
The words “esbat” and “sabbat” are thought to come from the French word s’esbattre, which means “to joyfully celebrate.”16 During the 1920s, British anthropologist Margaret A. Murray postulated that a group of Witches, which included both peasants and nobles, celebrated the eight major fire festivals (sabbats) and met at regular gatherings, called esbats. Murray also indicated that these Witches gathered themselves into thirteen-member covens. Although some scholars feel that her conclusions came from reading the transcripts of the Inquisitions, other historians feel that her research did not extend that far. To quote from private correspondence from Ronald Hutton, historian at Bristol University, dated 9 August 2002:

The only records of trials at which she looked were nineteenth-century printed versions of earlier Scottish depositions (and Scotland never had an Inquisition). Her information on sabbats and esbats came instead from the treatises of continental deomonologists—that on esbats from just one, Pierre de Lancre, whose text is also our sole source of information for the Basque Witches. De Lancre was not a Basque himself, but a highly imaginative French magistrate, reworking reports of what Basques were supposed to believe.

Margaret Murray additionally indicated that Witchcraft could be traced to “pre-Christian times and appears to be the ancient religion of Western Europe.”17 Although in subsequent years much of Murray’s work has been trashed by students of history, her ideas were so stunning that they did, indeed, affect what we now practice as modern Witchcraft. Whether or not there were “real” esbats and sabbats does not change the fact that we celebrate both now.

To the modern Witch, an esbat is a moon ceremony. It’s also called a working night, where two or more Witches gather together to practice magick for the good of all in the group. Many times these gatherings coincide with a particular moon phase or other planetary alignment. Depending upon the group, the meetings might be held once a month, or as often as every week. Training and tradition have a heavy influence on the esbat. Where some groups follow set rituals by rote with no deviation, others allow more spontaneity and creativity within the ritual format. Others use esbat nights as training classes, where lessons are taught or a guest speaker is present. With the aid of the computer generation, long-distance training between a daughter coven and a mother coven can be done on videocam. Dedications, initiations, crossings, and wiccanings may also be performed when the esbat coincides with the full moon. If a special ceremony is not planned, most full moon esbats include the “Drawing Down the Moon” (DDM) rite somewhere in the ritual (see Part 3, moon). Still others meet only for the sole purpose of the DDM.

A sabbat, on the other hand, is normally relegated to the eight High Holy Days, and is designed to honor the god/dess, followed by a feast of some kind. Ritual drama during the sabbat ritual is normally seen as the high point of the festivities, where a small play or other scene from legend that is associated with the group or tradition takes center stage. (see Part 1, Wheel of the Year.)

Modern solitary Witches—a Witch who works alone, without the support of a cohesive group—also incorporate esbats in their religious practices, though the ceremonies are often not as long as those practiced in the group format (which ideally run forty-five minutes to one hour). These Witches use the evening to meditate; pray; grind herbs; mix powders; make tinctures and holy water; weave magickal cords; craft amulets, talismans, and poppets; repair or make magickal tools; and spellcast and/or perform ritual, depending on their personal preference. An esbat for the solitary Witch is a time to stock up on items that may be needed throughout the month. In ritual, some may follow a formal outline, where others write their own. Solitary Witches write their rituals by studying ritual books and other magickal works. Most new Witches like to begin by using the information straight out of the books and then going on to use their own creativity as time passes. Learning ritual, like learning magick, is a process of skill building.

Thirteen-Step Solitary Esbat18
(Basic Ritual Structure)

Supplies: Altar and setup (earth, air, fire, water, illuminator candles). The altar setup is described in Part 2. Tools such as the athame or wand are up to you. Candles or other representations are positioned at the four quarters (east, south, west, and north)—colors are your choice.


Step One: Cleanse the ritual space by carrying a representation of the four elements around the area in a clockwise movement, working with one element at a time.

Step Two: Open altar energies by blessings with the four elements (or devote the altar as explained in To Stir a Magick Cauldron).

