by Richard Webster73
Palmistry is one of the oldest of the occult sciences, and scientists have recently confirmed many things that palmists have known for thousands of years. For instance, scientists have proved that our palms reveal potential illnesses well before they occur. Just recently, scientists at Barcelona University discovered that people’s intelligence can be determined by looking at their palms.
It takes a great deal of practice to become a good palm reader, but fortunately, virtually everyone has a hand and most people are only too pleased to let you examine it. Be careful, though: I read the palm of a young woman many years ago, and four years later, I married her.
The first thing to look for is the shape of the palm. Mentally remove the thumb and the fingers and see if the shape that is left is square or oblong in shape. If it is square, the person is down-to-earth, capable and practical. The more oblong it is, the more of a dreamer the person will be.
Now look at the fingers and see how long they are. People with long fingers enjoy details. They often end up in careers involving facts or figures. People with short fingers prefer to skim over the surface of things and do not enjoy details. They are quick thinkers who are often better at starting than they are at finishing.
This gives us four possibilities: Square palms with short fingers are known as earth hands; square palms with long fingers are known as air hands; oblong palms with short fingers are known as fire hands; and oblong hands with long fingers are known as water hands.
People with earth hands are reliable, practical, and enjoy physical work. They generally have good senses of humor, and are tireless when they are doing something they enjoy. They like challenges.
People with air hands have practical minds. They come up with good ideas and then like to make them happen. They love communicating their ideas and express themselves clearly. They are logical, and tend to distrust their emotions.
People with fire hands are great fun to be with as they are constantly full of ideas. They are better at starting projects than they are at finishing them. They are enthusiastic and intuitive.
People with water hands are dreamy, impractical people who envisage a perfect world where everyone gets along with everyone else. They are loving, caring people, but often need someone else to lean on for help and support. They are emotional and highly intuitive.
Once you’ve done this, you can look at the major lines on the palm. The first of these is the heart line, which is a clearly marked line close to the fingers. It runs from the little finger side of the palm and ends somewhere between the first and second fingers. If it curves and ends between these fingers it is called a physical heart line. People with this can express their feelings easily. If the heart line does not curve toward the fingers at the end it is called a mental heart line. People with this need to be reassured that they are loved and cared for. They find it hard to express their innermost feelings. The heart line represents the emotional side of life. Consequently, most people have small islands, like braiding, inside this line, indicating times when their emotional life was not going well. Ideally, this line should be as smooth as possible.
The head line represents the person’s intellect. It runs roughly parallel to the heart line for most of its length. It starts joined or close to the life line (the line that curves around the thumb), and either runs in a straight line across the palm, or else curves up toward the wrist. If it is joined to the life line, it means the person is cautious and thinks first. The bigger the gap between the head and life lines, the more independent and impulsive the person will be. If the head line is an almost straight line, the person is down-to-earth and lives in the real world. The more it curves toward the wrist, the greater the imagination. People with long head lines are detailed thinkers, while people with short head lines like to get in and get the job done as quickly as possible.
The life line is the one line that most people know. Unfortunately, they tend to think it relates to length of life, which is not correct. It starts on the side of the hand, between the thumb and first finger, and swings around the thumb, usually ending close to the wrist. The size of the mound of flesh it encircles shows the degree of vitality the person has. Someone with a large mound here will have much more energy than someone with a small mound encircled by a life line that hugs the thumb. Breaks in the life line indicate periods of uncertainty in the person’s life. This may, or may not, have anything to do with health. Often, these breaks are protected with an overlapping line, known as a “sister” line.
The other major line is called the destiny line. Some people call it the fate line, but I do not like this name, as it makes it sound as if our lives are all predestined. We have control over our own lives and are able to change our destinies, if we wish. Not everyone has a destiny line. People without one jump from one thing to another, and do not follow a normal type of career. The destiny line starts near the wrist and heads toward the fingers, usually ending beneath the second finger. It is not as clearly marked as the other three major lines. If it starts close to, touching, or inside the life line, it means there was a strong influence on the person while he or she was growing up. This is usually a family influence. The farther away from the life line the destiny line starts, the more independent the person saw him- or herself in the growing-up years.
Ideally, this line should be straight, long, and well marked, showing the person follows a career all the way through life. Many people have changes in their careers, and these are shown by changes of direction and breaks in the line. The destiny line crosses the head line at the age of 35, and the heart line at 49, showing that most people are established on their path through life by the time they reach 35.
As you can see, even a quick look at the shape of the hand and the four major lines is extremely revealing. The best way to learn is to look at as many hands as possible. Read as much as you can, and then check what you have learned with people’s hands. Every hand is different. Even your left and right hands will have a number of differences. Being able to read palms will help you empathize and understand people, and, with practice, you will be able to help many people with your skills at palmistry.