In entries relating to the books of the Bible, the numbers in parentheses indicate the chapter and verse(s) referred to.
abaissement du niveau mental, 28, 202
Abba, Rabbi, 80
Abercius inscription, 73, 89n, 103, 115, 117
ablution, 187
Abot de Rabbi Nathan, 113n
Abraham, 59
Abraham ben Hiyya, Rabbi, 74
Abu Ma’shar/Abu Mansor, see Albumasar
accentuation, moral, of opposites, 70
acetum, 160; see also vinegar
Achamoth, see Sophia
act of God, 25
Acts of the Apostles, (2:3), 135n
(7:43), 75n
(17:29, 30), 191n
Acts of Thomas, see Thomas, Acts of
Adam, 199
Adam/Eve syzygy, 254
carries Eve with him, 206
Eve’s birth from, 205f
first and second, 37
higher, 197, 214, 232, 237, 240, 248, 255
male/female, 204
mystic, 36
original man/Anthropos/Archanthropos, 200, 203, 208, 218n
relation to creator and creatures, 189
Adamantius, dialogue of, 54n
Adamas (arch-man), 208
adamas (steel), 161
Adam Scotus, 100f
adaptation, weak, and emotion, 9
Adar, month of, 119
Adech, 213
Adler, Alfred, 165
“Aenigmata ex Visione Arislei,” 126, 127n, 137–38, 142
Aeon: Autopator as, 191
birth from Kore, 104
aeon, Christian, ix
“aes Hermetis,” 156
Aesculapius, serpent of, 245n
affects, 9
and anima/animus, 16
feeling-tone, 33
agape, 90
Agathodaimon, 186
ages, two, in pseudo-Clement, 55
aggregation, states of, 250f, 257
ἄνοɩα, 191
God’s, 194
Ailly, Pierre d’, 75n, 76n, 77n, 82, 83, 96, 97, 98n, 99
Aipolos, 216
air, 249
Akathriel, 60
Albertus Magnus, 77n, 80n, 87, 256
Albigenses, 150
Albumasar (Ja’far ibn Muhammad [Abu Ma’shar] al-Balkhi), 75, 76–78nn, 80n, 95n, 96, 97, 99
alchemy/alchemists, 89 et passim
beginnings of, 173
Catharism and, 150
Chinese, 264
and Christ, 182
Christ-image in, 67
compensation in, 124
conjunction of opposites in, 40
dragon in, 120
eagle in, 64n
fish in, 126ff
Latin, beginnings of, 87
motive of, 171
and natural science, 176
Negroes in, 210
pagan currents in, 176
phenomenology of symbols in, 179
physical speculations of, 249ff
quaternio in, 232ff
rise of, 150
significance of matter in, 66
and “theoria,” 179
unconscious in, 142
Alciati, Andrea, 158
alcohol, 225
alembics, three, 241
Alexius Comnenus, 148
“Allegoriae sapientum supra librum Turbae,” 126
“Allegoriae super librum Turbae,” 125n, 126, 127n
allegories, see symbols
Allenby, Amy Ingeborg, 268n
Almaricus, see Amalric of Bene
Amalric of Bene, 83
ambivalence, 13
of fish symbol, 118ff
Amen, 206
Amitābha land, vision of, 151n
Amon, 78
Amoraim, 80n
Amos, Book of, (5 : 26), 74f
Anacreon, beaker of, 211
analogy formation, 261
analysis, 260
Andrew, St., 89
androgyny, of Christ, 204, 205
Angelus Silesius, 206
Anger, Rudolph, 74n
Ani, Papyrus of, 76n
anima, 8, 10, 13ff, 30f, 187, 266
and Eros, 14
feeling-value of, 28
liberty as, 30
novelists and, 267
personification of unconscious, 11n
possession by, 23; see also anima/animus
anima/animus: appearance of contents, 19
cannot be integrated, 20
effects on ego, 16f
fear of, 33
feeling-value of, 28
as functions, 20
positive aspect, 268
relation to each other, 15
anima christiana, 36
anima mundi, 136, 142, 160, 198, 242
anima rerum, 157–58n
animus, 8, 10, 14ff, 30f, 33, 266, 267
positive aspect of, 16; see also anima/animus
annunciation, of Christ-figure, 189
Christ as, 204
Gnostic, 197f
—, names of, 189
and Hermes, 230
king as, 198
serpent/snake and, 232f
symbol for God, 195
vessel as counterpart of, 242; see also Adam; Archanthropos; Man, original; Protanthropos
Anthropos quaternio, 231, 233, 244, 254
Anthropus primus, Saturn as, 197
Antichrist, ix, 36, 61, 62, 63, 94, 106
astrological origin, 76
astrological prediction of, 99
as half archetype of self, 44
Nostradamus on, 101
problem of, 42f
prophecies of, 109
Antony, Mark, 144
Anu, 124
Apelles, 75
Apep, 76
Apocalypse, ix, 36, 90, 105–6, 110; see also Revelation of St. John
Apollonius of Tyana, 126n
Apophis-serpent, 230
apperception, 169
aqua, 160
abyssi, 215
doctrinae, 159, 180, 185, 187, 188, 215, 241