Step Three: Light the illuminator candles.

Step Four: Cast the magick circle (clockwise).

Step Five: Light the quarter candles and call the quarters.

Step Six: Invoke deity.

Step Seven: State intent of ritual aloud.

Step Eight: Draw Down the Moon (if this is a full moon esbat).

Step Nine: Perform the magickal work, which may include drawing and raising energy, then sealing the spellwork.

Step Ten: Take communion (optional).

Step Eleven: Thank deity, thank quarters, release, and extinguish quarter candles.

Step Twelve: Release magick circle (counterclockwise). Seal altar energies, extinguish illuminator candles.

Step Thirteen: Clean up and offer libation bowl (if you took communion) out-of-doors.

Esbat Flavors of the Moon

Every two and one-half days the moon moves into a new sign, which means that in her 28.5 (or so)-day cycle from new to full, she visits all of the signs. She isn’t full, of course, in every sign every month. Therefore, each month she is full in a different sign of the zodiac. Our present calendar and the cycles are not entirely compatible. There are twelve months with varying numbers of days, where the moon steadfastly sticks to her own 28.5-day cycle. This means that once in approximately every two and a half calendar years, there will be a month that has two full moons. The second full moon in that month is called a blue moon, and is used by Witches for goal planning, special wishes, or unique ceremonies of their own design.

When planning your esbats, you’ll want to keep an eye on what sign of the zodiac the moon is currently visiting, and then structure your magick accordingly. For a new moon, the signs will be the same—both the sun and the moon will be in the same sign. Although I’ve provided the following table for esbat planning, you can also use it for other ceremonies and magicks as well. No matter the phase, check in your almanac to see what sign the moon is in if you feel you need a helpful boost in any situation. The phases of the moon, something else you need to know when working magick, are covered under the Moon section in Part 3.

Below are two tables. The first is for planning magick and ritual for the new moon esbat, and the second is designed for the full moon esbat. These tables are guidelines to help you choose when to do what, according to the flavor of the moon. However, they are by no means the last word on the subject.

New Moon Esbats


Basic energy: Power, energy, force, expression, self-reliance, assertiveness, spontaneousness, fearlessness, enthusiasm.

Zodiac color association: Red.

Primary element: Fire.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for gaining confidence, learning new things, sports, controlling your fear or anger, winning, starting a project, being a pioneer, making announcements, boosting your reading level, taking calculated risks.

Avoid: Skipping over ritual steps, or hurrying through ritual.

Be careful: Of your own temper.

Note: Remember that Aries energy is not long-haul. Follow up with another spell later on to keep this energy rolling.


Basic energy: Stability, peace, affection, responsiveness, saving, artistic ability, devotion, harmony.

Zodiac color association: Red-orange.

Primary element: Earth.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for prosperity, saving money, holding on to something you already have (like a grade point average), building and keeping harmony in the home, investing time and money in a project, long-term goal planning, spells for people you love, spells for long-term healing, meditations for peace.

Avoid: Missing a good opportunity.

Be careful: Of your own stubbornness.


Basic energy: Intellect, awareness, agility, adaptability, multitasking.

Zodiac color association: Orange.

Primary element: Air.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for any type of learning or research. Spells to finish the old and move on to the new; to help you juggle the many projects you are working on at once without failing; or for finding a new car or new job. Spells for any of the mental arts, including meditation, learning a divination tool, pathworking, and telepathy. Magick for learning to understand and deal with siblings.

Avoid: Trying to pack too many magickal operations into one ritual.

Be careful: Of self-denial.


Basic energy: Emotions, maturity, psychism, peace, protection, magnetism, sympathy, maternal.

Zodiac color association: Amber.

Primary element: Water.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for women, maturing without losing your mind in the process, peace in the home, protection of yourself or loved ones, your mother, psychism, transforming negative emotions into positive ones, dream spells, divination, and telepathy. Spells to draw positive things toward you or protect a friend or family member through pregnancy.

