt (Harald), Luftwaffe service, 143, 143, 152, 169, 177–78
Quandt (Harald), Poland visit, 137
Quandt (Hellmut), death of, 30
religious views, 19
Severin estate, 33, 45, 48–49
Winter (Emil) and, 194–95
Goethe University, Frankfurt, 97, 284–85
Göring, Herbert, 87, 108–9, 112, 217
Göring, Hermann
Aero Club, Berlin, 89
Aryanizations, 109–11, 116–18, 126, 127, 146
aviation sector spending, 80
bestowing awards, 76, 98, 178
bribery, 118
in cast of characters, xvi
favorite restaurant, 33
Flick (Friedrich) and, 98, 109–11, 118, 146, 161
Four Year Plan, 109, 126
Goebbelses and, 43, 72
Hitler’s meeting with businessmen, 1–5, 60
Milch and, 97
Nazi economy, 66, 86
Nuremberg trial, 209
obesity, 75
Oetker (Rudolf-August) and, 96
Quandt (Günther) and, 64, 75–76, 98
rearmament and, 78
Society for the Study of Fascism, 38
suicide, 209
Ukraine expropriations, 149
Volkswagen cars, 93–94, 129
Goudstikker, Jacques, 77
Granzow, Walter, 30, 45, 48–50
Great Depression, 38, 53–54
“The Great German Art Exhibition,” 101–2
Greece, German invasion, 141–44
Greiser, Arthur, 104, 171
Gröditz weapons plant, 191, 192, 232
Gross-Rosen concentration camp, 175, 264
Gundlach (publisher), 100
Gusen concentration camp, 191
Gutterer, Leopold, 77
H. Aufhäuser (bank), 112–14
Hackinger, Corbin, 140
Hahn family, xvii, 106–7, 265
Halle synagogue shooting, 304–5
Hamburg Süd, 249
Hamel, Paul, 24, 25, 38, 47
Hanau shooting spree, 304
Hanke, Karl, 77, 124
Hanstein, Fritz Huschke von, 249
Harald Quandt Holding, 9
Harf, Peter, xvii, 277–79, 306
Harpener and Essener mining, 81, 128
Haus der Deutschen Kunst, 67–69, 68, 101–2, 112, 113, 194, 220–21
Hayes, Peter, 300
Heine, Fritz, xvii, 103–4
Heine, Johanna, xvii, 103–4
Heldern, Kurt, 96
Helldorf, Count, 124
Henkell (wine producer), 151, 250, 251
Hennigsdorf steel factory, 161
Henry Pels (company), 103–4
Herbert Quandt Foundation, 309
Herbert Quandt Media Prize, 287–88, 292, 308, 309
Herf, Julius, 214–22
Herrmann, Josef, 163–64
Hess, Hans, 67
Heydrich, Reinhard, 149–50
Himmler, Heinrich
Blut und Boden (blood and soil), 88
in cast of characters, xvi
concentration camp tours, 89–90
driver, 249
Flick (Friedrich) and, 54, 85
forced and slave labor, 164–65
as Holocaust architect, 86, 149
Lebensborn (human-breeding association), 90
Nazi Party convention, 86
as poultry farmer, 54, 88
Reimann and, 277
as SS leader, 54, 86
Volkswagen Schwimmwagen (swimming car), 146–48, 147
Himmler’s Circle of Friends
Aryanizations, 108, 109
Black Lair visit, 165–66
business opportunities, 166–67
concentration camp tours, 89–90
formation of, 86–87
importance to Kaselowsky, 176–77
meetings, 89
members, 87, 96, 156
Nuremberg trials, 231, 234, 235
postwar situation, 208
Hindenburg, Paul von, 1, 53, 56
Hirschfeld sheet-metal factory, 140
Hitler, Adolf
annexation of Austria, 111
annexation of Sudetenland, 108, 123–24, 127
appointed as chancellor, 1, 56
Beer Hall Putsch, 235
business tycoons’ view of, 38
in cast of characters, xvi
Dr. Oetker (company) and, 100
election (1933), 3
Flick (Friedrich) and, 52–53, 160
forced and slave labor, 155
in Führerbunker with Goebbelses, 181–83
Goebbelses’ marriage and, 46, 49, 50, 71, 99, 123–24
Goebbels (Magda) and, 42–43, 46, 55–56, 181–82
Goebbels promoted to Berlin Gauleiter, 34
Haus der Deutschen Kunst, 67–69, 68, 101–2, 113, 194
International Motor Show, 59, 69
Iron Cross First Class, 94
Keppler Circle, 54–55
on Krupp as model for German industry, 229
Labor Day speech (1933), 61
labor unions banned, 61
Lebensraum (living space) concept, 88
Luftwaffe budget, 97
marriage to Braun, 184
meetings with businessmen, 1–5, 38–41, 60–61, 229
Mein Kampf, 35, 88, 206, 235
murder of Jews, 161
Nazi Party, ban on membership, 61–62
Nazi Party meetings, 49
Night of the Long Knives massacre, 71
nonaggression pact, 135
Nuremberg Race Laws, 112
Operation Barbarossa, 75
Porsche (Ferdinand) and, 59–60, 69–70, 91
private fortune, 196
Quandt (Günther) and, 47, 64
Quandt (Harald) and, 42–44, 55–56, 143, 178
on Quandt (Werner), 51
rearmament policy, 64
Reich minister of economic affairs, 66