permanens, 88, 150, 158, 187n, 235, 239n, 241
roris nostri, 158
Aquarius (), 82, 87, 91, 92, 93
Arab tradition, fish in, 123
Aratus, 92n
arcane substance/arcanum, 152, 157, 159, 160, 163, 187n
artifex as, 155
fishes as, 150
healing power of, 180
called lapis, 236
magnesia as, 156
in man and without, 162
refers to self, 145
Archanthropos, 197, 203, 209; see also Adam; Anthropos; Man, original; Protanthropos
Archegonos, 201n
archetype(s), 8, 16f, et passim;
in art history, 68
assimilation of, 222
autonomous factors, 21
denotes completeness, 68
good and bad effects of, 267
image of instinct, 179
of the Spirit, 85
totality of, 196
unconscious organizers of our ideas, 179; see also anima; animus; brothers, hostile; Christ; God-man; marriage quaternio; mother, chthonic; mother-son marriage; Redeemer; self; shadow; spirit of gravity; wholeness; wise old man
archon(s): Christ and, 65
demiurge, 190
of future/this Aeon, 254
Sabaoth, 76
argument, animus and, 15
Aries (ɤ), 74n, 82, 90n, 98, 103; see also Ram
Arisleus, 143
vision of, 130n
—, see also “Aenigmata ex Visione Arislei”
“Aristoteles de perfecto Magisterio,” 156
Aristotle, 51
Armilus, 107
Ars chemica, 187n
art, history of, archetype in, 68
Artefius, 132n
Artis auriferae, 126n, 130n, 197n, 238n, 240n, 241n
“as if,” 203
ascension, 65
Ascension of Isaiah, 57
aspersion, 187
ass, 75f
assimilation, 189
ego/self, 24f
by projection-making factor, 24
Assumptio Mariae, see Mary
assumptions, 15
Astarte, 112
astrology, 262
Fishes in, 111
Oriental, 93
Saturn in, 75ff
Atargatis, 73, 104, 111, 112, 121
atheism, 109
Athens: Little Metropolis, 91
atman, 32, 69, 144, 167, 194, 222
attention, 24
as Ichthys, 152n
“holy shepherd,” 89n
polymorphous, 199
Shepherd and, 103
Augurellus, Joannes Aurelius, 232n
Augustine, St., 38–40&nn, 46, 49–51, 52, 72n, 79n, 80n, 90n, 100, 113, 120, 147, 158, 182
Augustus, 144
Aurelia occulta, 187n
Aurora consurgens, 88n, 156n, 220n, 238n, 239n, 241
aurum nostrum, 127
Authades, 197n
authority, inner, 25–26
autism, 9
autoerotism, projections and, 9
Autogenes, 197n
autonomy: of anima/animus, 20, 28
of archetypes, 21
of characteristics of shadow, 8
Autopator, 190f
Autun, 89
avatar, 176
Aztecs, 144
Baal, 119
Baba Bathra, see Talmud
Baba Kamma, see Talmud
Babylon, 121
Babylonian tradition, 124
Bacchus, 199
Bactria, 74
Bahman Yast, 108
Balak, 59
baptism, 89, 90, 88; see also font
Barabbas, 91
barbel, 122
Bardesanes, 54
Bar-Kuni, see Theodor Bar-Kuni
Baruch, Apocalypse of, 115, 116, 118
Basil the Great, St., 46–48, 82, 129
Basilides/Basilidians, 64, 66, 185n, 190, 230, 234n, 269
Basilius (Bogomil bishop), 148
bath kol, 106
Baubo, chthonic, 13
Bauer, Walter, 213n
bear, as symbol, 226
Bear, Great, see Great Bear
Beasts, Lady of the, 116
Beatus, Giorgius, 187n
beetle, 226
Beguins, 150
Behemoth, 115n, 118, 120, 121, 123, 147n
battle with Leviathan, 80, 118
eucharistic food, 116
being, in God, 193
Belinus, 126n
Benat na’sh, 124
Benoist, Jean, 145
Berakoth, see Talmud
Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 125
Bernardus Trevisanus, 143, 239n
Berthelot, Marcellin, 65n, 127n, 143n, 156n, 159n, 238n, 264n
Bethlehem, 106
Bible, Protestants and, 178
bīn, 121
bird(s): allegory of Christ, 72
two fighting, 150
white and black, 226
body, 64–65
in Basilides, 66
body/spirit triads, 55
Böhme, Jakob, 61, 125, 171, 252n
Boll, Franz Johannes, 81n, 90n, 91n, 104n, 105
Bouché-Leclercq, Auguste, 75n, 76n, 81n, 104n, 112n
Bousset, Wilhelm, 75n, 108n, 109, 197n, 198n, 208n, 219n, 220n
Brahe, Tycho, 81n
brahman, 222
“Bread through God,” 84
breasts, Christ’s, 205
Brethren of the Free Spirit, 84, 150
brḥ, 119
Brihadāranyaka Upanishad, 223
Brimos, 217
brothers, hostile, 80n, 81, 87, 254
monsters as, 119
Brugsch, Heinrich, 207n
Buddha, symbol for God, 195
Buddhism, 136
and yoga, 176; see also Zen
Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis, 88n, 122n, 123, 207n
bull: Behemoth as, 120
Mithras and, 124
one-horned, 199
