About the Authors

Scott Jarrett is a multi-instrumental musician, composer, teacher, arranger, and producer who has worked with numerous artists, including Willie Nelson, Fiona Flanagan, Mary Klueh, Arlen Asher, Questionsinletters, and Keith Jarrett, among many others. He has served as music director for many live theatrical productions, including the Broadway production of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. He currently runs Monkey House recording studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He has released three original albums, Without Rhyme or Reason, The Gift of Thirst, and Aperçu. He has taught music theory, composition, production, and recording at the Full Sail Center for the Recording Arts in Orlando, The Acting Conservatory in Nashville, McNally-Smith School of Music in St. Paul, Minnesota, and The Santa Fe University of Art and Design in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Holly Day is a music journalist whose articles have appeared in publications all over the world, including Computer Music Journal, ROCKRGRL, Music Alive!, Guitar One, and Mixdown magazines. Her writing has received an Isaac Asimov Award, a National Magazine Award, and two Midwest Writer’s Grants. She is co-author of Music Theory For Dummies (Wiley).


To Irma Jarrett, who, along with being a nurturing teacher, would have also been an excellent Jedi knight, but for the fact that for her the Dark Side didn’t exist. — Scott

To Sherman, Wolfgang, and Astrid, without whose love and support I am nothing. — Holly

Authors’ Acknowledgments

I would like to express my deeply felt thanks to my 10th-grade English teacher, Mr. Sims, wherever he may be, for his encouragement. I would also like to thank Ruth Sweet for introducing me to the effort shapes and their many uses. Stu Kuby and Louise Messina deserve credit for giving me some of my first professional music-composition opportunities. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to Tom Day, Mike Bogle, and Steve Horlick for their generous help, support, and resources. And lest I forget from whose well of patience I drink and whence springs my motivation, I acknowledge my wife, Meg, and my two sons, Garner and Colin. — Scott

I’d like to thank the amazing musicians whose invaluable advice was essential to the writing of this book: Jonathan Segel, Genesis P-Orridge, Nick Currie, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, and Mark Mothersbaugh. I’d especially like to thank my father, Tom Day, for helping make music such an important part of my life.— Holly

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Executive Editor: Lindsay Lefevere

Acquisitions Editor: Kelsey Baird

Managing Editor: Michelle Hacker

Editorial Project Manager and Development Editor: Christina N. Guthrie

Technical Editor: Mitzi Westra, DMA

Production Editor: Tamilmani Varadharaj

Cover Photos: © BJI / Blue Jean Images / Getty Images