Sigils, Symbols, and
Magickal Alphabets
As you study the Craft and magick, you will discover hundreds of symbols and sigils that can be used in spellcasting and ritual. We’ve covered several of these symbols in this book, including the pentagram, the equal-armed cross, runic glyphs, alchemical ideograms, Tarot trumps and pips, astrological symbols, elemental drawings, and the hexagram. The word sigil is from the Latin sigillum, which means “seal.” Although magickal people will differ on the meanings of these symbols and sigils, all agree that they won’t work for you in magick unless they are activated. Whether we discuss a Pennsylvania Dutch hex sign, a Voodoo vèvè, or ceremonial seals, the basic instructions for use are always the same.
• All symbols/sigils require research, and no symbol should be used unless you thoroughly understand what that symbol stands for, its history, why it is used, and in what kind of environment it works the best. For example, you learned in the runic section of this book that the rune symbols do not work well unless they are activated, and that they prefer deities from their own pantheon (either Norse or Germanic). Voodoo vèvès are the same. They also prefer their own pantheon and ritual energy, and are especially partial to drumming vibrations.
• All symbols/sigils require activation to work well. Yes, the history around a symbol can impart some energy, but unless you tap into that energy, the symbol either won’t work, or won’t work well. Activation normally includes cleansing, consecrating, and empowering (or charging) the symbol to work in a specific way for a specific reason.
• It’s better to make, carve, sew, or draw any symbol/sigil yourself rather than buying a premade one. The energy you spend in creating that symbol gives a solid foundation to the magickal operation for which that symbol is intended.
• Symbols/sigils are the keys to the subconscious and are used in magick to assist in creating your desire on the astral/material plane.
All symbols, therefore, have more than one dimension. First, they normally represent a single, basic thought. For example, the American flag is the symbol of my country (a physical thing), and most of us, when we look at the flag of our country, think: Yeah. It’s a flag. And your point being? This flag, however, is also a symbol of something not physical: the idea of freedom. Each star on the flag represents a state (a physical thing), but they also stand for something not physical: the concept of unity. The flag stands for a dream—“the stars and stripes forever” (as we say in America)—a vision of the future projected by the symbolism of the flag. This, indeed, is a magickal operation, thinking the future to create it, and using a symbol as a focus for this dream.
The flag of one’s country also links to the collective unconscious of the people it represents, their history, their hopes, dreams, and, yes, . . . their failures. The symbol, then, becomes a picture (a flashcard) of a bunch of thoughts all rolled up into one physical item: the flag. The idea of what that flag represents gets bigger and bigger over the years. Let’s face it, hundreds of thousands of people have died for what that flag means to them. A symbol can represent the most powerful type of magick in the world, and the ancient alchemists knew it. (see also discussion on talismans under Alchemy.)
Finally, a symbol is the pattern of quantum physics. It is the vehicle illuminated by mind-light that jettisons the desire from the void into the world of form. It is the “pop” of nothing into something. It is the zeno effect—the link of you the observer to the desire, which allows the change from nothing to something to take place. In essence you are saying: “Let there be only this set of little dots in a specific sequence instead of lots of little dots all over the place.” Upon your perception, observation, recognition, cognition, or registration of this physical recording device (the symbol), the cloud of ghostly dot possibilities evaporates and the thing you desire is born.81
Matching a Sigil to Your Intent
To create a sigil that you will eventually empower and add to other spellcasting techniques that match a specific intent, think carefully about what it is that you really want. As an example, let’s use:
A Good Grade On
My Chemistry Exam
Now write down the first letters of each word:
You could remove one of the Gs if you like, or trace it twice in your sigil. As with the bind runes, we are going to combine these letters. The sigil you design, depending on your own handwriting and how creative you want to be, might look like this:
At this point you will decide whether you want the symbol to stand alone, or whether you will add it to another magickal project that you have designed for the same intent. If you wish to activate the symbol to stand alone, you can use the following instructions.
Empowering a Symbol or Sigil
Choose a ritual format. At the appropriate point, place the sigil in the center of your altar. Pass the four elements over the symbol or sigil. Hold your hands over the symbol, and say:
I conjure thee, O great symbol of the art,
to combine and coalesce, to meld and unite the universal energies
necessary to obtain my goal of (state your intention here).