as symbol, 226
Bundahish, 246n
Cabala/cabalism/cabalists, 58, 61, 125, 173, 218n, 268
Cabrol, Fernand, and Leclercq, Henri, 89n
Caesarius of Heisterbach, 239n
calendar, revolutionary, 98
Caligula, 144
Campbell, Colin, 198
Cana, miracle of, 211
Canopic jars, 122
Canticles, see Song of Solomon
caput corvi, 210
carbon-nitrogen cycle, 260
Carcassonne, 145
Cardan, Jerome, 76n, 77n, 82, 95n
Carthage, 121
Carus, C. G., 6
Cassino, Monte, 83
castle, as symbol, 224
Castor, 81
cat, black, 30
Cathari/Cathars, 58, 83, 146ff
and alchemy, 150
causation, psychological, 62
causes, 165
Celsus, 75
centre, 224
in alchemy, 169
in man, and God-image, 171
in one-self and environment, 170
in Plotinus, 219
psychic and alchemical, 171
cerebellum, “Son” and, 186
cerebrum, “Father” and, 186
Chaldaeans, 111
chalybs, 132
chaos, 79, 148, 155, 194, 234, 236–37
and cosmos, 3–2
magnesia as, 156; see also massa confusa
Charles, R. H., 115n, 118n, 147n
Chartier, Jean, 139n
chemical processes, alchemy and, 157
child: divine, 31
symbol for God, 195
China: circular opus in, 264
dragon symbolism in, 245
religions of, 70
“chirographum,” 230 & n
choice: four elements and, 56
free, 5
as Anthropos, 204
archetype of self, 37
assimilation into psyche, 221
attributes of, and self, 44
as avatar of Vishnu, 176
childhood of, 103
common symbols with devil, 72
and contents of unconscious, 181
death of, 35
descent into hell, 39
dualistic aspects, 111
both ego and self, 110
as fish, see fish(es)
and horoscope, 136–37
horoscopes of, 77n
human soul of, 39
as inner man, 203
lamb and, 105–6
male/female, 205
and Mary, in Gnostic legend, 202
as new aeon, 90
the perfect man, 69
pre-existent, 148
as quaternion of opposites, 63
as rock, 88
scriptural symbols of, 221
second, 65
spouse of the Church, 21
subjective parallel of, 182
symbol for God, 195
synoptic and Johannine, 72
transfiguration of, 122n
“uncomeliness” of, 140
“within,” 183
as younger son of God, 57, 147; see also Adam; androgyny; Ichthys
Christ-figure: annunciation of, 189
significance of, 203–4
Christ-image: anthropomorphic, 67
perfection of, 68–6g
Christensen, Arthur, 77n, 246n
Christian doctrine: and nature, 173
and the psyche, 174
Christianity: astrological origin, 76
divine syzygy in, 21
Germanic acceptance of, 175
myths underlying, 179
place in Western life, 175
Christmas Eve, 111
Chronos, 139
chthonic world, shadow and, 34
Church: as Bride of Christ/Lamb, 21, 204
as female, 21n
in modern world, 176
soul as, 206
as symbol, 224
cinedian fish/stone, 138–39
circle(s): character of wholeness, 224n
God as, 153
magic, 32
in Maier, 264
soul as, 219
and square/squaring of, 224–25, 239, 241, 264
squared, of self, 204
symbols, 194
— of God, 195
—, self in, 190
circumambulation, 224
citrinitas, 127
city: heavenly, 37
in Oxyrhynchus sayings, 145
as symbol, 224
Clement of Alexandria, 22, 113n, 121, 222, 234n
Clement of Rome, 125
Second Epistle to Corinthians, 21n
for pseudo-Clement, see Clementine Homilies
Clementine Homilies, 54ff, 10n, 192n, 254
cloud, 155
Cnidaria, 128
Codex Ashburnham 1166, 232
collective unconscious, 7, 164, 223, 234
archetypes and, 8
autonomy of, 20
dogma and, 174–75
and mythology, 179
collision, of conscious and unconscious, 194
collyrium, 127
Colossians, Epistle to the, (2 : 14), 230n
compass, 134
Compendium theologicae veritatis, 80n
compensation: function of unconscious, 20
in man and woman, 14
completeness: and perfection, 68, 69, 111
voluntary, 70; see also wholeness
complexio oppositorum, 61n, 225, 267; see also coniunctio oppositorum
compulsion, 140
c. neurosis, 10
concept, 33
merely a name, 32
metaphysical, 34
confusion, 194
coniunctio, of Adam and Eve, 206
coniunctio(nes) maxima(e), 82, 96, 97, 98, 111
coniunctio oppositorum, 31, 152, 159, 167, 268; see also opposites, conjunction of
conscientiousness, 24
consciousness: in Autopator, 191
broadening of, and opus, 148
cannot comprehend whole, 110–11
