See Charms in Part 4 for a complete discussion of invocations and evocations. Please note that evocation in Wicca and evocation in ceremonial magick differ in philosophy, depending upon the training of the individual. Normally, invocations and evocations are done once the circle has been cast and the quarters called, and before any magickal working is performed.
Invocation: Calling upon the presence or power of deities or positive energy.
Evocation: To call positive energy up from within yourself.
Evocation of the Witch
I am one with the universe.
I am no-thing and I am everything.
I am the stars and the moon
the seas and the storms
the breath of life
the alchemical change
the living and the dead.
I am!
I am the power and the joy.
I am the spirit that dances.
I am the magick and the priest
the Witch and the sorceress
the angels and the elements
I am!
I am the past, the present, and the future.
I am the void
and I am the manifestation of my desire.
I am!
Invocation of the Goddess
I call thee down, O my great Queen
to enter my body
and commune with my spirit.
Be with me now as I fulfill my destiny
and work magick
in accordance with your will.
So mote it be.