
This book would not exist without the participation of the people who shared their stories with us. It was not only difficult at times for the contributors themselves to recall the past, but some of these stories also stirred up painful memories for their partners. We are most grateful to all of the following people: Harry Cohen, Sieny Cohen-Kattenburg, Jack Eljon, Betty Eljon-Peperwortel, Bloeme Evers-Emden, Michel Goldsteen, Didje Goldsteen-Uijterschout, Bennie Kosses, Lammie Kosses-Drenth, Lowina de Levie, Jacques Lisser, Lies Lisser-Elion, Donald de Marcas, Sonja de Marcas-Bernd’t, Maurice Meijer, Leni Meijer-de Vries, Marja Minderman van Driessel, Ad Prins, Rita Prins-Degen, Johan Sanders, Jaap Sitters, Carla Sitters-van der Horst, Arnold Weijel, and Rose-Mary Weijel-Kahn.

And thanks, of course, to the organizations that made this project possible: the Stichting Collectieve Maror-gelden Nederland, the Mediafonds, the Nederland Fonds voor de Film, the Mondriaanstichting, and the Stichting Christelijke Pers. And to De Joodse Omroep for their confidence and support, both moral and financial, right from the very beginning of this project.

We gratefully made use of Jaap Sitters’s book, Jelle, for the chapter “Three Pianos,” and of Bloeme Evers-Emden’s notes for the chapter “I’ll Go Fetch Her Tomorrow Morning.” In one story, a name has been changed at the interviewee’s request.