
Once upon a time, in a blue space filled with glittering crystals, the violet energy ray of Reiki found a home… My first crystal shop was painted a medium-light shade of cyan—Pantone 305. It was in that blue space filled with glittering crystals that crystals and Reiki came together for me. I was already teaching crystal healing in the early 1990s when I came across a “new” healing modality called Reiki.

Reiki is a natural healing energy that flows through everyone, although its power can be amplified by becoming attuned to Reiki (see page 14) and learning techniques, such as those given in this book. Crystal healing is amazing, sensational, and can help almost any condition there is. Crystals have an innate energy of their own. They bring everything to balance and speed the body’s natural healing ability. You don’t have to do anything to get a crystal to work other than place it in your vicinity. However, if you do add your intent, your natural healing thoughts, and your energy, your crystals will work better because they’ll pick up your intention and magnify it manyfold. And if Reiki is the energy that is flowing through you, then your crystals will collect the Reiki, multiply its effect, and focus its objective.

Given my background as a scientist, I have a tendency to make notes and record results, which allows me to formalize healing processes, exactly as I have been doing with crystal healing for many years. Crystal Reiki came into being as a result of my enthusiasm and love for both healing energies, and I originally worked on it with my first wife, before going our separate ways. It is a natural progression, combining ancient techniques from these two healing systems into one easily accessible healing modality. The evidence shows us that crystal healing stretches back to the dawn of mankind and although Reiki as brought to us by Usui Sensei (see page 16) is a 20th-century technique, its methods are firmly rooted in antiquity.

Crystal Reiki is a synthesis of universal life force energy, which is what Reiki means and is, and the healing power of the Stone People (another name for crystals). Practicing this healing system at the simplest level can mean holding a crystal and charging it up with Reiki to carry with you during the day or even to give to someone else to help them through a troubling time. Taking the practice further can involve applying intricate and powerful Crystal Reiki Healing grids on the body to treat yourself and others, and even sending healing energy to those far away. Crystal Reiki offers a path to self-development, too: as you practice it and, if you choose, progress through the levels of Reiki attunement, you will gain inner power, a deeper knowledge of yourself, and much more.

Today there are many varieties of Reiki. Throughout this book, all references are to the traditional Usui Reiki system and Tibetan Usui Reiki. Where any of my personal practice differs, I’ll try to point this out. However, you can add crystals to whichever system of Reiki you practice, and they will have the same effect of enhancing the healing effects.

Although I may not have been the first person to put crystals and Reiki together, and I will not be the last, the Crystal Reiki Healing system that I present here gives you a set of standard, straightforward techniques that you can follow and practice.

The healing properties of crystals enhance and focus Reiki. Reiki amplifies the effect of healing crystals. They form a beautiful circle. In applying Crystal Reiki in our daily lives, we are limited only by our imagination.

I hope that the Stone People will make your Reiki journey sparkle as they do mine.

