Getting Acquainted
Which Witch Is Which?
Just as no single Witch is a stereotype, neither does his or her personal observance of the religion fall into a precise, prestructured category. Even if one belongs to a tradition (sometimes referred to as a “trad”), the very nature of the Craft allows much freedom in the celebration of your chosen pantheon of gods and goddesses.
“Tradition” means exactly what you think it does: a practice handed down from human to human. In this case, it means a way of celebrating the god and goddess by the use of semistructured guidelines passed down through the years, with various modifications to suit the needs of the group along the way.
Listed below are some of the different traditions and sects Witches use today, along with a brief description of each.
Alexandrian Tradition: Founded in England during the 1960s, Alex Sanders referred to himself as the “King” of his Witches. The rituals are said to be modified Gardnerian.
British Traditional Witch: A mix of Celtic and Gardnerian beliefs. Most famous organization at this time is the International Red Garters. British Traditionals move mostly from within the Farrar studies (the famous Witch husband and wife from England). They, too, are fairly structured in their beliefs, and train through the degree process. Their covens are also coed.
Celtic Wicca: The use of a Celtic/Druidic pantheon mixed with a little ritual Gardnerian, and heavily stressing the elements, nature, and the Ancient Ones. They have a vast knowledge of and respect for the healing and magickal qualities of plants and stones, flowers, trees, elemental spirits, the little people, gnomes and fairies.
Caledonii Tradition: Formally known as the Hecatine Tradition, this denomination of the Craft is Scottish in origin, and still preserves the unique festivals of the Scots.
Ceremonial Witchcraft: Followers of this tradition uses a great deal of ceremonial magick in their practices. Detailed rituals with a flavor of Egyptian magick are sometimes a favorite, or they may use Qabalistic magick.
Dianic Tradition: First pinpointed by Margaret Murray in 1921 in “The Witch-Cult in Western Europe,” this term appears to include a mixture of various traditions. Their prime focus in recent years, however, is on the goddess, and has been pegged as the “feminist” movement of the Craft.
Eclectic Witch: Look in any personals column in a Craft-oriented newsletter or journal and you will see this catch-all phrase. Basically, it indicates that the individual does not follow any particular tradition, denomination, sect, or magickal practice. They learn and study from many magickal systems and apply to themselves what appears to work best.
Gardnerian Tradition: Organized by Gerald Gardner in England in the 1950s. Just why is this fellow so darned important? Gerald was one of the few people so determined that the Old Religion not die that he took the risk of publicizing it through the media. Under all the hype, I truly believe he understood that the young needed the Craft as much as the Craft needed a new generation to survive.
Note: Both the Alexandrian and Gardnerian Traditions follow a more structured route in ceremony and practices. Usually, they are not as vocal as other Witches and are careful both in screening and the practice of their Craft. Therefore, if you are ever invited to visit or join either circle, do not expect the High Priest or Priestess to spill his or her guts during your first encounter. They adhere to a fairly foundational set of customs.
Hereditary Witch: One who can trace the Craft through their family tree and who has been taught the Old Religion by a relative who was living at the same time. Channeling doesn’t count. How far one has to go back on the family tree to meet the conditions of the first part of this definition is debatable. Family Trads (another name for Hereditary Witches) occasionally adopt individuals into their dynasty. This decision is never a light one, and usually stems from the lack of offspring to carry on the line, or the high regard they hold for the person in question. The ceremony is intricate and important. After all, it is not every day you can pick your relatives! It is much like the marriage of an individual into a family.
Kitchen Witch: You will hear this term every once in a while. Basically, this type is one who practices by hearth and home, dealing with the practical side of religion, magick, the earth, and the elements. There are some who groan loudly at this type of terminology, viewing it as degrading or simply inappropriate. Just remember that the Old Religion started somewhere, and most likely the kitchen (or cookfire) was the hub of many charms, spells, healings, and celebrations. After all, where does everyone congregate during the holidays? Grandma’s kitchen has always produced magickal memories for humanity; visions of mother making that something special for a sick child still holds true today for many of us.
Pictish Witchcraft: Scottish Witchcraft that attunes itself to all aspects of nature: animal, vegetable, and mineral. It is a solitary form of the Craft and mainly magickal in nature with little religion.
Pow Wow: Indigenous to south-central Pennsylvania. This is a system, not a religion, based on four-hundred-year-old Elite German magick. Pow Wow has deteriorated to a great degree into simple faith healing. Although Pow Wow finds its roots in German Witchcraft, few practicing Pow Wows today in Pennsylvania follow the Craft or even know the nature of its true birth.
Satanic Witch: One cannot be a satanic Witch because Witches do not believe in satan.
Seax-Wica: Founded by Raymond Buckland in 1973. Although of Saxon basis, it was authored by Raymond himself without breaking his original Gardnerian oath. Raymond Buckland’s contribution to the Craft is a significant one. Not only did he develop a tradition that is more than acceptable to many individuals, he also has written a large volume of textbooks on different magickal aspects and practices of the Craft, thereby positively enhancing many lives.
