Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.
All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

5-HTP, 165, 185, 189

Abbott, Edwin A., 308
Aborigines, 261
active imaginations, 71
Adams, Lee, 124
Advanced Lucid Dreaming,
African dream herb, 158–60
Alexander, Eben, 290–91
alien abduction, 19–20
animals, 72–74, 264–65
anterior cingulate cortex, 9, 22
archetypes, 64–65, 70
Are You Dreaming? 85, 125, 148, 221
Aristotle, 66–67
Arnold-Foster, Mary, 94–96
aromatherapy, 197–98
Artemisia vulgaris, 181–84
Ascher, Rodney, 92–93
Asclepius, 66
Association for Research and
      Enlightenment (A.R.E.), 318
Assurbanipal, 252
Astral Projection,
astral voids, 115
Austin, Robert, 209–10
auto-suggestion, 130–36
Avatar, 30, 153
awakening, 42
awareness, 326
ayahuasca, 5, 7–8, 12, 16, 29–33, 163–64

bad trips, 113
Banisteriopsis caapi, 163–64
Barasch, Marc Ian, 99
bardo, 324
Barrett, Deirdre, 77, 230
Basis Peak Ultimate Fitness and Sleep
      Tracker, 211
Bastet, 63–65, 64
Becca, 256–58
belief, 41, 151, 152–54
Bella, Frank Alan, 127
birds, 73
Blackmore, Sue, 280–81, 287
Blagrove, Mark, 11
Blake, William, 336
blood rites, 63
Blood Rites, 63
blue lotus, 184
Bodhi tree, 323
Bogzaran, Fariba, 41, 46, 340–41
Bön tradition, 6, 45, 86, 323
Bor, Neils, 306
Bourguignon, Erika, 42
Bourke, Patrick, 102
    hemispheres of, 12, 22, 23–26,
    lucid dreaming and, 22–23
    qualities of lucid dreamers and, 101–4
brain-wave entrainment machines,
brain-wave frequencies, 11–12
Breathing in Color, 79
Brooks, Janice, 136, 221, 225–26
Brown, David J., 8, 111, 137–41, 212
communication with dream
        characters, 219–20
    curing of childhood PTSD, 33–41
    dream of feline deity, 62–65
    experiences with REM-Dreamer,
    geography of dreamland, 266–67
    launching an OBE from sleep
        paralysis, 275–76
    mutual dreaming, 256–60
    mystical experiences, 341–43
    sensory-deprivation tank and,
    speaking to the dreaming mind,
Brown, Steven Ray, 248
buddha, 315
Bump Goose, 129

Calea zacatechichi, 43, 157–58
Campbell, Jean, 106, 266–67
Cannabis indica, 160–63
Cannabis sativa, 160–63
cannibals, 75–76
Canterbury Tales, The, 55
Carlson, Ralph, 190
Carvalho, Jason, 251–52
Casale, Pete, 82
Castaneda, Carlos, 7, 43, 126–27,
        252, 286
Castorp, Hans, 333
cats, 265
Cavanna, Roberto, 240
Cayce, Edgar, 318
Celestial Beings, 117
changa, 187
channeling spirits, 7
chanting, 7
choline, 185–86
Chontal people, 43, 157
closed-eye visions, 71–72
collective dream space, 5
collective unconscious, 9–11,
        64–65, 70
Committee of Sleep, The, 77
common wormwood, 181–84
communication with dream
        characters, 216–35
    alternating identities, 227–29
    demon dreams, 219–20
    encounters with wise beings,
    etiquette, 223–24
    as mental projections, 220–22
    mystical experiences, 222–23
    physical duplicates, 225–27
    speaking one’s name, 234–35
Communing with the Gods,
Conscious Dreaming, 98, 148
consciousness, 304–7
Conscious Universe, The, 237
corpus callosum, 23–24
creativity, 4–5, 74–83
critical reflection technique, 122
Crittenden, Guy, 32–33
Culpepper, Will, 109–10

