Well, that's one line of attack done anyway, thought Hayley, as she saw the time appear beside the message indicating that it had been sent. Good job that Kiera's mobile was in the car. With Tommy on my network and no signal from it, I'd have been well stuffed. Not that there's much from Kiera's either, can't even maintain connection to ring through. Still, I'll take the car up a bit and see if the signal doesn't improve. I hope Mrs. McKinney understands.
A crunch of a twig caused Hayley to turn around. A strong man in waterproofs holding a rifle smiled at her.
"Sorry to bother you, love, but you're a bit far out." Hayley stumbled backwards before composing herself. Damn, I'd hoped to meet no one else.
"Just getting away from it all," said Hayley nervously. "Been a bit crazy in town lately."
"Yes, it has. Damn mermaids," hissed McCreedie. "You out her alone?" The man advanced towards Hayley threatening her personal space. Dripping wet and stinking of sweat, he cast his eyes up and down Hayley.
"No," answered Hayley, a little too forcefully. "There's a few of us, I'm just off to get some bits and pieces."
McCreedie seemed appeased. "Have you seen any mermaids down by the loch? You need to be careful, some will take a man's life."
"Right, I'll keep that in mind." Hayley tried to step past the man to Tommy's car but he grabbed her arm. "Hey, what you playing at?"
"I asked, had you seen any mermaids? You didn't answer. Have you seen any?" McCreedie pulled Hayley close to his face and stared into her eyes. Shaking her head, Hayley tried to draw away. The grip on her arm remained tight, and Hayley drew her head down as McCreedie continued to stare.
"You knows something, girl. You're way too quiet. Tell me what you know or I'll have to find out from you. And you won't like that." Just then a younger man approached from behind the trees.
"Can't raise the team from down here on the radio. So I reckon we…who the hell's that?"
"Just some girl I found lingering. Reckon she knows something too."
"Hang on Dad, that's the vet. Oh yeah, recognise her alright now. Don't forget that figure in a hurry."
"Okay, lady, what are you doing here? Tell me now."
Hayley summoned all her nerve.
"If you must know, I'm out here with the council leader for a bit of fun. Sex. And he's going to be mighty pissed to find out you're threatening his woman. So I suggest you let me go before he finds out." The harsh grip released and Hayley made her way directly to the car door. Opening it, she jumped inside and fumbled the car keys out of her pocket. Turning the ignition on, she floored the accelerator but hadn't dropped the clutch sufficiently and the wheels spun on the grassy path.
"Hang on, Dad, I thought the news said the council leader was delivering a statement at the town hall just now."
"The wee bitch!"
The car lurched forward as McCreedie's son tried to step towards it, and he was caught on the left knee, spinning him around before falling to the floor. His father ignored him and aimed his rifle as Hayley drove away up the track. A shot rang out and the back windscreen blew out with a piercing crash. Hayley panicked, thinking she had been shot, and her hands slid around the steering wheel causing the car to fight against its current momentum. The vehicle slid off the track and walloped into a tree.
Stepping over his son, McCreedie bounded towards the car, which was lodged against a stout trunk, driver's side against it. Inside, he saw Hayley slumped towards the wheel with the deflated air-bag lying between. From the side of her head he saw some blood but was undeterred as he flung open the passenger door and reached across. Grabbing her blonde hair, he yanked the girl from the car, letting her fall to the wet ground.
"Right, where are they? Where are they?"
There had been a pain banging in her head before she felt her hair being yanked. Everything hurt and her ears were ringing from the explosion that had happened when she was still on the road. Opening her eyes, she saw the man shouting at her, but there was no sound. There was only the warping fog of a wall of noise. Then she saw a rifle being pointed in her face. And then blackness.
"Damn it, she's fainted. Do you hear me, son? She's fainted." There was a wailing from down the track. McCreedie saw his son rolling around, holding his knee, almost in tears. "Would you get up? Hell, you'll live. Get your sodding arse over here and give me a hand." The only response was a further wail.
Gotta sort everything out myself, damn it, thought McCreedie. Dragging Hayley to the side of the tree, he propped her up against it.
With one hand on her chin, he started slapping her cheeks, advising her to wake up. With no response coming, McCreedie increased the venom of his strike and marks started appearing on Hayley's cheek. Swooning around, consciousness returned slowly to Hayley, and her ears began to hear normally.
"Where are they? Where did you see them? Tell me girl or I'll drop you into the loch with some rocks. They killed my brother, and they need sorting, so don't be daft, just tell me. Dammit, tell me!" The last comment came along with a backhanded swipe that drew blood from Hayley's mouth. Part of her wanted to resist but self-preservation made her point towards what she thought was the shore.
"They're hardly going to be inland, you stupid cow, where?" Another backhand swipe.
"Sh…shore…at the shore."
James, although sitting in the back seat, was in a state of terror at Laura's driving. Blind overtaking. Horn honking to get rid of any unfortunate traffic that happened to be on the particular side Laura happened to be on at that moment. Conversely, Alyssa, whilst holding her shoulder due to the occasional painful bump, was directing and pointing out obstacles. There was even a smile on her face.
"Not far now, Alyssa," announced Laura. "It’s ’round the next two bends and there."
"If they don't pull you in before that!" announced James.
"When we get there, I'll drop you two off and you can explain. Wow, where did he come from? You two ’round up the troops and then follow me out there."
"No way, Mrs. McKinney, you don't know what you're going to run into."