Solitary Witch: One who practices alone, regardless of tradition, denomination, or sect. Solitaries come in various forms. Some were at one time initiated into a coven and eventually chose to extricate themselves from that environment and continue practicing a particular tradition or sect by themselves. A solitary can also be an individual who has no desire to practice with or learn from a coven structure, but still may adhere to a specific tradition or sect through the teachings of another. For example, a member of a Hereditary Family may choose to teach a close friend the art and science of the Craft, but choose not to adopt them as a family member for any number of reasons. And finally, a solitary Witch can be a person who has decided to tough it out on their own, learning from books, networking, and fellow Witches of different traditions. These people have the ability to pick themselves up and brush themselves off, and live to try again. More and more individuals are selecting the solitary path rather than that of group interaction. Another name for a solitary Witch is “Natural Witch.” You may hear this word from time to time as well.
Strega Witches: Follows a tradition seated in Italy that began around 1353 with a woman called Aradia. Of all the traditional Witches, this group appears to be the smallest in number in the United States; however, their teachings are beautiful and should not be missed.
Teutonic Witch: From ancient times the Teutons have been recognized as a group of people who speak the Germanic group of languages. Culturally, the Teutons included the English, Dutch, Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish peoples. This is also known as the Nordic Tradition.
The Wiccan Witch: So far in this rundown of Witches, you may have noticed that I very rarely use the terminology “Wiccan,” and that many of the definitions—other than individuals’ names and dates—are derived from my own understanding of each term. I have listened to and read many arguments for and against the use of the words “Wiccan” and “Witchcraft.” I will tell you, quite honestly, that I have used both words when discussing my faith, depending on the recipients of my conversation. There are those that feel the term “Witch” is an egotistical one. Maybe so. Different words mean different things to a variety of people. Each individual must draw their own conclusion as to the terms they use to describe themselves. I personally like the word “Witch” very much. To me, it means mystery, healing, power, special, different, balance, and history. It means knowledge, secrets, the earth, and a bond with both the male and female sides of myself. The word “Wiccan” does not give me those feelings. It projects a different set of associations—weaving, church, New Earth, wicker furniture (don’t ask me why), and the movie The Wicker Man (which, although I despised, I fully understand). It also means “front,” a way to bring the public into accepting our belief system for what it actually is, not what their preconceived ideas of a word dictates to them. Both words have their strong and weak points. It is simply how you view them that makes the difference. Neither definition is better than the other; you must choose for yourself.
These, by all means, are not all the types of Witches you will meet, but it does give you a general idea of what people like to call themselves.
Take out your notebook now and copy down the names of various types of Witches along with a brief version of the definitions given. Leave some space after each definition so that when you learn more about a different type, you can add it to your notes.
Mixing Witches
There is one more term I would like to think about—new generation of Witches. It does not mean the children of the Craft (although it can in some circles). Generally, it encompasses those individuals who have joined the Craft within the past year or two of their lives. Rather than using the term initiate, which leads one into the realm of covens and groups, new generation of Witches refers to those individuals who are progressive and learning the field of Witchcraft.
An exciting aspect of the American Craft is its flexibility. It is conceivable that one Witch could, in fact, practice many magickal aspects of the Craft.
You will find Witches who use more than one type of magickal system in any given week! For instance, they may use an Egyptian Hathor’s Mirror incantation to turn evil away from themselves one day, use a Havamel rune inscription to bring a friend health or success, and then on the Full Moon follow a specific tradition ritual (let’s say Strega), as well as use that tradition in all of their holiday celebrations.
You will also find people who double definitions when they describe themselves. I’ve heard of “Druidic Witches,” or statements like, “I’m a solitary Witch who leans heavily on the Dianic Tradition.” Keep in mind, however, that because they lean heavily on one tradition or another does not indicate that they have been initiated by a group into that tradition.
There is no end to the combinations that will make you happy, successful, and at peace with humankind. Just because you begin by studying Gardnerian Witchcraft does not mean you cannot read or learn about Dianic Witchcraft, or use the practices together, if you so choose.
To operate within any society or belief structure, one must be familiar with its given parameters. The new generation of Witches should learn the wisdom of “daring to be silent” when a situation dictates. Likewise, the new generation of Witches will need the fortitude to “speak up” when the need arises.
It is necessary to study and research any topic that you would like to learn in detail. The definitions provided here are a good primer for you, but are by no means inclusive.
If you are unfamiliar with a tradition or sect in which you become involved, do some homework. If someone tells you they are a Strega Witch and you don’t know or remember what that terminology means, ask them for a definition. Don’t keep quiet because you don’t want the other person to feel you are somehow unlearned or inferior. No one person is an expert on every subject in the world. By interacting with others, we expand our knowledge base. Learn to keep an open mind when discussing the various aspects of the Craft with others.
My father once told me that my approach to religion was to find it through the back door. Well, that may be true. But at least I am happy with my choices and comfortable with my practices, and he agrees with me that I don’t seem any worse for wear!
Remember that no matter what “type” of Witch you grow to be, you are a representative of all Witches in the eyes of the general public. Be careful what you say when referring to the Craft and keep generalities to a minimum. Remember that the Craft is full of differences in opinion and belief, just like anything else.
Suggested Reading List
Raymond Buckland, The Tree: Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft. Llewellyn Publications.
Zsuzanna Budapest, The Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries. Windo Press.
D. J. Conway, Celtic Magic. Llewellyn Publications.
Stewart Farrar, What Witches Do. Phoenix Publishing.
Rhiannon Ryall, West Country Wicca. Phoenix Publishing.
Marion Weinstein, Positive Magick. Phoenix Publishing.