
Gems, Herbs, and Healing

Living Magick

Unlike candles or manufactured tools, gems and herbs are animate—meaning they carry life properties of their own, regardless of human interaction. Before a Witch can properly use these natural instruments, he or she must understand the act of showing honor and respect to these life forms and link with their natural intelligence.

It is my firm belief that all Witches, somewhere within their study, should examine Native American religions and the practice of shamanism. These cultures mastered the art of communicating with the earth and all her inhabitants, much as our own ancestors of the Old Religion did. Shamanistic principles have a great deal of information that is important to the new generation of Witches.

In their book American Indian Ceremonies, Medicine Hawk and Grey Cat tell us that:

Each individual is literally a cousin, a brother, a sister of everything. . . . In everything is some spirit stuff which is the true existence of the cosmos: The same spirit stuff is within each individual human.

The Native American believes that all parts of the universe are sacred. To use the benefits of the universe, one must become part of it to understand it. This should be true for the Witch, as well.

The gifts of the medicine wheel can be intermingled with the properties of the modern Witch and his or her Craft with fluidity. One must, however, study both in their separate forms to practice them in harmony.

Thanking the spirits of animate objects is both important and appropriate. A simple blessing will suffice, or you may wish to do something more elaborate, like leaving a gift behind at a favorite tree or rock. This is called a “give-away” and is most appropriate when dealing with humans, natural spirits, and power animals.

When I was a child, I heard a theory on boulders as they relate to the universe. All rocks are living, the theory said, but their movement is so slow that it is not detectable to the human eye. Since most people are of the “show me” variety, the rocks have kept their secrets well hidden through eons of time. Not long after I heard this story, I saw something similar on one of the Star Trek adventures.

I thought this was clever and tricky, but forgot the story until years later, when I began to work with gems and stones. It hit me then that there was truth in such an absurd and unusual theory.

The Properties of Rocks

Gems and stones carry the living force, or energy, just as you do. For centuries, various religions have integrated the use of them into their practices. Many Jews believed that the amethyst brought forth visions and revelations. Often, gems and stones would be placed on tools of war for protection—such as a shield, breastplate, or arm band.

In Native American practices, gems and stones are collected and utilized for their healing, protective, and scrying properties. Gem power was, and still is, an actual belief and not a legend or story to them. Gems and stones are also revered for their spiritual properties and considered as aids in personal enhancement and growth.

Also, you will hear stones and rocks called “precious” and “semiprecious.” Precious stones are simply those that are hard to get, such as rubies, diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires. All other stones and gems are considered semiprecious. For example, if the world’s supply of quartz crystals suddenly dried up or simply became difficult to obtain, clear quartz would be considered a precious stone. Already I am sure that you have seen the prices jacked up for quartz crystals simply because they are “in demand,” but there is not a shortage of them.

Gem Energy

The energy force of gems and stones can be absorbed into the human body. They can be used in an overt magickal act (such as a spell or hands-on healing), and in nonactive situations (such as enhancing your own spiritual qualities and power through jewelry, or by taking a ride in your pocket). They can also assist in meditation.

Since we absorb the energy of gems and stones, an overload can occur. If you begin to feel uncomfortable with any gem or stone, cease use and experimentation for the moment. Later, you can run a test to determine if it was the gem/stone or some other factor. Several “tryouts” should be run during different moon phases, not only when difficulties arise, but for general reference as well.

There are some families of gems/stones that you may never be compatible with. For instance, green malachite and I do not get along. How can I tell? Physical symptoms can manifest, such as headaches, an upset stomach, disorientation, or a light-headed sensation. You may not feel quite “in touch” with the world at large. A general air of imbalance is another warning sign, as well as irritability.

Although gems and stones have overall properties and meanings amassed through the years, each person interacts differently with them due to individual spiritual and physical chemistry. For instance, a snowflake obsidian may protect my purse, but it might not protect yours. You will find special stones that are just for you. Riverbeds and streams are wonderful places to find these stones. You don’t have to know the properties or the name; they should be considered special gifts from the universe, and their use will be made plain to you.

Color should also be taken into consideration when using gems and stones. Remember the color chart in the last chapter? When experimenting with stones, remember to check that chart. Often, a particular meaning or usage escapes us, but if we stick with the color chart, we can find what we are looking for. For instance, we may forget what rhodochrosite is for, but we know that it is pink. The color pink is for loving, healing, and soft emotions. Therefore, we know this stone has something to do with these principles, though we just can’t pinpoint all the details immediately.

