The basic modern scholarly definition of religion

was provided in 1871 by Sir Edward Tylor,
who suggested that its essential component
was a belief in the existence of spiritual beings and in
the need of humans to form relationships with them.

—Ronald Hutton1


The Ultimate Book of Wiccan Shadows
for the New Generation Solitary Witch

This book represents a collection of magick, spells, rituals, and definitions related specifically to modern Witchcraft, yet it is grounded in the magickal work of people who lived in the ancient world. In this book you will read about and practice the magick of many ages, collected and combined in a user-friendly way that can bring about the same results today as they did many thousands or hundreds of years ago.

Even though the early Egyptians, Greeks, or Celts didn’t have lockers, cafeterias, school bells, cheerleaders, guys on skateboards, the Internet, the stock market, or the prom, they still had debt, malicious gossip, bullies, parties, homework, a social pecking order, street gangs, sickness, poverty, troubles at home, the need to find love (and keep it), and the driving question, “Why am I here in the first place?”

This tells us that the old adage is true—the more things change, the more they stay the same. Believe it or not, magick has always been around to help solve our problems and give us mental tools that can allow us to shape our lives into what we want them to be; all we have to do is provide the faith.

What You’ll Find in This
Book of Shadows

Like a medieval magickal book, this one is a collection of neat and nifty spells, charms, formularies, rituals, and all manner of enchantments. Unlike a textbook, it doesn’t build toward closure—that’s your job. Take the bits and pieces of information and put them together the way it feels comfortable for you. If you’ve ever seen The Grimoire of Lady Sheba or other unpublished works of the Witch famous, magickal lodges, or European cunning-folk, you’ll discover this same disjointed effect. In many Books of Shadows, especially in some of the German ones I’ve looked at, the student was given a main spell format and a main ritual structure, to avoid repetition in every spell or ritual in the book. At one time, getting paper wasn’t like popping over to the nearest store and picking up a few reams. You will find some of that format here, where several of the rituals can be used for a variety of spells and conjurations.

Solitary Witch honors what has gone before and what is new. It is a vehicle of personal interpretation, magick, and faith. It’s a magickal cookbook, encyclopedia, dictionary, and more, and is alphabetized under five distinct categories. Part I, Shadows of Religion & Mystery, discusses the religion of Witchcraft, its ceremonies, and common practices associated with the religion. Part II, Shadows of Objects & Tools, talks about the tools and objects commonly found in modern Witchcraft and where their use most likely came from. Part III, Shadows of Expertise & Proficiency, is where we look at things like auric programming, dreaming, the Tarot, and other occult-related subjects. Shadows of Magick & Enchantment, Part IV, covers general forms of magick and items associated with it, ranging from the discussion of holographic quantum physics to medieval ideas. The last part, Part V, Shadows of Magick & Real Life, hits human-related subjects: eating disorders, dating, sex, suicide, peer pressure, anger, stalkers, shopping, family difficulties, grades—magick and real life combined. There’s fun stuff and serious stuff, and plenty to keep you amused. Finally, as much as possible, all categories are not only discussed in modern terms, they are also associated with their historical roots so that when you are called on to take the plunge and seriously discuss the history of your religion, you have a wide array of research to rely on.

New to this type of Book of Shadows are the endnotes that cite sources or are used for further clarification. Some of you may groan at this and I apologize, but the research is important. Besides, think of them as our secret code.

At the bottom of many categories in this book I have given you a selected reading list for that topic, or web addresses. This doesn’t mean you have to rush right out and buy the book or wrench the computer from your brother or sister, husband or wife to surf to that site immediately. This is simply my way of telling you what books or sites on the ’Net that I think might be of further interest if you wish to study more on that particular topic.

How You Use This Book . . .

is entirely up to you. Feel free to skip over the parts you already know, or read each section in alphabetical order—doesn’t matter. Not every topic has its own category, as some Wiccan terms or magickal applications blend or support each other, so check the index if you can’t find what you’re looking for. If one section requires the support or information of another, I’ve tried to let you know which part to go to so you can flip there. The book is designed for both the beginner and intermediate student, so if you don’t understand something, try reading the passage again.

On the other hand, if you feel the information is too basic, I beg your indulgence—it isn’t my desire to insult your intelligence, I’m simply trying to find a happy medium. If you are unfamiliar with Witchcraft, you may wish to start with this basic reference list:

Teen Witch by Silver RavenWolf. Teen, first level.

Teen Witch Kit by Silver RavenWolf. Teen, first level.

To Ride a Silver Broomstick by Silver RavenWolf. Adult, first level.

The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca and Neo-Paganism by Raymond Buckland. Adult, first level.

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham. Adult, first level.

The Truth About Witchcraft Today by Scott Cunningham. Adult, first level.

Positive Magic by Marion Weinstein. Adult, first level.

The Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland. Adult, first level.

Above all, I have tried to make this book a training companion to those of my titles listed above, designing it to fit in my overall series of New Generation Witchcraft books. This being the case, there are a few instances where I have referred the student to my previous books in an effort not to repeat material. It is my sincere hope that this work answers questions and gives the student an in-depth look at the Craft of the Wise.

The Essence of Witchcraft . . .

is transformation. The idea is to take the “you” currently present and accounted for and change your essence into something better, greater, stronger, and incredibly dynamic. Being a Witch means to want to work every day to be a better person. When you change yourself, then the world around you cannot help but change. There’s no getting around it. All this changing can be a lot of hard work—and there are certain aspects of the path that require time, effort, and energy. Although many of the things you truly want can be achieved in a short time with the techniques presented in this book, there are other issues in your life that will require patience, effort, and practice to reach your ultimate goals. That’s okay. If you didn’t have to work at some things, then the study wouldn’t seem worthwhile. To be a Witch, you must be brave enough to face everything inside of you, and have the courage to change the things you do not like. Being a Witch has nothing to do with spells, rituals, and unusual clothing—they are the fun stuff. To be a Witch is to desire personal transformation.

Where to Go from Here

Wherever Spirit moves you. Good luck, and happy zapping! Just remember, don’t get stuck in anybody’s dogma (including mine).
