accomplished nihilism
actuality, ontology of
adequacy, truth as
ad homines persuasion
Adorno, Theodor W.
Adventure of Difference, The (Vattimo)
affirmative nihilism
agape, principle of
Age of the World Picture, The (Heidegger)
Annuario di filosofia
anthropology, cultural
antitotalitarian communism
Apel, Karl Otto
Apology for Nihilism, An (Vattimo)
Aquinas, Thomas
Arendt, Hannah
argumentation: ad homines; Gadamer on; provenance and
attenuation, in philosophy Aufhebung
authority, collective
Azione Cattolica movement
Being, history of
Being and Time (Heidegger)
Being–not being Belief in Belief (Vattimo)
belonging, sense of
Benjamin, Walter
Berti, Enrico
Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche)
Beyond Interpretation (Vattimo)
Bloch, Ernst
Brecht, Berthold
Carchia, Gianni
class consciousness. See also Marxism
Cohen, Hermann
collective authority
communism: antitotalitarian; Soviet
completeness and coherence, Gödel on
“concrete theory”
creaturality, sense of
Crisis of European Sciences, The (Husserl)
Critique of Dialectical Reason (Sartre)
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant)
cultural anthropology
cumulative knowledges
“dangerous maybe”
Deleuze, Gilles
Derrida, Jacques
dialectic: Critique of Dialectical Reason (Sartre); difference and; of Hegel; in nonabsolutist perspective
dialogization of ontology
difference: dialectic and; Heidegger on; nihilism and
Dilthey, Wilhelm
Ecce Comu (Vattimo)
Eco, Umberto
edification of humanity
Elias, Norbert End of Modernity, The (Vattimo)
epistemological relativism
Ereignis, of Heidegger
Ethics Without Ontology (Putnam)
existential analytic
extensional liberalism
falsifiability Farewell to Truth
(Vattimo) Felicita amicizia diritto (Zanetti)
Feyerabend, Paul
Five Difficulties in Writing the Truth (Brecht)
Foucault, Michel
friendship, truth and
Gadamer, Hans-Georg; on argument; argumentation and provenance relation; Heidegger versus; hermeneutics of; metekein of; in politics; Reason in the Age of Science; Truth and Method; on twentieth-century philosophy
Gargani, Aldo
Gödel, Kurt
Grondin, Jean
Guitton, Jean
Habermas, Jürgen
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: Aufhebung concept of; dialectic of; Gadamer and; Kant and; “objective spirit” of; on recalling versus remembering; on science and philosophy
Heidegger, Martin: “actuality” of; The Age of the World Picture; Being and Time; beyond relativism and; on difference; Ereignis of; Gadamer versus; on history of Being; Identity and Difference; on metaphysics; neo-Kantianism of; ontology of; philosophical vocation of; politics and; on technology; on totality; on tradition; Verwindung concept of. See also hermeneutics
hermeneutics: argumentation and provenance in; Beyond Interpretation (Vattimo) on; of the “dangerous maybe”; as dialogization of ontology; Gadamer on; mythization and; nihilism and; The Political Outcome of Hermeneutics (Vattimo); situation plus description premise of; structuralist critique of; truth as adequacy in
historical relativism
historico-linguistic events
history, literature, and philosophy; fugues in; mythization in; ontology compatibility with; sciences of nature and spirit in; truth and rhetoric in
history of Being
Horkheimer, Max
Human, All Too Human (Nietzsche)
humanistic Marxism
humanity, edification of
Husserl, Edmund
Il pensiero debole (Vattimo)
Il soggetto e la maschera (Vattimo)
incomplete thought, weak thought as
individualism, modern
inferential logic
Integral Humanism (Maritain)
intensional liberalism
interpretation. See also hermeneutics
Jaspers, Karl
Kant, Immanuel: Hegel and; Heidegger and; hermeneutics and; on objectivity; on science and philosophy; universality and
Kierkegaard, Søren
knowledge: cumulative; strategic; theory of
Lacan, Jacques
language, self-consciousness of
La vita dellaltro. Bioetica senza metafisica (Vattimo)
Leibnizian metaphysics
Levi-Montalcini, Rita
Levinas, Emmanuel
lightening, in philosophy
literature and philosophy. See history, literature, and philosophy
logic; history of Being and; overview; philosophy of; “vertiginous”
