Help! | Socorro! | soo-koh-roo! |
Stop! | Pára! | pahr’! |
Call a doctor! | Chame um médico! | shahm’ ooñ meh-dee-koo! |
Call an ambulance! | Chame uma ambulância! | shahm’ oo-muh añ-boo-lañ- see-uh! |
Call the police! | Chame a polícia! | shahm’ uh poo-lee-see-uh! |
Call the fire brigade! | Chame os bombeiros! | shahm’ oosh’ bom-bay-roosh! |
Where is the nearest telephone? | Há um telefone aqui perto? | ah ooñ te-le-fon’ uh-kee pehr-too? |
Where is the nearest hospital? | Onde é o hospital mais próximo? | ond’ eh oo ohsh-pee-tahl’ mysh pro-see-moo? |
Yes | Sim | seeñ |
No | Não | nowñ |
Please | Por favor/Faz favor | poor fuh-vor fash fuh-vor |
Thank you | Obrigado/da | o-bree-gah-doo/duh |
Excuse me | Desculpe | dish-koolp’ |
Hello | Olá | oh-lah |
Goodbye | Adeus | a-deh-oosh |
Good morning | Bom-dia | boñ dee-uh |
Good afternoon | Boa-tarde | boh-uh tard’ |
Good night | Boa-noite | boh-uh noyt’ |
Yesterday | Ontem | oñ-tayñ |
Today | Hoje | ohj’ |
Tomorrow | Amanhã | ah-mañ yañ |
Here | Aqui | uh-kee |
There | Ali | uh-lee |
What? | O quê? | oo keh? |
Which? | Qual? | kwahl’? |
When? | Quando? | kwañ-doo? |
Why? | Porquê? | poor-keh? |
Where? | Onde? | oñd’? |
How are you? | Como está? | koh-moo shtah? |
Very well, thank you. | Bem, obrigado/da. | bayñ, o-bree gah-doo/duh. |
Pleased to meet you. | Encantado/da. | eñ-kañ-tah-doo/duh. |
See you soon. | Até logo. | uh-teh loh-goo. |
That’s fine. | Está bem. | shtah bayñ. |
Where is/are…? | Onde está/estão…? | ond’ shtah/shtowñ...? |
How far is it to…? | A que distância fica…? | uh kee dish-tañ-see-uh fee-kuh...? |
Which way to…? | Como se vai para…? | koh-moo seh vy puh-ruh...? |
Do you speak English? | Fala Inglês? | fah-luh eeñ-glehsh? |
I don’t understand. | Não compreendo. | nowñ kom-pree-eñ-doo. |
I’m sorry. | Desculpe. | dish-koolp’ |
Could you speak more slowly, please? | Pode falar mais devagar, por favor? | pohd’ fuh-lar mysh d’-va-gar, poor fah-vor? |
big | grande | grañd’ |
small | pequeno | pe-keh-noo |
hot | quente | keñt’ |
cold | frio | free-oo |
good | bom | boñ |
bad | mau | mah-oo |
enough | bastante | bash-tañt’ |
well | bem | bayñ |
open | aberto | a-behr-too |
closed | fechado | fe-shah-doo |
left | esquerda | shkehr-duh |
right | direita | dee-ray-tuh |
straight on | em frente | ayñ freñt’ |
near | perto | pehr-too |
far | longe | loñj’ |
up | suba | soo-bah |
down | desça | deh-shuh |
early | cedo | seh-doo |
late | tarde | tard’ |
entrance | entrada | eñ-trah-duh |
exit | saída | sa-ee-duh |
toilets | casa de banho | kah-zuh d’bañ-yoo |
more | mais | mysh |
less | menos | meh-noosh |
I’d like to place an international call | Queria fazer uma chamada internacional | kree-uh fuh-zehr oo-muh sha-mah-duh in-ter-na-see-oo-nahl’. |
a local call | uma chamada local | oo-muh sha-mah-duh loo-kahl’ |
