
All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.


Absolute Light, 255, 262

afterlife, 98–99, 264

archetypal reality

categories of experiences in, 147

as cluster of levels, 144

demand of opening to, 149

energy of, 145, 154–55

entering, 144–47

escalating power in, 148

Living Forces in, 147–49

meltdown, 153–55

as species identity, 145

archetypes, 143, 150, 169–70

awakening. See also Great Awakening

collective, 131, 223–26

humanity, sounds of, 288, 289–90

LSD sessions as path to, 11–15

nonlinear dynamics of, 227–30

Basic Perinatal Matrix (BPM), 43–44, 57

bhaktian devotion, 76–77

birth information for Christopher Bache, 321–23

Black Elk, 210, 275

breadth and depth, 189–90

Buddha Womb, 186

Buddhism, 49, 144, 175, 202, 238, 259–61, 271

Causal Oneness, 194–95. See also Oneness

causal reality, 33–34

chaos, 47, 62, 119, 158–59, 167–68, 178

Chöd, 258–61

Clarity, 237, 254–55, 267–68

cleansing phase, 22–23

clusters of experience, 74–75

COEX system, 57, 75, 137, 256, 313

collective awakening, 131, 223–26

collective being, 149–52

collective energy, 157

collective fields, 137, 157, 174, 192

collective healing process, 136

collective model, 136–37

collective purification, 162–65

collective thoughtform, 152

collective transformation, 137, 139, 220

collective wound, healing the, 132–35

coming off the mountain, 299–309


breadth of, 20

causal level of, 33–34, 160

collective, 137

contraction of, 296–97

depth of, 20

Diamond Soul, 206

discrete levels of, 156

as infinite ocean of experiential possibilities, 30

perinatal level of, 41, 46–51, 56–59

psychic level of, 33

states of, 13, 32, 38, 160

subtle level of, 33

conversation, defining for this book, 27–29

Cosmic Beings, 126, 129

cosmic communion, 318

Cosmic Tour, 113–16, 126

Cosmic Tree, 112–13

cosmological narrative, 28

Council of Elders, 116–19

Creative Intelligence, 35, 91, 195, 212, 219–20, 222, 302

crisis and resolution, 44–46

critical discernment, 10

cycle of death and rebirth, 38, 161

Dark Night, Early Dawn, 136, 138–39, 165, 208, 230, 308–9, 317

death. See also ego-death

in accessing worlds, 37

confrontation with, 56–57

consciously choosing, 242

crystal of, 241–43

emerging on other side of, 128

existential confrontation with, 46

forms at transpersonal levels, 140

as intense purification, 161

struggle with, 108–9

unbounded expansiveness and, 185

death and rebirth

author experience of, 51–56

cycle of, 38, 161

dimension of the cosmos, 316–18

ego, 312

at multiple levels of consciousness, 140

process of, 59

shamanic persona, 313–16

species ego, 312–13

spiral of, 138–41

successive, pattern of, 316

suffering of, 36–39

two tiers of, 138

death state, 245–46

Deep Time, 79–81, 82–83, 131, 297, 311

Diamond Consciousness, 181, 262, 264, 267, 283

Diamond Light, 182, 202, 237, 241, 255, 263

Diamond Luminosity

beyond, 255

Clarity, 254–55

versus collective awakening, 224–25

defined, 237, 238

ecstasy, waves of, 253

emergence of, 237

ending the sessions and, 295

experience of classroom, 271

integrating more deeply, 262–69

in and out of space-time and, 254

Pure Light of, 256

purification and, 263

sessions containing, 239

as session 50 name, 239

Vajrayana practice and, 261–62

Diamond Maker, 282–83

Diamond Soul

awakening on Earth, 204–5

birth of, 176–83, 200–206

consciousness, 206

defined, 202

Great Awakening and, 231

nature and, 203

vision of, 231

Diamond Vision, 289–93

disclosure, 29–31

Divine, the