Using Gems and Stones

All gems and stones should be cleansed, consecrated, and empowered. You can let them soak in a glass of spring water, or hold them in a stream or under a running faucet. Moonlight and sunlight are also excellent cleansers.

Wear gems and stones as close to the body as possible. Place in a pocket, purse, or wallet. Pouches can be fashioned from leather or silk. They can be sewn in the hems of skirts or pants. Garters of gems can be created, as well as belts and headbands.

Use masking tape to secure them under desks and chairs in a workplace, office, home, or dashboard and seat of a vehicle. You can place them behind pictures, doors, under the carpet, or in the corner of a room—just about anywhere you feel you need to use the energy of the stone.

Always remember that the size of the stone is not important. You don’t need a fifty-pound piece of rose quartz to bring a maximum amount of loving feelings into your life. A small piece, no bigger than the end of your little finger, will do the trick nicely.

Gems can be placed on magickal tools, as well, with glue or wire. Some beautiful pieces can be made, such as goblets, tarot boxes, wands, baskets, and herb containers.


The best way to begin using stones and gems is to sit in a quiet place and hold them, one at a time, in your left hand. Let the energy of the stone move in your palm. Imagine that it is a delicate being you don’t want to squash.

Be aware of what you are feeling. If nothing seems to be coming through, don’t get frustrated. Instead, open your third eye chakra center and look at the stone from that angle. Continue to experiment with your right hand. Write your sensations in your workbook. Switch to your left hand. Are the sensations different, and if so, how? When you have finished with each stone, reread the interpretation of that stone.

Agates (Color: varied): There are several types of agates. Banded: Relieves stress/ emotional pain. Dendritic: Milky-white with blue/black spots; protection in travel. Indian: Eye formation in center of stone. Used for bodily protection or survival. Moss: Milky with moss inside. Also, tree agates and fern agates—these are healers, stimulating wound closure. Acts as a cleanser, stimulator, and strengthener. Its liquid appearance and smooth surface are great soothers for children’s minor “accidents.” Plume: Milky with fiery red grasses inside. Good for visualization practice and reaching desired goals. Agates in general, combined with other stones and gems, make for excellent magickal results. They act much like the binding runes as they provide an active link for the harmonious blending of several properties.

Amber (Color: yellow or orange): Fossilized resin of extinct organic matter. This is an all-purpose gem. It is an excellent protector of children and a spell strengthener, and can stimulate the flow of money toward you. A High Priestess of a coven may wear amber as well as jet beads to signify her position. Amber is said to be one of the most magickally used stones by the Witches of the Old Religion.

Amethyst (Color: transparent crystalline purple): Used to transform negativity and strengthen the third-eye vision or your intuitive sense. Put it under your pillow or on the headboard of a bed for one who suffers nightmares or disturbing dreams. Always have a nice piece in the room where you entertain outsiders, such as friends or clients (and especially family!). This gem is good for headaches and preventing overindulgence in alcohol.

Aventurine (Color: green, blue, or red): Appears tightly packed with metallic speckles. It is sometimes called Indian jade. A nice good-luck gift with the distinction of adding that extra favor or push in a winning direction.

Bloodstone (Color: very dark green with red or orange spots or bands): The bloodstone is really a jasper, but because of its unique properties I have listed it separately. It is also called heliotrope. Keep this in mind when stone shopping since different dealers and stores use a variety of names. The bloodstone is an aid in removing both mental and physical blocks. It has been used for centuries in healing of both internal and external difficulties. If you embark upon the healing of another person, keep a bloodstone in your pocket to protect yourself, as well. It is also carried to avoid wounds, bring money, increase production, protect pregnant women, and provide “cloaking” when you do not want to be seen. In our home, the child that sees another hurt runs to tell me to “get the bloodstone!” These stones are nice give-aways as well. It is said that when their energy is used up, the red spots turn to white. The stone should then be returned to the elements from whence it came.

Carnelian (Color: translucent red or orange): This is a very special agate. It is the success stimulator for career-minded individuals. A powerful action stone—­things move very fast with this one. If you think you will be entering an arena where your thoughts will be “scanned” by another person and you do not desire this, carry the carnelian!

Fluorite (Color: variegated translucent blue, purple, pink, or blue-green): Fluorite is seen as interlocking cubes or gives the appearance of two pyramids fused together. This is a relatively “new stone.” Fluorite is great for use during meditation to contact your higher self and can assist in tuning you into the Akashic records, enabling you to answer some of those haunting past-life questions. At first you may experience mere flashes, but they often contain all the answers necessary to formulate a complete scenario. Others use it to strengthen analytical and intellectual abilities.

