It was the middle of March. Our country was coming to the realization that the coronavirus was about to upend everything.
When the first restaurants and bars closed, almost overnight, millions of people were out of jobs—and it only got worse with each passing day. Families from coast to coast were suddenly facing a new struggle to put food on the table, provide for their kids, and pay the bills.
In Oakland, California, the team at the Family Independence Initiative (FII) watched with dismay. For nearly 20 years, they’d helped families in poverty connect with one another. Through mutual support and with a relatively small amount of financial assistance, the families would work together to rise above the challenges holding them down. Now, as the pandemic rapidly spread, Jesús Gerena and his team were beginning to realize that a lot more people would need help.
Jesús reached out to Stand Together, a philanthropic community that I founded. Stand Together had been working with FII for the past couple of years and was ready to support a national expansion, phased in over the next two or three years. Jesús knew that two to three years was now a lifetime away. It was time for fast action, and thanks to FII’s technology platform, which made it possible to get cash donations directly into a family’s bank account, they were in a position to help those hardest hit.
In a matter of days—and over several long nights—the two groups created a new project called #GiveTogetherNow. They designed it to get cash quickly to families who were struggling because of the coronavirus disruption. Verification takes about 10 minutes, and the money is transferred to their bank accounts within 48 hours.
Not only would this aid the families, it would offer people who wanted to help, but didn’t know how, a chance to get engaged. Anyone could go to the website and give a few bucks. The initial goal was to try to rally enough supporters to aid 20,000 families. Nobody knew whether it would work, but it was worth a try.
I still find what happened next thrilling.
About six weeks later, as I write this, roughly 1,300 individuals, philanthropies, city governments, and businesses have donated more than $61 million and counting. They gave this money to an organization most of them had never heard of to help more than 122,000 families they don’t know and will never meet.
This cash assistance enabled families most disrupted by the coronavirus to make rent, buy groceries, and generally just take a breath while figuring out what to do next. While FII’s effectiveness ultimately comes from its community-based model—as I’ll discuss in depth in chapter six—the quick support helped people who’d been knocked off a beneficial path by the pandemic. On its own, the project wasn’t going to solve everything. But it was making a real difference at a vital time.
And this wasn’t the only such effort underway.
Stand Together had spent the past four years working with nearly 200 groups like FII, community-based organizations that were helping those struggling with poverty to transform their lives. Once the coronavirus swept in, the work these groups were doing immediately became that much more important—and that much harder. In a world of social distancing and economic hardship, administering programs and raising sufficient funds could seem like impossible tasks.
So the team at Stand Together launched a GoFundMe campaign called “Help the Helpers,” named after a saying from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. It promised to match, dollar for dollar, the donations that the groups were able to attract from others, up to a total of $1 million. The assumption was that while most people wouldn’t be able to focus on helping others when they were worried about their own situation, they might be more likely to chip in if they realized they could double their impact. It was a long shot, and it seemed like the million-dollar match would last a while.
It didn’t. The groups maxed out the match in 24 hours. The sudden rush of donations enabled them to get much-needed resources to some of the most vulnerable people affected by the pandemic.
Seeing the swift response, the Help the Helpers campaign doubled down—surely another $1.5 million would keep this thing going. It did … for about a day and a half. Within 72 hours, people from all walks of life came together to get nearly $6 million to groups helping people in dire straits. As with FII, the quick action from people all across the country was incredible to see.
Meanwhile, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, someone else was looking at the widening crisis and wondering if there was some way he could pitch in. His name was Tim.
As an IT analyst in one of Koch Industries’ businesses, Tim enjoyed working with the 3-D printers in his office. One day in March, he was reading a story about using 3-D printers to make face shields. He immediately downloaded a design file and tested it out. It worked.
This gave Tim an idea. He started tinkering with the design to fit several face shields onto a single printing plate. Since his office had five 3-D printers, Tim wanted to commit them all to making face shields. He did so with his manager’s encouragement, and the company began donating the face shields to hospitals in Tulsa and elsewhere in the region. Tim’s actions helped shore up the safety of health-care professionals, who were grateful for the sudden support.
Why am I telling these stories? Not to toot my own horn. They all happened spontaneously, with no input or involvement from me.
Instead, I tell these stories because of what they show. In each case, people turned on a dime and used their unique gifts to make a big difference in the lives of others. During the greatest crisis our country has faced in generations, they saw and seized opportunities to help. And they are not the only ones. Countless others across America have done the same, finding the best ways to apply their abilities to improve people’s lives.