and causes and ends, 165
differentiation of, 191
and discrimination, 260
ego as subjective, 164
founded on unconsciousness, 30
God-image and, 194
limits of its field, 3
monsters and development of, 121
myths and coming of, 148
relation of unconscious manifestations to, 225
and splitting of Original Man, 204
threshold of, 4; see also ego
consensus omnium / consensus generalis, 29, 30, 47, 178
constellations, 29
consummation of universe, 254
conversion, 40
copulation, 206
self-, 207
coral, 125n
Corinthians, First Epistle to, (5 : 2), 23n
(10 : 4), 88
(10 : 16), 115n
(15 : 47), 39n
Second Epistle to (Clement of Rome), 21n
Cornarius, 191
corpus mysticum, 32
correspondence: in opus alchemicum, 262
principle of, 258; see also synchronicity
corybants, 211
Corybas, see Korybas
cosmos, and chaos, 32; see also chaos
Cramer, H., 213n
crazes, 169
creation: Heliopolitan story of, 207
and opus, 148
of world by devil, 146
creator: as dreaming, 192
Gnostic symbols for, 196
crocodile, 244
as quaternity symbol, 204, 224
and snake, 78n
as symbol of God, 195
punishment for slaves, 78n
crystal, 224
culture hero, Christ as, 36
Curetes, 211
Cybele, 121
Cyprian, St., 112n
Cyranides, 138
Dactyls, 212
Darndad-Nashk, 246n
damnation, eternal, 61n
Daniel, Book of, 74
(2 : 34), 208n
(2 : 35), 209n
(2 : 45), 88n
(3 : 24f), 199
(3 : 25), 123n;
(11 : 36ff), 36n
Dardaris, 250
daughter, 12
David, 79
dawn-state, 148
dealbatio, 148
Dee, John, 221
Degenhardus, 139
De Gubernatis, Angelo, 114
“De igne et sale,” 132n
deliberation, 16
Demeter, 12
Basilidian, 190
Esaldaios, 208
ignorant, myth of, 189
Satanael as, 147–48
son of, 190
Democritus (alchemist), 143n, 159
Denzinger, Heinrich, and Bannwart, Klemens, 52n, 83n, 253n
descensus ad inferos, 39
Deus absconditus, 135
Deussen, Paul, 152n
Deuteronomy, (32 : 17), 107
(32 : 39), 55
devaluation, of sexuality, 226
devil: as Adversary, 42
his body of fire, 132n
in Christian dogma, 124
counterpart of God, 61
and evil, 48
fourth person, 208
God ruling world through, 254
in Joachim of Flora, 86
Origen and fate of, 110
in Protestantism, 41
symbols, in common with Christ, 72
world created by, 146; see also Satan
dharma, 217n
Didymus of Alexandria, 235n
dilemma, of one and three, 195, 224, 225
din, 58
Diodoros (Megarian philosopher), 76n
Diodorus, 76
Dionysius the Areopagite, 46, 49, 51
Diorphos, 121
Dioscorides, 156n
Dioscorus, 159n
Dioscuri, 81
Diotima, 27
of the natures, 79
distillation, circular, 265
disturbance, symptoms of, 29
divisio, 168, 187; see also separatio
doctrinairism, 86
doctrine, Christian, see Christian doctrine
Doelger, Franz Josef, 73, 89, 113n, 114n, 115, 121
dog, 150
barbarian peoples and, 175
“belief” in, 178
believers and, 178n
drift from, 179
prejudice against, 175
reason for insistence on, 179
and “sacred history,” 179; see also doctrine
Dominican order, 83
Domitian, 110
Dorn, Gerhard, 157, 159, 160–64, 166, 169–71, 174, 181, 187n, 197n, 220, 221n, 239, 264
Dozy, Reinhart, and de Goeje, M. J., 75n
drachates / draconites / dracontias, 138, 139, 140
draconite, see drachates
Dragomanov, M., 147n
in China, 245
head of, 100
stone of, 138f
winged and wingless, 120
see also snake
dream-analysis, 203
dreams, 25, 30, 35, 142, 223, 243
anima/animus in, 19
childhood, 190
of disoriented student, 134
fire in, 137n
of fishes, 151–52
image of self in, 67
instinctual foundation of, 203n
mandalas in, 31
of Passion play and snake, 78n
quaternary symbols in, 132n
shadow in, 120
symbolism in, 202
Drews, Arthur, 90n
dualism: in archetypal self, 42
in Christ-figure, 111
God’s humanity and, 110
Manichaean, 49, 55, 57n, 58, 61, 269
duality: man’s, 255
symbol for God, 195
du Cange, Charles, 128n, 138n, 154n
“Duodecim portarum axiomata philosophica,” 131n
“Duodecim tractatus,” 156n, 158
dyad, 194
Dyophysites, 110
Ea, 121
earth, 264
East, Philosophical, 132
Ecclesiasticus (9: 18[25]), 135
(48 : 1), 129
echeneis, 140–42, 144, 145, 154–55
echinus, see echeneis