Geodes: Stone balls with crystal, amethyst, or topaz centers. Others are a collection of mineral deposits that dazzle the eye when the stone is sliced. These are often called “thunder eggs.” They stimulate dance and the free spirit. In magick, a geode can be used to concentrate power prior to its release.

Jaspers (Color: varied): Hard, opaque stone. They are known as the “rain gatherers.” Jaspers strengthen your energy flow and relieve stress. Red: Night protection, defensive magick, and the return of negative energy. Green: Healing. Brown: Grounding and stability.

Malachite (Color: blue or green with variegated bands): This stone has a truly unique ability—it breaks into two pieces to warn you of imminent danger. Also believed to greatly enhance vision questing.

Moonstone (Color: pink, white, blue, or green): All hues are soft. This is one of my favorite stones. It promotes love, compassion, and sympathy both in yourself and others. Also the gem of second sight, it enhances psychic powers and should be kept with divinatory tools. If you have overextended yourself with dream work and need a pleasant night’s rest, place the moonstone under your pillow. The moonstone can also assist in unblocking emotions between two lovers, helping them to communicate in an atmosphere of unconditional love. Some of my most exciting and successful experiments have been with the moonstone.

Obsidian (Color: black): A type of volcanic glass. Pebbles are called “Apache tears.” I have heard several ideas on the legend, including their formation by either Apache mothers or sisters when brave warriors died in battle. As their tears hit the earth, they turned to black transparent stone. The obsidian is basically a stone of protection, although mirrors of obsidian have been used for scrying purposes. Snowflake obsidian is my absolute favorite. If I put it with my money, I never run completely dry. If you feel too many people are taking advantage of you, carry a piece of this gem with you to screen out this pushy energy.

Rhodochrosite (Color: variegated pink and white): The “energizer” of the stone family. If you are feeling a little tired but you have got to finish that project, let this stone help you out.

Rose quartz (Color: pink): This is a quartz crystal with a soft, rosy hue. Another excellent give-away stone as it always encourages peaceful and loving feelings. It promotes beauty, love of self, and of others. Set a piece in your home or office environment. When your children are having an argument or an especially bad day, have them sit quietly and hold the stone. Soon there are smiles all around! This stone is also excellent for a friend or family member who is experiencing profound grief over the loss of a loved one.

Smokey quartz (Color: translucent grey/black): This stone is clear quartz that looks like it has been infused with a heavy dose of soot. It is another energy generator and a protective stone. My husband has a lovely faceted piece set in a silver star. He hangs it on the rearview mirror of his truck not only to protect it from vandalism, but also to keep it in running order. I borrowed the stone for my car when I took a load of Girl Scouts on a long trip because nobody in my house thought my car would make it. We had no problems, but my husband’s truck broke down while I was gone!

Sodalite (Color: deep blue with strands of white): Often confused with lapis lazuli. An excellent stress reducer, this stone enables you to go through the day without being affected by minor upheavals or emotional turmoil. It is also a good meditative stone, especially when teaching adults.

Sunstone (Color: tangerine): Native to Oregon. This stone looks like a slice of orange, and even feels like one! The first time I held a piece, I instinctively put it up to my nose, expecting a citrus scent. This is an energizer and a cellular healing stone. It is often associated with the sun and the element of fire, and used in cancer recovery.

Tiger eye (Color: honey-brown with banded tints): This is a stone of luck and fortune, but it is also known for its truth-discerning capabilities. It is a stone of honesty. Anyone attempting to lie to you while you are carrying this stone better be careful, as his cloak will be removed. Often others will blurt the truth or you will find out the same day that you have been deceived. Veils are lifted with this stone. It also assists in accurate judgment calls. Falcon’s eye is a danish blue in color. It is not as outgoing as the brown version, but it is very effective in situations you believe have zoomed way off their mark. It will draw you to a more sure-footed path, and you will be back in control.

Turquoise (Color: baby blue): Looks like baby-blue bubble gum. A highly absorbent stone, it drains of color if in contact with your flesh over a period where you are in a highly stressed mode. Turquoise is the “speaking stone.” It enhances verbal communication and allows thoughts to flow in perfect sentences. If you are nervous about giving a speech or presentation, wear turquoise around the throat. Turquoise is considered to enhance love, health, and happiness, as well as function as a protector of the spirit. Perhaps we should urge both the Senate and the House to redo their chambers entirely in turquoise and tiger eye!