integration of transcendent and immanent, 304

loss of communion with, 301

love affair with, 21

pain and suffering and, 110–11

transparency to, 290–91

wants to be known, 26


Divine Love, 129–30, 190–91, 212–13

Divine Oneness, 256

dosage, 16–17

doshas, 151


in all directions, 245

degrees of, 241

experience of, 193–94

of keeping, 301, 311

Dying into Oneness, 123–25

ecstatic phase, 22–23

ego-death, 51–56, 139–40, 209, 294, 313, 316

embodied Presence, transparency of, 269–70

emptiness, 21, 144, 175–77, 187, 269–70

energetic momentum, 23


in classroom, 195–99

of collective being, 152

courage and, 13–14

high-dose sessions and, 18–19

insights from, 29

mother/infant, 132

platforms of, 31–34

profound, training to receive, 25

structural flow of, 249–50

theory and, 135

transformative value of, 14

female experience, 51–54, 65–66

final vision, 276–84

Forest vision, 172–75

FORMS, 280–82, 283

four stages of birth, 57–59

Future Human, 126, 152, 209, 218–19, 231–34, 273, 283–84

future-seeing, 95–101

Gilding, Paul, 229–30

global trajectory, 208

God. See Divine, the

Goddess, 120–21

Great Awakening

core scenario, 222–23

defined, 209

Diamond Soul and, 231

mechanisms of our collective awakening and, 223

session, 220–26

suffering and, 226–27

vision, test of, 230

Griffiths, Bede, 234–35

Grof, Stanislav

Basic Perinatal Matrix (BPM), 43–44, 57

clusters of experience, 74–75

COEX system, 57

on collective episodes, 139

on death at transpersonal levels, 140

first introduction to, 3

mapping of psychedelic experiences, 29

meeting, 105

on nonordinary states and solar system, 23, 320

perinatal level of consciousness and, 41, 46–51, 56–59

on physical symptoms of perinatal engagement, 48–49

stages of biological birth defined by, 58

on use of “perinatal” term, 140

guiding intelligence, 214–16

high-dose sessions, 17–19, 27

Hillside of Karma, 85–86

Huxley, Aldous, 40

Hyper-Clarity, 237, 255, 267, 272

“immeasurable impartiality,” 268–69

individual model, 135–36

infusion from above, 318

integration, 262–69, 299–300, 303–4, 306

interlaced mind-fields, 155–58

James, William, 10, 25

Jung, Carl, 84, 137, 143, 149–50, 169–70, 301, 306

karma, 86, 163, 217

killing of children, 53–55, 68


by becoming, 37

circle of, 112

fields of, 199

how to learn in psychedelic states, 165–66

radical, 166

from sessions, 309–10

in transpersonal states of awareness, 117


dissolving into Light, 266

evolving, order and design of, 213

flow of energy into, 93, 94

as oak tree, 84–85

scripts, 97, 100

spiritual distillation of, 50

life circle, 244–45, 265–66

Lifecycles, 91, 105, 162, 201–3, 308

Light, 34, 236, 265–68, 290

Living Classroom, The, 195–200, 300

Living Forces, 147–49

Lommel, Pim van, 310


at creation of the universe, 130

Divine Love, 129–30, 190–91, 212–13

mother/infant experiences, 132

suffering and, 130, 132

low-dose sessions, 17–19

LSD. See also psychedelics

choice of, 11

long time window, 30

mind sensitivity while on, 24

states of awareness and, 41

Luminous Clarity, 267–68

master plan, 126, 127–32

matter, 179–80, 187


clusters of, 74–75

continuity of, 43

future, 97

memory matrix, 43–44

META-COEX system, 75, 136–37, 242–43, 313

Metzner, Ralph, 17–18

mother/infant experiences, 132

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), 2

Mystical Experience Questionnaire, 25

Nature of Mind, 273–74

near-death experiences (NDEs), 96–97, 101

Newton, Michael, 98–101, 204

Ngöndro, 49