Eckhart, Meister, 87, 135, 189, 193–94, 206, 219
Eden, 225, 234; see also Paradise
education, modern, and dissociation, 181
ego, 190
acquired during lifetime, 5
approximation to self, 23
archetypes and, 8
as centre of personality, 6
Christ’s correspondence to, 110
complex nature of, 3
conscious and unconscious in, 4
dependence on unconscious, 7
effects of anima/animus on, 16
exponent of self, 223
individuality of, 6
inflation of, 23–24
its knowledge of itself, 163–64
and metaphysical ideas, 34
not coincident with conscious personality, 4
overpowering of, 23
perplexity of, 189
relative abolition of, 45
somatic and psychic bases of, 3, 4
subjective consciousness, 164
subordinate to self, 5
as total consciousness, 5
what it is, 3; see also assimilation; personality
ego-consciousness: differentiation from unconscious, 24
and psyche, 164
shadow and, 28
Egypt, 209n
fish-cult in, 121
flight of Christ to, 103
and Israel, common symbols, 123
Jews in, 78
slaying of firstborn in, 58n
eidos, 34
eight, 224
Eisler, Robert, 90n, 91n, 103n, 104n, 116n, 121n
Eleazar, Abraham, 131
electron, 187n
elements, four, 251, 254, 264f, Plate I
contained in lapis, 166, 237 & n;
hate and love of, 17
as stages of fire, 249
elephant, 226
Elephantine, 121
Eleusis: mysteries of, 217
priests of, 217n
Elogabal, 89n
Elysian Fields, 30
Emmaus, 113
emotion: not an activity, 9
and the shadow, 8–9
emotionality, female, 55
Empedocles, 17
enantiodromia, ix, 43, 93, 95, 102, 108, 149, 225, 258
ends, 165
energy, 251
enkekalymmenos, 18
ἔννοɩα, 191, 197n; see also consciousness
“Entkrist,” 101
Enuma Elish, 124
environment: influence of, 21
projections and, 9–10
Ephesians, Epistle to the: (3 : 18), 88n
(4 : 23), 193n
(5 : 14), 208
Ephrem the Syrian, St., 140
Epictetus, 213n
Epidaurus, 188
Epiphanius, 44n, 57, 66, 72n, 76n, 81n, 88, 104, 114, 147, 159n, 190n, 197, 202, 208f
Epiphany, 104
epiphenomenon, psyche as, 174
equation, quaternio as, 257ff
equinoctial point, 77&n
Erman, Adolf, 78
a mighty daimon, 27
Esaldaios, 197
“the fourth,” 208
eschatological state, 169
eschatology, in New Testament, 36
(6 : 49ff), 147n
(13 : 2ff), 120
(13 : 25), 115n
“Ethiopian woman,” 228, 251, 252
Ethiopians, 210
Eubulides, 18n
eucharist, fish and, 113, 115n, 121, 152
eucharistic: act of integration, 144
feast, of Ophites, 188
food, Leviathan as, 119f
Euphrates, 104, 184–85, 199f, 211, 225, 235, 251, 252
Euthymios Zigabenos, 148
symbols of, 123
Eve, 204, 205f, 206, 235; see also Adam
Everlasting Gospel, see Gospel
absolute, 10
anima/animus and, 267
Christianity and, 109
and disposition of soul, 61
Gnostics and, 230
and the north, 124
principle of, as creator, 256
shadow and, 266–67
see also privatio boni
evolution, 180
exaltatio, of Aphrodite, 112
exaltation, 156n
Exodus, Book of: (2 : 4ff), 210
(12 : 22), 58
(15 : 6), 59
(15 : 20f), 210
(18 : 27), 229n
(33 : 5). 58
experience: intersexual, 21n
sensory and immediate, 3
extrasensory perception, 184n
eyes, seven, 105n
Ezekiel, 101, 105n, 124, 132, 195, 241
(1 : 22), 123
(1 : 26), 123
factors: causal and final, of psychic existence, 165; see also subjective factor
faith: is absolute, 174
crumbling away of content, 178
and dogma, 178
rift from knowledge, 173f
Fallopius, Gabriel, 158
Fanianus, Joannes Chrysippus, 157
Farnese Atlas (Naples), 91
father: and daughter, 14
demiurge as, 190
in female argumentation, 15
God as, 193
idea of, 18f
in Moses quaternio, 227
“signs of the,” 190
as unconscious, 191
father-animus, 210
father-mother, symbol for God, 195
fear, of unconscious, 33
function of value, 32
subjective and objective, 29
female, see male and female
femininity, man’s, 21n
Ferguson, John, 133n
“Fidelissima et jucunda instructio de arbore solari,” 140n, 154
Fierz-David, Hans Eduard, 251n
Fierz-David, Linda, 13n
fifth, the, 225
filius macrocosmi, 66, 127, 155, 237
filius philosophorum, 66, 127, 155, 213
and water, 225
firmament, 164
Firmicus Maternus, Julius, 88