Severin estate, weekends at, 45
on Versailles Treaty, 79
Volkswagen project, 60, 70, 91, 93–94, 119–21, 120, 128–29
Volkswagen Schwimmwagen (swimming car), 146–48, 147
von Finck’s devotion to, 67, 115, 195–96
Hochtief (construction business), 298
Hofgarten Arcades, Munich, 102
Holocaust, 86, 149–51. See also concentration camps; extermination camps
HWA (Army Weapons Agency), 79, 80, 82–85, 161
IG Farben
forced and slave labor, 156
Hitler meeting, 1–5
Nazi Party election fund, 5, 61
Nuremberg trial, 228
Petschek coal interests, 108, 109, 112
postwar use by OMGUS, 193
threat to American subsidiaries, 111
Ignaz Petschek conglomerate, 107–12, 125–28, 231, 265
IMT (International Military Tribunal), 193
Industriewerke Karlsruhe (IWK), 243, 245, 253–55. See also DWM
influenza pandemic (1918), 15, 17
International Military Tribunal (IMT), 193
International Motor Show, 59, 69
IWK (Industriewerke Karlsruhe), 243, 245, 253–55. See also DWM
J. Dreyfus (bank), 114–15
JAB (company), 275–76, 278, 279, 306, 307
Jackson, Robert H., 192–93, 208, 210
Jäger, Karl, 150–51
Jewish Claims Conference, 264, 265, 268
Jews. See also Aryanizations; concentration camps; extermination camps; Holocaust
“alibi Jews,” 204
art looted from, 77
author’s family, 8–9
blamed for Great Depression, 38
businesses expropriated, 10, 84–85, 127
Einsatzgruppen massacres, 149, 150–51, 208
exemption list, 163–64
“flight tax,” 97, 104, 114
immigration to Palestine, 65
Kristallnacht, 113
Lodz ghetto, 136
Nuremberg Race Laws, 85, 97, 103, 112, 115
Quandt (Günther) and, 64
Star of David, 77
Joh. A. Benckiser. See JAB
Johnson, Philip, 259
Julius Petschek conglomerate, 107–12, 126, 231, 265
Jungbluth, Rüdiger, 290, 293–94
Kaletsch, Konrad, 228–35
Kaselowsky, Ida Oetker, 87, 89, 94, 95, 150, 175, 295
Kaselowsky, Richard
Aryanizations, 96, 100, 101, 201
in cast of characters, xvi
death, 175
Dr. Oetker (food company), 87–89, 100, 201
foundation named for, 295
Himmler’s Circle of Friends, 87, 89–90, 96, 165–67, 176–77, 201
Hitler, zeal for, 88
horse-racing stable, 96
museum named for, 259
Nazi Party, 87–89, 88, 89, 95, 100
Oetker (Rudolf-August) and, 87–88, 94, 96, 176
Kaufmann, Julius, 114–15
Kempka, Erich, 249
Keppler, Wilhelm
Aryanizations and, 104, 107–8
in cast of characters, xvii
Himmler’s Circle of Friends, 86
as Hitler’s economic adviser, 54–55, 85, 86
postwar ministries trial and sentence, 228
Keppler Circle (Hitler’s economic council), 54–55, 86
Kyiv, massacre of Jews, 149
Kislau concentration camp, 93
Klatten, Susanne Quandt
affair and blackmail, 288
BMW, 270, 271, 307
in cast of characters, xv
inheritance, 270, 307–8
office, 271, 309
philanthropy, 309
reckoning with family’s Nazi past, 288–89, 291
Kohl, Helmut, 267
Kohn, Anton, 117
Koolhaas, Rem, 282
Korean War, 241, 253
Kranefuss, Fritz, xvii, 54–55, 86–87, 89–90, 176
Kransberg Castle (Allied detention center), 192–93, 199
Krauss-Maffei, 254–55
Kristallnacht, 113
Krupp, Alfried, 228, 236, 285
Krupp, Gustav, 1–5, 101, 228
Krupp (company), 24, 156, 171, 229, 282
Kuka (firm), 245
Kunz, Helmut, 185
Kuwaiti Investment Authority, 261–62
Laagberg camp, 173
labor, forced. See forced and slave labor
Labor Day (1933), 61
labor shortage, 155
labor unions, 61, 119
Lambsdorff, Otto von, 267–68, 281
Lampe (bank), 249–51
Landecker, Alfred, 305
Landecker, Emily, 305–6
land mines, 255
Laval, Léon, 215, 217
Lebensborn (human-breeding association), 90
Lebensraum (living space) concept, 88
Leopard tanks, 253–55
Ley, Robert, 119, 209
Liebknecht, Karl, 38
Liese, Kurt, 83, 84
Lipmanns (Jewish couple), 96
Lodz, Poland, 136
Loeffellad, Emil, 83
Lübeck, Germany, 80, 106–7, 112
Lüdecke, Kurt, 31–32, 34, 98–99
Luxemburg, Rosa, 38
Lynch, George, 189
Malmedy massacre (1944), 249, 250
Mann, Thomas, 200
Marcu, Josif, 208–9
Marshall, George C., 213
Marshall Plan, 213
“master race” breeding program, 90
Mauser (DWM subsidiary), 80, 243, 245, 253
Mauthausen concentration camp, 191
Max Franck (underwear producer), 190
Maxhütte (steel firm), 81, 191–94, 237
McCloy, John J., xvii, 236–37, 265
