

Everyone knew Mark was the most handsome boy in class. So when Lucy came to his desk, she immediately said, “Let’s make you a model.”

“Actually,” Mark said, “I’ve always wanted to be a comedian.”

“But you’re so gorgeous,” Lucy argued. “You’re the universal idea of what beautiful looks like. I can make you the poster boy for just about anything.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to be known for my good looks. I want people to know what’s inside. That’s what counts, right?”

Lucy started laughing. She kept laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Mark asked.

“You are funny!” Lucy said. “But honestly, no one in Hollywood cares what’s in your heart or your head—not unless you’re a writer. Like Honest Lee. I represent him. And everyone likes his writing. Don’t they?”

Mark and Lucy both looked right off this page and looked at you. What do you think of the writing?