Two Inch Fables

A tiny droplet fell on a lotus pad

She pranced and rolled like a precious pearl

I am perfect I am unique

God made me and tossed the mold

Then a blast of gale pushed her over

The edge of the waxy frond

She plunged down the murky depths

Into the dirty duck-shit of oblivion


I love my beautiful vulva

Vulva vulva vulva

It shines like a brilliant peach

And tremors with dazzling dew

I fear my poem is too vulgar

So I change my “vulva” to “nova”

Now I love my beautiful nova

It explodes into the great unknown


I am an ass the Master said

I am the ass’s buttocks

I am the ass’s feces one rejoined

I am the maggot on the feces

And what were you doing there

O lowliest of the low?

I was enjoying summer vacation


Tear the fly from the flypaper, let him die

Take the roach out of the motel, let him fly

The dead dingle on the fence makes amends

Free the cock from sacrifice, free the hen

Let the orphans feed, set the widows free

Teach a killer how to cry

We must love one another or die

Love one another or die


One persimmon, two persimmon the third has ripened

So juicy and sweet, we must not waste love

Two persimmon, three persimmon, the fourth has ripened

We must eat it soon, our last chance for enlightenment

Three persimmon, four persimmon, the fifth is rotten

Too bad, you waited too long

Ditty’s become a dirge

Mocking our impermanence


Baby, you’re a cheap thrill

A dinner buys surrender

A Long Island iced tea makes you tipsy

Nothing so bittersweet

As a boy so tender

I’ll keep you warm in my sheath

My mojo is my love shield

The Huns are stirring the pot

Chanting boystew boystew boystew


We met south of the painted wall

He unzipped his soiled chiton

I kept my black thong on

He kissed me hard against the column

And bruised my arm

Let’s die, let’s die now

The Mongols are close on the path

And there’s no tomorrow


All the world is filthy

I alone am clean

I alone am sober

All my homegirls are stoned

All the world is dancing

I alone am still

Lotuses assemble abstractly

Choking the crystal clear pond


The scabbard is chafing your thigh

The yoke is digging into your nape

The cangue is rubbing you raw

Baby, cut off your queue

Your coolie days are over

This late capitalist immigrant bitch

Will ransom your pretty ass home


She is headless and armless

He is missing a topknot

She still poised for victory

He, valor and faithfulness

A wing broken, a nose detached

She marble, he terracotta

They shall stand lonely on that pedestal

Long after the aftermath


Crow squats in the road

Pecking on a recent kill

Canary is high on a branch

Singing for her supper

Crow says: My, you are a pretty bird

Pretty bird, pretty bird

Who will hand-feed you now

Not your lord, my cadaver!


Yellow gold is meaningless

Learning is better than pearls

A woman without brilliance

Leaves nothing but dim children

You can hawk your gold if you’re hungry

Sell your mule when you’re desperate

What can you do with so many poems

Sprouting dead hairs in an empty coffin


Lotus: pink dewlapped pretty

Lotus: upturned palm of my dead mother

Lotus: a foot a broken arch

Lotus: plop and a silent ripple


I hum and stroll

And contemplate a poem

While young boys are dying

In West Darfur

I hum and stroll

And contemplate a poem

While young boys are dying

In West Darfur


Gwen came down from heaven

Baked me a sweet potato pie

June’s stirring rice pudding

Gives me the stink eye

Sylvia says

Girl poet you ain’t worth the bacon

Just wipe the blood from the oven

Go home! Go home!


Dog if you bite bite gently

Cat if you scratch find my funny bone

Fly kiss my eyes twice then summon

Your brethren

Wolf drag my bones slowly

Keep me whole

For another summer


I am not afraid of your leavings


Eng says to Chang: Oh let’s love with a single heart

Let’s die in eternal embrace and never part

Ritta says to Christina: we have two heads and one pussy

We are doomed to eternal misery

Vinnie says to Emily

Do we have two souls or just one?

Or are you just a shadow sister and love no one?


I am a lonely Chinese poet

Sitting on the nether ridge

You are a Ute Mountain warrior

The sun has begun to set


What is the Buddha?

Two pounds of ground turkey

What is the Buddha?

Oh she broke a fingernail

What is the Buddha?

A Haitian girl and a Laotian girl

What is the Buddha?

She’s b-boying at the bus stop


I am a gold lock

You are a gold key

I am a brass lock

You are a brass key

I am a skeleton lock

You are a skeleton key

I am a monk lock

You are a monkey

Ha ha ha ha!


(for Denise Levertov)

So, you’re going to Black Mountain

Black Mountain so far

Black Mountain so unreachable

So you will meet Snyder and Rauschenberg

And Cage and his zenny music

At Black Mountain

And so shall you love a Goodman



Flowers blossom on her back

Tendrils wrap his withered thigh

Melilotus dangling on her brow ridge

Clover covers his fingernails

Because the truth is so very very sad

Oh anonymous corpse in the churchyard

I must dream of you

festooned with flowers

Naked I Come, Naked I Go

for Ai

I take off my antique Navajo turquoise

Pull off my red cashmere sweater

Wiggle out of my black leather jeans, Lord, they’ve been tight!