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 35, 88, 206, 235
Mercedes, 59–60, 69
Merck Finck (bank)
Aryanizations, 114–19, 197, 220
assets, 118
Nazi accounts, 112, 196
postwar situation, 195, 197, 251, 258, 269
sale to Barclays, 269, 298
von Finck and, 40, 251, 258, 269
Merkel, Angela, 301, 302, 305
Messer, Adolf, 285
Meyer, Alfred, 150
Milch, Erhard, 78, 80, 97, 98
Misch, Rochus, 185
Mises, Ludwig von, 300
Mittelstahl (steel firm), 81
Montan (shell company), 83–84
Morgan, J. P., 125
Mouse (supertank prototype), 164
Mövenpick (hotel chain), 298, 300
Munich Re, 40, 194, 195, 197, 251–52
Murnane, George, 110–12
Mussolini, Benito, 37, 129, 159
Nacher, Ignatz, 100–101, 191
National Socialist German Workers’ Party. See Nazi Party
NATO, 253, 255
Naumann, Werner, 248
Nazi Party
agrarian aspects, 88–89
annual conventions, 86–89, 99
Bahlsen family membership, 7
business tycoons’ view of, 38
cast of characters, xvi
elections, 3–5, 34–35, 38, 54
financial difficulties, 4, 48
Haus der Deutschen Kunst, 101
membership numbers, 61–62
in New York, 31
Quandt (Günther) and, 31–32, 48, 62–63
Severin estate meetings, 49
Nebuschka, Reinhardt, 171
neo-Nazis, 259
Netherlands, 8, 9, 77
Neuengamme concentration camp, 156–58, 164–65, 173, 198, 286–87
New York, Occupy Wall Street movement, 7–8
New York Stock Exchange, collapse of, 38, 51
Nicolai, Eduard von, 118
Night of the Long Knives massacre, 71
Nordhoff, Heinrich, 225
Nordic Ring, 34
NSDAP. See Nazi Party
Nuremberg Race Laws (1935), 85, 97, 103, 112, 115
Nuremberg trials. See also denazification courts
American-led trials, 228–335
executions, 209, 250
first trial, 209
Flick trial, 228–36, 229
forced and slave labor, 171
International Military Tribunal, 193
Jackson as chief US prosecutor, 193
McCloy’s acts of clemency, 236–37
trial of industrialists (considered), 193, 202, 209–10
Occupy Wall Street movement, 7–8
Oetker, August (grandfather), 87
Oetker, August (grandson), 293–94
Oetker, Ida (Kaselowsky), 87, 89, 94, 95, 150, 175, 295
Oetker, Maja, 294
Oetker, Rudolf-August, 95
in cast of characters, xvi
on concentration camps, 96, 168
death, 293
death of his family, 175–76
Dr. August Oetker, leadership preparation, 87–88, 94
Dr. Oetker, leadership of, 176, 223–24, 249–50
Dr. Oetker-Phrix venture, 168
estate, 293
Göring and, 96
hiring former Nazis, 250–51, 259
horseback riding, 94–95
Kaselowsky and, 87–88, 94, 96, 176
Kaselowsky museum and, 259
Kranefuss and, 176
life of privilege, 94–96
Nazi Party membership, 95
neo-Nazis and, 259
paralysis and recovery, 200–201
postwar arrest and denazification, 200–201, 223
postwar investments, 249–51
postwar wealth, 257–58
Reiter-SA (paramilitary organization), 94–95
son kidnapped, 269
Spoiled by Luck (memoir), 293
SS veterans, support for, 250, 259
in Waffen-SS, 151, 168, 175–76, 200, 201, 223
Wehrmacht’s catering service, 149–51, 150
Oetker, Susi, 200–201, 259
Oetker family
cast of characters, xvi
companies, 11, 101
family tree, 315
forced and slave labor, 156, 167–68
generational rift, 294–95
reckoning with Nazi past, 282, 292–95
succession dispute, 294–95
Office of Military Government for Germany, US (OMGUS), 193, 202, 209, 213
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 187–88, 192, 199
Ohlendorf, Otto, 208
Oldewage, Walther, 106–7
Olympic Games (1936), 98
OMGUS (Office of Military Government for Germany, US), 193, 202, 209, 213
Opel (car company), 225
Operation Barbarossa, 75, 144, 146, 148–49, 152–53
Operation Citadel, 164
Operation Mercury, 141–44
The Order of the Day (Vuillard), 1
Organization Todt, 175
Oskar Fischer (publishing house), 100
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 187–88, 192, 199
Ostarbeiter. See forced and slave labor
Pabst, Waldemar, 37–38
Pavel, Horst
AFA, 104–5, 175, 190
Aryanizations, 139, 140
in cast of characters, xv
fleeing Berlin, 189–90
forced and slave labor, 175
Quandt (Günther) and, 104–5, 139, 243
Quandt (Herbert) and, 104–5, 139, 140, 175
Peiper, Joachim, 249, 250
Pels, Henry, 103–4
Persilscheine (Persil tickets)