Avoid: Thinking that Spirit owes you.

Be careful: Of being too emotional.


Basic energy: Strength, positivity, leadership, confidence, generosity, kindness, success.

Zodiac color association: Yellow.

Primary element: Fire.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for courage, strength, thinking in a positive way, winning, success, and learning to be a good leader, kind, loyal, and generous. Spells for drama and acting, fun at the beach or on vacation, wealth in the home, and for making your talents shine. Spells to find the perfect pet for you, or to help you realize your talents.

Avoid: Overspending on ritual and spell

Be careful: Don’t brag about your magick. Remember the Witch’s Pyramid: To Know, To Dare, To Will, and To Be Silent.


Basic energy: Examination, analysis, brilliance, making choices with head, not heart; precision, finding solutions.

Zodiac color association: Yellow-green.

Primary element: Earth.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for solving problems and finding information, things, or people. Spells where you must make a difficult choice, maintain accuracy in research, get good grades on tests, eliminate mistakes, analyze yourself so that you can be a better person, or uncover an illusive medical problem that has the doctors stumped. Spells for improving your ritual or spellcasting techniques. Understanding the meaning of service to others or finding a person who can help you with a particular task.

Avoid: Getting lost in ritual detail.

Be careful: Of being overly critical.


Basic energy: Beauty, love, sociability, cooperation, originality, courtesy, responsiveness.

Zodiac color association: Emerald.

Primary element: Air.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for sharing the arts (music, painting, dance, writing) where you seek the approval of others. Spells for love, friendship, and romance, and for conflict mediation. Spells to ensure you are treated fairly, to enjoy beauty, and to learn to cooperate with others. Spells to improve communication between yourself and a teacher or parent. Partnerships of any kind.

Avoid: Making open enemies.

Be careful: Of indecisiveness.


Basic energy: Intensity, rebirth, transformation, illumination, wisdom, karma, instinct.

Zodiac color association: Green-blue.

Primary element: Water.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for a situation that needs ultimate power, must transform, or is karmically related. Spells to hone your instincts, or to get to the bottom of a messy situation. Spells for wisdom, to renew an old project, to stop aggressive action (cold), to bring down a criminal, and to stop gossip or other unhealthy emotional situations. Spells to sign documents where you will get the best deal. Spells to end things (though a waning Scorpio moon is best for this). Understanding the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. Reincarnation and past-life regression.

Avoid: Creating a secret agenda.

Be careful: Of your resentment.


Basic energy: Expansion, generosity, faith, optimism, understanding, mercy, charity, hope.

Zodiac color association: Blue.

Primary element: Fire.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells to expand any project or talent, and to find understanding in a difficult situation. Spells to give yourself or friends hope. Spells to strengthen your personal faith, to expand your awareness, and to learn generosity when dealing with yourself and others. Spells to borrow money, make travel plans, or visit a foreign country. Learn and study world religions.

Avoid: Sloppy ritual.

Be careful: Of running from commitment.


Basic energy: Structure, patience, thrift, diplomacy, sincerity, restraint, endurance, justice/law, order, self-discipline.

Zodiac color association: Indigo.

Primary element: Earth.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells to learn to work with authority figures, rules, and business or school organizational structure. Spells to help you build your savings account, call for divine justice, or to work for a promotion on your job. Spells to create order out of a chaotic situation, to learn self-discipline, and to create the underlying structure of anything (even the video game you are creating). Perfect moon phase for political science majors.

Avoid: Depressing rituals.

Be careful: Of your own ruthless ambition.


Basic energy: Independence, originality,
progressive ideas, reformation, universal love, inventiveness, heightened perception, resourcefulness, individualism.

Zodiac color association: Violet.

Primary element: Air.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for independence, finding new ways to look at the world, changing structures that you think are wrong (school dress code), finding universal love. Spells to boost new ideas, or finding yourself and defining yourself as an individual. Rituals and spells to help you learn mathematics, science, or astrology.

