Episode 1: Waiting on the Star

Quincy opened his eyes when he was nine days old, and charmed the world.

The first thing he saw was a ball.

He touched it, and it rolled away. He tumbled after it and tried to bite it.

Quincy batted the ball around for two minutes and thirteen seconds before he got tired. Suddenly he trotted back to MamaGrace, lay down, and went promptly to sleep. His eyes-opening video already had thousands of views.

Today we turned ten days old.

I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids were stuck fast. I patted at them, but MamaGrace stopped me.

“Don’t open your eyes today, Angel,” MamaGrace said. “Let PittyPat have her turn.”

That was hard. I wanted to act so DaddyAlbert could come home.

When PittyPat opened her eyes, she talked and talked. She looked at something and meowed at it. She patted something else and meowed again. I could listen to her smooth voice for hours.

We hoped for scads of views.

But I wasn’t ready for all that.

Let the world wait for this actress.