- MacArthur, Brian 1
- MacDonald, Ramsay 1
- Macmillan, Harold
- and economic expansion 1
- and Future Policy Study (1959) 1, 2
- and history 1, 2
- and Joint Intelligence Committee 1
- as likely successor to Eden 1
- and Lords reform 1
- and nuclear weapons 1, 2
- political style of 1
- and prime-ministerial functions 1
- and vulnerability of premiership 1
- ‘Main Gate’ decision 1, 2
- Major, John 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Manhattan Project 1, 2
- Martin, Ciaran 1
- Mason Review (1974–75) 1
- Maud Committee (1940–1941) 1
- Maudling, Reggie 1
- May, Ernest 1, 2
- McColl, Sir Colin 1
- McGuire, Stryker 1, 2
- McLaren, Donald 1
- McMahon Act (1946) 1, 2, 3
- Melvin, Major-General Mungo 1
- MI1 (Security Service) 2
- MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service) 1, 2
- miners’ strike (1972) 1
- Ministerial Code, The (Cabinet document) 1
- ‘Modernising Parliament’ (White Paper) 1
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovic 1
- Monetary Policy Committee 1, 2
- money bills 1, 2, 3
- Monnet, Jean 1
- Montaigne, Michel de 1
- Morrison, Sir Nicholas 1
- Mottram, Sir Richard 1
- Mr Balfour’s Poodle (book) 1
- My Unwritten Books (book) 1, 2