firstborn, slaying of the, 58n
fish(es): 189, 244
aeon of the, 62
allegory of the damned, 122
in Arab tradition, 123
assimilation of Christ-figure, 182
Atargatis cult and, 121
bad qualities of, 112
beneath the earth, 145
and Christ as Ichthys, 115
Christian significance of, 114
direction of, 91
“drawn from the deep,” 79n, 120
eaten by Christ, 121n
and fire, 135–36
golden, dream of, 151–52
great, as shadow of God, 119
—, splitting of, 119
historical significance of, 103ff
Lambspringk’s symbol of reversed, 150
and Leviathan, 120
miraculous draught of, 89
originally one, 111
pagan symbolism, 115f
in primitive Christianity, 188
“round,” 127ff, 137–38, 140, 144
as sepulchral symbol, 115
and serpent, 186
—, a double sign, 111
—, twelfth, of zodiac, 118
symbol, ambivalence of, 118ff
—, in Eastern religions, 73
—, of love and religion, 129
—, of self, 226
—, of soul, 122
symbolism of, and self, 183
zodiacal, in Lambspringk, 145
fish-deities, Semitic, 121
fisherman, 112
fish-glue, 127n
five, 224
fixation, 168
Flaccianus, 72n
flatus vocis, 32
“flesh,” the, 233
flood, god who dwells in, 211
flower, as symbol of self, 226
Fludd, Robert, 262n
font, baptismal, 73
formlessness, 66
four, see elements s.v. four
Franciscan order, 83
Franz, Marie-Louise von, ix, 88n, 210n, 220n, 262n
Free Spirit: Brethren of the, 84, 150
and Eckhart, 194
freedom: of ego, limited, 7
moral, 26
subjective feeling of, 5
French Revolution, 43, 98, 233
sexualistic approach to psyche, 226
frivolity, and evil, 61–62
Frobenius, Leo, 111n
fructificatio, 83
functions: anima/animus as, 20
differentiated and undifferentiated, 195
four, of consciousness, 258, 259
quaternity of, 196
rational, 28
reflex, 233
sensory, rivers as, 199
and space-time quaternio, 253
Gaedechens, Rudolf, 91n
Galileo, 34
gall, fish’s, 137
Gamaliel the Elder, 113n
Gamow, George, 260n
garbha griha, 217n
Gargaros, 206n
gate, narrow, 200
Gayomart, 246
Gehenna, fire of, 131
(1 : 7), 184n
(18 : 23), 59
(28 : 17), 214n
(44 : 5), 211n
Genesis, Johannine, 80
“genius,” man’s, 45
geomancy, 261
Gerard of Borgo San Donnino, 82
Gerhardt, Oswald, 74n, 75n, 77
Germanic peoples, 175
Geryon, 211
Gnosticism/Gnostics, 58, 93, 181, 192, 196ff, 269
Christ-figure in, 203
and demiurge, 150n
Eckhart and, 194
and Holy Ghost, 86
and magnetism, 154
and psyche, 174
as psychologists, 222
and symbols of self, 184ff
and unconscious, 190–91
and water, 159n
god: dying, 206
“earthly,” Mercurius as, 232
God: absolute, 143
of Basilidians, 190
fish as shadow of, 119
and man, affinity, 209
in Old and New Testaments, 192
pneuma and soma in, 254
quaternary view of, 253n
symbols for, 195
threefold sonship, 64
two sons of, 147
union of natures in, 110
will of, 26f
without consciousness, 192
of wrath and of love, 192
God-eating, 144
Godhead: in Eckhart, 193
Second Person of, 196
unconscious, 193
God-image: alchemy and, 125
centre as, 219
in Christ and man, 38
Christian doctrine as expressing, 174
an experience, 194
human element in, 121
incomplete, 120
reformation of, 40
results of destruction of, 109
and transcendent centre in man, 171
transformations of, and changes in consciousness, 194
and wholeness, 198
Yahwistic, 58
see also Imago Dei
God-man, archetype, 181–82
“gods”: anima/animus as, 21
ithyphallic, 211
theriomorphic attributes of, 29
goddess, heavenly, 13
gold, in alchemy, 264
good and evil, see evil
Goodenough, Erwin R., 73n, 90n, 113n, 115n, 117, 120n, 122n, 145n
Gospel, Everlasting, 82, 85, 88
gospels: miraculous element in, 177
synoptic, 93
grace: divine, 129
restoration through, 39
state of, 34
grape, 200
Grasseus, Johannes, 139
Gratarolus, Gulielmus, 146n, 232n
gravity, spirit of, 116n
Great Mother(s), 89n, 112, 199, 210
Gregory the Great, St., 101, 205n, 206n
Grenfell, B. P., and Hunt, A. S., 37n
Gnostic symbols for, 196ff
Guignebert, Charles, 213n
gyne (woman), 104n
Habakkuk, Book of, (2 : 3), 60
Haggard, H. Rider, 267n