Damer, Bruce, 77–79, 78–79
damiana, 171–72
dancing, 7
Dane, Joe, 111
dead, communicating with, 336–39
death, 332–36
De Castle, Robert van, 111
demon dreams, 219–20
Deral-Madineh, 66
Devereux, Charla, 198
Devereux, Paul, 198
DiCerto, Mike, 19
digital clocks, 133
DILD, 121
dimensions, higher, 307–10
discernment, 224
dissociative identity disorder, 25
DMT, 5, 9–11, 16, 18–20, 31, 48–49,
        56–57, 186–87, 292–93
DNA, 5
Doblin, Rick, 18
Dogs That Know When Their Owners
        Are Coming Home,
Dolores, 245
Dolphin in the Mirror, The, 74
dolphins, 73–74
Don Juan, 126–27
Doors of Perception, 22
dopplegängers, 225–27
Dream Drops, 198
dream fish, 198–99
dream incubation, 130
dream-initiated lucid dreams, 121
dream journals, 116–18
DreamLight, 201, 351
Dream Machine, The, 89–90, 201
Dream Parlor, The, 92–93
Dream Power, 48
Dreamrunner, 79
dreams and dreaming, 11–12
    biological function of, 57–62
    creativity and, 74–83
    definitions, 52–53
    language of, 71–72
    multiple-personality disorder and,
    neuroscience of, 53–55
    power of belief in, 152–54
    precognitive, 245–51
    psychedelics and, 27–29
    revealing of new information,
    secret language of, 65–71
    time dilation within, 310–13
    See also lucid dreaming
dream telepathy, 241–45
dream yoga, 137
Dresler, Martin, 102
drumming, 7, 8
dwarf cherry, 180–81
DXM, 194–95

Echenhofer, Frank, 32
Eckankar, 7
ecstasy, 196–97
Eeden, Frederik van, 2–3, 70, 87,
ego-transcendence, 22
Egyptians, 42
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 63
Ekirch, Roger, 55–56
electrical brain stimulation, 104–5
electric lighting, 55–57
electroencephalography, 53–54
electronic technologies
    brain-wave entrainment machines,
    communicating from dreams with,
    computer dreams, 211–12
    lucid dreaming on command through, 215
    lucid-dream machines, 201–8, 204
recording and sharing dreams, 213–14
    sleep laboratories, 210–11
    sleep masks, 200–201
energy healing, 101
Enigma of Survival, The, 262
entities, 232–33
Erlacher, Daniel, 96, 103, 311–12
erotic lucid dreams, 97
Erowid website, 182
essential oils, 197–98
etiquette, 223–24
Evans-Wentz, Walter, 327
Exploring the World of Lucid

Fadiman, James, 17
false awakening, 146–47
Faraday, Ann, 48, 261–62
FDA, 18
fear, 38–39
feline deity, 62–65, 64
Filan, Kenaz, 170
fish, dream, 198–99
Fleischer, Max, 93
flying, 144–45, 149
Fox, Oliver, 45–46, 114, 117, 147–48,
        248–49, 259, 275–76, 286, 301–2
freedom, 3–4
Freeman, Martin, 128
Freud, Sigmund, 68–70
functional MRI, 21–22, 91, 103
Fuseli, Henry, 274

GABA, 167
Gackenbach, Jayne, 94
galantamine, 189–91
Gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), 187–88
gamma waves, 54
Gandhi, Mahatma, 76
Garden of Eden, 351
Garfield, Patricia, 98–99, 101, 144,
        234–35, 337
Gazzaniga, Michael, 23–24
GBL, 138–39
geography, of dreamland, 266–67
geomagnetic influences, 105–6
Geraci, Massimiliano, 166–67, 312
ghosts, 301–4
Glo to Sleep, 200–201
Goethe University, 22, 104
Good Night, The, 92, 128
Google, 212
Grateful Dead, 244
Gray, Cameron, 119
Green, Celia, 22–23, 26–27, 88–89,
        112, 119, 281, 287, 316–17, 334
Grey, Alex, 201
Grof, Stanislav, 8, 239–40, 290, 317
Group Dreaming, 106
guillotine dream, 67–68
Gurney, Edmund F., 241

