In this part . . .
Anytime you dive into unfamiliar territory, you need gear to help make the most of your effort. This part equips you for the long haul as you discover the core messages and beliefs of Christianity. You begin by looking through Christian goggles at that nasty business of sin. From there, you take out your compass and follow the trail that leads to Christianity’s answer to sin — Jesus Christ, who Christians believe came to earth as God in human flesh and died for all the sins of the world. Next, you check out the Christian’s sword — known as the Bible — which is where Christians after Jesus’ day found out about sin and the Savior in the first place. Further, you don your pith helmet as you run head-on into who Christians believe God is (known as the Trinity), how Christians express their faith through sacraments (or ordinances), and what God’s plans are for humans after this earthly life.