
Working Rituals, and
Drawing Down the Moon

Putting Practice into Form

At this point in your studies, you have learned the basics for performing a working ritual and a spell. You have studied creative visualization, meditation, divination, and the raising and grounding of your personal power. You have gathered all those neat tools, studied other books (hopefully), and become acquainted with one or more deity systems.

Now, all you need is courage—the drive and determination to practice magick, when and where it is appropriate, and to learn from your mistakes (which will be many), and your successes (which will depend entirely on you).

Practicing solitary magick is much like running your own business. What you put into it you get out of it, only after you have worked your behind off to get it there.

You must be persistent, believe in yourself, and have a well-rounded ego that can inflate upon command to instill belief in yourself when the chips are down. You must be committed and willing to sacrifice particular elements of yourself—over and over and over again. This is how you learn and grow, by adapting and accepting change.

It takes guts and faith to practice real magick by yourself . . . alone in a candlelit space . . . and expect it to work. Many people come to this stage of the Craft, try a few spells, get high off Drawing Down the Moon, meet a few other Witches, and determine that this is not the way they wish to be.

They are afraid of fantasy and their own imaginations. The first time something backfires or simply doesn’t work, they are ready to throw in the wand and trash the system. At this point you really haven’t practiced Witchcraft. You have set the stage, gathered the props and prepared them, said your opening lines in a dedication ceremony, but you haven’t performed the play.

From the first time you Draw Down the Moon to perform a working ritual, you will be practicing the art of Witchcraft. Up to now you have experimented with various areas of study, but you’ve not really put them all together to reach a specific goal, other than education.

Are you ready? Then, I believe the saying is “Onward and upward”!

Energy in Spells and Rituals

Energy is something you can feel. You may tingle, pulse, or grow warm while raising energy. Some people are strong “energy pushers,” and others are not. This doesn’t mean that if you can belt out an explosion of energy you are better than those who allow their energy to flow smoothly from their bodies.

Before you raise your energy, you have to ground and center. “Grounding” is putting psychological roots into Earth Mother and stabilizing yourself; “centering” is pulling your essence into your navel area to promote a calm and steady state. If you do not ground and center, woe unto you, my friend.

You cannot work at peak efficiency all the time, however. If you are overly tired, sick, or stressed out, you may have a heck of a time raising the cone of power. If possible, save your working for another day.

Don’t feel bad or consider yourself a failure if you cannot raise energy right away. It will come in time; everyone is capable of raising energy once they get the hang of it.

Energy and Alcohol

This is a tough one. To be absolutely honest, you should not be doing any magick if you are drunk or hung over. In fact, your body should be clear of alcohol for at least twenty-four hours before performing magick. Partying and magick do not go hand in hand.

Are most Witches nondrinkers? No, we have merely changed with the times. Campaigns (such as ones by Mothers Against Drunk Driving) have alerted the public to the fact that drinking is serious and can be a deadly business. Also, the Witch population is growing and must accomodate recovered alcoholics, young people, the physically challenged, etc. We must respect the needs of others.

Energy and Drugs

Rather than get into a massive argument here, let’s be logical. In the United States, a drug that is illegal has no place in a Craft circle. Illegal substancess can get you jail time. Listen to Mother Silver here; if you are taking cocaine, crack, pills, etc., to get up and to go to bed, you need medical help. Get it. Drugs and magick are simply not good working partners.

With prescription drugs, use your best judgment. If the over-the-counter cold medicine leaves you feeling like part of you is floating near the ceiling, don’t do magick because you are not in control.


When you become a Witch, you are letting yourself and the world know that you are responsible for your own actions. Those people that abuse drugs and alcohol can’t be real Witches because they are relying on self-denial to get them through life, and are not taking responsibility for what they are doing to their bodies, their families, and the universe in general.

The Spell

I know this is what you have all been waiting for, the good part, right? The magickal stuff. Well, everything about a Witch’s life is magickal, from the forest he or she walks through to the city streets; from the people he or she meets and helps or defends against . . . it is all magick!