Hall, Calvin, 58
hallucinogenic trance states, 42
hands, looking at in dreams, 126–29,
        127, 129
happiness, 101–3
harmaline, 31
Hart, Hornell, 262
Hartmann, Ernest, 161
haunted houses, 301–4
healing, 4–6, 10–11
    of author’s PTSD, 33–41
    lucid dreaming and, 94–96, 98–101
    psychedelic plants and, 29–33
Hearne, Keith, 3, 89, 91, 92, 104, 201
Heaven, Ross, 174–75
Hebrew Bible, 7, 66, 247
Heffter, Arthur, 29
HemiSync, 286
herbs for dreaming, 157–84. See also
        specific herbs
high, getting, 277–79
higher dimensions, 307–10
Hinduism, 1–2, 312–13
hippocampus, 9, 22
Hobson, J. Allan, 57
Hofmann, Albert, 16
Hofmann reflex, 73
Holzinger, Brigitte, 112
homeopathy, 176
Homer, 66
Hoppe, Klaus, 26
Howe, Elias, 75
Human, All Too Human,
Hunt, Harry, 60
huperzine A, 196
Hurd, Ryan, 112, 113, 124, 143, 190,
        226–27, 248, 263, 303, 339–40,
Huxley, Aldous, 22
hyperspace, 5, 19

Ibn El-Arabi, 7
ibogaine, 16, 29, 37, 166–67, 193–94
icaros, 8, 31
illness, 4–6
illusion, 1–2
imagination, 4–5, 71, 124
13, 153, 312
Infinite Lucidity, 129
injuries, 4–6
inner space, 9–11
insectoid beings, 20
intention, 130–36
interdimensional portal, 18–20
International Association for the
        Study of Dreams (IASD),
        93–94, 107
Interpretation of Dreams, The, 68–69
Iroquois, 98
Irwin, Harvey, 282

Janiger, Oscar, 3, 17, 34, 225, 337
Johnson, Clare, 79–81, 80, 83, 84
journals, dream, 116–18
journeying, 7
Journey to Ixtlan, 126–27
Jung, Carl, 5, 64, 71, 76, 217–18, 306
J. W. Goethe University, 11–12

Kaiser, David, 306
Kaku, Michio, 307
Kasatkin, Vasily, 95
kava kava, 167–69
K-complex spindle, 53–54
Kekule, Friedrich August, 75
Kellogg, Ed, 98, 99, 107, 261, 265, 321
ketamine, 16
Kharitidi, Olga, 7, 42–43, 332–33
Kohren, Erica, 93
Koran, 7
Koslow, Ian, 249–50
kratom, 178–79
Krippner, Stanley, 12–13, 32, 49, 61,
        227–28, 239–40, 241–44, 243,
245, 250–51, 262–63, 287–88,
        319, 336–37

LaBerge, Stephen, 3–4, 27–29,
        61–62, 89, 90–92, 90, 97, 101,
        104, 111, 119, 137, 141, 190,
        201–2, 222, 234–35, 253–54,
        263–64, 282–84, 290–91, 316,
Lanza, Robert, 346–48
Laughlin, Charles, 31, 44, 45–46, 60,
        65, 76, 133, 247, 261, 268, 309
L-DOPA, 165–66
Leary, Timothy, 225, 298, 324
left hemisphere, 12, 22, 23–26
light and sound machines, 208–10
Lilly, John C., 153, 298–99
Lincoln, Abraham, 245
Linscott, Steve, 250–51
Little Rooster, 203
logic, 51
Lommel, Pim van, 289
lotus flowers, 130
Loughner, Jared Lee, 112–13
Love, Daniel, 81, 85, 122, 148, 215,
LSD, 16–17, 28, 192–93
L-theanine, 189
L-tryptophan, 185
Lucas, Dustyn, 82
Lucid, 92
lucid dreaming
    animals and, 72–74
    auto-suggestion and, 130–36
    blending techniques for, 135–36
    connection with psychedelic states,
    ending lucid nightmares, 142–46
    enhancing dream recall, 114–18
    experience of, 45–51
    experiments of online community,
    explanation of, 2–4
    geomagnetic influences and, 105–6
    happiness and, 101–3
    healing research and, 94–96,
    history of research on, 87–89
    how to have lucid dream, 118–23
    to improve our daily lives, 4–6
    influence on popular culture, 91–94
    limits of, 152
    living intelligence and, 9–11
    mainstream science and, 90–91
    possible dangers of, 112–14
    power of belief in, 152–54
    qualities of lucid dreamers, 101–4
    reality testing of, 122–26
    relation to shamanic healing, 6–9
    speaking to the dreaming mind,
    spirits and, 42–45
    sustaining, 136–42
    testing out superpowers of,
    Tibetan Buddhism and, 321–25
    time dilation within, 310–13
    wet dreams, 97
    See also brain; electronic
Lucid Dreaming (Green and
        McCreery), 334
Lucid Dreaming (LaBerge), 3, 92, 111
Lucid Dreaming (Waggoner), 107,
        148, 224, 325–27
Lucid Dreaming Experience, 98
lucid-dreaming therapy (LDT), 95
lucid-dream machines, 201–3
Lucid Dreams, 88
Lucid Dreamscapes, 94
lucidity, degrees of, 2
Lucidity Institute, 193
Luke, David, 240
Luna, Luis Eduardo, 32

