Episode 7: Piano Cat

The Director had said, “We haven’t had a piano cat for a long time.”

Miss Tanya combed the hair on each paw.

Paws are important for a piano cat.

First I looked into the camera for a soul-connect.

Then I walked across the piano on the black keys.

At the end, I sang, “Me-me-meow!”

I walked back on the white keys.

At the end, I sang, “Me-me-meow!”

I had watched an old, old, old video of a piano cat.

She was mew-sical. She played a real song.

“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”

It was a hard song. But she didn’t miss a note.

Then, she sang the whole song!

“Me-me-meow!” I said. “I can’t be a piano cat. Too much singing.” Besides, my singing was as sour as sour milk.

“Yowza,” the Director said. “I have heard better singing.”