defined, 203
Flick (Friedrich), 232
Oetker (Rudolf-August), 223
Porsche (Ferdinand), 227
Quandt (Günther), 203–5, 216
Reimann family, 277
von Finck’s, 221
Pertrix (AFA subsidiary), 104–5, 139–41, 173–75, 219, 291
Petschek, Ignaz, xvii. See also Ignaz Petschek conglomerate
Petschek, Julius, xvii. See also Julius Petschek conglomerate
Petschek, Karl, 125, 128
Petschek conglomerates, 107–12, 125–28, 231, 265
Pettibon, Raymond, 311
Peugeot (car company), 210–11, 224
Peugeot family, 279
Phrix (chemical fiber firm), 167–68
Piëch, Anton
Aryanizations, 91–93, 226, 296, 297–98
Aryanizations, postwar restitution, 226
in cast of characters, xvi
death, 254
fleeing to Austria, 198
forced and slave labor, 164–65, 172–73, 199, 211
Nazi Party membership, 122
Porsche (company), control of, 91
Porsche (company), founding, 57
Porsche (company), postwar, 225
postwar arrests and trial, 199, 210–11, 224
Renault collaboration, 210
Rosenberger and, 91–93, 122, 212, 226, 260–61, 296, 297–98
as SS member, 122
Volkswagen, 129, 147, 164–65, 198, 199, 225
Piëch, Ferdinand, 280
Piëch, Louise
in cast of characters, xvi
children, 225
fleeing Germany, 172
Rosenberger and, 212
saving family business, 211, 212, 224
Volkswagen and, 225
Piëch family. See Porsche-Piëch family
Pleiger, Paul, 126–28, 149, 228
Pohl, Oswald, 156, 166–68, 176, 208
extermination camps, 153
forced and slave labor in Germany, 7, 147–48, 155, 173–74
German invasion, 131, 135
German war crimes, 135–36
Goebbels’s survey, 136
Sobibor (extermination camp), 8
Porsche, Dodo, 172
Porsche, Ferdinand
Allied questioning of, 198–99
ambitions, 121
Aryanizations, 91–93, 296, 297–98
Aryanizations, postwar restitution, 226
career history, 57–59
in cast of characters, xvi
character traits, 58
citizenship, 70
death, 254
fleeing Germany, 172
forced and slave labor, 156, 199, 211
Ford and, 121
Göring and, 98
Herrmann and, 163–64
Hitler and, 59–60, 69–70
Nazi Party, membership, 62
Porsche (company), control of, 91
Porsche (company), founding, 57, 58
portrait, 92
postwar arrests and denazification, 199, 210–12, 224, 226–27
race-car design, 57, 60
Renault collaboration, 210, 211
Rosenberger and, 91–93, 122, 226, 260–61, 296, 297–98
as tank commission head, 147, 164, 164
Volkswagen, 69–70, 90–91, 93–94, 102–3, 119–21, 128–29, 146, 156, 224–25
Porsche, Ferry
amphibious car design, 255
car design, 212, 226, 227
in cast of characters, xvi
death, 296
fleeing Germany, 172
forced and slave labor, 172, 211
foundation named for, 295–97
hiring former SS officers, 248–49
Hitler and, 121, 146–47, 147
Leopard tank contract, 254–55
Porsche company (postwar), 248–49
Porsche design office, 121, 147
portrait, 92
postwar arrests and denazification, 199, 210–11, 227
Renault collaboration, 210
revisionist history, 260–61
Rosenberger and, 91–93, 121, 212, 260–61, 296
saving family business, 211, 212, 224
as SS officer, 148, 295, 296
tank production, 254–55
Volkswagen factory and, 121, 129
Volkswagen Schwimmwagen, 146–48, 147
We at Porsche (autobiography), 260–61
Porsche, Louise. See Piëch, Louise
Porsche 356 (car), 212, 226, 227, 248
Porsche (company)
Allied investigation, 198–99
as Allied target, 172
Aryanizations, 91–93, 121, 212, 260, 296, 297–98
financial problems (1933), 57, 59
forced and slave labor, 172
founding, 57, 58, 297
hiring former SS officers, 248–49
Leopard tank contract, 254–55
Prinzing as commercial director, 227
profitability (1935), 91
Rosenberger as financial backer, 57
saved by Louise Piëch and Ferry Porsche, 211–12, 224, 225–26
tank production, 254–55
Volkswagen design and development, 93–94
Porsche-Piëch family
Aryanizations, 91–93, 101, 121, 212, 260, 296, 297–98
cast of characters, xvi
companies (See Porsche; Volkswagen)
family tree, 315
fleeing Germany, 172
forced and slave labor, 147–48, 156, 164–65, 172–73, 199, 211
postwar wealth, 225
reckoning with Nazi past, 282, 295–98
sex scandals and infighting, 268–69
Potsdam Conference, 193
Pret A Manger (company), 275–76
Prinzing, Albert, 227, 248–49
prisoners of war
cannibalism, 149
executions, 149, 249, 250
