
Religion vs. Science

It is my personal opinion that most people are attracted to the Craft not for its religious content, but for its scientific and technological allure. There are a few individuals that would gasp at that statement, but one must consider that the intricacies of the religious aspect are not well known to the general public. If they were, we would not experience the heavy weight of prejudice like we do.

Science is another matter. Examples of the science of the Craft are telepathy, spellcasting, divination, astral travel, dowsing, etc. The outside world is more likely to hear and become interested in the technology of the Craft because it appears to be less threatening in nature than a new religious structure that is different from their own. I use the terminology “new” because the preconceived ideas most people hold of the Craft are incorrect, and the truth of our religion would be a new reality for them.

When these people study our “science” with seriousness, sometimes along the way, spiritual enlightenment enters the picture, usually with the force of an exploding bomb. This shock does not always lead them directly into the Craft, but it usually guides them to some type of magickal religion, whether it be shamanism, eastern religions, etc.

Dealing with the new generation of Witches puts an individual in an extremely unique position; much like those people who were forced into early Christian acceptance, they bring their previous beliefs with them, whether they like it or not. The difference here is that the Craft does not demand you give up everything you believe in just to accept it as a religion. There is no need to hide where you came from and what religion you grew up with.

Today, the majority of individuals interested in the Craft have come from mainstream religious backgrounds. To expect these people to immediately drop or reshape the god-form they have always known, and give him some buddies to work with from mythological structures, does not often rest well in the preprogrammed mind. Hence, we see the allure and the interplay of the scientific or technological aspects of the Craft, and the need for many new Witches to use a great deal of ceremonial magick in their rituals.

The science of the Craft acts as a buffer against total, immediate reconstruction of the spirit of the individual. The different technologies can be tested, analyzed, and neatly labeled, allowing the individual to understand that they are in control because they can define their own parameters.

Science tells us that the human mind, if programmed properly, can accomplish astounding feats. Witchcraft teaches that same concept, and it is this ideology that draws people to it. It is the exciting consideration that humans might really be in charge of their own destiny!

Witchcraft is both a set of scientific principles and a religious structure. I have found that people who enter the Craft on the basis of science discover religion, and those that are looking for a comfortable religious doctrine discover the science (even though some won’t readily admit it to you). The Craft is the ultimate combination of both principles.

You will find that some Witches rely heavily on one principle or the other. This does not present a problem unless they refuse to accept the other half, denoting an entirely internal problem of analysis on their part, not yours.

In the Craft, there is room for everyone. There are those Witches who practice the Craft strictly within scientific boundaries. They use a great deal of high magick and consider the holidays ceremonies. There are those that practice it in a very spiritual manner with little use of tools, depending upon their minds and their close associations with various deities. These people use the Craft for self-healing and empowerment, and are more open to ideas like channeling, the existence of angels, talking with the dead, other dimensions, even UFOs and Star People.

There are Witches who practice the Craft in a strictly religious form and are not at all happy about the technical side of the Craft, although they use it through religious observance whether they want to admit it or not.

People drift to different facets of the Craft either through preprogrammed ideas that are difficult to let go of, or to fill a specific need at the time. There is nothing wrong with this, unless others try to make their truths yours.

There is room for everyone in the Craft, which is what makes it so unique in the first place. If you are like me, you came to the Craft by studying the psychology and motivation of the mind, gradually moved into spiritual education, and finally accepted it as a religion. Not everyone follows the same path.

You must accept what is acceptable to you, not what is acceptable to the High Priestess in the coven in the next town, or the solitary that practices two cities away and visits you once every six months.

This concept is sometimes difficult for the new generation of Witches to understand. They so desperately want to do things the right way so they can be considered a real Witch that they fail to give their own opinions the benefit of the doubt.

Conversely, there are new Witches who have brought too much of their previous prejudices along with them and find themselves in extremely hot water from time to time, simply because they fail to understand that an integral part of the Craft is the ability for everyone to have an open mind.

I have sat in the presence of coven matriarchs who are livid that anyone would practice Witchcraft without strict religious overtones. I have shared meals with individuals that would never dream of patterning their own study of the Craft with even a hint of religious theology or conviction. Each of these people are following their own paths and learning their own lessons along the way.

When you are dealing with any religion or form of esoteric study, you will find it colored with human ideas and attitudes that are as varied as the personalities of the people involved. Be patient and understanding with the differences in opinion you will encounter. This, in itself, is a valuable lesson as you journey forward.

Get out your notebook now and set aside three pages. On the first page write “Science,” on the second write “Religion,” and on the third write “Religion vs. Science.”

On each page, write a short paragraph on your feelings on the subject. Be sure to sign and date each entry. Put them back in your book and reread them next month, then two months hence. Check to see if your own opinions have changed or grown. Be sure to make a journal entry while you are rereading the pages.