That’s what this book is all about—the distinct and profound role that each of us can play in making our country a better place for everyone.
I started writing this book five years ago. I never expected to be finishing it in the middle of a pandemic. It has been surreal and deeply saddening to see the pain the coronavirus has caused.
But it has also been inspiring to see how so many people have reacted to help those most affected. Much of what I’ve witnessed since this crisis began has reinforced my confidence that the ideas discussed in this book work. It has further strengthened my deep belief in people and my commitment to the idea that all of us have a role to play in transforming society for the better, from the bottom up.
Of course, I wouldn’t have felt the need to write this book if this belief in people’s ability to solve problems from the bottom up was already widespread. As you’ll see in the chapters that follow, a lot of how our society is organized today assumes that most folks aren’t capable of much. People are often treated as problems to be solved, instead of being empowered to help address America’s biggest challenges. In most cases, the general assumption is that major issues—like the coronavirus—can only be addressed from the top down.
Sadly, that approach is at least partly responsible for some of the biggest failures in the early days of the pandemic. It led to tests that didn’t work, prevented the creation and supply of new and better tests, and stopped doctors and nurses from mobilizing quickly to see more patients.1 Had universities, labs, businesses, and health-care providers been able to fully contribute from the outset, how much better might the response have been?
Empowerment could also have lessened the economic destruction that has ruined tens of millions of people’s livelihoods.2 It was clear from the start that to protect public health, businesses needed to change their operations—or, in some cases, to be suspended altogether (large sporting events are an obvious example). But the one-size-fits-all approach of naming some businesses “essential” and others “nonessential” was a huge missed opportunity. It failed to tap into the best knowledge in a way that would empower people to find ways to keep everyone safe and continue to employ millions who are now wondering how they will provide for their families.
As a result, many businesses stayed open even as they were unable to protect workers (some meat-packing facilities, for example), while others were told to shut down even though they could have operated safely (such as landscapers working outdoors with small crews).3 If, instead, authorities had set clear health standards for businesses, imagine the innovative ways businesses could have found to meet those standards with fewer jobs lost and lives disrupted. This was the case, for example, with grocery stores that created special hours for the elderly and installed plexiglass partitions, as well as manufacturers that staggered shifts and took other innovative precautions.4
Unfortunately, this top-down approach falls short in many other areas, far beyond the coronavirus. As you will see in the pages ahead, this paradigm dominates in business, philanthropy, public policy, and much of our daily life, often with disastrous results.
What this book offers is a paradigm shift—actually, several paradigm shifts. It calls for all of us to move away from a top-down approach to solving the really big problems in society toward an approach that focuses on empowering people from the bottom up to act on their unique gifts and contribute to the lives of others.
The concept of paradigm shifts comes from the philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn.5 He wrote that major transformations “are inaugurated by a growing sense … that an existing paradigm has ceased to function adequately.”6 A growing number of people in our country would agree that the current approach is not functioning adequately—to say the least.
But it’s not enough to reject the status quo. Kuhn also wrote that “to reject one paradigm without simultaneously substituting another” is dangerous.7 My experience tells me that we need to change our paradigms in at least three important ways.
First: Just because there’s a big problem doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a big solution. In fact, most of the toughest issues can’t be addressed by one-size-fits-all solutions, and the more we try, the more we find ourselves with a giant square peg in our hand, looking at a sea of small, round holes. Instead of looking for the one big answer, we must all look for many right-sized answers. The stories I started with are great examples of what this can look like.
Second: People aren’t problems to be solved. They are often the source of the solution, and those closest to an issue are usually best suited to address it. The world needs experts, no doubt. But a little local knowledge and lived experience goes a long way. And a lot of humility is good to keep on hand when mandating a fix from a distance.
Third: Unite with anybody to do right. When times get tough, as they are right now, it’s tempting to retreat to your corner, your team, your tribe, and to start to play the blame game—”us vs. them.” Yet this limits how much we can do and all but guarantees that we won’t overcome the challenges we face. We can achieve more together than we ever could apart—even and especially when we unite with those who think differently and bring different capabilities to the task at hand.
When you shift your paradigm in these ways, the entire world looks different. Where others see impossibilities, you see opportunities—or, to paraphrase Kuhn, the scales fall from your eyes.8 I hope that after reading this book, you will be as persuaded as I am about the opportunities before us and what we can accomplish together.
More than that, I hope you will see that you have a unique and essential role to play—that you can help move our country toward a boundless future for all.
If that appeals to you, as it does to me, read on.