Hahn, Christoph Ulrich, 84, 145n, 146n
Haly, 239n
Hanan ben Tahlifa, Rabbi, 80n
handwriting, 230
Hapi, 123
Harran, 126
Hartmann, E. von, 6
Hathor, Temple of, 91
heaven(s), 155
in Ascension of Isaiah, 57
four pillars of, 123
iron plate in, 122–23
kingdom of, 145
lapis in, 170
northern, 123
Heb-Sed festival, 198
Hecate, 21
Heidegger, Johann Heinrich, 76n
Helen (Selene), 21
Helen (in Simon Magus), 197n
Heliogabalus, 89n
hell, 135
St. Basil on, 129
eternity of, 110
God’s love in, 125
hemispheres, 134
hemlock, 217n
Hennecke, Edgar, 57n
Henry II, of France, 95
heptad, 197n
Hera, 206n
Babylonian, 116
Heracles, 81
heresies, 150
hermaphrodite, 159, 211, 234, 248
and elevated places, 206
Original Man as, 204
stone as, 246
symbol for God, 195
Hermaphroditus, 127
Hermas, “Shepherd” of, 88n, 103, 224n
Hermes, 21, 155, 209, 234, 245
bird of, 221
ithyphallic, 230
Kriophoros, 103
Kyllenian/Kyllenios, 201, 211, 212, 232
Naassene view of, 208
“Ter Unus,” 177; see also Mercurius/Mercury
Hertz, Martin, 136n
hesed, 58
hexad, 228
hexagrams, 260
hieros gamos, 12, 39–40, 89n, 206
Hierosolymus, 76n
Hinduism, and Buddhism, 176
Hippocrates, 201n
Hippolytus, 1, 64, 65n, 66, 75n, 88n, 114, 139, 173, 184, 186, 187, 191, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 208ff, 222, 223n, 226, 230n, 233, 254
hiranyagarbha, 246
Hitler, Adolf, 102
Hoghelande, Theobald de, 137, 239n, 240
Hölderlin, Friedrich, 29
Hollandus, Johannes Isaacus, 235n
espousal of, 86
indwelling of, 88
homo: altus, 232
coelestis, 39
maximus, 198
quadratus, 264
homosexual, 12
Honorius of Autun, 101n
hook, fish-, 112n
horos, 65n
zodia in, 148
horse, 226
four sons of, 122, 123, 124, 132, 240, 243
“older,” 78
quaternio, 243; see also Heru-ur
house, as symbol, 224f
human figure, as symbol of self, 225, 226
hyacinth, 139
hydromedusa, 134
hyle, 79
hypochondriac ideas, 169
hysteria, 203n
collective, 181
Ibn Ezra, 108
Ichthys: Adonis as, 121
Christ as, 183
Christ or Attis as, 152n
son of Derceto, 104, 111; see also fish(es)
ideals, collective, 29
Idechtrum, 213
Ideler, Christian Ludwig, 124n
identification, with intellectual standpoint, 31
identity, 18
of hunter and prey, 112
of lowest and highest, 246
Ides/Ideus, 213
Ignatius Loyola, St., 165
ignis, see fire
ignorance, 191
illusion, 11, 16; see also maya
image of God: Christ and the soul as, 37; see also imago Dei
imagination, active, 19, 223, 243
imago Dei, 31, 37, 38n, 41, 260; see also God-image; image of God
Imhullu, 120
“immutability in the new rock,” 84, 87
impulses, 27
“In Turbam philosophorum exercitationes,” 126
incarnation, 179
fish and, 121
incomplétude, sentiment d’, 9
increatum, 237
India: development of symbol in, 176, 217n
Eckhart and, 194
fish in, 114
religions of, 70
thought of, 175
Indian influences, 223
Indies, 133–34
individuality, and ego, 6
individuation, 39, 40, 45, 200
apocatastasis in, 169
Christianity and, 70
as mysterium coniunctionis, 64
opus and, 264
repressed, 70
self and, 167
stone compared with, 170
symbolized in dreams, 153
infans, 127
infection, psychic, 248n
inflation, 25
of ego, 23–24
negative, 62
peril of, 24
religious, 84
inhabitant, of house, 225
initiation, in mysteries, 261
innocents, massacre of, 103
Inquisition, 145
insight, intellectual, insufficiency of, 33
instinct(s), 21, 26, 31, 40–41, 145, 179, 234
archetype image of, 179
individual and common, 7
snake symbol of, 244
“Instructio de arbore solari,” 140n, 154
of collective unconscious, 39
of contents of anima/animus, 20
mandala and, 32
of shadow, 22
of unconscious contents, 23
intellect, and values, 32
intensity, of idea, 28
“Interpretatio … epistolae Alexandri,” 167n
Interrogationes maiores Mariae, 202, 207
Irenaeus, 41n, 45–46, 54, 65n, 66n, 110n, 150n, 196, 197n, 218n, 219n
Iron Age, fourth, 108
iron-stone, magnetic, 156n
irrationality, 17
Isaac, 90n
Isaiah, Ascension of, see Ascension of Isaiah
Isaiah, Book of: (14 : 12ff), 100
(14 : 31), 101n
(26 : 20), 59