MacLean, Katherine, 324–25
Magallon, Linda Lane, 12–13, 254–55
Magaña, Sergio, 43
Maich, Peter, 343–44
Maillet, M. E., 76–77
Maimonides Dream Lab, 287–88
Malcolm, Norman, 47
manipulation, 326
Mann, Thomas, 333
mantras, 132
MAO, 31, 163–64
Mapuche, 269
marijuana, 160–63
Master of Lucid Dreams, The, 42–43
materialization, 151–52
Matrix, The, 314–15
Matthews, Kelly, 101
Matus, Don Juan, 7
Maury, Louis Ferdinand Alfred, 67–68
Mavericks of the Mind, 3
Max Planck Institutes, 103, 247
aya, 1–2
Mays, Robert, 294–95
Mays, Suzanne, 294–95
McCarley, Robert W., 57
McCreery, Charles, 26–27, 112, 119,
McKenna, Terence, 28, 47–48, 65,
        84, 161, 225, 352–53
MDMA, 16, 20, 196–97, 240
meditation, 51, 131–33
Mednick, Sara, 74–75
Mekeo people, 43–44
melatonin, 188
Mendeleev, Dmitri, 75
mental illness, 4–6
mescaline, 17
Metzner, Ralph, 319
Mexican dream herb, 157–58
MILD, 121
Millay, Jean, 239–40
Milton, Taylor Marie, 193–94
Mindfold, 200–201
mindfulness, 132
Mind Gear Pr-2X, 209
MindPlace, 209–10
Mitragyna speciosa, 178–79
mnemonic induction of lucid
        dreams, 121
models of the world, 61–62
Moers-Messmer, Harold von, 124–25
molly, 196–97
Monroe, Robert, 272, 285–88
Monroe Institute, 285–88
Moorcraft, William, 52–53
Mordant, Jazz, 110, 142–43
Morin, Roc, 61
Morley, Charlie, 332
Morpheus, 314–15
morphic fields, 238–39
Morse Code, 3
Moss, Robert, 98, 115, 148
Moule, Chris Topher, 260–61
Mucuna pruriens, 165–66
mugwort, 181–84, 197–98
Multidisciplinary Association for
        Psychedelic Research, 196–97
multiple-personality disorder, 25,
multiple selves, 222–23
mutual dreaming, 12–13, 252–64
Myers, Frederic W. H., 241
mystical experiences, 339–43
mystical union, 19–20, 222–23

N1, 53–54
N2, 53–54
N3, 53–54
name, speaking, 234–35
Nason, Mary, 198
National Geographic, 199
Nature, 60, 90, 92
near-death experiences, 19–20,
        288–93, 297–98
Nelson, Steven, 82–83
NeuroOn, 211
neuroplasticity, 95
neurotransmitters, 18
Newland, John, 240
New Science of Psychedelics, The, 41
nicotine patches, 195–96
Nielson, Tore, 58
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 269
night flights, 45–51
Nightmare, The, 92–93
nightmares, 59, 142–46
nondualistic consciousness, 339–43
nonordinary states of consciousness, 8
nose pinching, 122–23
NovaDreamer, 201, 203
NREM, 53–54
NREM sleep, 59–60, 115
Nursing Mirror, 90
nutritional supplements, 185–89
Nymphaea caerulea, 184