Simple spellcasting is not so “simple.” It truly is an art in itself. It is the practice of working magick—­changing thought into some type of emotional or physical form—by your own will, using specific words in conjunction with a magickal tool or entity. A successful spell is one that accomplishes the desired end without harming anyone in the process. Sometimes, this is not as easy as it sounds.

Spells are tricky little buggers, and you have to plan them carefully. Don’t expect to just stand in front of a candle, whisper some mumbo-jumbo, and have everything turn out just peachy. If you do, and it does, you were damned lucky!

It is not that spells must be elaborate, but it is imperative that they are specific. Remember the buck in the forest I told you about earlier?

Another prime example that almost everyone flubs up on is asking for money to pay all your bills. You may wind up with a mailbox full of old bills that you forgot about, or hoped forgot about you. I did.

The spell alone, without its partner, the working ritual, can be very effective for many needs—for example, charming a bedtime snack for a child so they will have pleasant dreams.

Composing the Spell

Spells should be written, and the wording considered with great care. Your requests and statements should somehow connect with a specific set of deities, or the universe in general.

A spell does not need to rhyme, but a good beat is helpful when trying to remember it if you plan to use it often. When chanting or dancing, a rhyming spell adds to the magickal working.

It is important to ask for the “essence” of a thing, if you are talking about something three dimensional. For example, if you want a computer, like I did, you would ask for the computer that is perfect for you, the brand name or better. But it wasn’t as easy as that. It took me two years to get my computer, and it also took a lot of hard work to bring it into form, spell or no spell.

There are some spells that border on magickal rituals. A money spell may require that you burn seven candles, one a day for seven days, at the same time each day. This is very close to a ritual, if not a mini one.

There are spells that have time deadlines on them, like Cinderella’s pumpkin (no kidding), and must be renewed for continued effect.

Many Witches have a particular way in which they begin and end their spells and rituals. Usually, it is something they have come up with through trial and error, and they have found it works for them. Perhaps it is a particular rhyme or phrase wherein the beat helps them to raise their vibratory note. For example:

In this night and in this hour

I call upon the ancient power

O goddess bride and consort bright

I ask thee now to bring your light!

In my mind, with the light travels the energy of the All. From there, I will begin aligning myself with the particular deities I need, and asking their assistance in what I plan to do. The same procedure would be followed in a working ritual. Above all, you must be specific. Therefore, you would continue with something like this:

I have a need that must be met. I ask thee (name of deity) that I obtain the perfect (whatever it is) for (whatever the reason is).

I ask the universe to lend the power of all the correct astrological correspondences, so they may enter this circle now, to obtain my desire.

Therefore, I specifically draw toward myself the (desire) without affecting the free will of all, and harming none.

I now proclaim this spell is done. The (desire) is mine!

I also now add a new sentence—a line that has been said belonged to Sybil Leek—to this standard formula:

In no way will this spell reverse, or place upon me any curse!

As I will, so mote it be!

I always add a thank you to the deity I have called, even in a simple spell.

All types of items can be used in simple spells such as colored candles, colored cords, beads, gems, crystals, bottles, ink and parchment, colored felt, poppets, etc. You should practice writing the spell before you begin the working or cast the magick circle. Write several until you think you’ve got the hang of it. Mistakes can be costly.

Quarter Spells

Although solstices and equinoxes are primarily observed in celebration, they are usually credited to the seasonal cycles of the Witch and her or his Craft. Each cycle has its own type of magick. These cycles are called Elemental Tides.

From March 21 to June 20 is the Tide of Planting (or beginnings). From June 21 to September 22 is the Tide of Harvest (or culmination). September 23 to December 20 is the Tide of Planning (or calculation) and from December 21 to March 20 is the Tide of Destruction (or replacement).

Most quarter spells will take an entire quarter to come to fruition and should be used in long-term goal planning. A few quarter spells are cast to function during the upcoming quarter, such as money spells. You can tell if a quarter money spell was not given enough “oomph” at the time of the working because it tends to fizzle three to four weeks before the close of the quarter. If cast properly, you may not even notice its imminent termination, unless, of course, you forget to renew it!

