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- abstract principles
- addiction
- African Americans
- Amazon
- Angelos, Weldon
- Anthony, Susan B.
- Aristotle
- Arizona State University
- Armstrong, Melony
- Arthur D. Little
- Auschwitz
- authoritarianism
- Baddour, Ray
- bailouts
- Bellina, Matt and Caitlin
- Bergamo, Italy
- Bible
- Bill of Rights
- Bingham, Caleb, The Columbian Orator
- Black Panthers
- Bloods
- border-adjustment tax (BAT)
- bottom-up approach: in American society; in business; in challenging injustice; in community-based projects; in education; effectiveness; explanation of; listening and learning as essential to; local knowledge as key ingredients in; ordinary people’s contributions to; in politics; social movements built by; three-step process in
- Brown University
- Bush, George H. W.
- Bush, George W.
- business: anticompetitive regulations in; barriers to competition in; bottom-up approach in; control mentality in; culture of; educational preparation for; institutional role of; profit motive in; public opinion on; tax breaks for; transformation of; trial and error in; value creation as purpose of; virtuous cycles in. See also corporate welfare; Principled EntrepreneurshipTM; protectionism
- Business Leaders Against Subsidies and Tariffs (BLAST)
- Café Momentum
- Carney, Tim, Alienated America
- Case, Anne
- Catholic University of America
- certificate-of-need (CON) laws
- Challenge Process
- Chicago Statement
- Ciocca, Art
- Civil Rights Act
- civil rights movement
- Cleveland, Grover
- colleges and universities: alternatives to; career readiness provided by; cost of; failures of; free speech at; individualized education in; innovative programs in; perceived value of; women’s attendance at
- Committee to Re-elect the President (Nixon era)
- Common Core State Standards
- community: as basis for individual flourishing; bottom-up approach in; criminal justice system’s effect on; defining; institutional role of; strong vs. struggling; successful projects based in
- complementary talents/gifts
- contribution-motivated individuals
- control mentality: in business; in contemporary America; empowerment approach opposed to; experts and; in governance; harms done by; injustices met by; pervasiveness of; Social Entrepreneurs captivated by. See also top-down approach
- Cooper, Mike
- cooperation/partnership/unity: accumulated knowledge from; achievements made possible by; as antidote to partisanship; on criminal justice reform; on healthcare legislation; in politics; as principle of progress, xvi; respect arising from; Social Entrepreneurs
- Cornuelle, Richard
- coronavirus pandemic (2020)
- corporate welfare: business leaders’ opposition to; harms to business from; harms to society from; lobbying for; politics of; rationales for; vicious cycle of. See also protectionism
- cosmetology
- Council for a Competitive Economy
- creative destruction
- criminal justice system: author’s engagement with; case study in failure of; harms done by; mandatory minimum sentences in; partisan politics as source of failures in; reform efforts for. See also juvenile justice system
- Crips
- Crow, Michael
- Culver Military Academy
- Deaton, Angus
- Declaration of Independence
- Defense of Marriage Act
- deficiency approach, to social problems
- Descartes, René
- Dodd-Frank Act
- Douglass, Frederick
- Dreamers (undocumented immigrants)
- Dukakis, Michael
- Dylan, Bob
- Easterly, William
- Edison, Thomas
- education: bottom-up approach in; choice in; cost of; failures of; importance of; individualization of; institutional role of; misguided reform initiatives in; public opinion on; self-actualization as purpose of. See also colleges and universities; lifelong learning
- educational accreditation
- Einstein, Albert
- Emerson, Harrington
- employees: anti–corporate welfare advocacy by; empowerment of; fulfillment experienced by; harms of protectionism to; potential of
- empowerment: achievements made possible by; in addiction treatment; control mentality opposed to; of employees; equality linked to; government’s role in; injustices addressed by; institutions’ role in. See also potential; self-actualization
- entrepreneurship. See also Social Entrepreneurs
- entropy
- equality
- ethanol
- experts
- Extravagant Records
- Family Independence Initiative (FII)
- Faulkner, William
- First Step Act
- Flemming, Willie
- Fletcher, Tom
- foreign policy
- foster care
- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
- Frankl, Viktor
- Friedman, Milton
- fulfillment: abandoned hopes for; author’s personal; discovering one’s source of; employees’ sense of; helping others as key to; individuals’ desire for; institutions’ role in promoting; linked to social progress; opportunities for; self-actualization as; Social Entrepreneurs; teachers’ sense of; time preference as factor in. See also happiness
- Galileo Galilei
- Gallup
- gang violence
- Gardner, Howard
- gay and lesbian rights
- Georgia-Pacific
- Gerena, Jesús
- Glaeser, Edward
- government: control mentality in; empowerment enabled by; failures of; partisanship as hindrance to; public opinion of; role of; top-down approach in; transformation of. See also corporate welfare; politics
- Great Enrichment
- Gutenberg, Johannes
- happiness See also fulfillment
- Hayek, Friedrich
- healthcare: partnership on legislation for; problems with; regulations on; for veterans
- Hemingway, Ernest
- Holden, Mark
- Holland
- Horton, Willie
- Houser, Chad
- Hudson Link
- immigration
- incarceration rate
- inclusion
- injustices: in America; bottom-up approach to; control approach to; in criminal justice system; empowerment approach to; modern-day; as obstacle to realization of potential; prejudice at root of; removal of; social movements targeting; targeted for change
- instant gratification
- intelligence, power of combined
- iPhones
- Jacques, Madison
- Jahwar, Omar
- Janus Forum
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jim Crow
- Johnson, Alice
- Johnson, Lyndon B.
- Jones, Van
- juvenile justice system
- Kennedy, John F.
- Keynes, John Maynard
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Koch, Charles: business experiences of; Continually Transforming Koch Industries Through Virtuous Cycles of Mutual Benefit; and criminal justice reform; depression suffered by; educational initiatives of; education of; and entrepreneurship; Good Profit; influences on; life goals of; marriage and family life of; personal fulfillment of; philanthropy of; political engagement of; public speaking of; self-transformation of; as Social Entrepreneur; talents/gifts of; youth of
- Koch, Chase (son)
- Koch, David (brother)
- Koch, Elizabeth (daughter)
- Koch, Fred (father)
- Koch, Liz (wife)
- Koch, Mary (mother)
- Koch Disruptive Technologies
- Koch Engineering
- Koch Fertilizer
- Koch Industries; guiding principles of
- Koch Separation Solutions
- Kuhn, Thomas
- Kuran, Timur
- learning. See education; lifelong learning
- Lehrer, Jim
- Lenin, Vladimir
- licensing. See educational accreditation; occupational licensing
- life expectancy
- lifelong learning
- Lincoln, Abraham
- local knowledge,
- Locke, John
- Log Cabin Republicans
- Lucky, Antong
- Luddites
- Luther, Martin
- mandatory minimum prison sentences
- Market-Based Management®
- marriage equality
- Marx, Karl
- Maslow, Abraham
- Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
- McCann, Colum
- McCloskey, Deirdre
- Miller, Mauricio; The Alternative
- Mises, Ludwig von
- Monds, Kathaleena
- Montessori, Maria
- motivations
- movements. See social movements
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
- mutual benefit: in business; government’s role in ensuring; in politics; in society; virtuous cycles of
- Narrative
- National Association of Colleges and Employers
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- National Football League (NFL)
- Native Americans
- Newton, Isaac
- Nineteenth Amendment
- Nixon, Richard
- No Child Left Behind
- Norberg, Johan
- North Star (visionary goal): author’s; personal; Social Entrepreneurs’
- Obama, Barack
- Oberlin College
- occupational licensing
- one-size-fits-all approach
- openness
- OpenStax
- Orwell, George
- paradigm shift
- partisanship: author’s abandonment of; citizens’ dissatisfaction with; criminal justice system damaged by; divided citizenry attributable to; partnership as antidote to; as source of political failure
- partnership. See cooperation/partnership/unity
- people: belief in; empowerment of; intelligence of; as objects—not agents—of reform; talents/gifts of (see also complementary talents/gifts); treated as problems
- personal experience
- philanthropy: author’s involvement in; community-based projects supported by; education-oriented; poverty-oriented; top-down approach in
- The Phoenix
- Plato, Republic
- Players Coalition
- Poirot, Paul L.