nirvana and samsara, 288

Ocean of Mind, 270

ocean of suffering. See also suffering

cleansing, 106

end of, 69, 141

enduring, 79

as foundation, 143–44

interpretation of, 74–76

opening to, 111

rejection and acceptance of, 77–78

riddle of, 74–76

sessions 11–15, 71–73

Oneness, 34, 49, 121, 174, 194–95, 256

Pahnke, Walter, 236–37

pain. See suffering

Paradise, 177–78

past-life therapy, 98–101

path of immersion, 13

path of meditation, 13

peak experiences, 13

perinatal domain

birth and death and, 56–57

defined, 46

experience of, 47

negative experiences, 49

physical symptoms, 48–49

philosophical method of author, 10–11

plateau experiences, 13

platforms of experience

causal, 32, 33–34

defined, 31

psychic, 32, 33

subtle, 32, 33

Plato, 142–43, 147, 169–70

prebirth level during session, 251–53

Prigogine, Ilya, 227

psychedelic exploration, 16–17


cultural pivot around, 2–3

legally sanctioned research on, 4–5

philosophical value of, 3

scientific and intellectual inquiry into, 2

therapeutic value of, 3

psychedelic therapy, 15–16

psycholytic therapy, 15


collective, 162–65, 217–18

cycle of, 158–61

death as, 161

Diamond Luminosity and, 263

as “pay me now or pay me later,” 49

of shamanic dismemberment, 160

Realms of the Human Unconscious (Grof), 3

rebirth, 90. See also death and rebirth

“Red Book,” 26


collective purification and, 162–65

as evolutionary driver, 204

of human species, author’s visionary experience of, 164

as lives emerging/returning to the Soul, 91

as natural fact, 89–90

relationships, 87–88

remembering, craft of, 24–26

Ring, Kenneth, 96–97, 227

Ring of Destiny, 99–101

Russell, Peter, 227

sacred awareness, 36

session day

Carol (author’s ex-wife) and, 61–63, 64–67

end of, 66–67

food, 66–67

music, 60–61

room, 60–61

seizures, 63

struggle, 64–65

session notes

session 1, 43

session 2, 44

session 3, 44

session 4, 45–46

session 5, 47

session 6, 49–51

session 9, 51–52

session 10, 53–54

session 11, 71, 82–83, 84, 87

session 12, 71, 88

session 13, 72

session 14, 72–73, 85–86, 92–93

session 15, 73, 86, 93–94

session 16, 94

session 17, 77–78, 287

session 18, 107–10

session 19, 111–16

session 20, 116–19, 162–63

session 21, 119–25

session 22 and 23, 127–31

session 23, 186–88

session 24, 132–35

session 25, 145–47

session 26, 148, 165–66

session 27, 150–51

session 28, 153–58, 159

session 29, 163–64

session 30, 151

session 32, 159

session 33, 167–68

session 36, 172–75

session 38, 176–83

session 40, 183–86

session 42, 188–91

session 43, 191

session 44, 241–43

session 45, 244–46, 258

session 46, 247–48

session 47, 262

session 48, 249

session 49, 198–99

session 50, 250–55

session 55, 220–26

session 57, 263–64

session 60, 265–68

session 63, 270–71

session 65, 269–70

session 66, 271–74

session 70, 276–84

session 72, 285–88

session 73, 289–93


building on one another, 28

control and, 43

critical assessment of, 9

exploration of questions in, 21

goodbye, 284–93

integration of, 299–300, 303

as journey of cosmic exploration, 20–22

layers of, 9

learning from, 309–10

low-dose versus high-dose, 15–19

pain as an ally and, 37

as path to spiritual awakening, 11–15

peaks, 27

psychedelic exploration, 16

reason for stopping, 293–95

recording, 24–25

stopping, 94–95

therapeutically structured, 12–13

two phases of, 22–24

sessions 1–10

ego-death, 51–56

killing of children, 53–55

names of, 42

perinatal domain, 46–51

welcoming, 42–46

sessions 11–17