A spell I perform every quarter is burning money. Yes, I actually set the almighty dollar aflame. I have a special metal dish I reserve for burning spells, and I do a rotation, clockwise, nine times, chanting:

Saturn, Jupiter, and the sun

golden god come join the fun

silver priestess dance with me

bring this quarter much money!

It is simple, but it works!

Astrological Correspondences

At first glance, astrological correspondences and their use in spells and working rituals boggle the mind. All of us are familiar with the astrological sign we were born under, usually referred to as the sun sign. Mine is Virgo.

But by taking a closer look at our own sign in relation to the heavenly bodies, we can delve deeper into our own makeup and determine the most auspicious moments to perform spells for long-term purposes.

Short-term spells are also affected by the signs and planets. Their movement in the skies can assist us when casting a spell for a job, to bring love, or even to tell when to send a letter asking for assistance.

Astrological correspondences are important to a new Witch. By the correct use of planetary hours, days, and moon phases, a beginning Witch has a far greater chance of obtaining what he or she desires than if they did not use these tools. Once you have trained yourself to the point where you have complete control of your power, successful spellcasting and working rituals can be achieved at almost any time.

If you do not know the correct astrological correspondences to use and you are in a hurry, you should incorporate your spell into a working where, under the protection of the magick circle, you can request that the correct astrological correspondences be used for your magickal practice, as I have done in the example given earlier in this chapter. Please check the suggested reading list at the back of this chapter to find the books that contain the astrological information you need.

Many Witches will tell you that “you don’t really need that stuff.” They are right, in most cases—you don’t if your height of need matches your emotion and you are focused on what you want. I say this because I cast spells for years without worrying about astrological correspondences, but I have had a better success rate since I began incorporating them into my workings.

Performing Magick for Others

It is not wise to perform gray magick (a term used to label doing magick for others) without the consent of all individuals involved. “Gray magick” is a tongue-in-cheek way of presenting this thoughtform, even though no label really applies.

Before performing all spells, one should consult their divinatory vehicle not only to examine the outcome of your work, but to glean any extra information you should be aware of. You don’t want to hurt another person that you know is involved in the situation, just as you would not wish to harm a person that is involved but whom you may not know about.

For example, you wouldn’t want to cast a spell for money and have your spouse or parents drop dead. (Well, I hope you wouldn’t want that!) You would have gained the money you wanted through inheritance or insurance, and lost something irreplaceable—a human life. The bottom line here is to be very careful what you wish for; it really may come true.

If you want Harry to fall in love with you, it is not ethical to “put a spell on Harry.” Instead, you should practice magick to bring the type of love you wish to you. If Harry is the right one, he’ll be there. If not, you’ve saved yourself a lot of time and trouble.

I knew a woman who put a spell on her boyfriend so that he would love her and no other. They were married, had several children, and he became so obsessive of her that the relationship deteriorated with her mental suffering and physical abuse. Maybe this would have happened to her anyway; it is not an uncommon occurrence. Maybe it wouldn’t have, however, or at least, not to the degree she suffered.

You may or may not believe that her spell caused all or part of the damage. If she had checked her divinatory tool first and proceeded to draw the “essence” of the desire toward her, she most likely would not have messed with him at all.

Even practicing magick with another’s consent can present problems, especially in a love spell, and especially if the target is a once-born who says, “Sure, go ahead!” (pant, pant). You are gambling with their ignorance of magick and the power that can be manifested.

The most bizarre story I ever heard was of a once-born and his Witch mistress (who was single at the time). So enamored were they with each other that he consented to allow her to practice magick on him to heighten his desire for her. What could it hurt, right?

Oh my! Well, something went very wrong and he wound up divorcing his wife, leaving his Witch mistress, and moving in with another once-born! The real twist to this sad story, however, is that for years they were still linked psychically, much in the manner of twins.