This list of gems and stones is by no means complete. They represent those stones I have personally worked and experimented with. None of the stones should be ingested; they should be carried or worn when personal contact is required.

The best way to familiarize yourself with gems and stones is to work with them yourself. Don’t forget to record your experiences with various stones in your notebook. Try mixing the stones together to see how their energies work together and balance one another.


I use crystals often in my magickal workings, which is why I have left them for last. When you pick up a crystal, imagine that you are plugging it into your energy system, much like plugging a television into an electrical socket.

Crystals have a variety of uses. They can enhance psychic powers, aid in vision questing, and be worn as protective shields. They are used for prophecy, energizing, and thought-storage retrieval. They are excellent projectors, and many a magickal wand has been capped with them.

Crystals are unique because you can “program” them. This is done by holding the crystal to your third eye and focusing on a specific thoughtform, such as protection.

A crystal’s power is enhanced by direct moonlight, which performs a cleansing function, as well. Rituals are conducted at the full moon with crystals at each watchtower or on the altar. Often, a tarologist will carry crystals with their cards to act as protectors and enhancers. Bracelets of leather and crystal can be worn on either wrist to enhance your projection capabilities. Draw the wrists together and let the crystals touch as you project your thoughts or energy. Crystals are often used in dreaming by placing one under the pillow and programming it for a specific function before you fall asleep. In healing, crystals can be placed around the body in various patterns to bring the bodily systems into balance. Used with gems and stones, crystals can direct their energies to specific chakra points when placed on the body to clear blockages. Crystals on a headband can assist in the projection of your thoughts to another person, or enable you to vision quest with more clarity.

Crystal usage is almost unending. They are great all-purpose pieces and wonderful give-aways. If you lose a crystal, don’t fret. Perhaps it is only taking a vacation to cleanse itself, and will return. Or it may be gone forever, its work with you completed.

Take good care of all your gems, stones, and crystals. Many are subject to chipping or cracking. Store them in separate pouches. If you are into sewing, you can design a pouch of your own to hold several stones in pockets. I have seen some beautiful circular draw bags with pie-slice pockets.

Keep a record of successful uses of your stones and gems. This will assist you in the future in your magickal workings and counseling of family and friends.

Plants and Herbs

I like to believe that faeries are really the spirits (or collective unconscious) of plants that mimic human form when the desire moves them to do so. All plants and herbs, like gems and stones, have a life force of their own. Although you can purchase plants and herbs through many shops and mail-order houses, I prefer to harvest my own. Most of the plants and herbs listed in this chapter are those I am most familiar with because I harvest them myself, and they grow in the climate where I live. I suggest that after you read this chapter, you become familiar with those plants that are native to your area, and learn to work with them first.

Magickal Uses of Herbs

Amaranth (cockscomb): repair a broken heart

Apples: healing and love

Basil: love, wealth, and protection

Bay: wisdom, protection, psychic powers

Birch: cleansing

Carnation: protection and healing

Catnip: cat magick

Cedar: purification and healing

Cinnamon: spirituality, healing, and cleansing

Clove: money, protection, and cleansing

Clover: money, love, and luck

Cornflower: psychism

Garlic: protection and healing

Ginger: money, success, and power

Holly: dream magick and balance

Iris: wisdom

Ivy: protection and healing

Lilac: protection, beauty, and love

Marigold: dreams, business, and legal affairs

Marjoram: protection, love, and healing

Mint: money, luck, and travel

Mistletoe: protection, fertility, healing, and psychism

Orris root: divination

Rose: love, psychic power, and divination

Rosemary: love, power, healing, sleep

Sage: protection and wisdom

Thyme: healing and psychic powers

Willow: love and divination

Medicinal Uses of Herbs

Anise: tea form—treatment for colic; sedative

Basil: tea form—colds, flu, cramps, bladder

Bay: do not take internally—use as poultice on chest for bronchitis and chest colds

Black pepper: take at first sign of any disease

Bonset: tea form—laxative and fever

Caraway: mild stimulant for digestion

Cayenne: fast recovery; stops internal and external bleeding; said to prevent heart attacks and also helps with depression and headaches

Cinnamon: ground or taken with milk—good balance after a heavy meal or dessert; also used for diarrhea, dysentery, or general indigestion