Lukács, György
Lyotard, Jean-François
Marcuse, Herbert
Maritain, Jacques
metalanguage, self-consciousness of
metaphysics: Heidegger on; Kant on; Leibnizian; Vattimo on
Mille Plateaux (Deleuze)
moral responsibility
mythization of world
nature, sciences of
Nietzsche, Friedrich: Aristotle studies versus; Beyond Good and Evil; Human, All Too Human; on Kant; mythization and; on nihilism; on reactive-active nihilism; Vattimo confrontation with. See also nihilism
Nietzsche and Philosophy (Deleuze)
nihilism: accomplished; aestheticism and terrorism as; affirmative; An Apology for Nihilism (Vattimo); difference and; hermeneutics and postmodernity and; Nietzsche on; reactive-active; rise of; unaccomplished
“nonabsolutist” perspective
“objective spirit” (Hegel)
objective truth
ontic mode
ontology: of actuality; dialogization of; Ethics Without Ontology (Putnam); of Heidegger; history and literature compatibility with; history of; mode of
Pareyson, Luigi
Parmenides (Plato)
persuasion, truth as
Philosophy as Rigorous Science (Husserl)
pluralistic thought, weak thought as
Political Outcome of Hermeneutics, The (Vattimo)
politics: Being–not beings in; moral responsibility in; speculativity in; vocation to philosophy and; in weak thought
Popper, Karl
Postmodern Condition, The (Lyotard)
postmodernity: in The End of Modernity (Vattimo); nihilism and
power acquisition
Putnam, Hilary
rational theology
reactive-active nihilism
reappropriation, question of
Reason in the Age of Science (Gadamer)
relative relevance
religious cultures
religious ontology
responsibility of philosophy. See vocation to philosophy
Responsibility of the Philosopher, The (Vattimo)
Revue internationale de philosophie
rhetoric: in history and literature; truth and
Right to Argument, The (Vattimo)
Rorty, Richard: admissibility to debate; antidemocratic nature of philosophy; personal note style of; on truth; Vattimo versus
Rota, Giancarlo
Rovatti, Pier Aldo
Russell, Bertrand
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Schopenhauer, Arthur
science, philosophy and: Being–not being and; cumulative knowledges; edification of humanity; Heidegger’s Ereignis; Kant and Hegel views on; of nature and spirit; psychoanalysis and; Story of a Comma (Vattimo)
scientific ontology
self-refuting game
Severino, Emanuele
Simmel, Georg
social contracts
Soviet communism
Spinoza, Baruch
spirit, sciences of
Story of a Comma (Vattimo)
strategic knowledge
structuralist theory
survival imperative
Tarski, Alfred
teaching context, of philosophy
technology, philosophy of
theology, rational
tradition, Überlieferung versus
truth: as adequacy; as existential analytic; Farewell to Truth (Vattimo); friendship and; in history and literature; as persuasion; relative relevance and; rhetoric and; Vattimo on
Truth and Method (Gadamer)
Tugendhat, Ernst
unaccomplished nihilism
universality, politics of
Vattimo, Gianni: The Adventure of Difference; affirmative nihilism and; An Apology for Nihilism; Belief in Belief; Beyond Interpretation; beyond relativism and; commitment to weak thought of; on Critique of Dialectical Reason (Sartre); on destiny of philosophy; Ecce comu; The End of Modernity; Farewell to Truth; Il pensiero debole; Il soggetto e la maschera; La vita dellaltro. Bioetica senza metafisica; on neostructuralism; on philosophy in third millennium; The Political Outcome of Hermeneutics; The Right to Argument; Story of a Comma; in technology, philosophy of; The Responsibility of the Philosopher
verification, criteria of
“vertiginous” logic Verwindung theory
Viano, Carlo A.
vocation to philosophy; first person writing as; newspaper writing as; politics and; professional; as specialization; in teaching context
weak thought: argumentation and provenance in; description of; metaphilosophy in; overview; politics in; Verwindung theory in
weak thought, difference in; dialectic and; Heidegger on; nihilism and
weak thought, nihilism in; difference and; hermeneutics and postmodernity and; Nietzsche on
Windelband, Wilhelm
Wittgensteinian, Ludwig
writing: in first person; for newspapers
Zanetti, Gianfrancesco