Now, this may be a case of real soulmates that precariously dabbled with the unknown, or it could simply be the result of one hell of a spell. Regardless of the answer, a great deal of pain was inflicted upon all parties involved—proof that a love spell gone bad can result in the most horrendous circumstances. The entire mess could have been avoided if the Witch had done her homework and used her divination tool, which she later admitted she did not consult.

Unfortunately, we are not all perfectly adjusted to life all the time; therefore things like astrological correspondences, colors, props, gems, crystals, stones, and divination tools reinforce and provide a double-check in our magickal practices.

In planning your first spells, I suggest you primarily work with the moon and her magick. Try simple things, small things. The moon is an extremely powerful heavenly body and much can be learned from her.

Moon Magick and Spellcasting

Earlier in this text we discussed new, full, and the dark of the moon. The prime consideration in any spell or working should be the moon phase, unless there is something stupendous happening in the heavens or you are working under emergency conditions. From the day of the new and full moons is usually the most powerful times for these phases. There are those who practice magick who feel that three days before and three days after the event are the strongest.

Remember that the new moon is for bringing things toward you, starting new ventures, etc. The full moon is to banish, cure, or be rid of unwanted influences or habits.

Astrologists will tell you that the first step you make in a situation is more important then where the ending of the venture may fall. Many times, things begun at the new moon will culminate at the full—such as a spell for money, an object, a job, etc. Things that last longer, like procuring real estate, should be started at the new moon but naturally will take several months to culminate.

Because of the full surface of the moon’s illumination by the sun during the full moon phase, things in one’s life may be clearer and more focused. This is a time to solve mysteries and search for hidden knowledge. Using the full moon for divinatory purposes is an ancient practice. Its light has the power to unveil even the deepest, darkest secrets.

The culmination of any exchange should be done on the full moon as well. If you must sign important papers and have the leisure to choose a date, choose the day after the full moon when she is in transition to the new cycle yet her surface is fully illuminated, just like your new venture.

Many Witches do not practice magick on the dark of the moon, the three days before the new moon cycle. It is considered a time of unrest and a kind of void. Cursings, if necessary, are done on the dark of the moon, calling on Hecate or Maat to render justice.

Most deity systems contain a god or goddess that has a particular connection with the moon itself, or a moon phase. If you are comfortable with their personalities, you should incorporate one of them for assistance. For instance, one could use Diana for the new moon, Selene for the full moon, and Hecate for the dark of the moon.

Drawing Down the Moon

The practice of drawing down the full moon’s energy and essence into oneself and using that power is called “Drawing Down the Moon.” When accomplished, you will feel a heightened trance state combined with a power surge that radiates through your body.

One should Draw Down the Moon during a ritual in the protection of the magickal circle. I have gone for midnight walks with my familiar, and stopped along the sidewalk and completed the procedure there, as well.

Drawing Down the Moon is often done at an esbat, when there is serious work to be done. You do not have to incorporate the “drawing” process into every esbat, but what Witch doesn’t have things to accomplish, even little ones? If you wish to take a break and just enjoy the power of the moon, however, a simple ritual honoring the moon or the goddess (as she is often symbolized by the moon) is certainly no crime.

There are Witches who use their wands or athame when Drawing Down the Moon. To do this, first open the chakras. Then form the goddess position with your arms, with the wand in the right hand. Slowly raise your arms directly above you and clasp both hands on the wand or athame. Point it at the moon. Say:

I now draw the power of the moon priestess into myself, merging with her power, the pure essence of the goddess.

Raise your vibratory rate and allow the power of the moon to enter the wand. You will feel it. Now, bring the wand down slowly with both hands and point the tip directly at your heart. Envision the surging of blue-silver light entering your body, coursing through and around your entire physical and astral being. When the energy begins to ebb, bring your arms down at your sides. You have just raised your own cone of power.

You are now empowered by the goddess of the moon. Use this enhanced ability wisely.

If your next step is to do a “working,” leave the wand/athame in your right hand (to send). If you will not be doing any type of spellcasting, leave the wand/athame in your left (receiving) hand and go into a meditative state to absorb the energy.

