6. On Angling

A fish doesn’t know anything, ever, at all, about anything. Which is why fish are so hard to catch.


The truth is I never saw Harold really fail at anything except fishing. All the other times he got close to failure, came around the edge of it, bumped right up into it, but he always came out ahead in some way.

Except when it came to fishing.

It all started one summer night when we were setting pins. Ernie was going to close the bowling alley over the weekend—his slowest time—and sand and varnish the alleys.

“A whole weekend,” I said as we left the bowling alley. I had almost four dollars saved and I thought of movies—there was a horror film showing on Saturday night—or maybe buying a stick model of a B-17 bomber that I wanted to make or just spending the whole time at the swimming beach down on Crooked River trying to work up the courage to dive off the high board when none of the girls was looking. Or be really brave and do it when they were looking. If they looked. Ever.

“I want,” Harold said slowly, “to go fishing.”

For a moment it didn’t register. “We could go to a movie.…”

“No. I wish to go fishing.”

“You mean fishing … like outside? You?

“Wherever the fish are. That is where I want to go fishing. You are good at this, aren’t you?”

“But Harold, you don’t—”

“I don’t what?”

That stopped me. I was going to say that he didn’t do things outside. We had tried skiing and nearly died and as far as I knew he spent the rest of his time indoors working on his ham radio equipment or reading technical bulletins. I couldn’t even get him to go swimming in the town swimming area down on Crooked River. He was no hunter, and the only times we bicycled anywhere together were just to get from one building to another. He got sunburned walking across the yard—and that was on a cloudy day.

“I don’t what?” he repeated.

“You don’t fish.”

Exactly why I want to go fishing. To learn. It’s the manly thing to do and I want to be more manly.”


Exactly. You will teach me. The way you taught me the art of hunting.”

I winced, remembering. He had wanted to hunt. I used a .22 single-shot and let him try the .410 shotgun. We just went into the brush, a small stand where I had seen grouse earlier. Not over ten acres of trees and willows. Harold got lost four times, shot two stumps, a clump of newspaper, and just missed the end of his foot. He finally bagged a grouse so, in his eyes, he was successful. I can still hear his shot whistling over my head.

“But you don’t have any gear, anything …”

“So what do we need—a hook, some string? How hard can it be? People do it all the time.”

“Harold, fishing is … is more …” I thought suddenly of early morning light, casting a plug out into lily pads close to the shore of the river for northern pike, of the slashing pull when they struck, of the line hissing through the water; of feeling for suckers and carp with a snap hook below the dam and eating them smoked in iron-wood smoke. “It’s just more.”

“Then that is what you’ll teach me. All about what makes it more.”

And because we were friends and he was the only reason I wasn’t flunking worse than I was, I decided to take Harold fishing.

I almost changed my mind when I met him in front of his house early the next morning. I’d brought two old spring-steel rods (this was well before fiberglass or carbon rods existed) with thumb-buster casting reels on them, all so ancient I’d bought them for a dollar at a garage sale. I had a small metal tackle box with some hooks, sinkers and bobbers, a couple of silver spoons in case we got to lure casting, a lard can half full of worms and dirt, all tied across my handlebars. I also had a sack with some sandwiches in it and two candy bars.

Harold came out of his house looking like a wrinkled page from Field and Stream magazine. He was wearing an old felt hat, an older cotton vest covered with pockets and loops, and a wicker creel slung over a shoulder. He had an honest-to-God fly rod in a tubular cloth case.

He was also wearing hip boots, which he had tied to his belt at the top. The whole outfit was at least three sizes too big.

“Harold …”


But I shook my head. “Nothing. We’re going north out of town to a backwater I know about—can you ride your bike like that?”

“Like what?” He threw a leg over his bicycle, held the fly rod case across the handlebars, tipped up the front brim of the felt hat and smiled at me. “Let’s go.”