Can I leave a message? | Posso deixar uma mensagem? | poh-soo day-shar oo-muh meñ-sah-jayñ? |
How much does this cost? | Quanto custa isto? | kwañ-too koosh-tuh eesh-too? |
I would like… | Queria… | kree-uh... |
I’m just looking. | Estou só a ver obrigado/a. | shtoh soh uh vehr o-bree-gah-doo/uh. |
Do you take credit cards? | Aceita cartões de crédito? | uh-say-tuh kar-toinsh de kreh-dee-too? |
What time do you open? | A que horas abre? | uh kee oh-rash ah-bre? |
What time do you close? | A que horas fecha? | uh kee oh-rash fay-shuh? |
this one | este | ehst’ |
that one | esse | ehss’ |
expensive | caro | kah-roo |
cheap | barato | buh-rah-too |
size (clothes/shoes) | número | noom’-roo |
white | branco | brañ-koo |
black | preto | preh-too |
red | vermelho | ver-melh-yoo |
yellow | amarelo | uh-muh-reh-loo |
green | verde | vehrd’ |
blue | azul | uh-zool’ |
antique shop | loja de antiguidades | loh-juh de añ-tee-gwee-dahd’sh |
bakery | padaria | pah-duh-ree-uh |
bank | banco | bañ-koo |
bookshop | livraria | lee-vruh-ree-uh |
butcher | talho | tah-lyoo |
cake shop | pastelaria | pash-te-luh-ree-uh |
chemist | farmácia | far-mah-see-uh |
fishmonger | peixaria | pay-shuh-ree-uh |
hairdresser | cabeleireiro | kab’-lay-ray-roo |
market | mercado | mehr-kah-doo |
newsagent | kiosque | kee-yohsk’ |
post office | correios | koo-ray-oosh |
shoe shop | sapataria | suh-puh-tuh-ree-uh |
supermarket | supermercado | soo-pehr-mer-kah-doo |
tobacconist | tabacaria | tuh-buh-kuh-ree-uh |
travel agency | agência de viagens | uh-jen-see-uh de vee-ah-jayñsh |
cathedral | sé | seh |
church | igreja | ee-gray-juh |
garden | jardim | jar-deeñ |
library | biblioteca | bee-blee-oo-teh-kuh |
museum | museu | moo-zeh-oo |
tourist information | posto de turismo | posh-too d’ too-reesh-moo |
closed for holidays | fechado para férias | fe-sha-doo puh-ruh feh-ree-ash |
bus station | estação de autocarros | shta-sowñ d’ oh-too-kah-roosh |
railway station | estação de comboios | shta-sowñ d’ koñ-boy-oosh |
painted ceramic tile | azulejo | uh-zoo-lay-joo |
Manueline (late Gothic architectural style) | Manuelino | ma-noo-el-ee-oo |
Do you have a vacant room? | Tem um quarto livre? | tayñ ooñ kwar-too leevr’? |
room with a bath | um quarto com casa de banho | ooñ kwar-too koñ kah-zuh d’ bañ-yoo |
shower | duche | doosh |
single room | quarto individual | kwar-too een-dee-vee-ahl’ |
double room | quarto de casal | kwar-too d’ kuh-zhal’ |
twin room | quarto com duas camas | kwar-too koñ doo-ash kah-mash |
porter | porteiro | poor-tay-roo |
key | chave | shahv’ |
I have a reservation. | Tenho um quarto reservado. | tayñ-yoo ooñ kwar-too re-ser-vah-doo. |
Have you got a table for …? | Tem uma mesa para … ? | tayñ oo-muh meh-zuh puh-ruh? |
I’d like to reserve a table. | Quero reservar una mesa. | keh-roo re-zehr-var oo-muh meh-zuh. |