When you have finished either function, ground your power by either stepping out of it, or placing your hands physically upon the ground.

When you are Drawing Down the Moon you cannot be concentrating on anything else. I have read some beautiful poetry and rituals that have the Priestess or solitary Witch spouting glorious sentences while in the process of Drawing Down the Moon. Forget it. Your mouth won’t be flapping if you do it right.

The Working Ritual

Is just what it says. You have something particular to accomplish wherein you feel a full ritual is needed. Writing a ritual for work is the same as when you wrote one for cleansing and consecrating your space, or performing your dedication. It will follow the same opening and closing procedures. The real difference is where you would have performed the dedication before, you will now be practicing a different kind of magickal endeavor—most likely a spell of some kind.

Working rituals are like bringing out “the big guns.” They are used for controlling and banishing an inbred problem or addiction, healings, beginning a business, obtaining a home, or just about anything you can think of.

Once performed, they should be forgotten, just like a simple spell. If you brood over a problem or need, it will only make things worse, not better, and not allow things to manifest properly.

In working rituals you should leave some time before you actually cast the spell to meditate and build your energy by opening your chakra centers and increasing your vibrational rate. After casting the spell, you may wish to add a few affirmations that indicate what you need is already in place.

When a Spell or Working Ritual Does Not Work

This is where record keeping is important. If something does not manifest in the way you desired, you have to go back and discern where you may have made an error. How were you feeling? What was your mental attitude? Were you interrupted? Unfocused? Were you trying to influence another in an unethical manner? Did you perhaps feel before you started that you did not deserve what you were asking for? You must remember that the world is here for everyone to enjoy and its bounties belong to you. Everyone is entitled to anything, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. There is plenty to go around.

What if you have gone over and over your notes and cannot figure what happened? This is especially frustrating if you have performed a spell at someone else’s request. You followed your records to the letter, perhaps it is a working that you have done often, and suddenly—zip—nothing. Perhaps the person who requested the spell is actually blocking it. This does happen. For whatever reason, they do not want to bring about the change requested. It isn’t that you are being blocked by “evil forces”; your work has actually been frozen by the very person who asked for your help in the first place.

Successful Magick

When your desire has manifested itself, make a record of it and how it came to you. Often, we are not expecting the results as they come. This is because we are from the Samantha/Star Trek generation where we assume that matter will appear in the twitch of a nose, the nod of a head, or in the beam of tiny light particles glittering before us. Often, the most ordinary occurrences are really the magick, and always were.

Magickal Alphabets

Spells cast with magickal alphabets, such as the runes, are very powerful and easy to do. There is little worry for supplies (like running out of an herb) and few props are required. After all correspondences are checked, a piece of virgin paper and black India ink are used. Although many Witches prefer the use of a marker or pen, I stick by the “dip in the ink” method. Graphic supply stores sell crow quill pens and India ink under five dollars, so the expense won’t be great. It also lasts a long time.

To be sure you have composed it properly, a spell is carefully worded in English first. Then, select a magickal alphabet that you feel comfortable with and translate, letter for letter, onto the paper with the India ink. Some alphabets do not have your standard twenty-six letters, so you may have to use phonetics to complete your work.

When you have finished, do a working ritual and burn the spell in a dish that you will reserve only for that purpose. Write down the results in your journal or Book of Shadows.

Why use an alphabet that you are not familiar with? Because you aren’t familiar with it. It lends more mystery to the spell. Any spell written or spoken in a foreign language will pack a good wallop because you are repeating or writing on “faith,” which is very powerful indeed!

Runes can also be “fitted” together to provide strong talismans, protection, health, and wealth. These are called “binding runes,” and are usually in groups of two, three, or four, attached by common lines. The rune in the center of the drawing is actually the binding rune.

For example, if you wished safe astral travel you would use Raido, which stands for “travel,” Ehwaz for the “vehicle,” and Hagalaz for “Hel,” the realm in which you may want to go. The final rune, Kenaz, would be the binding rune for one’s own inner guidance while passing through other realities or in altered states of consciousness (from Trees of Yggdrasil by Freya Aswynn).