Cloves: chew for toothache; also good for nausea or vomiting

Fennel: tea form—to expel mucus

Fenugreek: tea form—also to expel mucus with bad cases of bronchitis

Garlic: high and low blood pressure; removing parasites and infections

Ginger: tea form—for cramps and nausea; externally for stiffness; add in cooking to detoxify meat, especially chicken

Rosemary: tea form—for treating headaches or body aches

Thyme: tea form—to rid of intestinal worms; can also be used as a mouthwash

Turmeric: added to warm milk—regulates menstrual cycle

Harvesting Plants and Herbs

Part of the magick in plants and herbs is the ability to harvest them. Visiting a sun-dappled forest or wading through a field is an exciting and peaceful way to commune with the goddess. The supplies you will need for gathering, drying, and storing herbs are simple and can be obtained with very little expense.

In the spring, when the last of the snow begins to melt from the ground and frost is a companion no more, I bring out my “gathering basket.” This particular basket was a Yule gift, made of intertwined branches as thick as your thumb. On the outside rim, I tie thirteen bows with brightly colored ribbons, each about four to five inches in length. The ribbon color is your preference, but I usually use the colors of Earth Mother—green, pink, lilac, white—the hues of the flowers and greenery of spring. I place the basket on the family altar and perform a “Gathering Ritual” which includes a cleansing and consecration of the basket and my bolline. I prefer to do this ritual on the new moon, as it signifies the beginning of an enterprise.

I also check my herb supply. This is a collection of bottles and jars that are relatively the same size. During the winter they are arranged alphabetically; come spring, I arrange them by harvest date. On each bottle or jar is a label with the name of the herb, if it is poisonous, and the date it was harvested. Below this, I have briefly indicated its uses. All bottles and jars are cleansed and consecrated before use. If I feel I need more bottles, I prepare them to be included in the Gathering Ritual as well.

Over the winter months, I have sewn several pouches and open pillows for this year’s crop. I check this supply to see if I need to do any last-minute stitching. Invariably, I add a few pillows and pouches for good measure. This is also the time I begin to gather supplies for my indoor herb garden. I purchase seeds, trays and potting soil. At their correct planting time, I do a Planting Ritual.

Throughout the spring and summer as the herbs come into their harvest time, I take the basket outside on sunny mornings (after the dew is gone) and gather what I need. I never gather an overabundance, especially with the plants that I know will prosper until the first frost. I want their full potency for winter stock. If the plant is one that has a short growing season, I watch it carefully until I know that its time is soon coming to a close. Then I gather a major crop of those. Of course, the climate you live in has a great deal to do with harvest times and availability of certain species of plants. Since my life is dictated by the central-eastern climate, so is my gathering time.

To harvest a plant, I first take hold of it gently and mentally express my love and gratitude for its beauty and use. Then I explain why I am cutting the plant. At this time, some Witches draw a clockwise circle on the ground in front of the plant, others draw a clockwise circle around the plant. This is to protect its energy as you are cutting it. Use the bolline to take what you need. When cutting plants like roses, lilacs, etc., you should have some knowledge (as we spoke of before when dealing with trees) of proper pruning. Again, I suggest the purchase of a book on where and when the safest cuts can be made, or visit your local library or greenhouse for this information.

If the harvest is a small one, you can dry the herbs on a paper towel in an airy place where they will not be disturbed. Drying time varies with each plant. If you have gathered a rather large amount, bind them with twine and hang them to dry where the air will circulate around them.

When they are completely dry, bring out your mortar and pestle and crush the plants. I do not make them into a powder at this time; I like to leave this for the actual magickal application of the plant.

When the new plants are dried and crushed, I empty out last year’s stock and replace it with the new plants. I also put the new harvest date on the label. Last year’s harvest, along with the plants that have not been included in this year’s storing process, are scattered outside.

On the eve of the harvest, I take some tobacco or fertilizer and sprinkle it around the plant in respect for the spirit housed there. If I am out gathering away from home, I take the gift with me and give thanks right after the cutting.

When you first begin to work with herbs and plants you can use them in small pillows, medicine bags, mixed with incense, or in potpourri. Always keep track of your measurements so that you can repeat the mix when you like.

Empowering Plants

Herbs and plants should be charged before use. In this way, you mix your energy with that of the plant to bring forth a desired response. During this process you must tell the herb or plant exactly what its use will be. This is important—this is the combined focus of yourself and the spirit of the plant.

Philters are mixtures of herbs and oils that are not ingested or brewed. They can be placed near doors or windows. Tape a vial to the table you use for divination. Cooking herbs can be magickally empowered, as well.