The bill, please. | A conta por favor/faz favor. | uh kohn-tuh poor fuh-vor/fash fuh-vor. |
I am a vegetarian. | Sou vegetariano/a. | Soh ve-je-tuh-ree-ah-noo/uh. |
Waiter! | Por favor!/Faz favor! | poor fuh-vor! fash fuh-vor! |
the menu | a lista | uh leesh-tuh |
fixed-price menu | a ementa turística | uh ee-mehñ-tuh too-reesh-tee-kuh |
wine list | a lista de vinhos | uh leesh-tuh de veeñ-yoosh |
glass | um copo | ooñ koh-poo |
bottle | uma garrafa | oo-muh guh-rah-fuh |
half-bottle | meia-garrafa | may-uh guh-rah-fuh |
knife | uma faca | oo-mah fah-kuh |
fork | um garfo | ooñ gar-foo |
spoon | uma colher | oo-muh kool-yair |
plate | um prato | ooñ prah-too |
breakfast | pequeno-almoço | pe-keh-noo-ahl-moh-soo |
lunch | almoço | ahl-moh-soo |
dinner | jantar | jan-tar |
cover | couvert | koo-vehr |
starter | entrada | eñ-trah-duh |
main course | prato principal | prah-too prin-see-pahl’ |
dish of the day | prato do dia | prah-too doo dee-uh |
set dish | combinado | koñ-bee-nah-doo |
half-portion | meia-dose | may-uh doh-se |
dessert | sobremesa | soh-bre-meh-zuh |
rare | mal passado | mahl’ puh-sah- doo |
medium | médio | meh-dee-oo |
well done | bem passado | bayñ puh-sah- doo |
abacate | uh-buh-kaht’ | avocado |
açorda | uh-sor-duh | bread-based stew (often seafood) |
açúcar | uh-soo-kar | sugar |
água mineral | ah-gwuh mee-ne-rahl’ | mineral water |
alho | ay-oo | garlic |
alperce | ahl’-pehrce | apricot |
amêijoas | uh-may-joo-ash | clams |
ananás | uh-nuh-nahsh | pineapple |
arroz | uh-rohsh | rice |
assado | uh-sah-doo | baked |
atum | uh-tooñ | tuna |
aves | ah-vesh | poultry |
azeite | uh-zayt’ | olive oil |
azeitonas | uh-zay-toh-nash | olives |
bacalhau | buh-kuh-lyow | dried, salted cod |
banana | buh-nah-nuh | banana |
batatas | buh-tah-tash | potatoes |
batatas fritas | buh-tah-tash free-tash | French fries |
batido | buh-tee-doo | milkshake |
bica | bee-kuh | espresso |
bife | beef | steak |
bolacha | boo-lah-shuh | biscuit |
bolo | boh-loo | cake |
borrego | boo-reh-goo | lamb |
caça | kah-ssuh | game |
café | kuh-feh | coffee |
camarões | kuh-muh-roysh | large prawns |
caracóis | kuh-ruh-koysh | snails |
carangueijo | kuh-rañ gay-yoo | crabs |
carne | karn’ | meat |
cataplana | kuh-tuh-plah-nah | sealed wok used to steam dishes |
cebola | se-boh-luh | onion |
cerveja | sehr-vay-juh | beer |
chá | shah | tea |
cherne | shern’ | stone bass |
chocolate | shoh-koh-laht’ | chocolate |
chocos | shoh-koosh | cuttlefish |
chouriço | shoh-ree-soo | red, spicy sausage |
churrasco | shoo-rash-coo | on the spit |
cogumelos | koo-goo-meh-loosh | mushrooms |
cozido | koo-zee-doo | boiled |
enguias | eñ-gee-ash | eels |
fiambre | fee-añbr’ | ham |
figado | fee-guh-doo | liver |
frango | frañ-goo | chicken |
frito | free-too | fried |
fruta | froo-tuh | fruit |
gambas | gañ-bash | prawns |