forced and slave labor, 148, 162
Quandt (Harald) as, 177–78, 181–84, 204, 216
slave labor, 148, 162, 174
Pritzkoleit, Kurt, 244–45
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (M. Weber), 218
Puhl, Emil, 116
Pump, Johannes, 158, 173
Pyta, Wolfram, 297–98
Quandt, Colleen-Bettina, 272
Quandt, Ello, xv, 51, 65, 139, 185–87, 203–4
Quandt, Emil (Günther’s father), 16
Quandt, Gabriele, xv, 290, 311
Quandt, Günther
AFA, factory (Hannover), 156–57, 188
AFA, forced and slave labor, 173
AFA, military sales, 76, 79, 131
AFA, Pavel’s role, 104–5
AFA, postwar, 190, 202–3, 243
AFA, takeover, 23–24
AFA, takeover targets, 139
anti-Semitism, 64
arrest (1933), 62–65
art collection, 77
Aryanizations, 101, 103–4, 139–40, 206, 215, 217, 243–44, 250, 289
Aryanizations, postwar restitution, 206, 243–44
birth and childhood, 15–16
business legacy, 244–46
Byk Gulden takeover, 76
Cegielski weapons complex, 137, 170
character traits, 20, 29, 218, 244–45
Daimler-Benz, 78, 243
death and memorial service, 238, 242–43, 245
Deutsche Bank supervisory board, 62, 78, 195
Dürener, 80–81, 97–98, 243
DWM, arms production, 76, 131, 214
DWM, Cegielski trusteeship, 137, 170–71
DWM, expansion financing, 154–55
DWM, interwar period, 79–80
DWM, postwar assets, 243
DWM, postwar lies concerning, 214
DWM, takeover, 24–25, 32, 76
Egyptian holiday, 238
estate, 245
fleeing Berlin, 187
forced and slave labor, 156, 170–71, 173, 187, 219, 290–91
French takeover targets, 139–40
Goebbels, jealous of Quandt, 56
Goebbels, opinion of, 47–48
Goebbels, postwar lies about, 202, 203, 215, 217
Goebbels, Quandt custody battles and, 50–51, 55, 70–72
Goebbels, Quandt’s arrest and, 64–65
Goebbels, Quandt’s Nazi Party membership and, 62, 217
Goebbels, Quandt’s “peace at any cost” stance, 159
Goebbels, Quandt’s sixtieth birthday party, 76–77
Göring and, 76, 98
health problems, 238
Henry Pels (company), 103–4
Hitler meetings, 1–5, 38, 41–42, 46–47, 60–61, 229
investment partners, 24, 25
Magda, courtship, 17–19
Magda, custody agreement, 32–33
Magda, custody conflict, 50–51, 55, 70– 72, 137
Magda, divorce, 32–33
Magda, marital difficulties, 20–21, 30–32
Magda, offer to save her children, 186
Magda, Quandt’s “peace at any cost” stance, 159
Magda, relationship with, after divorce, 36, 135
Magda, wedding, 19–20, 50
Magda as Nazi Party advocate, 36–37
Magda’s marriage to Goebbels, 46, 50–51
Mauser, 243
memoir (1946), 25, 33, 64, 205–6
Montan financing, 84
Nazi Party, 31–32, 48, 61, 62, 63, 217
Neubabelsberg mansion, 16
OSS memo on, 187–88
Pavel and, 104–5
portrait, 20
postwar arrest and denazification, 201–7, 213–19, 230
postwar assets, 206, 243
Quandt (Hellmut)’s death, impact on, 29–30
on race, 105
rearmament era, 79–81
remarriage, rumors about, 72
Sachs and, 97–98, 204–5
Severin estate, 30, 33, 45, 48–49, 49
sixtieth birthday party, 75–78, 98, 242–43
Society for the Study of Fascism, 37–38
stock market speculation, 22–23
succession plans, 104–5, 141, 245
textile factories, 76
Third Reich involvement, 10
Toni, death of, 17
Toni, marriage to, 16
war crimes, 188
Winter (Emil) and, 194–95
Wintershall investment, 23, 29, 243
as workaholic, 17, 19–21, 238
on World War II, 131, 144, 158–59
Quandt, Harald
amphibious car design, 255
birth, 20–21
BMW, 247
Busch-Jaeger Dürener, 245, 248
in cast of characters, xv
Cegielski internship, 137
character traits, 256–57
children, 256
custody conflicts over, 32–33, 50–51, 55, 70–72, 137
Daimler-Benz, 246–47
death, 256, 261
death of his family, 181–85, 256–57
father’s remarriage, rumors about, 72
Goebbels and, during childhood, 44, 45, 49, 50, 55–56
Goebbels and, during Luftwaffe service, 135–36, 141, 143, 143, 152–53, 169–70, 177–78
Goebbels’s final letter to, 183–84
Goebbels’s goals for, 138
heirs, 271–72, 287
hiring former Nazis, 248
Hitler and, 42–43, 44, 55–56
inheritance, 245
IWK, 245, 253–54, 255
labor service in Poland, 135–36
Leopard tank contract, 253–55
Luftwaffe, discussing war with family, 158–59
Luftwaffe, Goebbels and, 135–36, 141, 143, 143, 152–53, 169–70, 177–78