Garlic is a very healthy plant. It assists in preventing cold symptoms. Empower it, and it will have twice its strength. Teas can also be empowered. Those for restful sleep, such as chamomile, can be charged for pleasant dreams.

To fully educate yourself on herbs and plants, search the library. Holistic health magazines and books are excellent forms of reference. I have also listed some books in the suggested reading list at the end of this chapter.


By now, you can see that each skill area has its own level of expertise. Some things will come very easily to you, others will not, and you will have to work hard to improve your performance. It is possible for you to spend months, even years, perfecting one particular skill, leaving other interests totally dormant. Your learning and expertise will move in cycles. This month you may be interested in gems, run several experiments, and have a great number of successes to make you confident to move into another area. Maybe you will come back to the gems a few months from now, a year from now, or maybe even longer than that. It is said we all travel around the medicine wheel, sometimes learning, sometimes teaching, other times lying dormant for introspection.

When individuals become familiar with your “Witchy” side, they may ask you to assist them. Perhaps they have trouble sleeping, can’t get rid of a headache, are having trouble with an errant son or daughter, etc. There is nothing wrong with helping these people as long as you keep some important principles in mind.

First, you are operating under the definition of gray magick (simply for lack of a better term). This is doing a service or using your skills for another person, at their request. Always remember to ask the person’s permission to perform any magick or use your skills for them. There are times when they will ask for help outright and you won’t have to do this, but more often than not, people find it difficult to ask you for help because they don’t really want to admit that you may be able to do something about it.

What I usually say is, “I would like to help you, but I need your permission first.” Then I explain exactly what I think will help them, such as an empowered gem, a binding rune, a bag of herbs, etc.

For instance, an acquaintance of mine was having troubles with her mother, who had abandoned her when she was small, and returned to ask the girl if she could represent her as the mother of the bride at the girl’s wedding. The young woman was horrified because, naturally, she wanted the woman who had raised her to fill that place by her side. She was terrified of the scene that would ensue when she told her birth mother that she did not want her to represent herself in that manner at the wedding. I offered the girl a piece of empowered rose quartz and told her to keep it with her whenever she was near the birth mother, even if she was only having a phone conversation with her.

Now, before I continue this story, I’d like to interject that I, personally, did not work any magick for the young woman. I gave her a tool and told her what to do with it. Magick has the best chance of success where the strongest emotion lies.

All differences were absolved and the wedding was a huge success; however, there was one problem. The birth mother was struck by a medical difficulty and had to enter the hospital for a short time right over the week of the wedding. The young lady was worried that perhaps, in some way, the rose quartz or what I had told her was related to the medical problem. I assured her that rose quartz’s loving feelings of compromise would never strike anyone ill. As she walked away, though, I wondered how deep-seated her emotions may have been at the time of the crisis.

Work magick that encourages the other person’s participation, if at all possible: the act of carrying a gem, the use of positive affirmations, etc. If you give a gift for healing purposes, either mental or physical, be sure to tell that person exactly what it is for and how they should use it. You must be specific on every point they may question you on. This helps them participate in an educated manner in their own healing process.

Above all, however, you should closely scrutinize their mental health when sharing your knowledge. This is something I did not do then, but do now. Take the time to study them closely while they are speaking to you. You may be hearing one thing, but the person may be feeling in an entirely different manner. I did not take into consideration this young woman’s strong feelings on the subject of being abandoned, simply because I had never experienced it myself. When things are closer to home, you think along those lines; when they are far from your life pattern, you must be more observant.

Never tell anyone that you can definitely “fix” a problem. Instead, explain that you may be able to help. You are not perfect, and because of numerous variables, you may encounter a failure. If you have insisted you could solve the problem, and fail, you not only lose face for yourself, but for your religion as well. There are times when you will definitely fail because the person you are assisting doesn’t really want help. They want attention and being healed will cause a lack of attention directed toward themselves.

Never set yourself up as a replacement for proper medical care. Always suggest that they see a physician, or politely ask if they have consulted one. Never tell them to stop taking a prescribed medication. Instead, if it is obvious that the medication is incorrect or even if there is some doubt in a recommended surgery, encourage them to seek a second opinion. The idea is not to get them to fear medical technology but to use it to the fullest.

Remember that most difficulties, especially sicknesses, begin in the mind of the individual. The word “dis-ease” is a perfect example of this. When a person comes to me with an illness or problem, we always talk about it in-depth, including any psychological angles that have developed either prior to or at the onset of the sickness. Many medical problems are brought on by stress of one type or another. Remove the stress, and you have a good chance of removing the medical problem. Many times stress has blocked a chakra center in the body and once this block is removed, the illness will pass.