collective anguish, 68–69

entering Deep Time, 82–83

on eve of stopping, 76–78

interpretation of suffering, 74–76

jolts of non-being, 93–94

metaphysical insights, 92–94

names of, 82

ocean of suffering, 69, 70–73

reincarnation and the soul, 88–91

rooted in time, work, and

relationships, 86–88

self-generated fields of experiences, 94

stepping-stones, 92–94

touching the center of being, 92–93

sessions 18–24

circle of learning, 112

Cosmic Lovers, 129–30

Cosmic Tour, 113–16, 126

Cosmic Tree, 112–13

Council of Elders, 116–19

Dying into Oneness, 119–25

healing the collective wound, 132–35

master plan, 127–32

names of, 107

our collective awakening, 131

overview of, 106–7

you and I creating, 107–10

sessions 25–33

archetypal meltdown, 153–55

collective being, 149–52

cycle of purification, 158–61

entering archetypal reality, 144

flash of “God,” 166–68

“Gods” of the subtle level, 152–58

interlaced mind-fields, 155–58

Living Forces, 147–49

names of, 144

reincarnation and collective purification, 162–65

sessions 36–43

birth of the Diamond Soul, 176–83

Divine Love, 190–91

Forest vision, 172–75

Jesus’ blood, 188–91

names of, 171–72

Paradise, 177–78

singing the universe away, 183–86

void, the, 185–88

sessions 44–69

crystal of death, 241–43

death state, 245–46

Diamond Luminosity, 250–57

Future Human, 273

heaven and hell, 263–64

hunger to return, 246–48

integrating Diamond Luminosity, 262–69

life circle, 244–45

names of, 239

Nature of Mind, 271–74

pivot toward integration, 262–69

psychedelic process insights, 248–50

teaching without selves present, 270–71

transparency of embodied Presence, 269–70

Universal Field of Light, 265–68

sessions 70–73

Diamond Maker, 282–83

Diamond Vision, 289, 292–93

final vision, 276–84

fruits of my labors, 285–88

Future Human, 283–84

good-bye sessions, 276, 284–93

names of, 276

nirvana, 288

sounds of humanity’s awakening, 288, 289–90

transparent to the Divine, 288–89, 290–91

Womb of Creation, 289, 291–92

shadow, confronting, 37

shamanic persona, 313–16, 317

shamanic self, 314–15

Sheldrake, Rupert, 170, 227, 314

silence, sickness of, 305–9

Soul, the, 91, 99, 233

soul age, 87

soul family, 98–99

Soul-Individuality, 283

sounds of humanity’s awakening, 288, 289–90

species ego, 312–13

species soul, 162

spiritual universe, 35

Sri Aurobindo, 34, 35, 318

Stevenson, Ian, 89, 91

suffering. See also ocean of suffering

becoming larger than, 134

of death and rebirth, 36–39

the Divine and, 110–11

Great Awakening and, 226–27

love and, 130, 132

rejection and acceptance of, 77–78

surrender, 8, 26, 37, 43, 47, 65, 174

sweetness, 109–10

Tara Mandala, 258, 299

Tarnas, Richard, 23, 169, 227, 228–29, 320

Tauler, Johannes, 160

therapeutic protocol, 8–9

time, 80–81, 86–88. See also Deep Time

title, this book, 6

transcendence, 303

transparent to the Divine, 288–89, 290–91

unified field, 163–64, 214, 216

Universal Field of Light, 265–68

universe, the

becoming, 122–23

disappearance of, 185

as outside reality, 113–16, 126

physical, 122, 124

Vajrayana Buddhist practice, 257–62, 294

Visions of Awakening

all humanity, 213–14

collective purification, 217–18

defined, 211

Divine Love, 212–13

Future Human, 209, 218–19

Great Awakening, 220–26

guiding intelligence, 214–16

names of sessions including, 211

single being, 216–17

Void, the, 186–88

Void-Beyond, the, 185, 186

von Franz, Marie-Louise, 137

Wilber, Ken, 13, 32, 317

Womb of Creation, 289, 291–92