- Polanyi, Michael
- Political Theory Project, Brown University
- politics: author’s engagement in; bottom-up approach in; breakdown of; cooperation/partnership in; corporate welfare and; mutual benefit in; public opinion on; as source of misguided public policy on crime; virtuous cycles in. See also government; partisanship
- Popper, Karl
- potential: education as means to realization of; of employees; individuals’ capacity for; individuals’ urge to realize; obstacles to realization of; opportunities for realization of; societal benefits from realization of. See also empowerment; self-actualization
- poverty: in America; failed approaches to; public opinion on; Social Entrepreneurship directed toward; successful approaches to; in world history
- preference falsification
- Principled EntrepreneurshipTM
- principles. See abstract principles; Koch Industries: guiding principles of; social progress: principles of
- progress. See social progress
- Progressive Policy Institute
- protectionism: corporate management; economic; in education; misguidedness, See also corporate welfare; tariffs
- Purdue University
- Race to the Top
- racism
- recidivism
- Renewable Fuel Standard
- Rice University
- rideshare companies
- Right on Crime
- Right to Try law
- Rock Island Oil & Refining
- Rose, Todd
- Rowe, Mike
- Rumbold, Richard
- Safe Families
- Salvation Army
- school choice
- Schumpeter, Joseph
- science/scientific method
- second law of thermodynamics
- self-actualization: in business; education’s purpose as; of employees; fulfillment achieved through; as goal/outcome of bottom-up approach; opportunities for; social progress linked to. See also empowerment; potential
- self-discovery
- Shakur, Tupac
- Shepard, Matthew
- Silverglate, Harvey
- Silverthorne, Matt
- slavery
- Smith, Dana
- Snoop Dogg
- Social Entrepreneurs: author’s experience as; caveats for; characteristics of successful; cooperation/partnership as tool of; cultivation of; defined; demonstration of a better way as method of; empowerment as tool of; examples of; in social movements; transformative potential of
- socialism
- social movements: bottom-up approach in; civil rights; cooperation and partnership in; injustices challenged by; marriage equality; mechanics of; obstacles to; virtuous cycles in; women’s rights
- social progress: bottom-up approach in; business’s contribution to; contribution-motivated actions as key to; entropy as enemy of; goal of; in history; oppression/exclusion of people as hindrance to; partisan politics as hindrance to; principles of; realization of a better way as tipping point in; virtuous cycles in
- Spanish Inquisition
- Spelman College
- Spinoza, Baruch
- standardization, shortcomings of
- Stand Together
- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
- Starbucks
- start-up companies
- Stoics
- story exchanges
- Strode, Scott
- synergy
- Tafel, Rich
- tariffs. See also protectionism
- tax breaks, corporate
- taxicab industry
- throwaway kids
- time preference
- Tocqueville, Alexis de
- Tomasi, John
- top-down approach: experts’ role in; in government; in philanthropy; reliance on; shortcomings and failures of, See also control mentality
- totalitarianism
- trial and error: in author’s life experience; in business; employee empowerment and
- tribalism. See partisanship
- Tyndale, William
- United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
- United States: bottom-up approach in; core institutions in; divided citizenry of; future of; institutional failure in; life expectancy in; prison population of; pros and cons of living in; public opinion in; societal problems in; technological change in; as two-tiered society; violations of principles of; vision of
- unity. See cooperation/partnership/unity
- universities. See colleges and universities
- University of Chicago
- Urban Specialists
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- us-versus-them mentality, See also partisanship
- Varner, Sterling
- veterans, healthcare for
- Vietnam War
- virtuous cycles: in business; in personal life; in politics; in social movements; in society
- Voting Rights Act
- Walton Family Foundation
- War on Poverty
- Washington, George
- Wine Group
- women’s rights
- Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
- Youth Entrepreneurs