“DO YOU THINK that’s enough sparkle?” Justin asked.
He and Elliot were standing on the curb, looking up at the placard that read “Rowel-Turner Art Gallery,” which had replaced the faded sign for “Rowel Hardware.” Its simple elegance was currently somewhat spoiled by the multitude of colorful fairy lights wrapped around it and a red-and-green flier tucked on the door, announcing their grand Christmas-Day opening.
“It’s as festive as I could possibly make it,” Elliot said, wrapping his arm around Justin’s shoulders. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” Justin said, leaning into his embrace. “I can’t think of a better way to celebrate our anniversary.”
“I can think of a couple other ways,” Elliot murmured in his ear, leaning so close his warm breath tickled the side of Justin’s face.
Justin grinned, watching snowflakes drifting inside the spill of light coming from the tall glass windows. With the second story divider gone, the high ceiling created a sweeping open space, its white walls lined with artwork, clearly visible from the street. Framed by the redbrick facade and the garlands of colorful lights, it looked like a window to another world.
“That one is my favorite,” Elliot said, nodding to the landscape displayed opposite the entrance, a gray-and-blue winter scene of a half-frozen pond with willow trees stooping above the water. “It’s so tranquil without being depressing. They may not have been the Otis, but those art classes definitely paid off. Of course, it doesn’t hurt you’ve got all this natural talent.”
Justin huffed in dismissal, secretly pleased with the casual praise.
“I hope opening night will go off as planned,” he said. “Trish and Dave handed out fliers all over Main Street yesterday, and Elena promised she’ll cater the event.”
“Mmm. Will she make her brie and mushroom tarts?”
“You’re the manager; you can decide on the menu. I’m sure she’ll make anything you want if you ask her nicely.”
“Then it’s going to be perfect.”
Justin turned, their lips almost touching, and gently pulled the glasses off Elliot’s nose before they had a chance to steam over with their shared warmth.
“It already is perfect,” he said and kissed him.