Where this mark is made, Spirit’s (or a chosen deity’s) hand is laid.
So mote it be!
Carry the sigil with you, in pocket or purse, until your desire has manifested. You can use it again—in this case, for the next chemistry test— by repeating the ritual and empowering the sigil once again. If you will not use the sigil again, remove the magick and burn the paper. Remember to thank Spirit as you scatter the ashes.
Magickal writing and spoken charms, because they both deal with “the word made flesh” either by sound or letter, carry similarities. In the ancient world, written charms had one or all of the following,82 and many of these same uses are still employed today by magickal people:
Palindrome: A word, verse, sentence, or number that reads the same backward as forward. Palindrome is a Greek word meaning “running back again.” The repetitive nature of the word or sentence creates a magickal loop that builds power until released by the practitioner.
Astrological sigils: These are symbols of planets, stars, the signs of the zodiac, comets, and other heavenly body associations. In your studies you have learned that each
of these sigils contains its own reference
to a particular type of energy. In the
Greco-Roman world (famous for their written charms), such symbols were called charakteres.
Geometric shapes: For the modern practitioner, these can include squares (four directions), triangles (sacred trinity), wings (movement), pentacles, hexagrams, etc.
Voces mysticae: These are words not immediately recognizable as the common language of the times—the “gibberish” that scholars sometimes refer to when studying ancient texts. It can be anything from the broken-down pronunciation of a “real” word, or a personally created word that acts as a keyword for the working. Such an example in modern Craft would be Eko Eko Azarak—Eko, Eko, Zomalack.83 Many of the original voces mysticae have turned out to be real words borrowed and frequently distorted from other real languages, including Hebrew, Aramaic, Persian, Egyptian, and Coptic, 84 however, the Eko passage has never been (a) proven to be legitimate, nor (b) translated into something sensible. The Latin words used in the Witch’s Pyramid are an example of translated voces mysticae.
Repetitive formulas: Called logi, which may be several voces mysticae strung together and then repeated. Common repeated phrases were then considered “formulas.” Therefore, in the body of any spell, you may have a formula for addressing the gods, for addressing the dead, for the actual spellwork, etc. Modern Craft also has such repetitive formulas, including the poetry by Doreen Valiente that has permeated almost every Craft-related group in the US in one way or another. Again, Eko, Eko, Azarak and its successive passages would be considered an old repetitive formula used in a modern way. Other popular words found mostly in ceremonial magick are Adonai, which is the cosmic spirit of the Hebrews, and Iao, originally derived from the tetragrammaton, the holy and unpronounceable name of God.
Names ending in -el or -oth: These don’t appear so much in modern Craft but they do appear prominently in ceremonial work. These names are clearly built on Jewish and Hebrew models.85
Another ancient technique still used today, especially in the systems of Hoodoo and Pow Wow, is the practice of either scrambling words or sentences, or writing them backward in an effort to confuse evil, muddle negative energy, and mystify bad vibrations—sort of like a magickal eggbeater for the brain. However, if you use this technique outside of the line of defense, it will come back and bite you.
Using magickal sigils, symbols, and alphabets have the following advantages:
• It keeps your work hidden from prying eyes.
• The amount of time you expend translating your language into the magickal alphabet lends more power to the work.
• Pencil and paper or carving tool and knowledge of the alphabet is all that is
• Magickal alphabets can be turned into magickal sigils.
Magickal alphabets were carried from the ancient civilizations into the medieval occult world. Indeed, the older the alphabet, the more powerful it was thought to become. As early alphabets did not have vowels, translating one’s desire could be tricky. The most popular alphabets in Agrippa’s day consisted of Celestial Writing, which had a connection to astrology; Hebrew, thought to be powerful due to its association through Moses; Malachim, known as Angelic Writing, said to be channeled to man by the angelic host; and an alphabet called the Passing of the River. Theban and Arabic were also popular.86 Some magickal practitioners create their own enchanted inks for sigil work, others sometimes purchase the inks from specialty shops and add their own ingredients, being careful not to meddle too much with the consistency of the ink.
Outdoor Spell for Juggling
Your Busy Schedule
Sometimes it feels like there just isn’t enough time in the day. You’ve got school work, maybe a job, perhaps a sport or other special interest. Then of course there are chores at home. Maybe you’re stuck babysitting a younger brother or sister, or you have to help clean the house, mow the lawn—you know the drill. With all this stuff to do, just how do you fit everything together?