Your healing should always work in conjunction with that of a medical professional, if one has been sought. Never talk down the doctor, because if you chip at his reputation or decision, you are also chipping at the patient’s judgment in choosing that physician or practice.

Do not be offended if individuals seek you out only when they are in trouble or sick, and don’t bother with you any other time. These are the proverbial fair-weather friends; it is inclement circumstances that bring them to your doorstep. An important lesson to learn is that you do not own people, nor is it your job to control their thinking processes. If they come to you, be thankful that you have been given the opportunity to assist them.

People pass in and out of our lives like the ebb and flow of the tides. They cannot make things stand still, although they may try. Learn to change with the times and the emotions of others. Honor these tides of life instead of seeking to harness them.

Most of your magickal endeavors for other people will come in the form of healing, protection, and love. There will be times, but less frequently, when you will help them in their personal prosperity. Why less? Because most people do not like to admit that they have money problems.

Never forget that there are times when you will not need magick at all. Instead, you should become a good listener. Witches should be the best listeners ever produced by the universe. From listening to things both deafening and those unheard, you will learn. People will think you are the greatest person in the world if you simply learn to keep your mouth shut and your ears open. They will walk away from you thinking you are a very special person indeed!

Don’t overlook mundane help, either. A gift of food, clothing, or money can be helpful too. These are just as magickal in nature as casting a spell or performing a ritual.

Healing Yourself

Of course you should take preventative measures with your health; keep yourself fit, eat right, don’t go out in the rain without your overshoes, etc. But we do get sick, and when we do, our self-confidence goes right down the tubes while our fever rises. I personally think that healing oneself of sickness is the hardest of all the skills to master. But it can be done!

I tried many methods of self-healing when I had a medical problem—and failed miserably with every one—until I came up with the vacuum concept that was mentioned earlier in this book in the chapter on meditation. I stumbled across the floating globe concept by accident when reading an article somewhere. I thought, however, that the technique did not make sense because the referenced globe did not seem to be disposed of properly; it still left negative energy hanging around “out there.” So, I came up with the vacuum concept with the subsequent lowering into the ground.

The next time I had a medical problem, I used this technique, and it worked! My sniffles were gone in a matter of minutes. I tried it again when I strained my hand (a writer with a strained hand cannot exist happily!), and within fifteen minutes, the symptoms were gone.

If you are extremely ill—with the flu, for example—keep up the process and continue to take any prescribed medication. You will heal faster.

Learn to understand your body signals. You know what it feels like when a headache is “just starting” or you feel the “flu coming on.” Immediately, use the vacuum meditation, even if you have to go to the restroom at work to do it.

If you have a particular herbal mixture that helps to heal specific ailments that you have now and then, use them as soon as possible. I used to have terrible bouts with bronchitis and pneumonia. My father, who is really into herbs, gave me the following recipe:

1 oz. tomato juice

18 tsp. cayenne pepper

14 tsp. black pepper

Mix together, and take this for three days each morning and drink the remainder of the tomato juice in the one-serving container.

I can honestly tell you that I have not had a serious cold or infection since I have taken this remedy when I have had a respiratory infection, and I have shared it with numerous people who indicate the same. But I have to remember to take it! It is great not to have to take those cold medicines that leave you groggy or nervous. As with all home remedies, however, consult a physician first since there is no guarantee they will work for you.

The Power Pouch

The power pouch is much like the shaman’s medicine bag. The pouch should be hand sewn from leather or soft cloth. The color depends on the nature and purpose of the bag. The bag itself can contain anything—herbs, gems, crystals, feathers, pieces of inscribed paper, etc. Each item should be empowered before it is put into the bag, and then the entire bag should be empowered through ritual, if possible. The bag can be a one-time affair or something to be used often. They can be as ornate in design as you please, or plain.

The Medicine Shield

Although the medicine shield is most often attributed to the Native Americans, Witches can use them, too. The act of making a shield is just as important as using the finished product.

Shields are made to eliminate the destructive influences in your life and turn away evil and difficulty. A shield is basically the culmination of a protective act of purpose. They are made for victory, courage, protection, psychism, growth, and healing. The shield eventually takes on its own identity; some are male, female, or balanced between the two. It acts as a mirror between yourself and the world around you, in the physical world and in other dimensions.