(28 : 10), 210n
(30 : 18), 60
(33 : 14), 144n
(66 : 7), 105
Ishmael, Rabbi, 60
Ishtar, 112
Isidore of Seville, St., 154n
Isidorus (Gnostic), 234
Isis, 104
Israel and Egypt, common symbols, 123
Jacob, 214
Jacobi, Jolande, 253n
Ja’far ibn Muhammad (Abu Ma’shar) al-Balkhī, see Albumasar
James, Epistle of, 135
(3 : 5), 135n
(3 : 6), 135
James of Sarug, 75
James, Montague Rhodes, 37n, 197n
Jeans, Sir James, 258n
jelly-fish, 128, 134, 137–38, 154n
Jeremiah, Book of: (1 : 13), 101
(1 : 14), 100
Jeremias, Alfred, 73n, 74, 112, 124n
Jesuits, 58
faith and personality of, 178–79
as God-man, 35
Makarios, 200
in Pistis Sophia, 78–79
relation to Christ, 67
and separation of categories, 64
as third sonship, 67
a trichotomy, 65
as “truth sprouting from earth,” 79; see also Christ
Joachim of Flora, 82–83, 84, 86, 87, 149, 150, 253, Plate II
(26 : 7), 100
(26 : 12), 120
(26 : 13), 120n
(27 : 21), 101
(41), 119n
Jochanan, Rabbi, 60
Johannes de Lugio, 146n
John, St., 145
First Epistle of (4 : 3), 36n
Revelation of, see Revelation
John, Gospel of, 148
(1), 218n
(1 : 1ff), 211
(1 : 2), 148
(1 : 4), 211
(5 : 2), 131n
(6 : 53), 202
(14 : 6), 200
(18 : 36), 37n
John the Baptist, 192n
John Chrysostom, St., 48f
John of Paris, 80n
Jonah, 117
sign of, 111
Jonathan, Rabbi, 60
Jordan, 210–11
Joseph (father of Jesus), 78–79
Josephus, 76
Joshua, 111
jot, 218
Judaeus (son of Set), 76n
Judaism, 58ff
Messianism in, 107
judgments: good/evil as, 53
moral, 47–48
Jung, Carl Gustav:
CASES: student who dreamed of jelly-fish, 134
young woman with intense inner life who dreamed of fishes, 151–52
WORKS: “Answer to Job,” 87n
Commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower, 182n
“Concerning Mandala Symbolism,” 40n, 219n
“Concerning Rebirth,” 111n
“Instinct and Unconscious,” 8n
Memories, Dreams, Reflections, 134n
Mysterium Coniunctionis, 13n, 235n
“On the Nature of the Psyche,” 4, 8n, 24n, 164n, 174n, 179n
“On Psychic Energy,” 29n
“Paracelsus the Physician,” 133n, 213n
“Paracelsus as a Spiritual Phenomenon,” 211n, 214n, 239n, 242n
“The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairytales,” 55n, 85n, 99n, 159n, 203n, 224n, 229n
“The Philosophical Tree,” 235n
“A Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity,” 37n, 86n, 152n, 153n, 224n, 246n, 253n
Psychological Types, 28n, 116n, 159n, 223n, 224n, 253n
Psychology and Alchemy, 31n, 37n, 40n, 63n, 64n, 67n, 78n, 87, 116n, 125n, 134n, 136n, 140n, 152n, 155n, 182, 190n, 197n, 199n, 237n, 239n, 241n, 243n, 245n, 259n, 262, 264n
“The Psychology of the Child Archetype,” 31n
“The Psychology of Eastern Meditation,” 135n, 151n, 204n
“Psychology and Religion,” 87n, 182n
“Psychology of the Transference,” 13n, 22n, 64n, 159n, 167n, 209n, 225n, 228n, 229n, 242n, 243n
“The Psychology of the Trickster Figure,” 203n
“The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious,” 21n, 23n, 63n, 182n
“The Spirit Mercurius,” 43n, 86n, 136n, 152n, 168n, 203n, 212n, 232n, 235n, 253n
“A Study in the Process of Individuation,” 65n, 67n, 190n, 204n, 219n, 253n
Symbols of Transformation, 101n, 111n, 132n
“Transformation Symbolism in the Mass,” 144n, 220n, 238n
“Über das Selbst,” 23n
Jupiter (), 74, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83n, 95, 97
moons of, 34
jurisprudence, and consciousness, 5
justice, of Yahweh, see Yahweh
Ka-mutef, 206
Kant, Immanuel, 6
Kaulakau, 210
Kelchner, Ernst, 102n
Kena Upanishad, 223
kerygmatics, 177
Keshava, 114
Kewan, 75n
Khidr legend, 111
Khunrath, Heinrich Conrad, 88, 156, 220
kibla, 124
king(s), deification of, 198
divine right of, 177
kingdom(s), heavenly/of God, 37
two, in pseudo-Clement, 55
“kingless race,” 260
Kings, First Book of, 59
(22 : 19), 59
kingship, and self, 198
Kircher, Athanasius, 262f
Kirchmaier, Georg Caspar, 116n
Klaus, Brother, 25
Knapp, Martin Johann, 81n
Kohut, Alexander, 246n
Kolorbas, 195
Korah, children of, 106
Koran, 111n
Kore, 104
Korion, 104
Kurma, 176
Kyrios, 182