Luftwaffe, as prisoner of war, 177–78, 181–84, 204, 216
Luftwaffe awards, 143, 178
Luftwaffe deployments, 141–44, 152–53, 159, 168–70, 177
Luftwaffe training, 138, 141
Luftwaffe uniform, 143
mechanical engineering, 77, 216, 245, 253
Nazi youth organizations, failure in, 137–38
portrait by Warhol, 271
postwar arms production, 255
postwar employment, 216
postwar wealth, 256
Quandt (Ello) and, 203, 204
Quandt (Günther)’s denazification trial, 216
role in Quandt industrial empire, 245–46
Quandt, Hellmut, 16–17, 29–30
Quandt, Herbert
AFA, 66, 104–5, 139, 188, 201–3, 245
Aryanizations, 139, 140–41, 190, 215, 289
BMW restructuring, 10, 247–48
British surveillance, 190
in cast of characters, xv
character traits, 30
childhood, 16, 17
children, 256
on Communist threat to Germany, 66
Daimler-Benz, 245, 246–47, 261
death, 270
education and travels, 65–66
estate, 270
fleeing Berlin, 189–90
forced and slave labor, 173–75, 219, 289, 291
France, trip to (1940), 139
Goebbels’s opinion of, 51, 139
heirs, 270–72, 286, 287–88
Hirschfeld sheet-metal factory, 140
inheritance, 245
on Magda Quandt/Goebbels, 33, 37
marriages, 66, 138, 139, 256
Nazi Party membership, 139
Niewerle estate, 174
Pavel and, 104–5, 139, 140
Pertrix, 138–41, 173–74, 219
portrait, 271
postwar investigations and denazification, 202–3, 216, 219
postwar wealth, 257–58
Quandt family separation of assets, 261
Quandt (Günther)’s denazification trial, 216
role in Quandt industrial empire, 245–46
Severin estate purchased for, 30, 49
as SS member, 66
street named for, 309
Third Reich involvement, 10
visual disability, 30, 49
Wintershall, 245, 248
World War II family discussions, 131, 158–59
Quandt, Inge, 256, 261, 271
Quandt, Johanna, 270, 291
Quandt, Silvia, 138
Quandt, Stefan, 308
Altana, 271
BMW, 270, 271, 307
in cast of characters, xv
Herbert Quandt Media Prize, 308, 309
inheritance, 270, 307–8
office, 271, 309
philanthropy, 309
reckoning with family’s Nazi past, 288, 290–92
wealth, 307
Quandt, Susanne. See Klatten, Susanne
Quandt, Sven, 287, 291
Quandt, Toni, xv, 16–17, 30
Quandt, Ursula, 66, 138–39
Quandt, Werner, 51, 203–4
Quandt family
Aryanizations, 101, 103–4, 139–41, 190, 206, 215, 217, 243–44, 250, 289
Brandenburg textile factories, 15
cast of characters, xv
companies (See AFA; Altana; BMW; Busch-Jaeger Dürener; Daimler-Benz; Dürener; DWM; Harald Quandt Holding; IWK; Kuka (firm); Mauser; Varta; Wintershall)
Daimler-Benz, 261–62
disharmony, 261
family tree, 313
Flick family and, 247
forced and slave labor, 155–58, 170–71, 173–75, 187–89, 205, 219, 286–91
as Germany’s second-wealthiest family, 307
as Germany’s wealthiest family, 270
harmony, 245–46, 261
holding companies, use of, 245
political donations, 301
reckoning with Nazi past, 10, 282, 286–92
separation of assets, 261, 270–72
The Silence of the Quandts (documentary), 286–87
World War I, 15
Rathenau, Walter, 22
Ratzmann, Hugo, 117, 250
Ravensbrück concentration camp, 156, 173
rearmament (Nazi Germany), 78–85
Reckitt Benckiser (company), 278
Red Cross, 177
Reich Association of German Industry, 3
Reich Association of the German Automotive Industry, 90–91
Reich minister of public enlightenment and propaganda, 61
Reich Ministry of Economic Affairs, 66–67, 107, 117–18
Reich Ministry of Transport, 69
Reichstag, burned down, 61
Reichswerke Hermann Göring, 126–28, 149, 265
Reimann, Albert, xvii, 275–77, 305–6
Reimann, Else, 276–77
Reimann, Wolfgang, xvii, 306
Reimann family, xvii, 275–79, 282, 305–7
Reiter-SA (paramilitary organization), 94–95
Reitsch, Hanna, 182, 184
Remembrance, Responsibility, and the Future (EVZ), 281–83
Renault (car company), 210–11
Ribbentrop, Joachim von (father), 151, 209, 250
Ribbentrop, Rudolf von (son), xvi, 151, 250, 259
Riefenstahl, Leni, 89
Ritschel, Magda. See Goebbels, Magda
Ritschel, Oskar, 18–19
Ritter, Edmund von, 118, 119
Ritter, Egon von, 112, 118, 119
Robert, Alan. See Rosenberger, Adolf
Rohde, Paul, 25, 38, 47
Röhm, Ernst, 71
Rombach steelworks, 146, 161–63, 208, 232, 235
Rommel, Erwin, 146
Rosenberg, Alfred, 35, 98
Rosenberger, Adolf