The shield does not have to look like the ones in the old cowboy and Indian movies. It can take any magickal shape, although circular ones are the most common today. It can also be made out of anything, including paper. Shields have two parts: the undershield with special protective or magickal significance, and the outer covering. They, too, can be as elaborate or plain as you desire. Shields must be awakened or empowered. This should be done in a special ritual composed by yourself.

Healing Another

The laying on of hands procedure is an acceptable one in many religious structures. The trick is to keep yourself from getting sick!

There are definite guidelines for healing other people. They have to want to get better, they must believe in themselves, and they must believe in you. They should also have some type of belief in what holds the world together, something that makes it possible for them to get well, such as the god, the goddess, the universe, the All, Earth Mother, Skyfather . . . something.

An outline for diagnosis and treatment follows. Be sure that before attempting any healing for a physical or mental ailment that you perform the first two steps.

1. Have the patient draw on a piece of paper exactly where they are having a difficulty on their body.

2. Ask the following questions:

Have you seen a physician?

If so, what was the diagnosis?

Have you had a second opinion?

Are you taking any drugs or medication?

Do you drink or smoke?

Do you have a chronic condition?

What is the history of your family disorders?

Are you pregnant?

What are your sleep patterns?

Are you under a lot of stress?

3. Do a physical examination of the area.

4. Explain the healing process to the individual.

5. Cast the magick circle.

6. Invoke the goddess.

7. Perform the healing process.

8. Thank the deities you have called.

9. Close the circle.

The Laying On of Hands

Have the patient sit or lie comfortably. Cast a magick circle in the manner that you think will be desirable to the patient. For example, if they are jumpy, do it in your mind; if they like the mystery, cast a full circle complete with incense and water, etc. Open your chakra centers and begin to build your power through chanting, singing, or simply thinking quietly. Everyone has their own style.

Step 1: Lay your hands on the patient and check their chakra centers. Determine what is blocked or too open. If there is a disease, you will remove it with your left hand, and shoot it out your right hand at the vacuum globe.

Step 2: Take your hands off the patient and shake off any excess negative energy. Step back if it is necessary for you to get out of any residue.

Step 3: Put your right hand on the affected area and raise your own power from your center, out through your hand, and into the person. Watch as this power works entirely through the person’s body. As you do this, imagine the golden light of the god and goddess surging down from the heavens and instilling the person with energy. When you are finished, turn off the globe and ground yourself. Shake out any excess energy and put your hands under cold running water.

The second step of this process is the most important. If you don’t do this, you will likely become ill yourself. I cannot begin to count the times I was successful in healing my children, only to find myself ill the next day. I could not fathom what I was doing wrong; those guys on television just laid their hands on people, and in ten seconds, “Praise the Whatever!” (Hey, these are the things solitaries run into!) I knew the television stuff was just crap, but come on, faith healing does exist; the least they could do is fake it properly!

I finally figured out that I was drawing the negativity into myself and not disposing of it properly. When I got that perfected, I stopped getting sick.

Absent Healing

This procedure is used when you cannot, for some reason, be with the person who is ill. Many methods can be employed. Candle magick, poppets, the tarot, and runes are just a few suggestions. You can also visit the person in their dreams and do the vacuum meditation in the astral. Again, you should have the person’s permission before using any of these magickal practices. Keep an accurate record of the healings you perform so that you can duplicate them as the need arises.


This chapter has covered many vital magickal applications. You will find gems and herbs extremely useful in many situations. Combine them with sympathetic magick and holiday rituals. The possibilities for their use are almost limitless. Herbs and gems are considered practical magick—that which comes from Earth Mother. It is the use of the elements of the universe. Use it wisely.

Suggested Reading List

Dr. John R. Christopher, School of Natural Healing. Christopher Publications.

Scott Cunningham, The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews. Llewellyn Publications.

Scott Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic. Llewellyn Publications.

Scott Cunningham, The Magic in Food: Legends, Lore & Spellwork. Llewellyn Publications. (Retitled and reissued as Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen in 2003.)

Scott Cunningham, Magical Herbalism. Llewellyn Publications.

John Lust, The Herb Book. Bantam Books.

Medicine Hawk and Grey Cat, American Indian Ceremonies. Inner Light Publications.

Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power. Warner Books.

Wally and Jenny Richardson, Spiritual Value of Gem Stones. DeVores & Company.

Michael G. Smith, Crystal Power. Llewellyn Publications.

Michael Tierra, C.A., N.D., The Way of Herbs. Pocket Books.