In the regular world, prioritizing helps. Do those things that you must first so you’re not worrying about them later, then add in the things you most enjoy. Drop those things that are not serving you well. You can also learn about multitasking—doing several things at once (though not to the end of doing several things together, badly). In multitasking, you pick those things that are related and do them together. For example, let’s say you have to go on the Internet and look up something for science class. You’ve also got a project in health, but that’s not due for another week. While you are on the ‘Net, find all the information you need for both categories. When you are ready to work on the health project, you will already have the information. Sometimes employers allow you to do your homework on the job when business is slow. If your employer allows this, go for it! Maybe you can do your homework while watching your little brother or sister. There are lots of ways to multitask if you just use your creativity and common sense.
You can also pull magick into daily life. Let’s say your mother asked you to take out the garbage. Fine. As you take the garbage to the dumpster (or wherever), imagine that you are throwing out all the negativity you’ve been experiencing lately. Mowing the lawn? “Cutting away unhappiness and fear” is one idea, or putting yourself in touch with the devas on your property. Who lives in what tree? What sort of personality does it have? Can you use those grass clippings in magick? Of course you can!
Now that we’ve got the everyday stuff covered, let’s take a look at the following spell:
Supplies: One stick; soft ground or sand outside; 1/2 cup dried dandelion leaves; your desire, written on a piece of paper using one of the magickal alphabets in this book (or from another). In this spell, your desire would be to learn to prioritize in a positive way; however, you can use the spell for other needs if you like. Here, however, you are asking for organizational abilities and the quality to be a visionary—to look ahead to the future and plan accordingly.
Instructions: On a clear night or at dusk, cast a magick circle and call the quarters. Sit in the center of the circle and look up at the heavens. Draw the peace and tranquility of the stars (or setting sun) into your heart. Think about what you truly want in life. Ask Spirit for help in getting your organizational act together. Ask for clear vision. Now stand up and take a deep breath, inhaling through your nose and exhaling from your mouth. Using the piece of paper as a guide (if it is dark, you may need a candle or flashlight), copy the magickal writing from the piece of paper into the dirt or sand. Then hold your hands over the writing, and say:
Time is not linear. Past, present, and future are now.
I am the Witch who makes
the word become flesh.
As you say the next passage, scatter the dandelion over the writing:
I conjure thee, O magickal writing, to rise and take shape,
to grow and take form, to live and bring forth the completion of your task.
I know you will do this for me.
So mote it be.
Clap your hands three times and say:
The magick is sealed. May this spell not reverse or place upon me any curse87 and may all
astrological correspondences
be correct for this working.88
Sand Sigils
Sand sigils can be used as a magickal operation alone, or can be added to boost other magickal practices or rituals.
Supplies: Oval bowl at least 2-1/2 to 3 inches deep, filled with 2 inches of sand; stick incense of your choice; one cleansed crystal.
Instructions: Consider your intent and design your sigil ahead of time. Place the bowl of sand, crystal, and incense under the light of a full moon for at least fifteen minutes. Use one of the basic rituals in this book for the overall format. Place all supplies on the altar. Using the unlit incense stick, draw a sacred spiral in the sand, beginning at the outside rim of the bowl and working in. Draw the sigil in the center of the spiral. Light the incense stick. Pass over the sigil, saying:
I conjure thee, O magickal writing, to rise and take shape, to grow and take form, to live and bring forth the completion of your task. Where this symbol is made, the Mistress of the Universe lays her hand. I know you will do this for me.
So mote it be.
Empower the crystal for your desire. Place on top of the sigil. With the incense, carefully trace the sacred spiral in the air over the drawing from the center out, visualizing your desire entering the arms of the sacred Mother. Place the burning incense stick near the center of the spiral so that it can burn freely. Be careful that it doesn’t tip over. Draw an equal-armed cross in the air over the entire project. When you have received your desire, thank the Goddess, cleanse the crystal under running water, and set the sand out in the sunlight for at least a half hour. Leave what is left of the cold incense stick outside in front of your doorstep, unless your intent was to banish. If banishing, leave at a crossroads. Note: You can mix the sand with a little of your favorite herbs; however, when the desire has been met, the mixture should be given back to the earth.