By viewing the patterns that are forming in the astral material, one can project the likely outcome in the material world.
—Raven Grimassi86
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word scry is actually a truncated form of the French derivation descry, of the Latin describe, which is linked to three meanings: “to call out,” “to catch sight of from a distance,” and “to discover by observation.” The word descry was linked to astronomical texts and the magickal arts in the 1300s.87 Although noted in French and English history, scrying can be traced to ancient Egypt, where the magician would take a bronze bowl engraved with a figure of Anubis, fill it with water, and cover the water with a thin film of oil. The medium chosen (not necessarily the magician) would gaze into the still surface of the liquid and prophesize what he or she saw there.88 Scrying, then, is a means of foretelling the future, or reviewing the present or past, by gazing into a smooth, still surface—often a dark surface, though not always. The famous Irish Witch Biddy Early used a blue glass bottle filled with water as a convenient and unobtrusive scrying tool.89
The tool most associated with scrying in medieval literature is the speculum, of which there were two kinds, one used for surgery, and another—a mirror or reflective device made of highly polished metal or glass and sometimes containing a lens—was used in scientific study and astronomy. It is this second tool from which scrying tools, no matter the shape, size, or content, got the name speculum (such as Biddy’s blue glass bottle).
Whether you are using a black bowl filled with water, a piece of glass with one side painted black, a colored bottle, a crystal ball, or other object that suits your fancy, most magickal practitioners agree that the best time to make your speculum is a waxing moon, and that it should be empowered with moonlight (sunlight is considered too strong a natural force). Astrologically the two prime dates would be when the moon or the sun is in Scorpio. It is also believed that the best time to use your speculum is during a full moon. Although scrying methods are often related to liquid or earth, fire gazing by looking into a candle flame or hearth fire is also popular.
How to Scry Using a
Colored Glass Bottle
selecting the bottle: Choose a tall bottle with as few raised letters or indentations as possible. The darker the color, the better the results, though I’ve used a turquoise bottle with great success.
instructions for preparation: First cleanse, consecrate, and empower the speculum in a magick circle while the moon is waxing. You may wish to dedicate the tool to your favorite god or goddess, or simply use the words “Spirit” or “Lord and Lady” for the consecration. On the full moon, fill the bottle with holy water, or a mixture of holy water and a favorite scented, blessed oil. Cap it. Take the bottle outside to charge it. If you can’t go outside, be sure you are in front of a window where you can see the full moon. Turn the bottle so that the surface catches the moon’s reflection. Leave the bottle in the moonlight for least one hour.
instructions for scrying: (These instructions will also work for other speculums, such as crystals or magick mirrors.)
Step One: Remove all fingerprints from the surface of the bottle. Cast a magick circle and call the quarters. Sit comfortably in the center of the circle with the bottle. Most scrying is done by candlelight or in very low light, as bright lights reflecting off the surface of the scrying tool inhibit the process. The light should be behind you and should not shine directly onto the bottle. You can play soft music or light fragrant incense if you like.
Step Two: Ground and center. Take three deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Close your eyes and count down from ten to one. Allow your body to relax, and envision any negativity you have been feeling drain away. See yourself surrounded by pure white light.
Step Three: Hold the bottle comfortably in your lap. Once again make sure the surface area of the bottle that you will view is clear of fingerprints. Later you may prefer to set the bottle on a raised flat surface, but for now, while you are learning, hold the bottle tilted gently in your hands so that you can view the smooth surface comfortably. Stare at the surface of the bottle, but don’t strain. If you tense up, you won’t be able to easily enter the altered state of consciousness so easily. If you have been meditating for a while, the transition from waking state to the alpha state will happen faster. Regardless, you will not really notice the transition, as the alpha state also occurs when you are watching television, daydreaming, or eating.
Step Four: The edges of the bottle will slowly grow blurry, or you may see silver clouds on the surface of the bottle, a fine mist, or even bits of light here and there. This is normal and is the first stage of scrying. Rather than tensing when you see these things, allow your body to relax. If you are the least bit nervous, close your eyes and re-create the white light around you, then open your eyes and allow this “misting” to continue.
Step Five: The clouds will gradually change into a soft, inky blackness (sometimes dark blue)—almost like you are looking at liquid velvet. Then, the blackness will begin to break or slip away, revealing the third stage of scrying—the vision itself. This vision may be in your mind’s eye, or you may see something tangible. Depending on your personality, the visions may be literal, symbolic, or much like visions in a dream state that must be interpreted later.
Step Six: When you are finished, set the bottle down and close your eyes. Ground and center, keeping your eyes closed. Breathe deeply three times, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Count from one to ten and then open your eyes. Take another deep breath. Write down your impressions in a notebook and keep for later reference. Close the quarters and release the circle. Store the bottle in a safe place out of direct sunlight. You can continue to use this same bottle throughout the month. At the next full moon, empty out the water, rinse thoroughly, and fill with holy water again. Empower in the moonlight for at least one hour.
As with all psychic endeavors, successful scrying takes committed practice. Many experts recommend practicing daily, for fifteen to twenty minutes each day, until you feel competent, which could be anywhere from one month to an entire year.