Video Evidence Solid

After they got over their initial shock, the team rushed to Brielle’s house, which was closest. It was downhill, and the wind was at their backs, so they practically sprinted there.

“Did we get it all?” the anchor asked once they’d raced inside and closed the door. “Please tell me we got it all.”

Maya held the phone with sweaty hands. “Four minutes . . .” She pressed play. Both Ash and Maria Van Ness were clearly visible. Their voices were quiet but clear, except for a few short gusts of wind that, thankfully, didn’t drown out any of the incriminating evidence.

Ash puffed out a big breath, wiped her forehead with her hand, and sank onto Brielle’s couch. She felt like she’d just completed the Baltimore marathon.

Brielle sat next to her. “I can clean up the sound and make it louder,” she assured them, panting. “I can even add captions too. I just need to find a way to edit it.”

“Well,” Maya said, a smile playing at her lips, “Maria Van Ness said she’d like to see us make our show using some other software.”

The three girls looked at one another, then burst out laughing. There was something darkly funny about using a competitor’s software to bring down Maria Van Ness. And this video would definitely bring her down . . . just as soon as they could bring it to air.