gelado | je-lah-doo | ice cream |
gelo | jeh-loo | ice |
goraz | goo-rash | bream |
grelhado | grel-yah-doo | grilled |
iscas | eesh-kash | marinated liver |
lagosta | luh-gohsh-tuh | lobster |
laranja | luh rañ-juh | orange |
leite | layt’ | milk |
limão | lee-mowñ | lemon |
limonada | lee-moo-nah-duh | lemonade |
linguado | leeñ-gwah-doo | sole |
lulas | loo-lash | squid |
maçã | muh-sañ | apple |
manteiga | mañ-tay-guh | butter |
marisco | muh-reesh-koosh | seafood |
meia-de-leite | may-uh-d’ layt’ | white coffee |
ostras | osh-trash | oysters |
ovos | oh-voosh | eggs |
pão | powñ | bread |
pastel | pash-tehl’ | cake |
pato | pah-too | duck |
peixe | paysh’ | fish |
peixe-espada | paysh’-shpah-duh | scabbard fish |
pimenta | pee-meñ-tuh | pepper |
polvo | pohl’-voo | octopus |
porco | por-coo | pork |
queijo | kay-joo | cheese |
sal | sahl’ | salt |
salada | suh-lah-duh | salad |
salsichas | sahl-see-shash | sausages |
sandes | sañ-desh | sandwich |
sopa | soh-puh | soup |
sumo | soo-moo | juice |
tamboril | tañ-boo-ril’ | monkfish |
tarte | tart’ | pie/cake |
tomate | too-maht’ | tomato |
torrada | too-rah-duh | toast |
tosta | tohsh-tuh | toasted sandwich |
vinagre | vee-nah-gre | vinegar |
vinho branco | veeñ-yoo brañ-koo | white wine |
vinho tinto | veeñ-yoo teeñ-too | red wine |
vitela | vee-teh-luh | veal |
0 | zero | zeh-roo |
1 | um | ooñ |
2 | dois | doysh |
3 | três | tresh |
4 | quatro | kwa-troo |
5 | cinco | seeñ-koo |
6 | seis | saysh |
7 | sete | set’ |
8 | oito | oy-too |
9 | nove | nov’ |
10 | dez | desh |
11 | onze | oñz’ |
12 | doze | doz’ |
13 | treze | trez’ |
14 | catorze | ka-torz’ |
15 | quinze | keeñz’ |
16 | dezasseis | de-zuh-saysh |
17 | dezassete | de-zuh-set’ |
18 | dezoito | de-zoy-too |
19 | dezanove | de-zuh-nov’ |
20 | vinte | veent’ |
21 | vinte e um | veen-tee-ooñ |
30 | trinta | treeñ-tuh |
40 | quarenta | kwa-reñ-tuh |
50 | cinquenta | seen-kweñ-tuh |
60 | sessenta | se-señ-tuh |
70 | setenta | se-teñ-tuh |
80 | oitenta | oy-teñ-tuh |
90 | noventa | noo-veñ-tuh |
100 | cem | sayñ |
101 | cento e um | señ-too-ee-ooñ |
102 | cento e dois | señ-too-ee-doysh |
200 | duzentos | doo-zeñ-toosh |
300 | trezentos | tre-zeñ-toosh |
400 | quatrocentos | kwa-troo-señ-toosh |
500 | quinhentos | kee-nyeñ-toosh |
600 | seiscentos | saysh-señ-toosh |
700 | setecentos | set’-señ-toosh |
800 | oitocentos | oy-too-señ-toosh |
900 | novecentos | nov’-señ-toosh |
1,000 | mil | meel’ |
one minute | um minuto | ooñ mee-noo-too |
one hour | uma hora | oo-muh oh-ruh |
half an hour | meia-hora | may-uh oh-ruh |
Monday | segunda-feira | se-goon-duh-fay-ruh |
Tuesday | terça-feira | ter-sa-fay-ruh |
Wednesday | quarta-feira | kwar-ta-fay-ruh |
Thursday | quinta-feira | keen-ta-fay-ruh |
Friday | sexta-feira | say-shta-fay-ruh |
Saturday | sábado | sah-ba-too |
Sunday | domingo | doo-meen-goo |