Ojibway people, 141
Oldis, Daniel, 213
oneironauts, 9–11
On Sleep and Dreams, 66–67, 86
opium poppy, 170
Orion, Damon, 46
Other, the, 4, 232
Ouspensky, P. D., 54, 68, 88, 117–18,
out-of-body experiences (OBEs),
        12–13, 132, 268–70, 301–4
    explanation of, 270–73
    psychedelic OBEs, 295–98
    sensory-deprivation tanks and,
    shifting models of reality and,
out-of-body journeying, 7
oxycodone, 197

Padgett, Jason, 22
Page, Larry, 76
pain avoidance, 326
Papaver somniferum, 170
Paprika, 92, 229
parallel universes, 307–10
Parnia, Sam, 289
past lives, 317–21
Pauli, Wolfgang, 70–71
Pausinystalia johimbe, 169–70
Peganum harmala, 164–65
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 91
Persinger, Michael, 242–43
Pert, Candace, 96
pets, 264–65
phantom-limb research, 293–95
pharmaceutical drugs, to enhance
        dreaming, 189–97
phenibut, 191
Philemon, 217–18
phone apps, 202–3, 251–52
pineal gland, 56–57
Piper methysticum, 167–69
plants, 8, 29–33
plant spirits, 71–72
play, 326
pleasure, 326
Podmore, Frank, 241
Poirier, Sylvie, 261
popular culture, 91–94
porpoises, 73–74
Powell, Simon, 70
power, 326
Power of the Poppy, The, 170
precognitive dreams, 245–51
prelucidity, 118
primacy, 326
Princeton Extract Series, 70
Proof of Heaven, 290–91
Prunus cerasus, 180–81
psilocybin, 9–11, 12, 16, 20–23,
        84–85, 171
Psilocybin Solution, The, 70
psychedelic drugs, 8
    connection with lucid dreaming,
    dreaming and, 27–29
    lucid dreaming and, 45–51
    power of belief and, 41
    psychic phenomena and, 239–41
    scientific research on, 16–27
psychedelic OBEs, 295–98
psychic phenomena, 12–13,
psychokinesis, 151
Psychological Bulletin, 88
psychonauts, 9–11
PTSD, 33–41
purpose, 326
pyrrole, 189
quantum physics, 304–7

Quiche Maya, 269

Radin, Dean, 237, 246–47
Ramamuri people, 269
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 69
rationality, 51
Rätsch, Christian, 199
Raytheon, 77
Reach for Your Dreams, 127
read, 123
reality, 65, 279–84
reality testing, 122–26
Reiss, Diana, 74
relaxation, 120
REM behavior disorder, 72
REM-Dreamer, 11–12, 201, 204–8,
213, 351
remote-viewing research, 284–85
REM sleep, 28–29, 53–54, 59–60,
        72–74, 115, 160–61
re-reflection, 326
    history of lucid dreaming research,
    lucid dreaming and healing
        research, 94–96
    presentiment research, 246–48
research on psychedelics, 16–27
Rheingold, Harold, 92
Richards, Keith, 75
Roe, Chris, 244
Rolling Thunder, 7

