
Chapter Four



Garret James was the only man who had ever touched my body. Had I kept it that way intentionally? not at first. At first, I want to strangle him and his family. I wanted to parade around naked just so I could say there was someone else. But my traitorous heart knew where it belonged, and I soon had someone else to worry about.


He looked so much like his daddy. It pained me every single day that Garret had missed out so much time with him. I’ve read books, and I hated them for this very reason. How dare someone withhold a child? But Garret’s family were very persuasive, very insistent, and in the end, I had no option but to leave town or be branded as something I wasn’t and drag Garret down forever with me. He deserved so much more than me.

I didn’t want to think of that right now though.

My eyes raked over Garret’s magnificent body and I thought of a lot of things I wanted to do. I had no idea where these thoughts came from, but I was going to embrace them.

His cock jutted out looking right at me, weeping a little from the tip. Garret’s eyes were dark, so dark as he watched me slowly move toward him. My fingers wrapped around his meaty shaft and he grunted. I had limited experience, and I wasn’t going to think about how many women Garret had been with, so I focused on the job at hand.

I moved my hand and gripped him a little tighter before sliding down to the base.

“You feel so good on me, baby.” His usual cocky tone was raspy as all hell.

“Let me know if I’m doing it wrong.” I looked up at him at the same time my tongue peeked out to wet my lips, he swore. And moved as fast as lightening until I was flat on my back with his mouth on mine.

“I want you so bad.” He murmured against my lips as he frantically fought for dominance. I let my legs splay open, the heat of his cock pressed up where I needed him the most.

“Shit.” He pulled back. His eyes raked over my body as he tried to catch his breath. “I’m going to make you feel good.” With one hard kiss, he slowly began to move down my body. His lips skimming my skin, his fingers gliding ever so softly. Tender fingertips leaving a blazing fire as they barely brushed over my heated skin. When his mouth was level with my most intimate part, I had to close my eyes.

With tender fingers, he parted me and ever so gently stroked through my wetness. He blew down over my bundle of nerves and my hips bucked. His tongue circled my clit, enough to make me squirm before he let a finger breach my opening.

“You are so wet for me, sweetheart. You want me as much as I want you.” It wasn’t a question the evidence was clear. I wanted this man more than anything. His lips wrapped around my clit, my hips jerked off the bed and then his fingers were edging deeper. My body was alive with sensations I hadn’t experienced in way too long. I was panting.  The need to see Garret had me peeling my eyes open as I rose to my elbows.

Garret’s dark head was between my thighs as his eyes pierced mine. His tongue grazed my clit again and again. His fingers moved in a steady slow pace. There was something very trusting about this and I couldn’t imagine doing this with any other person. The only person I ever wanted to gaze at me like I was their whole world was currently doing it.

“Garret?” I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but he seemed to understand. He edged another finger inside of me, stretching me. Heavy breaths shot out my nose, my breast heaved.

“Ah, God.” His lips wrapped over my clit and he sucked long and hard. My climax came over me faster than I ever expected. My body tightened and shook before I nearly passed out. Stars exploded behind my eyes and I had to lie down. The tingles of sensation built up until I couldn’t take it anymore. My body at Garret’s mercy. Garret’s fingers and mouth kept up a steady rhythm as he wrung every last tremor from my body.

He wound me down with small kisses to my tender flesh. The bed moved and Garret made the sexiest sound I had ever heard. I opened my eyes in time to see him with his hand on his thick cock. His arm moving at a punishing pace as he stared down at me.

“Garret, please.” I watched his cock, but it was mostly his face that fascinated me. The hard lines blushed with heat. The strain clear with the crease on his forehead and those eyes, they burned for me.

“Sydney,” He grunted. It was followed by a strangled sound before long jets of milky liquid that shot out and landed all over me. I watched in fascination as he milked every last drop from himself before sitting back down on his haunches.

“You have no idea how fucking sexy you look right now.” I doubted it but if he thought so who was I to burst his bubble. With the sticky mess drying and my legs still spread wide, heat rose to my cheeks. Garret chuckled and patted my knee.

He hopped off the bed then and went to the bathroom. He cleaned me off paying a little more attention than needed in some areas.

“Are we...?” my face heated, and I ducked my head a little. Were we done? Was that all we were going to do?

“Don’t look at me like that, Sydney. Or we are going to do something we can’t take back.”

“I’m okay with that.”

“I’m not. I should have done it the right way the first time, sweetheart. But I damn sure will be this time.” He moved off the bed and found his boxers, slipping his long legs inside. His body was a masterpiece.

“What are you saying, Garret?” My brow furrowed, and I reached for the comforter to cover my suddenly chilled body.

“We are getting married, here in Park City. We are going to be a family. One we should have been from the very start.”

My pulse raced and all I could think of was that this isn’t meant to happen. Garret wasn’t meant to find me, us. I promised his father we would leave and never contact Garret. In return, Garret didn’t get dragged through the press and made to marry some tramp his father found who was most certainly not pregnant with his baby. He threatened that if he found out that I had kept the ‘mutt’, his words not mine, he would take that child from me and make his life hell. Unease crept into my stomach. I had tried my hardest to not think about that night but with Garret here it was impossible to ignore.

How could we move forward with that awful man hanging over our head, waiting to strike? I still looked over my shoulder often, I didn’t feel safe, but I figured I was far enough away I wasn’t a problem to them anymore. But If I went with Garret. I shook my head a little at the thought, he couldn’t take him. I wouldn’t let him.

