
It is an accurate statement that the followers of Witchcraft do not usually proselytize, which means you aren’t going to find us standing on your local street corner thumping our Books of Shadows. Nor do you have to worry about jumping out of the shower to answer our serene and smiling faces at the door with your clothes stuck to various uncomfortable places on your wet body.

But just because we (hopefully) aren’t the forcible type doesn’t mean that we don’t exist. Trying to find us, though, can sometimes be rather tricky. And honestly, that’s part of the fun.

Witchcraft is definitely an enjoyable practice. There is no fear, no hatred, no cowering at divinity. Each of us has the right to enjoy all that the universe has to provide. This book has been designed to help you experience Witchcraft in its natural form.

I could entice you by saying, yes, after reading and practicing various exercises in this book you will get the money you need, the love you desire, etc., but I would come close to sounding like the nine hundred numbers that I usually roll my eyes at; I’m sure you do too. Who ever heard of something coming from nothing?

Well—believe it or not—me. Except you must understand that there is no such thing as nothing. Even nothing is something, really.

This book has been written for each person as an individual, whether you belong to a coven, practice solitary already, or are just beginning and haven’t decided exactly what you want to do. Its focus is on the single person, often called solitary, and how they can practice both the science and religion of the Craft, whether they belong to a group or not.

It speaks plainly and simply about living as a Witch, not just practicing rituals or invoking spells on Tuesday, or Thursday, or whatever.

It is also a very important testimony of one woman . . . me. If Witchcraft and magick didn’t work for me, you wouldn’t be reading this book. Now, before you hurriedly flip through the pages because you think I zapped it up without any stress or strain and you want to do the same, let me assure you that it took an immense amount of work to attain my goal of writing this book.

Yes, there was definitely magick afoot in my life as I worked on this manuscript. The odds of a mother of four submitting her first manuscript to the publishing company at the top of her list and having it accepted without the usual hassle of numerous rejection letters are slim indeed. It wasn’t just my magick, or hopes and dreams that brought this book to you, it was the magick of those many people who are in need of such a text.

What I am trying to stress is that I’m just like you. I’m a normal, everyday-type person. Well, sort of. Everyone likes to think they are special, right?

I live in the real world that has such neat items as rent, phone bills, electric bills, family upsets, car problems, and bank snafus. Not to mention the biggies, like war, crime, and sometimes uncooperative neighbors.

My point is that I can take this real world and superimpose upon it the world of illusion (which isn’t, really), in order to either fix or prevent many of life’s difficulties—or even better, create happiness and well-being for both myself and others.

I can do this, and so can you . . . if you really want to. And that is the fundamental key. To want and to need simultaneously leads to success without researching the subject for the next twenty years—an idea that doesn’t sound promising to anybody. Who wants to wait that long to achieve their goals? I’d rather sit in my rocking chair ticking off the things that I have achieved rather than mourn over an expanse of wasted years and unfinished business.

Witchcraft is a natural and practical aspect of being. If followed properly, it doesn’t hurt anybody, and helps many. It meshes easily with the cycles of the universe. You can obtain health, wealth, and well-being. Just ask me!

Blessed Be,

Jenine E. Trayer

aka Silver RavenWolf

31 October 1991