I wipe off my kohl eye shadow and plum lip gloss

I free my hair from my mother-of-pearl comb

I put on my original face

I walk away from my small rented prairie house

I climb into my last yellow taxi

Oh trusted pony, take me home!

Horns: A Coda

During the tenth month of the first year of the reign of Emperor Jing, a little girl from the southernmost province of Guangdong grew horns. The horns were hideously sharp with little tufts of greenish hair sprouting in the ridges. When the new emperor heard about this monster, he ordered his five most valiant soldiers to execute her. But, when the soldiers arrived, the girl’s grandmother had already sent her into the hills. The old woman, then, with proper demeanor, served the men last year’s inferior crop of high mountain tea and quoted “The Book of Changes.” When an evil minister of state usurps power, the indigenes will grow horns. The head soldier replied with a quick couplet from “The Treatise of the Five Monarchs.” Little girls, no matter how mistreated or angry, must not grow horns. Feudal citizens, no matter how unhappy, must not revolt against the lord. Whereupon, he took out his sword and slayed the grandmother and mounted her head on a pole, as a warning to other renegade villagers.

Centuries of chaos and pogroms followed. Finally, rebellions were quashed, marauders were executed and there were no more incidents of little girls growing horns. By now, most of the world’s citizens have smooth, unfurrowed hairlines. Albeit there was a sighting of a pair of razor-sharp growths erupting on the forehead of a little brown girl. She was last seen in the autumn of 2010, smooching with her surfer-dude boyfriend and strolling on a sun-flooded promenade in San Diego.

Beautiful Boyfriend

for Don (1958–2011)

My skiff is made of spicewood my oars are Cassia bract

Music flows from bow to starboard

Early Mozart cool side of Coltrane and miles and miles of Miles

Cheap Californian Merlot and my new boyfriend


My beautiful boyfriend please shave your head

At the Miramar barbershop take the tonsure

Bow toward the earth prostrate and praise

Breathe in the Goddess’s potent citron


Bullet don’t shoot him he’s my draft-horse

Night scope don’t pierce him he’s my love-stalk

Sniper who are you high on the roof

Stop for a slow cigarette let him escape


If I could master the nine doors of my body

And close my heart to the cries of suffering

Perhaps I could love you like no other

Float my mind toward the other side of hate


The shantytowns of Tijuana sing for you

The slums of Little Sudan hold evening prayer

One dead brown boy is a tragedy

Ten thousand is a statistic

So let’s fuck my love until the dogs pass


All beautiful boyfriends are transitory

They have no souls they’re shiny brown flesh

Tomorrow they’ll turn into purple festering corpses

Fissured gored by myriad flies


My boyfriend drives up in his late Humvee

Says: We’re going to hunt bin Laden

We’ll sleep in caves and roast wild hare

And rise to praise the bright red sun


I was once a beloved spotted ox

Now I’ve become a war-horse of hate

I pulled the lorries of ten thousand corpses

Before I myself was finally flayed


Down the Irrawaddy River you lay yourself to sleep

No sun no moon no coming no going

No causality no personality

No hunger no thirst


Skyward beyond Angkor Wat

Beyond Jokhang Lhasa

You were floating on a giant stupa

Waiting for Our Lord


Malarial deltas typhoidal cays

Tsunamis don’t judge calamity grieves no one

The poor will be submerged the rich won’t be saved

Purge the innocent sink the depraved


You push down my hand with your bony hand

The fox-hair brush lifts and bends

There’s no revision in this life you sigh

One bad stroke and all is gone


What do I smell but the perfume of transience

Crushed calyxes rotting phloems

Let’s write pretty poems pretty poems pretty poems

Mask stale pogroms with a sweet whiff of oblivion


Three shots into the wind according to the rites

Heaven’s stealth caissons confess nothing

Lotus cannot cry Buddha feels no pain

Surrender you must to one love one nation


I asked him where he was heading this ungodly hour.

He said Don’t nag me Mei Ling I am tired

I am very very tired

I am going to rest in those southern hills

Don’t bother calling I’ve disconnected my cell

I’ll tweet from the other side when I’m ready

I waved at the road until his bumper vanished

The traffic flowed toward eternity as my eyes teared up

Better stop crying he’ll call me a sissy

Quiet the Dog, Tether the Pony

Gaze gaze beyond the vermilion door

Leaf leaf tremble fall

Stare blankly at the road’s interminable end

Reduplications cold cold mountains

Long long valleys broad broad waters

Tears are exhausted now shed blood

Deep deep the baleful courtyards who knows how deep

Folds on folds of curtains

Gates trap infinite twilight

Walk walk through waning meadows

Steep steep toward ten thousand Buddhas

Knuckles blue on the balustrade

In the land of missing pronouns

Sun is a continuous performance

And we my love are nothing