But now he was here.

I moved to sit up against the headboard. So many thoughts. My eyes drifted to the clock.

“I should head home.” It was nearing dawn. I might as well, tonight wasn’t going as I had hoped and putting some space between us would be the best thing right now.

“Don’t run on me, Tiny Dancer.” I closed my eyes at my nickname, it was warm and familiar. No one had ever bothered to get to know me enough to give me a nickname. it had always just been me and Garret. God, I had missed him so much.

“I’m not but I have to get home to Sam.” I bit my lip watching Garret’s face.

“His name is Sam?” I nodded, he nodded in return. “When can I meet him?”

I sucked in a deep breath and watched as Garret found his shirt and began to dress. His fingers shaking a little.

“Don’t you want to know why?” That would be the first question most would ask, well I would think so.

Garret shook his head and continued on with his buttons until his shirt was buttoned and then he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. His hand finding mine.

“Sydney,” his voice soft. “We have an eternity to work it all out. All I know right now is that I want my family back. I want you and Sam in my life more than you can imagine. I can probably guess why you left, I know what my father is like and I want to assure you I have had nothing to do with that man since you disappeared. I walked out so whatever it is it doesn’t matter. I just want you with me where you have always belonged. I want you dancing in my kitchen. I want you doing what you love in a place that you love. Not here, baby, never here.” Garret leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was gentle. He let me explore slowly and when my breath hitched with need, he pulled away.

“I didn’t want to go, Garret, you have to believe that. I’m not sure how he found about Sam, because I had only just found out myself. But he threatened...” I swallowed my gaze shifting to the window, God, it hurt to talk about it. The rejection still stung as though Jim James was looking down at me like I was the biggest piece of shit he had ever seen, disgust clear on his features. I had never felt so small in my life than I had that night.

“He made some really good threats, Garret. I was saving you. When I landed in Park City, I found a cheap apartment and got a job in a diner until he was born. But after I struggled to keep us a float so that was when I met Marco. If I could go back and not go in that direction I would but even though I hate the man, he made everything else fall into place. We were so close to being homeless. I was so lost and lonely.” I struggled to hold back the tears, I hated being vulnerable.

“By sacrificing yourself. Sweetheart, you never have to accept less, ever. You are worthy and I will prove that to you if you let me.” His eyes had softened, saddened even and his smile didn’t quiet reach his eyes. I knew we had so much to talk about. So much to get past before we could move on. I just hoped that we could.

“Let me drop you home, and let’s do this right.”


I REGRETTED EVERY MINUTE I was away from her, but I knew I could make it all up now. Sydney and I would have a family that she had dreamed of, one that didn’t struggle to feed its child, one that didn’t pretend to not have a child when Children Services visited. I would show Sam more love than my father had ever given me. He thought money made it all better, but it didn’t. Money didn’t buy time with him or happy memories. It brought responsibilities and an image I had no longer wanted to keep.

One last check in the mirror told me I looked exactly like Sydney would be expecting me. I wasn’t one for fancy suits, something my father always harped at me about. This morning I had gone out and got a new shirt, it was navy with a fine pin stripping. I had on my best jeans and new boots. In my pocket was a ring, that I had carried with me for five long year, I couldn’t wait to see it on her hand.

It occurred to me that I hadn’t even proposed, just kind of expected her to go along with this. Somehow, I would make it right but right now I just had to make her mine.

I double checked the hotel room because we weren’t coming back to this one. Earlier I had a room booked at the other end of the strip close to the chapel we were going to.

After I had dropped Sydney at her run-down apartment building, I sat in the street for a long time so tempted to go inside and see him. My chest ached with need. And yet I couldn’t find it in me to be angry with her because deep down she was protecting herself and our child and I was proud as hell for her doing so well for so long.

I told her a car would pick her up at nine, we were getting this done and then I was making her mine.

I walked into the chapel and an older lady who was very matronly greeted me. White hair, glasses, no defined figure but not exactly overweight either. She looked like she should be wearing one of those no shape nurse uniforms. But her friendly face let me take a deep breath and settle my nerves.

“You must be Garret James, welcome to The Chapel of Love.” I shook her hand and tried my hardest to not laugh, everything about this place was cheesy. I guess getting married in Park City on its own is cheesy. “I’m Estelle and my husband Stan will be performing your ceremony today. What time can we expect your bride?”

I glanced down at my watch. “She should be on her way.” I would be lying if I said I didn’t have the smallest amount of doubt in the pit of my belly. Would she come for me?

I fucking hoped so.

“If you want to be surprised, you can fill out your paperwork and I can help Sydney when she arrives. Then she can walk down the aisle to you.” I nodded.

Estelle led me into the chapel that thankfully didn’t have Elvis music playing. I made myself as comfortable as possible on the hard church pew while I waited for Stan.

“Garret James, are you ready to meet your wife?” It sounded a lot like a line from a dating show. I stood, and we exchanged pleasantries while we waited.

Five minutes later Estelle stuck her head in the room.

“I have two witnesses coming in now and then we are ready.” She opened the door and two people I had never met walked in all smiles.

“Hi, I’m Nadine and this is my husband Andy, we married here three years ago.” They beamed at each other, but my attention was on the door.

The music changed and my heart rate picked up.

This was it.

I was finally going to make her mine.