1. Unexpected Guest
2. Unwelcome Visitors
3. A Word from the Sheriff
4. Striking a Deal
5. A Unique Wardrobe
6. The Master Doesn’t Like Change
7. Someone Worth Getting up in the Morning For
8. Waltzing Partner
9. Dining with Adam
10. The West Wing
11. Adam the Philanthropist
12. No Longer Welcome
13. Fleeing in a Snowstorm
14. Hunted
15. Woman in Red
16. Bedside Manner
17. Bathrobes and Bedtime
18. Don’t be Cold
19. The Nature of Gabe Aston
20. A Second Dance
21. A Present for Belle
22. Dining Alone
23. Howling in the Night
24. Unexpected Arrangements
25. Keys to the Castle
26. First Impressions
27. The Serious Nature of Girltalk
28. Agent McNally
29. Politics Over Cocktails
30. A Ball for Six
31. Seeing the World
32. A Race to Belle’s Father
33. Help from Remus Johnstone
34. The Final Battle
35. Adam’s Transition
36. Magic at Work
37. A Miracle
38. Anywhere and Everywhere
Beauty’s Cursed Sleep
1. Rory Johnstone’s Shortened Life
Books by Mary E. Twomey