arrested by Gestapo, 91, 93, 260–61
in cast of characters, xvii
citizenship revoked, 122
death, 259–60
immigration to America, 212
Piëch and, 91–93, 122, 212
Porsche (company), buyout terms, 91–93, 297–98
Porsche (company), financial backing for, 57
Porsche (company), as foreign representative, 57, 93, 121–22, 212, 260
Porsche (company), founding, 57, 297
Porsche (company), restitution battle, 226, 297
Porsche (Ferry) and, 91–93, 121, 212, 260–61, 296
portrait, 58
race-car design, 57, 60
racing career, 57
Rosenblat, Michael, 272
Rothschild, Louis von, xvii, 116, 118, 196
Rothschild bank, 116–18, 194, 196, 220–22
Rzhev, Soviet Union, 152–53
SA. See Sturmabteilung
Sachs, Georg, 97–98, 204–5
Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 90, 156, 161, 164–65, 173
Sagan, Germany, 174–75
Salzwedel concentration camp, 198
Sauckel, Fritz, 84–85, 155, 209
Schacht, Hjalmar
in cast of characters, xvi
Hitler meeting, 2–5, 60
Nazi Party election fund, 4
postwar detention and trial, 192, 209–10, 230
as Reich minister of economic affairs, 67
as Reichsbank president, 78–79, 82
Society for the Study of Fascism, 38
Schmidt-Polex, Hans, 67, 195–96
Schmitt, Kurt, xvi, 1–5, 41, 60, 66–67, 87, 195
Scholtyseck, Joachim, 289, 292
Schröder, Kurt von, 56, 90
Schuss, Marie. See Flick, Marie Schwägermann, Günther, 185
Segert, Alexander, 303, 304
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 136
Sgarbi, Helg, 288
SGS (company), 298
Siemens, Carl Friedrich von, 101
Siemens (company), 156, 282
The Silence of the Quandts (documentary), 286–87
Silent Help (Stille Hilfe), 250, 259
Simon Hirschland (bank), 117
Simson, Arthur, 84–85
Simson (machine-gun factory), 84–85
Six, Franz, 249
slave labor. See forced and slave labor
S.M. von Rothschild (bank), 116–18, 194, 196, 220–22
Sobibor extermination camp, 8, 305
Society for the Study of Fascism, 37–38
Söder, Markus, 305
Soerensen, Carl-Adolf, 286
Soviet prisoners of war, 148, 149, 162
Soviet Union, 135, 153, 155, 175, 184. See also Operation Barbarossa; Operation Citadel
Spanish flu. See flu pandemic (1918)
Speer, Albert, 155, 164, 185, 192, 209
Spoiled by Luck (Rudolf-August Oetker memoir), 293
Aryanizations, 116–17
Bahlsen family donations, 7
Braunschweig march (1931), 44
execution of forced laborers, 189, 192
extermination camp murders, 300
Flick (Friedrich) donations to, 54
forced and slave laborers, abuse of, 163, 173–74
Himmler as leader of, 86
Himmler’s Circle of Friends, 86–87
ideological training, 168
Malmedy massacre (1944), 249, 250
Nuremberg trials, 234
Piëch as member, 122
Porsche (Ferry) as officer, 148
postwar hiring by Porsche, 248–49
Quandt (Herbert) as member, 66
Stille Hilfe (Silent Help), 250, 259
Waffen-SS, 151, 164
SS Economic and Administrative Organization (SS-WHVA), 156, 157, 166–68
Stahl, Ernst Knut, xvi, 299, 302, 303
Stalin, Joseph, 59, 135, 193
Stalingrad, German surrender, 153
Staumühle (British-led internment camp), 200
Steinbrinck, Otto
anti-Semitism, 107
Aryanizations, 105, 107–10, 125
in cast of characters, xv
as Flick (Friedrich)’s right-hand man, 52–55, 81–85, 105, 107–10, 125, 129–30
Himmler’s Circle of Friends, 85–87, 89–90, 234, 235
Keppler Circle, 55
Nazi Party convention, 86–87
Nuremberg trial and sentence, 228–35
professional ambition, 130
in SS, 52, 82, 234
Thyssen steel empire, 130
World War I service, 52
Steyr Automobiles, 57–58
Stille Hilfe (Silent Help), 250, 259
stock market collapse, 38, 51
Storch, Beatrix von, 300
Strathallan, Viscount, 111
Strauss, Franz Josef, 255
Student, Kurt, 142
Stumpfegger, Ludwig, 185
Sturmabteilung (SA)
Braunschweig march (1931), 44
Flick (Friedrich) donations to, 54
funding for, 39–42
Goebbels wedding, 50
Night of the Long Knives massacre, 71
parade celebrating Hitler as chancellor, 56
Sudetenland, Hitler’s annexation, 123–24, 127
Südwestfalen (steel firm), 252
Summer Olympics (1936), 98
Tacitus (Roman historian), vii
Tata-Daimler factory, India, 254
Tata family, 254
Taylor, Telford, xvii, 208–10, 213, 228–37
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 284, 311–12