Using Props and Reinforcers in Magick

Many spells call for the use of herbs, candles, crystals, gems, stones, the tarot, runes, etc. You can use them during the ritual, such as candles and the tarot, or keep them as reinforcers after the spell has been cast and the ritual completed. Such an example would be a talisman that you plan to carry with you.

If you plan to use a particular object over and over again, once the spell has come to a successful completion and your desire has been met, you should cleanse and consecrate it for the next time you choose to use it.


Spells and Days of the Week

Each day of the week is ruled both by an astrological sign and a planetary correspondence. Checking the appropriate day to cast a spell is just as necessary as preparing for the right planetary hour and other astrological correspondences. Each day is also associated with an angel, colors, and gemstones. A correspondence chart has been provided for you in the back of this chapter.

Therefore, if you wished to cast a spell for love, you would check the chart and come up with the associations that follow.

Romantic Love

Day: First Friday after new moon

Colors: Pink/white

Gemstones: Rose quartz (for romance); moonstone (energy exchange)

Plants: Ivy (for fidelity) and pink roses (romance)

For a little passion you could throw in a red rose, cock’s comb, or ruby. Even one red candle and one pink one would work well. If you wish to stop idle gossip, you would use the following associations.

Idle Gossip

Day: First Saturday after full moon

Color: Black

Gemstones: Jet and amethyst

Plants: Hemlock and myrrh

Remember, correspondences are just what the name indicates. They are things or ideas that “correspond” to a magickal endeavor you wish to perform.

Breaking a Spell

If a spell has backfired (and sometimes they do) and it continues, you must break it. Choose the first Saturday after a full moon or the full moon itself. Use one white candle and one black candle for balance. Your props should be of a protective nature; therefore, you would use amethyst, Apache tears, or smokey quartz for gemstones. Write a spell to undo what you have done, and be specific. For example:

On the Eve of ________

I cast a spell and

the effects I created

I must now quell.

Specifically, ________.

May this spell be lifted

and I now be gifted

specifically with ________ .

Be assured that a spell does not last longer than thirty days, unless you have put a time limit on it, or performed it during special astrological correspondences that have imbued it with a time limit of its own.


Magickal workings can be both beneficial for yourself and those who request assistance. You are now beginning to build solid Craft skills that you will use throughout your life. Once you have reached this point, you can drop it, but you will never forget it. And, whether you want to admit it or not, it will always move within your subconscious. Once you have allowed the power of the goddess to enter your being, it cannot be eradicated.

Somewhere around this time, you will begin to worry about the ethics of what you are doing. This is good. Not consciously thinking about ethics can lead to nasty setbacks. I wish you goddess speed as you move forward into your next step on your journey into Witchcraft.

Suggested Reading List

Llewellyn titles to assist you in your calculations:

The Daily Planetary Guide

The Magickal Almanac

The Moon Sign Book

The Sun Sign Book

Additional titles for educational purposes:

Janet and Stewart Farrar, Spells and How They Work. Phoenix Publishing.

Ray L. Malbrough, Charms, Spells, and Formulas. Llewellyn Publications.

Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word. Summit University Press.

Frater U. D., Practical Sigil Magic. Llewellyn Publications.

Valerie Worth, The Crone’s Book of Words. Llewellyn Publications.

Correspondences Table
























Tiger eye






Quartz crystal



Red agate

Personal finances















Night flowers


Psychic pursuits



Willow/orris root





Dreams/astral travel


Quartz crystal




Women’s mysteries

White rose/iris

















Red rose





Cock’s comb








Swift movement


Pink tourmaline






















Light blue









Moss agate
























Royal blue






Social matters


Lapis lazuli

Political power



Material wealth















Pink rose

Rose quartz

Romantic love








Pink tourmaline







Artistic ability

Water lily























Smokey quartz






Black onyx



Snowflake obsidian




