Community Reacts to News

Once The Underground News episode wrapped up, The News at Nine anchors were back on the screen, looking serious and somber. “Thank you to The Underground News team for that important report. I’m Damion Skinner.”

“I’m Harry E. Levin. This has been The News at Nine, brought to you by Baltimore-based Van Ness Media.”

When the show ended, everyone in Mr. Brooks’s classroom, including Mr. Brooks, looked at Ash, stunned. Some of them applauded. But Ash didn’t feel proud or embarrassed or anything, really. It was like she wasn’t a person, but a piece of furniture, lifelessly taking in what was going on around her.

When Harry and Damion arrived, Mr. Brooks led everyone in a discussion about the report. Kids had a lot to say. And not just in their class. Other teachers talked about it with their classes too. Kids talked about it during lunch and recess, then went home and talked about it with their families. Parents logged onto the school’s online portal, or to The Underground News YouTube channel, and watched the episode themselves. Many of them called Mr. Carver and demanded answers. Mr. Carver called the district headquarters and demanded answers. The superintendent sent an email to parents with a bland statement from Van Ness Media, everyone assuring one another that they’d look into what was going on.

They weren’t the only ones who planned to look into it.

On Wednesday night, Ash’s dads received an email.

Dear Mr. Simon and Mr. Hockheimer,

My name is Tenley Nay, and I’m a reporter for The Baltimore Sun. My son is in third grade at John Dos Passos, and I got your contact info from the school portal.

I watched your daughter’s excellent report on Van Ness Media. It was investigative journalism at its finest! I’m digging a bit more and writing a story for the Sun. I’d love to interview Ashley, with your permission, of course. Please call or email me asap.


Ash replied herself. She knew exactly what she wanted to say.

Dear Ms. Nay,

My dads gave permission for me to do the interview. I didn’t investigate the story by myself, though. I had lots of help from Maya Joshi-Zachariah and Brielle Diamond. Harry E. Levin and Ms. Sullivan helped me put it on The News at Nine. I hope we can help with your article.