Avoid: Ritual interruptions.

Be careful: Of feeling too detached.


Basic energy: Visionary outlook, inspiration, psychism, compassion, creativity, devotion, universal peace.

Zodiac color association: Crimson.

Primary element: Water.

Suggested magickal operations: Rituals and spells for improving your imagination, visualization techniques, dreaming, astral projection, telepathy, and divination. Spells and rituals for the dead. Spells for finding compassion within yourself or seeking compassion in others. Spells for universal peace, or peace among friends and yourself. See the big picture rather than getting lost in the details.

Avoid: Self-doubt when focusing.

Be careful: Of illogical reasoning.

If this all seems complicated at first, don’t worry about it. After you work with the moon in each of the signs, you’ll understand better and there will come a time when you will instinctively know which energies are present and useful and which are not.

Remember that a full moon is actually an opposition to the sun (astrologically speaking). To obtain the most out of these two energies, we need to find the middle ground. Let’s look at how we might use these energies to our best advantage over a full moon by keeping in mind the flavor of the moon and the flavor of the sun. Remember, the moon represents emotions, and the sun stands for your will in any situation. The sun is force, the moon is form.

Full Moon Esbats

full moon in aries

Sun is in: Libra.

Full moon element association: Fire.

Sun element association: Air.

Suggested ritual theme: Advance social situations, find new friends, add passion to your romance. Work on music or use your favorite music in ritual. Rise to a challenge in a fair and honorable way.

full moon in taurus

Sun is in: Scorpio.

Full moon element association: Earth.

Sun element association: Water.

Suggested ritual theme: Bring success for any type of investment (time, money, energy). Find serenity, or find unique ways to save money.

full moon in gemini

Sun is in: Sagittarius.

Full moon element association: Air.

Sun element association: Fire.

Suggested ritual theme: Work on magickal studies, sending long-distance messages or healings, and learning about cultures, religions, and pantheons. Compose spells and rituals.

full moon in cancer

Sun is in: Capricorn.

Full moon element association: Water.

Sun element association: Earth.

Suggested ritual theme: Stability for the home; protection for yourself and family.

full moon in leo

Sun is in: Aquarius.

Full moon element association: Fire.

Sun element association: Air.

Suggested ritual theme: Work to bring humanitarian issues out into the open. Personal goal fulfillment. Issues that have to do with groups or organizations.

full moon in virgo

Sun is in: Pisces.

Full moon element association: Earth.

Sun element association: Water.

Suggested ritual theme: Find answers to problems in a visionary way. Tackle situations using your intuition and divinatory tools.

full moon in libra

Sun is in: Aries.

Full moon element association: Air.

Sun element association: Fire.

Suggested ritual theme: Breathing new life into social situations. Making decisions. Asking for fair, swift justice.

full moon in scorpio

Sun is in: Taurus.

Full moon element association: Water.

Sun element association: Earth.

Suggested ritual theme: Directing energy toward growth in your resources. Use drumming for transformation. Crossing (funeral) ceremonies.

full moon in sagittarius

Sun is in: Gemini.

Full moon element association: Fire.

Sun element association: Air.

Suggested ritual theme: Expanding your knowledge and ability to communicate in a positive way.

full moon in capricorn

Sun is in: Cancer.

Full moon element association: Earth.

Sun element association: Water.

Suggested ritual theme: Restructuring home, school, or magickal life to meet your needs.

full moon in aquarius

Sun is in: Leo.

Full moon element association: Air.

Sun element association: Fire.

Suggested ritual theme: Work on courage, loyalty, and leadership skills to bring about personal independence and a sense of self-worth.

full moon in pisces

Sun is in: Virgo.

Full moon element association: Water.

Sun element association: Earth.

Suggested ritual theme: Analyze your dreams and meditations. Practice service to others in a magickal way (reading cards, working on healings, etc.).