It was perhaps two miles to the fishing spot, and he pedaled all the way in those hip boots. I thought I’d have to slow down but he kept up, and when we arrived at the river backwater he hopped off his bike ready to go. “All right, how do we catch fish?”

“We’re going to fish with worms.”

“Worms.” He shook his head. “I read in a magazine that fishing with worms isn’t sporting. It’s too easy. We’re supposed to use lures, flies, plugs and things.”

“Those are too hard at first. We’ll do worms, then work up to other stuff.”

At last he agreed and opened the rod case he was carrying and pulled out an absolute beauty of a split-bamboo rod; handmade, hand-served, hand-varnished and so elegant it took my breath away. I had heard of such rods, read about them in magazines, but I’d never seen one and only knew them as something to dream about, to worship.

“Where’d you get that rod?”

“This old thing? It was in the garage, up in the loft, wrapped in a piece of canvas. I was up there doing research—”

“On rats, I know.”

“—on rats and I ran into it. Why—is it a good one?”

“Could I see it?”

He handed me the rod in four sections and I assembled it, oiling the metal ferrules on the side of my nose as I’d read to do in Field and Stream so they wouldn’t stick, flexing the rod, feeling the perfect balance. It felt alive, a kind of glowing life in my hand.

“Is it good?”

I nodded. “It’s good. Very good. Too good for what we’re doing. Let’s put it away and use mine, all right?”

I finally talked him into putting the rod back in the case and handed him one of the spring-steel junkers. I showed him the basics—how the reel worked, how to lock it and crank it, how to cast (more on this in a bit), how to attach a hook to the leader, then a sinker, then a bobber about five feet from the hook.

“We throw it out,” I said, “and watch the bobber. When a fish starts fooling with it the bobber will go up and down.”

“That’s it? That’s all there is to it?”

“Not quite. When you see the bobber go under good and solid, when you know the fish really has the hook in his mouth, you heave back a bit with your arms and set the hook. Use your thumb on the line on the reel to keep pressure and hold the fish back. Don’t pull crazy, just enough to set it. Here.” I held out the lard bucket. “Put a worm on your hook.”

“I am not acquainted with the procedure.”

“Oh—like this.” I took a worm and threaded it on my hook. “You want it to look good, delicious to the fish. A great glop of good fish food.”

He nodded, took about a half pound of worms out of the bucket, and snagged the mess on his hook. “Like this?”

“Close enough—now follow me and do as I do.” I led him down to the edge of the water. The river made a large curve there, slowly meandering around a stand of oaks and high rocks, and where it pushed against the bank it had carved out a half-acre backwater. I knew it as a place full of sunfish and bullheads—both easy to catch and good to eat.

“Watch,” I said. I snapped the lock off my reel and cast the hook and bobber out about forty feet. The hook dropped in and the bobber skidded to the side and stopped over the top of it. “Like that.”

“Looks simple enough.” Harold nodded. He stepped to the bank, looped a long arm back and with a mighty heave whipped the end of the rod out in what would have been a perfect cast.

Except that he didn’t unlock the reel. The ball of worms couldn’t go out more than four feet and then all the energy of the cast went into the rod and whipped the whole mess back into Harold’s mouth, which was slightly open in concentration.


Luckily the hook didn’t set or we would have had a merry time trying to clear his mouth. But he did get a full load of worms in there and spent most of the rest of the day spitting.

He was game, however, and on the next try he unlocked his reel, took another mighty swing and caught me in the back of the head. The hook hit bone and bounced out without setting and I used the best words I had learned in the bowling alley.

“Wait a minute,” I said when my head stopped feeling like it was on fire. I moved well to the rear, hunkered down in back of a bush with a good-sized oak between us, judged the wind and all the angles and then nodded. “All right—let her rip.”

I had explained the principle of backlash to him, but the whole process of controlling the reel with thumb pressure while the line spun out, stopping the spinning just as the hook hit the water, then letting up again—all of that while whipping the rod through the casting arc and aiming at where the bait was to go—all that was way too much for Harold at this stage.