"I'm a minister's wife, James, I think I've seen my fair share of nasty."
"No, I'm going with you. Alyssa can talk to the police. It's not like they don't know her. Watch your wing mirror!"
"It's fine. Never use it anyway."
"I don't use them either. James should go with you, Laura. It'll be safer. I'll be fine."
"Are you sure, dear?"
"Yes, and I'll let them know about the side of that Audi as well. Just drop me."
"And here," announced Laura. "Praise the Lord."
"He's definitely on your side," said James looking back up the road at the scene of destruction.
"I'll be there soon," said Alyssa stepping out of the car. "Got the phone. Stay safe, James. Get going."
James had wanted to swap seats and take over the driving. Such was the speed of the drop-off, he was still in the back seat when Laura unleashed the little engine and began to terrorise the island's road users again.
Alyssa surveyed the front doors of the police station and quickly entered the reception. The journey from the airport, although short, had been a painful one and she was feeling a little weak as she approached the front desk. With a bing, she summoned help and was greeted by a young male constable.
"Good morning Madam, how can I help you?"
"Well, I need a posse of policemen, some 4x4s, and probably some form of weaponry."
"Okay, any particular reason?"
Alyssa threw Laura's mobile in front of the constable.
"I have friends in trouble. There could be killings."
The policeman looked closely.
"You're that girl who was harpooned. The topless model. Ah, I recognise you now. From the investigation reports, of course. Hold on, I'll just get my Sergeant."
Within a minute, Alyssa was telling her tale to the Sergeant and then the chief constable. It was evident to Alyssa as she spoke that there was debate raging in the Chief's head.
"Forgive me, Chief, but what's the big problem here? Why ain't we on our way yet?"
"You see, Miss, we have a tinderbox here in the town at the moment. I daren't deploy any of my people so far out."
"But there's guns involved. It's Kiera we are talking about. She saved my life."
"I appreciate that, but there's been no mermaids reported ‘round that way. The press would have a field day if it all kicked off, and we were miles away."
"And fail to save the hero of the paper model and what? Especially if there's guns…and a mermaid blood-bath. I think the press would eat you for that one."
The Chief thought and then turned to his Sergeant. A moment later, the office was in a frenzy of activity. Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief, her job was over. But maybe not.
"Can I come along?"
The Chief looked at the model and thought of the force he was taking. It should be safe enough.
"Okay, Miss. But you'll ride with me."
Her head pounded, and she could taste the blood trickling out of her mouth. The barrel of a rifle pushed into her back forced her forward, step after step over moorland. Every footfall was a struggle as there were little holes and pockets or just turf that gave way. Occasionally, she would have to climb up or jump down peat banks cut from the land, many left untouched for years.
Tommy kept coming to mind. She knew he would protect her from this man but also knew the danger she was taking his way. Part of her screamed to lead him away from any possibility of mermaids, tell him nothing, show him her inner steel. But the rifle point and the prospect of a bullet through her heart was keeping her focused on heading to the shore. Her hope was that she was wrong about Tink, that she was stronger and had headed out to sea.
The time had passed so quickly, in a whirlwind, from first eyeing Tommy up until Kiera had asked about the pool. But her feelings for him were strong, she knew this. Every time I'm around him I don't want to leave. I just want to be near, just want to enjoy him, she thought. And I want him to enjoy me. This can't be it. It's too soon to be over.
McCreedie told her to stop as they reached the water's edge. He looked down before asking her which way to go. Hayley nodded towards the east. She felt a harsh hand smack the back of her head.
"Don't lie to me. There's lots of footprints going west. You can haul that pretty butt over that way."
Now I'm in the dark, thought Hayley. Who knows how far along we have to go? They could be miles from here and this guy could be trigger happy before then. I'm going to need to do something.
The rain was continuing and the going was slippery when Hayley had an idea. She saw a decent size branch up ahead, one which looked strong but manageable. Approaching it, she pretended to stumble before launching herself forward. Grabbing the branch, she managed to swing it around in one motion and strike it across McCreedie's hands.
The rifle fell to the floor and a shot rang out. The bullet struck a stone and disappeared harmlessly off into a nearby bush. Hayley tried to run but the same slippery ground gave way beneath her scrambling and she felt herself lifted up by the back of her shirt. Kicking out wildly with her legs had no effect as McCreedie pulled her up towards him and then grabbed her arms, holding them behind her.
"Pretty little thing, ain't you?" he said looking her up and down. "You should learn your place, wench." Striking her with the back of his hand, he informed her that next time he'd make her take a swim in the loch, a permanent one.
Given his actions, thought Hayley. That's where I am headed anyway.
They continued walking for another twenty minutes before she felt McCreedie reach around and grab her, holding a hand over her mouth. She listened, and yes, there were sounds up ahead.
He must have good ears, thought Hayley.
Apart from McCreedie's heavy breathing, she could hear men talking and one sounded like Tommy. Yes, it was Tommy. Her heart jumped and fell all at once. She was delighted and yet, he was now in danger.
McCreedie put Hayley back in front of the rifle, and he prompted her forward with a nudge. Slowly, she walked and the heavy mist gradually dispersed. Kiera appeared from the mist sitting on a rock by the loch. Tommy was further back beside some men with Donald. And on the left in the loch were a plethora of mermaids, some with the smallest articles she'd ever seen, nestled into their womanly chests.
"Bingo," laughed McCreedie.