3G (Brazilian investment firm), 279
Thyssen, August, 27, 53, 285
Thyssen, Fritz, 38, 130
“total war,” 153, 154
trade unions, 61, 119
Traitor (movie), 99
Treaty of Versailles, 22, 79
Trott, Byron, 279
Truman, Harry, 193, 213, 236, 237, 241
Tudor (battery business), 215, 217
U-boat submarines, 157
UCC (United Continental Corporation), 109–12
Uexküll, Edgar von, 67
Ukraine, 7, 148–49, 174
uniforms, Quandt family production, 15, 76
United Continental Corporation (UCC), 109–12
University of Stuttgart, 295–97
US Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), 192, 199, 202
US Justice Department’s Economic Warfare Section, 196
US Office of Military Government for Germany (OMGUS), 193, 202, 209, 213
V-1 flying bomb, 172
Varėna, Lithuania, 149–51
Varta (battery company), 270, 286–87. See also AFA
Vereinigte Stahlwerke (VSt), 28, 51
Versailles Treaty, 22, 79
Veyder-Malberg, Hans von, 57, 91, 93, 121–22, 260–61
Volkswagen. See also Porsche-Piëch family
“beetle” nickname, 121
factory, 119–21, 120, 129, 198
first car, 128–29
forced and slave labor, 147–48, 156, 164–65, 172–73, 198, 199, 211
Goebbels on, 102–3
as Hitler’s prestige project, 60, 119
Kübelwagen (bucket car), 146, 164
military conversions, 146–48, 147
name, 120–21
Piëch as chief, 147, 164–65
Porsche (Ferdinand)’s design and development, 60, 69, 90–91, 93–94
postwar situation, 198, 224–25
production numbers, 129
reckoning with Nazi past, 280, 282
Schwimmwagen (swimming car), 146–48, 147
test cars, 93–94
Volkswagen Group, 296
Voluntary Donations for the Promotion of National Labor, 63
von Finck, August, Jr. “Gustl,” xvi, 269, 270, 298–305, 299
von Finck, August, Sr.
Allianz, 40, 66, 117, 194, 251–52
Aryanizations, 101, 112–19, 194, 196–97, 220–22, 250
Aryanizations, postwar restitution, 196–98, 220, 222–23
in cast of characters, xvi
children, 269
death, 269
divorce, 194
elimination of Jewish rivals, 112–14
frugality, 41, 60, 67, 87, 118, 195, 258–59
Göring (Hermann) and, 116–18
Haus der Deutschen Kunst, 67–69, 68, 101–2, 112, 113, 194, 220–21
Hitler, devotion to, 67, 115, 195–96
Hitler meetings, 1–5, 39–40, 41, 60–61, 229
Merck Finck, 40, 112, 114–18, 194, 195, 251, 258, 269
Munich Re, 40, 194, 195, 251–52
Nazi Party membership, 61
postwar arrest and denazification, 195–96, 198, 219–22
postwar revenge plans, 251–52
postwar wealth, 257–58, 269
real estate (1970s), 258, 269
Schmitt and, 66
Der Spiegel interviews, 251–52, 257–59
succession, 269
Südwestfalen (steel firm), 252
Winter mining firm, 194–95
World War I, 40, 222
von Finck, Francine, 298
von Finck, Gerhard, 269
von Finck, Helmut, 269–70
von Finck, Wilhelm, 40, 269, 270
von Finck family
Aryanizations, 101, 112–19, 194, 196–97, 220–22, 250
cast of characters, xvi
companies (See Allianz; Hochtief; Merck Finck; Mövenpick; Munich Re; SGS; von Roll)
family tree, 314
von Papen, Franz, 56, 209
von Roll (insulation maker), 298
VSt (Vereinigte Stahlwerke), 28, 51
Vuillard, Éric, 1
Waffen-SS, 151, 164
Wagener, Otto
in cast of characters, xvi
Hitler and Magda Quandt/Goebbels, 43, 46
Hitler meetings, 2–5, 39, 41
as Hitler’s economic adviser, 66
Quandt (Günther) and, 47
Wallich, Paul, 114–15, 197, 220
Warhol, Andy, 271
Warsaw, Poland, 136
We at Porsche (Ferry Porsche autobiography), 260–61
Weber, Christian, 112
Weber, Max, 218
Weiss, Bernhard, 233, 234–35
West Germany
1950s as dawn of new era, 241–42
creation of, 218
culture of silence, 242
four wealthiest businessmen (1970), 257–58
Ministry of Finance, 266–67
rearmament, 253–54
Wilhelm II (German emperor), 75
Wilson, Woodrow, 37
Winter, Emil, 194–95
Wintershall (potash company)
Himmler’s Circle of Friends, 87, 109
Hitler meetings, 1–5, 42
Petschek coal interests, 108–12
Quandt (Günther)’s investment in, 23, 29, 243
Quandt (Herbert) and, 245, 248
Wöbbelin (Neuengamme subcamp), 198
Wolfs (Jewish family), 121
Wolf’s Lair, 146
World War I
ceasefire, 37
Charlottenhütte (steel firm), 27
German arms industry, 23, 24
Quandt family, 15
Versailles Treaty, 22, 79
von Finck’s service, 40
Zyklon B, 300