It started well enough. The line whizzed out, the bait flew across the water at a great speed, and then a snarl backlash hit the reel so hard it stopped dead. The line slammed to the end of the tangle, hung for half a heartbeat and then headed back so fast it was impossible to see it move. It screamed past Harold’s ear, caught on the end of the rod and described three full circles while it wrapped around his head.

“Yeaaack!” Again he had a mouthful of worms.

I helped him unwind the line and noticed that once more the hook had somehow missed setting in his head. “Harold, are you sure you want to do this?”

He glared at me, nodded shortly and untangled his backlash. I went behind the bush again.

Another wild swing and he cast almost perfectly off to his left, onto the bank. He reeled in, took a slightly different stance and let go again. This time he got it all—aim, release, thumb pressure and timing—perfectly right. The baited hook dropped into the water about twenty feet to the right of mine, the bobber skidded and settled perfectly and he turned and smiled at me.

“See? It’s all a matter of fundamentals. You just apply knowledge to mystery and knowledge will always—”

I’m not sure what he was going to say and later he couldn’t remember but it doesn’t matter. When he turned, it brought the reel close to the cotton vest he was still wearing (along with the hip boots) and I saw three things with a clarity that is still with me.

First, his bobber and mine suddenly disappeared. They did not bob or wiggle, or jerk, or go down and come up—they simply disappeared and I never saw either of them again. Simultaneously my rod, which I had locked and laid on the bank while I went behind the bush, jumped into the water (or that’s how it looked) and likewise disappeared.

The third thing was Harold. The reel caught in his vest, the line jerked tight and he flew off the bank. I had used some old commercial fishing line I’d found in the basement of the apartment house I lived in and I believe it was a-hundred-and-twenty-pound test. It was enough to pull Harold off the bank, hip boots and all, and into the water. Something enormous had his line.

“Yaawwp!” He had time for just the one sound and then he was under. It all happened so fast that I was still standing there, trying to consider that my rod was gone, that something had taken everything when it dawned on me: Everything meant Harold as well.

“Harold!” I yelled, and dove off the bank. The dive brought me in contact with the heel of Harold’s hip boot, which hit me so hard on the top of the head it made me dizzy.

I grabbed, he grabbed, we had a free-for-all and I finally got his head and mine above the surface. The water was only five feet or so deep in the backwater but Harold felt like he was stuck in the mud.

The hip boots! They were filled with water.

“Kick the boots off!” I yelled, holding him from the rear with one arm around his neck.

“You’re … choking … me.”

“Kick the boots off!”

I let him go and he untied and kicked free of one boot, then the other, and we made the shore, where we lay side by side gasping.

“What,” Harold said, “was that?”

I looked at the vest where the reel had literally ripped loose. Those old rods were made of high-test steel; they would bend but they never broke, not even when they pulled a person into the water.

I’d heard stories of fish like the one that came through. In the old days, they said, sturgeon were huge, so big it took a team of horses to pull them up onto the bank when they were hooked. Hundreds of pounds they weighed, as old as dinosaurs, primitive, ugly, enormous. People said that when they died they didn’t come up but lay on the bottom and sank into the mud and just disappeared. I had never seen one. I would never see one, not in my whole life.

“Do you know what it was?”

The reel caught in Harold’s vest had dragged him in and if it hadn’t torn loose he would have ended up in the river proper, where the depth dropped to fifteen or twenty feet. The boots would have dragged him down and nothing I could have done would have helped. He would be dead now. Dead down in the mud with that … that thing. Gone.

“What was it?”

But I lay back on the warm bank and closed my eyes and didn’t answer, felt the sun dry my body and clothes and thought how much better Harold was alive than he would be dead. He was my friend. I knew that now because of the relief, and I lay in the sun and didn’t think of the two rods gone or how big the fish must have been and I didn’t answer Harold then or ever; just lay in the sun and felt how good it was to be alive.