Saborn, Michael, 290
sacred sites, 301–4
sagebrush, 181–84
Saint-Denys, d’Hervey de (Marquis),
        2–3, 70, 87, 153, 228, 334
Sambia tribe, 269
Sandoz Laboratories, 16
Santo Daime Church, 31
Sarpa salpa, 199
Sartori, Penny, 289
Savage, Stephanie, 99–100
savant syndrome, 12
sawtooth waves, 54
schizophrenia, 19–20, 112
Schredl, Michael, 96, 103
Scientific American, 161
Scutellaria spp., 177–78
Self, 222–23
self-control, 136
Sense of Being Stared At, The, 240,
senses, blurring of, 83–85
sensory-deprivation tanks,
serotonin, 165
Servadio, Emilio, 240
SETI, 89–90
Seven Experiments That Could
        Change the World,
Sevilla, Jorge Conesa, 105–6
sex and sexuality, 37–38, 131,
        144–45, 149, 341–42
Shadow (app), 203, 251–52
shadow self, 76
Shakespeare, William, 332
Shamanic Quest for the Spirit of
shamans and shamanism, 6–9
    connection with spirits or our
        brains, 232–33
    inner space, 9–11
    lucid dreaming and, 42–45
    process to become, 31–32
    psychedelic plants and, 29–33
shared dreaming, 252–64
Shaw, Hannah, 102
Sheldrake, Rupert, 62–63, 105,
        237–39, 240, 248, 264–65,
Shelley, Mary, 75
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 226
Sherwood, Simon, 244
Shulgin, Alexander, 18
Siddhartha, 321–22
Siebert, Daniel, 147, 175, 296
Silene undulata, 158–60
singing, 7
skullcap, 177–78
sleep, 11–12, 132–33
    electric lighting and, 55–57
    neuroscience of, 53–55
sleep deprivation, 133
sleep laboratories, 210–11
sleep masks, 200–201
sleep paralysis, 105–6, 273–77,
Smith, Carlyle, 245
Smith, Robert C., 95
Soik, Hunter Lee, 203, 251–52
Somewhere in Dreamland, 93
soul travel, 7
sour cherry, 180–81
Sparrow, G. Scott, 190
Sperry, Roger, 23–24
spirit encounters, 32
spirits, 42–45, 301–4
spiritual development, 6, 20
split-brain, 23–26
Spocks, Pandora, 274–75, 275
stages of development, 325–27
Stenstrom, Philippe, 58
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 77, 317
Stiller, Ben, 30
Strassman, Rick, 9–10, 18, 19–20,
        56–57, 292–93, 310
Struck by Genius, 22
superlucidity, 118
Swiecicki, Atava Garcia, 198
synchronicity, 51, 70
synesthesia, 51, 83–85
Syrian rue, 158, 164–65

Tabernanthe iboga, 166–67
Tan, Amy, 151
Tart, Charles, 47, 88, 239, 272–73,
        287, 297–98
tart cherry, 180–81
telepathy, in dreams, 8, 12–13,
        241–45, 264–65
“text messages,” 6
third eye, 33
Tholey, Paul, 122
Tibetan Book of the Dead, 324
Tibetan Buddhism, 8, 321–25
time dilation, 310–13
timing, 135
Toltecs, 43
Tong, Frank, 213
Torda, Clara, 192–93
Transcendental Meditation (TM), 132
transcranial electrical stimulation,
        11–12, 104–5
Tulka, Tarthang, 323–24, 348
Turnera diffusa, 171–72

Ullman, Montague, 12–13
Understanding Sleep and Dreaming,
União do Vegetal (UDV) church, 31
unihemispheric slow-wave sleep
        (USWS), 73
Upanishads, 86

Vajrayãna Buddhism, 6–9, 44–45, 86
Valeriana officinalis, 179–80
valerian root, 179–80
Valmitti, 349
Van de Castle, Robin, 144
varenicline, 196
velvet bean, 165–66
via regia, 69
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, 86
Vipassana, 132
visual field, 24
vitamin B6, 188–89
Vogelsong, Jay, 136, 221–22
void, 343–46
Voss, Ursula, 104

Wadjet, 63–65, 64
Waggoner, Robert, 10, 98, 100, 107,
        107, 123, 127, 148, 217, 221,
        224, 228–29, 253, 261, 319–20,
        325–27, 328–29, 344
wakefulness, 56
wake-initiated lucid dreams, 120
wake-up-back-to-bed (WBTB),
Wanderlust, 30
warrior school, 38–39
Watts, Alan, 341
Weeds, 30
Wehr, Thomas A., 55
Weiss, Brian L., 317–19
wet dreams, 97
While We’re Young, 30
WILD, 120–21
wild rue, 164–65
Wilson, Colin, 308
Wilson, Robert Anton, 231
Winter, Christopher, 210–11
wise beings, 224–25
witchcraft, 351
witching hour, 19
Wolf, Fred Alan, 306
wonder, 326
Worsely, Alan, 3, 89
Wundt, Wilhelm, 53
Xhosa people, 158

Yanesha people, 44
yohimbe, 169–70
Young, Thomas, 304
Yuschak, Thomas, 156, 169, 191

Zappaterra, Mauro, 95
Zoe7, 345–46
Zuni, 269